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1、 2022德國留學海德堡大學申請書 在世界上,以德語作為官方語言的國家有德國、瑞士、奧地利和列支敦士登,但是歐洲很多地區(qū)都是說德語的,全世界說德語的人大概有1億多人。這里給大家分享一些2022德國留學海德堡大學申請書,歡迎閱讀! 2022德國留學海德堡大學申請書 Dear _, Studying life processes in molecular terms deeply appeals to me. I was fascinated by the importance of simple molecules, such as water molecule; playing its rol

2、e as a biological solvent, reactant molecule and temperature regulator. Studying Biochemistry will enhance my interest in the structure and the functions of biological molecules. I enjoy the fact that it uses the principles and techniques of chemistry to understand basic biological process in living

3、 things. I am interested in both the practical and theoretical study of biochemistry, in this area of study I believe that I have the motivation, commitment and determination to succeed. I am looking forward to studying Biochemistry, in particular genetics, pharmacology and neurology because I find

4、them very fascinating and exciting. I enjoyed studying A-level chemistry, especially the biological aspect of the subject such as protein synthesis and neurotransmitters. Studying mathematics and physics at A-level allowed me to think clearly and logically, providing me with the ability to work accu

5、rately, and hence increasing my problem solving skills. My first schooling was in 2022. I had no formal education for the first 14 years of my life due Considering the disadvantages I have faced I believe that I have made huge progress, not only in the acquisition of the English language but also ac

6、ademically. This meant working harder than my contemporaries and I was fully prepared to do that, by working independently and teaching myself. In my gap year I want to develop myself in order to build up my self-esteem and gain self-confidence. I want to focus on the skills I wish to develop in ord

7、er to contribute to a more sustainable future. I find volunteering at Cancer Research very rewarding; allowing me to use my personal qualities to help the community and to contribute to the world and its worthy causes. It also gives me the opportunity to learn new skills and gain much needed experie

8、nce, hence increasing my confidence. It is hugely fulfilling as Im doing it out of passion and interest. I undertook a 5 week work experience at _ Hospital; spending my time at different departments, including pathology, hematology, and imaging. My duties included taking measurements, carrying out S

9、tatistical analysis using my Mathematical skills and observing the staffs performing their duties. The hematology and nuclear imaging departments were very exciting as it involves diagnosing any disease through different methods. I can also link this to my career as they both are applied to the need

10、s of the community by way of diagnosis of disease and use this to provide the building blocks necessary to develop solutions to their health. Combining this experience with the knowledge I have gained helped me to appreciate and understand not only what biochemistry is about, but also the reasons I

11、am doing it for. I enjoy craft work, including sewing and knitting, which increases my ability to be more creative and Im willing to extend it to a more advanced level in my gap year. I have also enrolled in Arabic classes as my ambitions include becoming multi-lingual and broadening my horizons and

12、 interests. I am certain that biochemistry is the right course for me because not only will it fulfill my interest in science, but also help me achieve my long term goal of becoming a Biochemist. I am looking forward to extending my knowledge and developing my analytical and research skills in order

13、 to reach my full potential. Yours sincerely, 德國留學海德堡大學申請條件和費用 一、海德堡大學申請條件 1、基本要求 申請該大學的本科的話,就最少要是國內高中在讀或是已經(jīng)畢業(yè)的人才有資格申,但這類的話是不能直接申該大學的,要先申該大學的預科,在讀完預科以后才能進入該大學學習。 再就是看均分了,基本要求是在70-75分或之上的才能申,若是換算成GPA的話,就是要在3.0分或之上。 最后就是看語言上的要求了,基本是有兩個方面的,不光是要看德語的還要看英文的。當然,若是申的是純德或是純英上課的專業(yè)的話,只用滿足其中的一種就行了,基本是要求DhA在16分或

14、之上,或者是IELTS在6.0-6.5分或之上(6.0),亦或是TOEFL在80分。 碩士這個學歷是要求申的人最少要是國內的本科大學畢業(yè)的學生才能申的,若是滿足了要求的話,是不用讀該學校的預科也是能直接入讀的。 這個的成績要求和語言上的要求基本和本科學歷是一樣的,所以其余的兩個要求參照上面的就行了。 2、重要要求 要想申該大學,不論是它的要求是怎么樣的,要材料上去之前是一定要把材料交個APS審的,不然材料就是沒有效的。 再就是,其實去該大學學習的話都是要讀預科的,因為該國的預科以后會有個考試,通過以后就能直接申該國的大學了,但是若是極為的有信息不用讀也能通過的話,就能直接考完然后申該大學就行了

15、。但若是沒有這個能力的話,不論是讀該大學的哪個學歷,都是要先讀預科,然后考過考試以后才能入讀的。 該大學是公立的大學,雖說不用交學費,但是資金擔保還是很重要的,基本是最少要有1萬歐的存款的擔保的。 其實該大學是很容易進的,但是畢業(yè)的話就會要難一些。所以在去讀之前要做好嚴格要求自己的心理準備,不然在該大學很難學好專業(yè),那么畢業(yè)的話也會有困難。 二、留學費用 1、學費 學費:500 EUR學期 大學注冊費:(含學生票)104 EUR學期 海德堡大學所授課程: 法律學、科學醫(yī)學、臨床醫(yī)學、哲學、歷史學、東方及古典問題研究、現(xiàn)代語言學、經(jīng)濟學、社會及行為科學、數(shù)學、化學、藥學、物理學及天文學、生物學、

16、地球科學等。 2、生活費 “食”。德國的大學都設有食堂,價廉物美,通常每頓飯在2歐元左右,而在快餐店里一餐需5歐元,飯店里更貴。當然,如能自食其力更好。一般在學生宿舍大樓里均設有公共廚房,每天花上半小時,每月可以節(jié)約50-100歐元。 但是,如果是合租房或是借住在德國人家里,做飯就相對麻煩些,因為德國人不喜歡屋子里有油煙。此外,有的學生公寓還可以給新生提供一個學期的“食宿包干”,每月交納200-250歐元,除住宿外,還提供周一至周五的午餐。 但因“僧多粥少”,必須早早聯(lián)系,并且不是每個城市都有。 醫(yī)療保險。在德國,學生可以享受特別優(yōu)惠的醫(yī)療保險。不論是在哪家醫(yī)療保險公司投保,保險費每月不超過5

17、0歐元,遠低于正常的保險費,而且保險領域涵蓋面廣,除了牙齒美容等極少數(shù)醫(yī)療項目,幾乎所有大病小病全在保險項目內,并且可直接劃卡,不需自己付錢。 甚至連看病乘坐出租車都可以找保險公司報銷。盡管去年下半年德國醫(yī)療改革,要求病人每季度交納10歐元初診費和小部分藥品費,但相對于昂貴的醫(yī)療費用還是微不足道的。 三、獎學金 海德堡大學本身是不設獎學金的。在德國只有少數(shù)能提供獎字金的機構通過相關部門(German Academic Exchange Service,其德文縮寫為DAAD)或其它協(xié)會為那些優(yōu)秀的字生提供一定的獎學金。這方面的信息可以從德國的領事館、大使 館、Goethe協(xié)會或DAAD辦事處獲得

18、。 另外DAAD的總部還發(fā)行一種叫“Rirderungsmdglichkeiten fGr auslSndische Hochschulangeh&ige”的小冊子,都包含了獎學金方面的信息。因為獎字金的數(shù)量極為有眼,所以建議字生根據(jù)各自的經(jīng)濟狀況,先在自己的國家申請到資金補助。 去德國留學有什么優(yōu)勢? 一、入學相對容易 在德國有很多的學校的研究生課程都是使用英語來教課的,對學生的德語要求并不是很高,到德國去讀研究生只需要學生學習800個課時的德語,到了德國以后再去考德語相關的考試,所以中國的學生在一兩年之內都是可以通過德語的考試的。 二、教學質量高 在德國有將近400所高校,德國的理工學校和綜合性的學校在世界上是很出名的,德國優(yōu)秀的教師力量和科研實力讓在這里學習的學生學習到更多的知識,德國很多的大學都有上百年的歷史,這些大學的教學氛圍很濃厚,在德國學校拿到的畢業(yè)證書在世界上有很高的認知度。 三、費用低 世界上很多發(fā)達的國家的學生需要支付昂貴的學費,在德國大多數(shù)的學生都是不需要支付學費的,對于一般家庭的學生來說是一個很好的機會,并且在德國讀書大學生是免稅打工的,在德國除了要交自備自保金7716歐元之外,你在生活上的費用可以通過打工來解決,在德國如果想要打工的話可以通過介


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