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1、Shanghai Foreign Investment Association Vol. 3, 2022 MONTHLY REPORT 上海市外商投資協(xié)會月度工作簡報 2022年 第3期協(xié)會第八屆會員代表大會第二次會議暨第八屆理事會第五次會議順利召開3月23日,協(xié)會第八屆會員代表大會第二次會議暨第八屆理事會第五次會議以視頻會議方式召開,455名會員出席了會員代表大會,206名理事出席了理事會。協(xié)會副會長兼秘書長劉生、常務(wù)副秘書長李潔、尼康映像儀器銷售(中國)有限公司副總經(jīng)理兼工會主席張新監(jiān)事在協(xié)會主會場出席會議。黃峰會長視頻致辭,會議由副會長兼秘書長劉生主持。劉生副會長兼秘書長作協(xié)會2021年







8、進行,邀請市市場監(jiān)督管理局信用處、市市場監(jiān)督管理局登記注冊處、市商務(wù)委外國投資管理處老師介紹了2021年度年報的主要變化;對市場主體登記管理條例出臺相應(yīng)事項的變化等新政做了解讀;介紹了外商投資企業(yè)信息報告制度的合規(guī)要求、企業(yè)應(yīng)當承擔的法律責任以及企業(yè)信息公示與更正的方式。3月24日協(xié)會聯(lián)合上海藍白律師事務(wù)所舉辦“疫情隔離期的企業(yè)勞動用工熱點問題” 政策講座,由上海藍白律師事務(wù)所合伙人進行線上主講并在線答疑。此次講座吸引了來自外資企業(yè)的326人參加。講座中,律師從隔離類型、工作安排、休假安排、工資支付、企業(yè)紓困、勞動關(guān)系等6個方面闡述了企業(yè)在員工隔離辦公期間所需注意的要點。特別是在工資支付方面,

9、律師對企業(yè)如何支付員工工資、能否取消津貼福利、能否取消績效獎金等具體事項做了說明。3月25日協(xié)會舉辦“賦能中小企業(yè)系列講座:稅收籌劃中的風險控制” 線上講座,邀請力傳(上海)財務(wù)管理咨詢有限公司為協(xié)會中小會員企業(yè)介紹了稅收征管工作的核心思路,分析了稅收籌劃的特性和原則,解讀了近期稅收政策,進行了相關(guān)案例解析,并回答了企業(yè)提出的問題。90名會員企業(yè)以及其他中小企業(yè)的代表參加了本次活動。本次講座也是協(xié)會賦能中小企業(yè)系列講座的首場活動。3月31日協(xié)會舉辦“2022上海國際碳中和技術(shù)、產(chǎn)品與成果博覽會” 線上推介會,60余家來自能源、化工、汽車、工程、醫(yī)藥、消費品和餐飲等行業(yè)的會員企業(yè)代表參會。協(xié)會副

10、秘書長麻偉協(xié)會活動鋒致歡迎辭。市貿(mào)促會顧春霆副會長介紹了“碳中和博覽會”的相關(guān)背景,市貿(mào)促會國展公司王蕾總裁具體介紹了展會籌備和進展情況。3月活動列表:活動類型時間主題年度活動3月23日上海市外商投資協(xié)會第八屆會員代表大會第二次會議暨第八屆理事會第五次會議政企溝通3月31日數(shù)據(jù)跨境流動相關(guān)政策建議討論座談MPI3月3日烏克蘭危機與大國關(guān)系 政策講座3月3日2022年外商投資信息報告年度報告3月24日疫情隔離期的企業(yè)勞動用工熱點問題3月25日賦能中小企業(yè)系列講座:稅收籌劃中的風險控制技能培訓3月22日中國社交媒體營銷終極指南2022分會活動3月4日醫(yī)藥健康分會 國家藥品監(jiān)督管理局藥品審評檢查長三

11、角分中心與企業(yè)面對面其他活動3月31日2022上海國際碳中和技術(shù)、產(chǎn)品與成果博覽會(碳中和博覽會)推介會因疫情原因,3月協(xié)會走訪了15家會員企業(yè)。1-3月累計走訪會員企業(yè)71家,完成年度走訪600家會員目標的 11.8%。3月1日,會長黃峰走訪東瑞盛世利融資租賃有限公司,與董事/總經(jīng)理森田泰則進行交流會談。3月1日,副會長兼秘書長劉生一行走訪了上海鑫美野營用品有限公司,總經(jīng)理凌志偉先生接待。3月1日,西門子(中國)有限公司政府事務(wù)總監(jiān)鄭舟、政府事務(wù)經(jīng)理何思彤來訪協(xié)會,常務(wù)副秘書長李潔和副秘書長朱菁接待并交流。3月2日,安博(中國)管理有限公司副總裁廖偉翔一行來訪協(xié)會。副會長兼秘書長劉生接待并進



14、目標的14%。利惠商業(yè)(上海)有限公司Levi Strauss公司是世界上知名的品牌服飾公司之一,成立于1853年,也是牛仔服裝的全球領(lǐng)先企業(yè)。公司設(shè)計與銷售男士、女士和兒童牛仔裝、休閑服飾及相關(guān)配件,擁有Levis 、Dockers 、Signature by Levi Strauss & Co. ,以及Denizen 品牌。通過連鎖零售商、百貨公司、電商以及全球3000多家加盟商與公司運營店,公司產(chǎn)品遠銷全球110多個國家。2020年,Levi Strauss公司財年凈收入為45億美元. 公司連續(xù)2年榮登財富“全球最受贊賞企業(yè)” 排行榜,2021年位居服飾行業(yè)第3位。利惠商業(yè)(上海)有限公

15、司是Levi Strauss公司在上海市成立的全資子公司,另在廣州、北京、成都設(shè)有分公司。Levis品牌從2002年起開始在中國宣傳、推廣、銷售。Levis 代表了經(jīng)典的美式風格和率性自由的文化,目前已經(jīng)成為中國消費者所熟知的牛仔品牌。捷溫科技(上海)有限公司捷溫集團是全球創(chuàng)新型汽車熱管理技術(shù)設(shè)計、開發(fā)和制造領(lǐng)域的行業(yè)領(lǐng)導者。汽車產(chǎn)品包括氣候控制座椅、加熱汽車內(nèi)飾系統(tǒng)、電池性能和熱管理系統(tǒng)、線束產(chǎn)品及汽車電子產(chǎn)品并提供產(chǎn)品的相關(guān)服務(wù)。近些年,捷溫加大研究投入,推出個性化汽車智能微氣候系統(tǒng)等,電池電芯智能鏈接系統(tǒng),不斷擴充產(chǎn)品線并逐步擴大生產(chǎn)規(guī)模。捷溫科技(上海)有限公司作為亞太及中國區(qū)域總部,

16、公司坐落上海張江高新科技園區(qū)??偼顿Y300萬美元,注冊資金200萬美元,公司占地面積3997平方米。作為捷溫集團亞太區(qū)總部,捷溫科技(上海)有限公司自身集銷售客服、項目管理、設(shè)計研發(fā)、質(zhì)量及供應(yīng)鏈、全球采購、汽車技術(shù)研發(fā)應(yīng)用、風機研發(fā)及應(yīng)用、電子測試中心與行政部門職能為一體。下屬的6家分公司其中包含3家生產(chǎn)型企業(yè),足跡遍布中國上海、深圳、廊坊、香港,日本東京、名古屋、橫濱、韓國牙山、蔚山、越南河南。 融物寶國際融資租賃有限公司融物寶國際融資租賃有限公司成立于2014年11 月,公司注冊資本17500萬元人民幣。業(yè)務(wù)以江浙滬為核心輻射全國,涉及行業(yè)涵蓋集成電路和半導體、高端制造、新能源、新材料、

17、電力電子、市政基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施等領(lǐng)域。融物寶企業(yè)平臺也是與所屬母公司集團股權(quán)投資平臺業(yè)務(wù)并行共進、相輔相成的,股權(quán)投資業(yè)務(wù)主要關(guān)注于新能源、泛半導體等智能制造行業(yè),積極參與到先進制造產(chǎn)業(yè)發(fā)展中,此外也密切關(guān)注全球價值標的的海外并購和擴產(chǎn)機會,整合產(chǎn)業(yè)資源,實現(xiàn)產(chǎn)業(yè)發(fā)展和價值投資的有效結(jié)合。伍德佳帕塔設(shè)計咨詢(上海)有限公司伍德佳帕塔設(shè)計咨詢(上海)有限公司成立于 2002年,由 Benjamin Wood 先生創(chuàng)立。公司自成立以來,始終秉承“以人為本”的設(shè)計理念,憑借獨到的建筑商業(yè)運營眼光,努力為受眾及業(yè)主打造集建筑與商業(yè)融為一體的典范,公司設(shè)計的項目不僅具有極強的落地性,同時也是商業(yè)運營成功的典范。



20、設(shè)備齊全的多功能實驗室,通過建立完整的檢測標準及流程,對原材料化學成份及有害物質(zhì)等進行檢測分析, 對產(chǎn)品進行相應(yīng)檢驗,確保貨物品質(zhì)。菲仕蘭食品貿(mào)易(上海)有限公司荷蘭皇家菲仕蘭公司創(chuàng)建于1871年,迄今已有151年的歷史,2004年被荷蘭女王授予“皇家”稱號,在32個國家設(shè)有分支機構(gòu),擁有2萬多名雇員;在歐洲有超過一萬多個自家牧場和近一萬六千名會員奶農(nóng),銷售遍及全球100多個國家。公司總部位于荷蘭阿默斯福特,設(shè)有四個全球業(yè)務(wù)集團:食品飲料業(yè)務(wù)集團、專業(yè)營養(yǎng)品業(yè)務(wù)集團、配料業(yè)務(wù)集團和大宗乳制品業(yè)務(wù)集團。在中國,荷蘭皇家菲仕蘭旗下的荷蘭全進口嬰幼兒配方奶粉品牌“美素佳兒”廣受消費者的青;菲仕蘭還在

21、餐飲渠道經(jīng)營和銷售黑白淡奶、黑白純牛奶、奶酪、黃油等產(chǎn)品,并向中國食品和嬰幼兒配方奶粉生產(chǎn)商銷售乳品原料。本土生產(chǎn)的Dutch Lady子母品牌嬰幼兒配方奶粉自2016年上市以來,已在華東華南華西等省的下線城市取得了穩(wěn)步發(fā)展。2013年11月,荷蘭皇家菲仕蘭、荷蘭瓦赫寧根大學和中國農(nóng)業(yè)大學共同成立了中荷奶業(yè)發(fā)展中心,從整個乳品產(chǎn)業(yè)鏈提升中國乳品生產(chǎn)、安全和質(zhì)量水平。麥肯錫(上海)咨詢有限公司麥肯錫是一家全球性管理咨詢公司,致力于幫助各類組織實現(xiàn)有價值的變革。公司咨詢顧問遍布逾 67 個國家、133 個城市。中國,在北京、上海、深圳、香港、臺北和成都開設(shè)了六家分公司,擁有超過一千名全球合伙人、咨

22、詢師和業(yè)務(wù)支持專家。麥肯錫為各個地區(qū)的領(lǐng)軍企業(yè)、政府和機構(gòu)提供咨詢服務(wù),并深受客戶的信任。公司使命是幫助客戶解決其在戰(zhàn)略、銷售與市場、運營、組織、技術(shù)和公司金融等各方面的難題,進而獲得顯著而持久的成效。2nd meeting of 8th Member Congress and 5th session of 8th Council of SHFIA successfully convenedOn Mar. 23, the 2nd meeting of the 8th Member Congress and the 5th session of 8th Council of SHFIA was

23、officially held by video conference. 455 members attended the member congress and 206 board directors attended the board meeting. Liu Sheng, SHFIA Vice Chairman and Secretary-General, Jessica Li, SHFIA Executive Deputy Secretary-General, and Zhang Xin, SHFIA Supervisory Board Member and Vice GM &Lab

24、or Union Chairman of Nikon Imaging (China) Sales Co., Ltd. attended the meeting at the associations main site. With Chairman Huang Feng delivering a video speech, the meeting was chaired by Liu Sheng.At the meeting, Liu Sheng delivered SHFIAs 2021 work report and 2022 work plan as well as 2019-2020

25、board report, while Zhang Xin delivered the 2019-2021 supervisory board report. The member congress listened to the SHFIA 2021 Work Report and 2022 Work Plan and the SHFIA 2021 Financial Report and 2022 Financial Budget; reviewed and approved the 2019-2020 Board Report, 2019-2021 Supervisory Board R

26、eport, Proposal on SHFIAs Change of Business Address, and Measures for SHFIAs Election of Board Directors and Vice Chairpersons; and confirmed the election of 69 board directors at the 3rd and 4th meeting of the 8th SFIA Board of Directors. 28 new board directors were also elected at the meeting.The

27、 Council reviewed and approved the Proposal on SHFIA 2021 Work Report and 2022 Work Plan, Proposal on SHFIA 2021 Financial Report & Asset Inventory and 2022 Financial Budget, Proposal on the Appointment of SHFIA Deputy Secretary-Generals, Proposal on Membership Changes, Proposal on Establishing New

28、Branch, Proposal on Launching Public Welfare and Volunteer Service Project to Care for Youth Development in Nujiang, Yunnan, Proposal on Establishing a Special Fund for Foreign Investment Development at the Shanghai Development Research Foundation, and Proposal on Improving the Benefits of SHFIA Sta

29、ff. The board meeting agreed to appoint Wilson Ma and Ma Lan as SHFIAs deputy secretary-generals, set up a new human resources branch, and elect 10 new SHFIA vice chairpersons, including Wang Zhaohua, SVP of Michelin China, Xiang Xiaofang, VP Government Affairs of Ford China, and Dong Ruiping, VP Co

30、rporate Affairs of Herbalife Nutrition. The meeting was notarized by the Zhangjiang Notary Public Office. (Image 1)SHFIAs FIE Volunteer Alliance organizes member enterprises to donate supplies to anti-COVID volunteersEchoing the call of the Shanghai Volunteer Association and the Shanghai Public Serv

31、ice Foundation for Volunteers, SHFIAs FIE Volunteer Alliance (Shanghai FIE Volunteer General Team) organized member enterprises to donate protective and F&B supplies toHIGHLIGHTSImage 1Image 1volunteers fighting on the anti-COVID frontline. 13 enterprise including DuPont, Amway, Air Liquide, Pepsi,

32、Master Kong, 3M, Fonterra, Danone, Suntory, Honeywell, Faurecia, Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance, and Dettol actively responded and donated supplies including protective suits and masks, disinfectants, instant noodles, milk, and beverages.DuPont China donated 600 protective suits; Honeywell donated 500,00

33、0 KN95 protective masks, 10,000 pairs of protective goggles, 1,500 boxes of disposable gloves, and 10,000 bottles of antibacterial skin spray; Air Liquide China donated 200,000 disposable medical surgical masks, 20,000 KN95 protective masks, 800 bottles of wash-free hand sanitizer gel, 800 bottles o

34、f 84 disinfectant, and 500 medical face shields; 3M donated 20,000 N95 protective masks and 2,000 bottles of wash-free hand sanitizer; Amway donated 366 bottles of wash-free hand sanitizer gel, 1,000 portable bottles, and 500 boxes of protein powder; and RB & Manon Business donated 7,504 bottles of

35、Dettol disinfectant, 12,000 bottles of foam hand sanitizer, and 11,160 bottles of disinfectant spray. Faurecia donated 30,000 protective suits to Changchun, Jilin Province. These anti-COVID supplies help provide stronger protection for anti-COVID volunteers fighting on the frontline.Fonterra donated

36、 500 cartons of Anchor full-cream pure milk; Master Kong donated 500 cartons of instant noodles; PepsiCo donated 6,000 bottles of Gatorade sports drink, 3,600 bags of Quaker instant oats, and 1,314 cartons (25,470 packs) of nutritious and snack foods including Quaker, Lays, Cheetos, and Be & Cheery;

37、 Danone donated 186,000 bottles of Mizone vitamin drink, and 1,200 cans of infant milk formula; Suntory donated 2,500 cartons of Weiti vitamin drink; and Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance purchased food supplies worth nearly RMB 50,000, including rice and cooking oil, frozen dumplings, milk, and cereals. Th

38、ese supplies help anti-COVID volunteers supplement nutrition and solve dining needs.SHFIA would like to thank member enterprises for their generous donations! This is the first large-scale member donation organized by SHFIAs FIE Volunteer Alliance since its establishment. We will continue to work wi

39、th the Shanghai Public Service Foundation for Volunteers to support member enterprises in fulfilling their social responsibilities. (Image 2)Image 2Image 2Mar. 3Wilson Ma, Deputy Secretary-General of SHFIA, attended and delivered a speech at the sponsor exchange meeting of the 46th WorldSkills. (Ima

40、ge 3)SHFIA NEWSMar. 4Huang Feng, Chairman of SHFIA, received Luo Le, Director of the Changning District Commerce Commission, and the two sides exchanged views on future cooperation.Mar. 4Jessica Li, Executive Deputy Secretary-General of SHFIA, visited the Consumer Market Big Data Laboratory of Fudan

41、 University, and communicated with Professor Zhang Yina, the director of the lab. (Image 4)Mar. 8The Shanghai Human Resources and Social Security Bureau and the Shanghai Enterprise Federation held a consultation symposium on enterprise-related labor policies to collect opinions and suggestions from

42、local social groups on the citys 2022 minimum wage standard and employment promotion legislation. Huang Feng, Chairman of SHFIA, attended and spoke at the symposium.Mar. 9Huang Feng, Chairman of SHFIA, visited the Shanghai Public Service Foundation for Volunteers, where he was received by the founda

43、tions board chairman Cai Weimin. The two sides exchanged views on matters related to the public welfare and volunteer service project to care for youth development in Nujiang, Yunnan Province.Mar. 10Liu Sheng, the party secretary of SHFIA, attended the work conference on party conduct and discipline

44、 at the Shanghai Municipal Commerce Commission. Gun Jun, the commissions party secretary and director, delivered important remarks.Mar. 25LOreal China held the 25th Anniversary Development Strategy Annual Online Communication Session in Shanghai, and SHFIA Chairman Huang Feng was invited to attend.I

45、mage 4Iamge 3In Mar., SHFIA held 9 events. From Jan. to Mar., the association held a total of 24 events, completing 18% of its 130-event annual target.SHFIA EVENTSMar. 3SHFIA held the 2022 training on the annual reporting of foreign investment information. Combining online livestreaming and offline

46、lecture, the event invited lecturers from the Shanghai Municipal Administration for Market Regulations department of enterprise credit and department of business registration and the Shanghai Municipal Commerce Commissions department of foreign investment administration. The lecturers introduced the

47、 key changes from the 2021 annual reporting process; offered interpretation of new policies such as changes stipulated by the Regulation on Registration and Administration of Market Entities; and presented the compliance requirements of the information reporting system for foreign-invested enterpris

48、es, the legal responsibilities that enterprises should bear, and the methods for publicizing and correcting enterprise information.Mar. 24SHFIA teamed up with Shanghai Lanbai Law Firm to hold a policy lecture themed Hot Issues in Enterprise Labor and Employment during the COVID-19 Isolation Period,

49、inviting the law firms partners to deliver an online lecture and answer questions online. The lecture attracted 326 participants from foreign-invested enterprises. During the lecture, lawyers presented key issues that enterprises need to pay attention to when employees work in COVID-related isolatio

50、n from six aspects, including isolation types, work arrangements, leave arrangements, salary payments, corporate aids, and labor relations. Especially regarding salary payments, lawyers explained specific matters such as how enterprises should pay the salary of their employees, whether allowances an

51、d benefits can be cancelled, and whether performance bonus can be cancelled.Mar. 25SHFIA held an online lecture themed Empowering Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SME): Risk Control in Tax Planning, and invited Lichuan (Shanghai) Financial Management Consulting Co., Ltd. to introduce the core ide

52、as of tax collection and management to SHFIAs SME members. The company also analyzed the characteristics and principles of tax planning, interpreted recent tax policies, provided related case studies, and answered questions from member enterprises. Representatives of 90 member enterprises and other

53、SMEs participated in the event. This lecture was also the first leg of SHFIAs series of lectures on empowering SMEs.Mar. 31SHFIA held an online promotion meeting for the 2022 Shanghai International Carbon Neutrality Expo in Technologies, Products and Achievements, which was attended by representativ

54、es of more than 60 member enterprises from sectors including energy, chemical, automotive, engineering, pharmaceutical, consumer goods and catering. At the event, Wilson Ma, Deputy Secretary-General of SHFIA, delivered a welcome speech, Gu Chunting, Vice Chairman of the Shanghai Council for the Prom

55、otion of International Trade (SHCPIT), introduced the relevant background of the Carbon Neutrality Expo, and Wang Lei, President of SHCPIT Exhibition Company, introduced the expos preparation and progress in detail.List of SHFIA events in Mar.TypeDateThemeAnnual eventMar. 232nd meeting of 8th SHFIA

56、Member Congress and 5th meeting of 8th SHFIA Board of DirectorsTypeDateThemeGov.-business exchangeMar. 31Discussion Panel on Policy Suggestions Related to Cross-Border Data FlowMPIMar. 3The Ukraine Crisis and Great Power Relations Policy lectureMar. 32022 Annual Reporting of Foreign Investment Infor

57、mation Mar. 24Hot Issues in Enterprise Labor and Employment during the COVID-19 Isolation PeriodMar. 25Lectures to Empower SMEs: Risk Control in Tax PlanningSkill trainingMar. 222022 Ultimate Guide to Social Media Marketing in ChinaBranch eventMar. 4Medical & Health Branch - Face-to-Face with NMPAs

58、Yangtze Delta Center for Drug Review, Evaluation and InspectionOther eventMar. 31Promotion Meeting for 2022 Shanghai International Carbon Neutrality Expo in Technologies, Products and Achievements”During the COVID-19 flare-up in Shanghai, SHFIA visited 15 member enterprises in Mar. From Jan. to Mar.

59、, the association visited a total of 71 member enterprises, completing 11.8% of its 600-member-visit annual target.On Mar. 1, Huang Feng, Chairman of SHFIA, visited Tokyo Century Leasing China Corporation, and had an exchange meeting with Director/General Manager Yasunori Morita.On Mar. 1, Liu Sheng

60、, Vice Chairman and Secretary-General of SHFIA, visited Shanghai Xinmei Camping Goods Co., Ltd., where he was received by General Manager Ling Zhiwei.On Mar. 1, Zheng Zhou, Director of Government Affairs, and He Sitong, Manager of Government Affairs of Siemens (China) Co., Ltd. visited SHFIA. They w


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