五年級上冊英語試題Unit 1what’s he like人教_第1頁
五年級上冊英語試題Unit 1what’s he like人教_第2頁




1、.*;第 PAGE6 頁一、選出你所聽到的單詞。每題聽一遍。10分 1. A. young B. you C. your 2. A. finish B. shy C. know 3. A. small B. short C. helpful 4. A. strict B. polite C. kind 5. A. Mr B. Miss C. Ms二、聽錄音,給以下圖片排序。每題聽兩遍。10分1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 三、聽錄音,選出你所聽到的句子。每題聽兩遍。10分 1. A. Whos Ms Wang?B. Whats Ms Wang like? 2. A. Is she strict?

2、 B. Is she polite? 3. A. Hes helpful. B. Hes hard-working. 4. A. Mr Jones is quiet. B. Mr Smith is funny. 5. A. He can speak English. B. He can speak Chinese. 一、判斷以下畫線部分發(fā)音是T否F一致。10分 1. old robot 2. shy baby 3. windy sunny 4. young party 5. happy sorry二、根據(jù)句意及首字母提示補全單詞。10分1. Our Chinese teacher is cle

3、ver and f_. We all like him. 2. Is your mother strict?No, she isnt. She is k_. 3. Our head teacher isnt old. She is very y_. 4. Chen Jie helps her mother clean the room at home. She is h_. 5.Wang Lin doesnt play at home. He likes reading and writing. He is h_. 三、單項選擇。15分 1. They _ hard-working. A. i

4、s B. am C. are 2. Whats he _?Hes tall and thin. A. like B. Doing C. is like 3. Is she strict?No, shes _. A. kind B. shy C. very quiet 4. Whos she?Shes _. A. Miss Yang B. Mr Yang C. Miss yang 5. Is your mother strict? _. A. No, she isB. Yes, he isC. No, she isnt四、讀一讀,從B欄中選出A欄問題的答語。10分A 1. Whos your m

5、aths teacher? 2. Is she helpful? 3. Do you know who is our new teacher? 4. Whats she like? 5. Whats Mr Wang like?BA. Shes tall and thin. B. Hes tall and strong. C. Yes, she is.D. Mr Zhang. E. Yes, Miss White is our new teacher. 五、給以下句子排序,使之組成一段完好的對話。10分 Really? Whats she like? I have a new art teach

6、er. 6 Cool! Is she strict? No, she isnt. Shes very kind. Shes young and funny. 六、閱讀短文,根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容選出適宜的選項。15分My name is Wang Lin. Im shy but polite. Im tall and strong. I like sports. I have a friend. His name is Bob. He is young and clever. He can speak Chinese. He is hard-working, too. He is helpful at

7、home. Hes strict. He often經(jīng)常helps me. He makes me finish my homework. I like him. 1. Wang Lin is _ . A. polite B. short 2. Wang Lin is _. A. tall and thinB. tall and strong 3. Bob can speak_ . A. Chinese B. English 4. Bob is_ . A. kind B. strict 5. _ helps me. A. Wang Lin B. Bob Unit 1檢測卷聽力原文:一、1.yo

8、ung 2.shy 3.helpful 4.strict 5.Ms二、1.They are helpful.2.My art teacher is short and kind.3.My science teacher is very strict.4.My sister is a nurse. Shes funny.5.The boy is hardworking.三、1.Whos Ms Wang?2.Is she strict?3.Hes hard-working.4.Mr Smith is funny.5.He can speak Chinese.聽力答案:一、1.A 2.B 3.C 4

9、.A 5.C二、5 3 1 2 4三、1.A 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.B筆試部分:一、1.T 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.T二、1.funny 2.kind 3.young 4.helpful 5.hard-working三、1.C 2.A 3.A 4.A 5.C單靠“死記還不行,還得“活用,姑且稱之為“先死后活吧。讓學(xué)生把一周看到或聽到的新穎事記下來,摒棄那些假話套話空話,寫出自己的真情實感,篇幅可長可短,并要求運用積累的成語、名言警句等,定期檢查點評,選擇優(yōu)秀篇目在班里朗讀或展出。這樣,即穩(wěn)固了所學(xué)的材料,又鍛煉了學(xué)生的寫作才能,同時還培養(yǎng)了學(xué)生的觀察才能、思維才能等等,到達(dá)“一石多鳥

10、的效果。四、1.D 2.C 3.E 4.A 5.B五、2 1 6 4 5 3觀察內(nèi)容的選擇,我本著先靜后動,由近及遠(yuǎn)的原那么,有目的、有方案的先安排與幼兒生活接近的,能理解的觀察內(nèi)容。隨機觀察也是不可少的,是相當(dāng)有趣的,如蜻蜓、蚯蚓、毛毛蟲等,孩子一邊觀察,一邊提問,興趣很濃。我提供的觀察對象,注意形象逼真,色彩鮮明,大小適中,引導(dǎo)幼兒多角度多層面地進展觀察,保證每個幼兒看得到,看得清。看得清才能說得正確。在觀察過程中指導(dǎo)。我注意幫助幼兒學(xué)習(xí)正確的觀察方法,即按順序觀察和抓住事物的不同特征重點觀察,觀察與說話相結(jié)合,在觀察中積累詞匯,理解詞匯,如一次我抓住時機,引導(dǎo)幼兒觀察雷雨,雷雨前天空急劇變化,烏云密布,我問幼兒烏云是什么樣子的,有的孩子說:烏云像大海的波浪。有的孩子說“烏云跑得飛快。我加以肯定說“這是烏云滾滾。當(dāng)幼兒看到閃電時,我告訴他“這叫電光閃閃。接著幼兒聽到雷聲驚叫起來,我抓住時機說:“這就是雷聲隆隆。一會兒下起了大雨,我問:“雨下得怎樣?幼兒說大極了,我就舀一盆水往下一倒,作比較觀察,讓幼兒掌握“傾盆大雨這個詞。雨后,我又帶幼兒觀察晴朗的天空,朗讀自編的一首兒歌:“藍(lán)天高,白云飄,鳥兒飛,樹兒搖,太陽公公咪咪笑。這樣抓住特


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