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1、 高一英試 (北京)股份有限公司浙江省寧波市2021-2022學(xué)年高一英語(yǔ)下學(xué)期期中考試(說(shuō)明:本卷滿(mǎn)分為100分,考試時(shí)間為100分鐘。所有試題必須答在答題卷上,否則無(wú)效。)聽(tīng)力(共兩節(jié),滿(mǎn)分10分)第一節(jié)(共5小題;每小題0.5分,滿(mǎn)分2.5分)聽(tīng)下面5段對(duì)話(huà)。每段對(duì)話(huà)后有一個(gè)小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出最佳選項(xiàng),并標(biāo)在試卷的相應(yīng)位置。聽(tīng)完每段對(duì)話(huà)后,你都有10秒鐘的時(shí)間來(lái)回答有關(guān)小題和閱讀下一小題。每段對(duì)話(huà)僅讀一遍。1. What is the woman probably doing? A. Searching for a box.B. Fixing the shelf.

2、C. Doing some cleaning.2. What is the restriction for the ride? A.Age.B.Height.C. Weight.3. What does the womanmean? A. The poetry class is very popular.B. Dr. Robinson is easy to get along with.C. The course will be difficult.4. What is the man concerned about? A.How he is dressed.B.How big his boa

3、t is.C. How he will go sailing.5. How many times has the man stayed at the hotel before this visit? A.Once.B.Twice.C.Three times.第二節(jié)(共15小題;每小題0.5分,滿(mǎn)分7.5分)聽(tīng)下面5段對(duì)話(huà)或獨(dú)白。每段對(duì)話(huà)或獨(dú)白后有2-4個(gè)小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出最佳選項(xiàng),并標(biāo)在試卷的相應(yīng)位置。聽(tīng)每段對(duì)話(huà)或獨(dú)白前,你將有5秒鐘的時(shí)間閱讀各個(gè)小題;聽(tīng)完后,各小題將給出5秒鐘的作答時(shí)間。每段對(duì)話(huà)或獨(dú)白讀兩遍。聽(tīng)第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 題。6. Who is

4、the man most likely to be?A. A tourist.B. A tour guide.C. A French chef.7. How will the speakers travel around the city?A. By bus.B. By train.C. By car.聽(tīng)第 7 段材料,回答第 8至10 題。8. What is the woman doing? A.Asking directions.B.Introducing something to the man.C.Borrowing a phone from the man.9. How does

5、the man order a taxi? A.He calls for one.B.He uses a phone app.C.He uses his hand to signal one.10. What is the relationship between the speakers? A. Boss and secretary.B.Friends.C. Strangers.聽(tīng)第 8 段材料,回答第 11至13 題。11. What weather does the man probably predict? A.Sunny.B.Cloudy.C. Snowy.12. Where doe

6、s the conversation take place? A.In a park.B.In a restaurant.C. On a beach.13. What did the woman bring? A.Sunglasses.B. An umbrella.C. The music player.聽(tīng)第 9 段材料,回答第 14至16 題。14. What does the woman think ofthe CAPP?A. It will be boring.B. It will be helpful.C. It will be difficult.15. What is the wo

7、mans advantage?A. She is trust-worthy.B. She is creative.C. She is hard-working.16. Where will the man probably volunteer?A. At a TV station.B. On a construction site.C. At a sporting goods store.聽(tīng)第 10 段材料,回答第 17至20 題。17. What is the main topic of the talk? A. Crop harvest.B. Hot weather.C. Food qua

8、lity.18. What is the quantity of corn production? A. The same as last year.B. Twice as much as last year.C. Three times as much as last year.19. Which crop is disappointing this year? A. Apples.B. Peaches.C. Oranges.20. What is the disadvantage of a big harvest? A. Profits are lower.B. Quality is lo

9、wer.C. Prices are lower.II.閱讀理解(共兩節(jié);滿(mǎn)分25分)第一節(jié)(共10小題;每小題2分,滿(mǎn)分20分)閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的A、B、C、和D四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選出最佳選項(xiàng),并在答題卡上將該項(xiàng)涂黑。ASuddenly screams echo through the forest as alarmed animals warn each other of a predators (食肉動(dòng)物) approach. Lying on my stomach with my camera in front of me, Ive been watching a nearby str

10、eam for hours, waiting. This may be it!Yes! A 380-pound lioness steps from the trees, heading towards the stream. She crouches (蹲伏) down to drink. Shes only 50 yards away. She stands up and begins to walk towards me, not knowing Im there. When shes just about 20 yards away, I move my camera slightly

11、. I dont want to shock or panic her. She freezes for a moment, then take a crouching position and continues towards me. Im thinking, “Uh-oh, Im about to become cat food!” Ive approached lions before, but now the lion approaches me.If I stand up and yell, will she leave? Maybe not. If I stand up and

12、run, will she chase me? Probably! So I decided to stay put.The lioness comes closer. Now shes only about four yards from methe closest distance that still allows me to focus my camera lens. Surprisingly, she lies down, posing like a statue in front of me. This makes me feel very small and humble(卑微的

13、). Then she rolls over and looks at me upside down! She seems a little puzzled and appears to be trying to figure me out Hmm, are you suitable to be eaten? You dont look dangerous. Breathe slowly, I remind myself, with my heart beating fast. I carefully back up my tripod (三腳架) just a bit to focus an

14、d shoot the picture. Suddenly, she leaps up. In a flash, she runs away, leaving me overwhelmed with emotion. Getting this photograph took a long time. I spent two years waiting for a permit to track the extremely rare Asiatic lions in the Gir Forest of India and spent three months on foot searching

15、for them. The experience felt like a gift from the forest.21. After coming close to the author, the lioness_.A. pretends to be deadB. stays and then goes awayC. tries to find the moment to attack himD. recognizes the author and stares at him.22. What do we know about the author? A. He used to live i

16、n the forest.B. He stops working when he sees the lioness.C. He makes great efforts to get the photograph.D. He congratulates himself upon his narrow escape.23. The underlined words stay put in Paragraph 3 probably mean _.A. step forwardB. stand upC. stay stillD. put off BIf Confuciuswere still aliv

17、e today and could celebrate his September 28 birthdaywith a big cake, there would be a lot of candles.Hed need a fan or a strong wind to helphim put them out.While many people in China will remember Confucius on this special day,few people in theUnited States will remember it.Its nothing personal. M

18、ost Americans donteven remember the birthdays of their own national heroes. But this doesnt mean that Americans dont care about Confucius.In many ways he hasbecomea bridge that foreigners must cross if they want to reach a deeper understandingof China. In the past three decades, the Chinese studies

19、programs have gained huge popularity inWestern universities.More recently, the Chinese government has set up Confucius Institutes(學(xué)院)in more than 80 countries.These schools teach both Chinese language and culture.The maincourses of Chinese culture usually include Chinese art,history and philosophy.S

20、omesocial scientists suggest that Westerners should make full use of the ancient Chinesewisdom to make up for the disadvantages of Western philosophy.Students in the UnitedStates, at the same time, are racing to learn Chinese.So they will be ready for life in a worldwhere China is an equal power wit

21、h the United States.Businessmen who hope to makemoney in China are reading books about Confucius to understand their Chinese customers.So the old thinkers ideas are still alive and well.Today China attracts the West more than ever, and it will need more teachers to introduceConfucius and Chinese cul

22、ture to the West.As for the old thinker, he will not soon be forgotten by people in the West, even if hisbirthdayis.24. The opening paragraph is mainly intended to _.A.provide some key facts about ConfuciusB. attract the readers interest in the subjectC. show great respect for the ancient thinkerD.

23、prove the popularity of modern birthday celebrations25. We can learn from Paragraph 4 that American students_.A.have a great interest in studying ChineseB. take an active part in Chinese competitionsC. try to get high scores in Chinese examsD. fight for a chance to learn Chinese26. What is the best

24、title for the passage?A. Forgotten Wisdom in AmericaB. Huge Fans of the Chinese LanguageC. Chinese Culture for WesternersD. Old Thinker with a Big FutureCSilbo Gomero is an ancient language of whistle that enabled people to communicate across long distances before the invention of the telephone or t

25、he computer. Its now being revived on mountainous Canary Islands and the island of La Gomera, where the usual language is nish.The Canary Islands government is providing funding to help school children on La Gomera to learn this ancient whistling language as part of their heritage.It sounds like bir

26、dsongs and was developed thousands of years ago by islanders to enable them to communicate up to two miles across La Gomeras valleys.In the past, Silbo Gomero has been passed down from parent to child, but the islanders felt embarrassed at this form of communication when they came into contact with

27、the outside world and modern technology. It started to die out when the telephone arrived and the island open to tourism. However, the government realized what was happening and decided to make sure that it would not be lost. So, since 1999 Silbo Gomero has been part of the school curriculum and now

28、 about 3,000 Gomero children spend at least 25 minutes a week learning it. This is enough time for the basics to be learned.Probably originating in the Atlas Mountains of North Africa, the language was brought to the island by settlers 2,500 years ago. It was adapted to nish speech patterns, but use

29、s tones rather than vowels and consonants (輔音). These are whistled at different frequencies (頻率) to produce over 4,000 words, making proper conversations possible. The importance of the language is growing. In 2003 the island held the first International Congress of Whistled Languages. Research is n

30、ow being carried out in all places to which Gomerans have traditionally emigrated (移居國(guó)外) and where forms of the language survive. The Canary governments Historical Heritage Department hopes to attract outside support so that it will continue.27. According to the passage, which of the following is th

31、e reason for the disappearing of Silbo Gomero?A. The limited vocabulary.B. The arrival of modern technology.C. Gomerans traditional emigration.D. Its complex speech patterns.28. What do we know about Silbo Gomero?A. It originated in the island of La Gomero.B. It was adapted to English speech pattern

32、.C. It was developed for long-distance communication.D. It has more than 4,000 words made up of vowels and consonants.29. In order to save Silbo Gomero, _.A. the local government provides financial helpB. students spend 25 minutes daily learning itC. the islanders begin to do research where it origi

33、natedD. the islanders frequently use it to communicate with the outside world30. What is the purpose of the text?A. To call on people to protect cultural heritage.B. To advertise for La Gomera.C. To promote the use of Silbo Gomero.D. To introduce the dying language Silbo Gomero.第二節(jié)(共5小題;每小題1分,滿(mǎn)分5分)根

34、據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,從短文后的選項(xiàng)中選出能填入空白處的最佳選項(xiàng)。有兩項(xiàng)為多余選項(xiàng)。Small talk is the short conversations we have at parties, while we wait in line at the store, at family events or work. Sometimes we make small talk with people we already know but not well. Often we have to make small talk with complete strangers.31 .Here are so

35、me tips to improve your small-talking ability.32 If you have seen a really good movie or have read a really good book, you can talk about that.When you are sharing the same experience with someone, its easy to start a conversation. You simply notice and comment on whats going on around you. For exam

36、ple, if you are at a party and a song comes on that you like or that reminds you of something, you can talk about that.Ask open-ended questionsThese types of questions require more thought and more than a simple one-word answer.33, the conversation will go on longer.Become a studentNobody knows ever

37、ything. So, as someone is answering one of your open-ended questions, they bring up something about which you know nothing. So, tell them! This lets the other person become the teacher.34. Its a win-win situation.Like anything, getting good at making small talk takes practice.35, you might become ha

38、ppier. If you are making small talk using English, you will most definitely improve your speaking and listening skills.A. Have some conversation starters readyB. If you make small talk in your native languageC. However, some people are not good at small talkD. If you ask questions that need more det

39、ails to answerE. You can talk about something that you recently learnedF. Many people find these small conversations about random topics easyG. They feel good about sharing their knowledge and you get to learn somethingIII. 完形填空(共20小題;每小題1分,滿(mǎn)分20分)閱讀下面短文,從短文后各題所給的四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出最佳選項(xiàng),并在答題卡上將該項(xiàng)涂黑。On a hilltop

40、in southeast Brazil, 4,500 feet above thesurrounding landscape, is a coffee plantation with ahistory of more than 150 yearsfive generations. Theowner is Ellen Fontana, a woman 36to both her landand her family. A respect37nature contributes to herbusiness; she employs sustainable (可持續(xù)的)practices to 3

41、8 water, avoid pesticides and39greenhouse gas emissions (排放). Her devotion andattention helped her 40award-winning specialty coffeeand a successful coffee business, which she hopeswill 41through future generations.But in the past few years, her vision of the future hasbeen 42. The planet is changing

42、 43 and whether coffeeproduction will continue in her area in 20 or 50 yearsis naturally a44. “I heard from my grandparents that it used to rain a lotin January, and the dry and rainy seasons were moreclearly45,” Fontana says. “But now, for a few years,we have noticed46 rainfall, high temperature an

43、d hail(冰雹).” In 2014, Fontanas home experienced its worst47 innearly a century, resulting in a rare water crisis. AndFebruary 2020 was the rainiest month in theregions48 history, causing floods.49 Fontana has earned more than many, thanks toher hilltop location and animportant area of naturalforest

44、that she and her family have50 on their land.She says, “We are in a micro-region with a lot of well-preservedforest, and we have a lot of coffee. This microclimate51 alot in the balance of crops. I think that living in abalance between coffee production and the environment that we live in provides a

45、52 not only for our family but for all the other people who will53 these resources. I think this54 is good for the business, good for the55 and good for our soul.” A.relatedB.addictedC.devotedD.usedA.withB.forC. aboutD.in A.make the best ofB. make sense ofC.keep track ofD. keep out ofA.reserveB. rem

46、oveC.reduceD. recoverA.design B.inventC.harvestD.createA.stopB.returnC.appearD.continueA.improvedB.shakenC.recognizedD.clearedA.frequentlyB.rapidlyC.graduallyD.definitelyA.concernB.factorC. threatD.guideline A.conductedB.listedC. announcedD.definedA.irregularB. increasingC.decreasingD.averageA.droug

47、htB. sandstormC. floodD.earthquakeA.hiddenB.recordedC. shortD. chiefA. PlusB.AlsoC.ThusD.ButA.cutB.coveredC. preservedD.producedA.harmsB.changesC.punishesD.helpsA.benefitB.careerC.freedomD.convenienceA. processB.enjoyC.wasteD.observeA.accessB.approachC.balanceD.behaviorA.climateB. landscape C. creat

48、ureD.familyIV. 語(yǔ)法填空 (共10小題;每小題1分,滿(mǎn)分10分)閱讀下面短文,在標(biāo)有序號(hào)的空白處填入一個(gè)適當(dāng)?shù)脑~,或填入括號(hào)中單詞的正確形式。Music can be a good form of therapy. It is actually used asa tool to help those with Alzheimers (阿爾茨海默氏癥) remember very special memories and 56 (event).Marta C. Gonzalez, 57 wasa ballerina(芭蕾舞女演員) in the 1960s, danced to T

49、chaikovskys Swan Lake hundreds of times during her career. But later in life, Alzheimers stole these 58 (beauty) memories fromher.In a popular video 59 (upload)onto , Marta remembered she was once a dancer. You can see her face light up when the music begins to play. Her hands move 60 (graceful)to t

50、he song, and you can see her go intoher happy place. As a person with Alzheimers, Marta really 61 (struggle) with short-term memory. But through music therapy,she 62 (take), even for a brief moment, to a happier time. The video ended with a photo of Marta in 1967, 63 (wear) her ballerinacostume. It

51、was so touching that all the audience clapped for her 64 (perform).Marta died in 2019. A nish music therapy group called Msica para Despertar filmed the video before her death but didnt share it 65 recently. And the incredible video quickly took off!V.單詞拼寫(xiě)(共10小題;每小題0.5分,滿(mǎn)分5分)請(qǐng)?jiān)诳瞻滋幪钊胍粋€(gè)恰當(dāng)?shù)膯卧~,使句意完整。66.

52、 If you can find suitable learning methods, your learning efficiency is _ (可能的) to improve.67. The City Gallery is open daily _(自始至終、貫穿) the year. 68. It is surprising that wild camping should be _ (違法的) in England.69. He talked of other cultures as if they were more _ (熟悉的) to him than his own.70.

53、There is convincing _(證據(jù)) of a link between exposure to sun and skin cancer.71. We must _ (確保) that all patients have access to high quality care.72. There are stories about his_ (慷慨), the massive amounts of money he gave to charities.73. Many young people flock to big cities because there are many

54、job _ (機(jī)會(huì)).74. Luckily for him, no _ (先前的) working experience was necessary for the position.75. Scientists are _(調(diào)查) the effects of diet on fighting cancer.VI詞法句法(共10小題;每小題1分,滿(mǎn)分10分)仔細(xì)閱讀下列句子,在空白處填入適當(dāng)?shù)膬?nèi)容(1個(gè)單詞)或括號(hào)內(nèi)單詞的正確形式。76. When the thief found himself _ (surround) by the crowds, he had to give in t

55、o the police. 77. The father, as well as his two kids, _ (sing) a song when I passed the room. 78. The on-site museum with the Qin Shihuang Tomb _(locate) in Lintong County, five kilometres east of Xian.79. It was the first time that Ally _ (see) a warbler in person.80. Colin lay in his bed, with hi

56、s eyes _ (fix) on the ceiling, wondering about the secret garden. 81. The survey conducted by the company shows there is a large increase in customer _ (satisfy) this year. 82. Modern technology is developing rapidly, thus_ (enable) us to make the librarys services open to citizens as never before.8

57、3. Instead of _ (criticize), little Tom was rewarded with high praise.84. Medicine should not be kept where it is _ (access) to children.85. The familiar smells in the forest reminded her _ those happy days she spent with father.VII. 句子翻譯 (共10小題;每小題2分,共10分)翻譯下列句子,在空白處填入適當(dāng)?shù)膬?nèi)容。86. Human life is regard

58、ed as part of nature and the only way for us to survive is to live _ _ _ (和諧相處) nature. So, we should try to save the _ _ _ _ (瀕危野生動(dòng)物免遭滅絕).87. She was so upset to find herself _ _ _ (失業(yè)) and stuck at home with only her computer to _ _ _ (陪伴她).88. Ireland, _ _ _ (被稱(chēng)作) the “Emerald Isle”, has beautifu

59、l and peaceful landscape, which is a _ _ _ _ _ (名副其實(shí)的視覺(jué)盛宴).89. Soon, you will _ _ _ _ (愛(ài)上) London, an ancient port city with a history _ _ _ (追溯到) Roman times. 90. In his speech, Eric Whitacre shared stories of how his original compositions became _ _ (深受歡迎) singers and listeners and how it _ _ (導(dǎo)致)

60、 the creation of the virtual choir.VIII. 書(shū)面表達(dá)(滿(mǎn)分10分)假設(shè)你是高一學(xué)生李華,你所在城市的美術(shù)館正在招聘英文講解志愿者,請(qǐng)你給相關(guān)負(fù)責(zé)人寫(xiě)一封申請(qǐng)信,內(nèi)容包括:1. 寫(xiě)信目的;2. 個(gè)人優(yōu)勢(shì);3. 表達(dá)愿望。注意:1. 詞數(shù)80個(gè)左右;2. 可適當(dāng)增加細(xì)節(jié),以使行文連貫。 _2021學(xué)年第二學(xué)期寧波市效實(shí)中學(xué)高一英語(yǔ)期中試卷答案及評(píng)分標(biāo)準(zhǔn)聽(tīng)力1-5 CBCAA6-10 BCABC11-15 BACBA16-20 BABAC閱讀理解21-23BCC24-26 BAD27-30 BCAD 31-35 CADGBIII. 完形填空36-40 CBACC


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