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1、WORD6/6完成句子Unit6翻譯句子一個人看到愚公和他的孩子們的時候,他們正在努力的移山。A man yugong and his children when they the mountain. 這個人一說完,愚公就說他死后,他的子子還可以繼續(xù)移山。 the man , yugong said that his family could the mountain after he .這個故事提醒我們除非你盡力去做一件事,否則你永遠不知道會發(fā)生什么。This story us you know what is you .愚公找到了一個解決他的問題的好方法。Yugong his .移山看起來

2、是不可能的。 Very a mountain.但是如果愚公不移山,他能做些什么呢?But yugong do the mountain?對于這個該是,你們有不同的觀點,你們都沒有錯。You the story,and Wrong.美猴王不是什么普通的猴子。The monkey king .他的形狀和大小會72變,能把自己變成不同的動物和物體。He can 72 his and , himself different animals and .除非他把自己的尾巴藏起來,否則他不能把自己變成人。 He can ,he can not a person.妻子告訴她的丈夫,除非他把孩子們丟在森林里等死

3、,否則全家都得死。The wife told her husband that he the children .他正引我們到一個用面包、蛋糕和糖做成的漂亮房子里。It is that wonderful house , and .完成句子We will visit mountain tai if it doesnt rain tomorrow.We mountain tai it tomorrow.My father made me a new bike with some broken parts.My father with some broken parts.I planned to

4、visit my grandma next week.I my grandma next week.Lily doesnt like sports. Mary doesnt like sports, either. (同義句) Lily Mary sports.Unit 7 翻譯句子尼羅河有6671公里長。The Nile 6671kilometers .里海是所有鹽水湖中最深的。The Caspian Sea 中國有著全世界最多的人口。它比美國的人口多得多。China in the world. It is than the US.完成句子The highest mountain is th

5、e Qimolangma in the world.(對劃線部分提問)?2. The Nile is 6671kilometers long .?Pandas have many babies.(否定句)Math is not as difficult as English.(同義句)Unit8 I have already read Treasure Island.(變否定句)I Treasure Island .She has already decided which book to write about (一般疑問句) She book to write about ?Tina th

6、inks that Robbinson Crusoe is a fantastic book.(對劃線部分提問) Tina Robbinson Crusoe.They have lived in the village since he was born. They lived in the village.The movie began ten minutes ago.(同義句)The movie for ten minutes.The book shop near my house closed five years ago.The book shop near my house sinc

7、e five years .I bought a new bike just now (用just 改寫句子)I just a new bike 我把我的朋友介紹給你好嗎?Could i my you?上周我們欣賞了的美麗。Last week,we the of chongqing.他從高中畢業(yè)之后就已出國留學了。He since he high school.Unit9She taught english ten years ago She english since ten years ago.We can see the disney characters walking around

8、the park. Can you see the disney characters .?3. They have heard of the night safari before (變?yōu)橐话阋蓡柧?_they_of the Night Safari before?She feared that she couldnt find anything good to eat in Singapore.(同義句轉(zhuǎn)換) She _ _ find _ good to eat in Singapore.She doesnt believe my words.(同義句轉(zhuǎn)換) My words _ _ fo

9、r her. He has had a large collection of stamps in the past few years.(同義句轉(zhuǎn)換) He _ _ a large _of stamps in the past few years.我從沒去過一個說英語的國家。 I have never _ _ an _ country.他已經(jīng)在美國呆了一個月了。 He _ _ _ the US for one month.許多動物在晚上醒來,那是觀察他們最好的時間。 Many animals _ _ at night, and that is the _ _ to _ them.他去了圖書館

10、,你可以在這里等他。 He _ _ _ the library and you can _ _ him here.Unit 10 翻譯句子 1. 我擁有這本雜志已經(jīng)幾個月了。Ive _ this magazine for _ _ _months. 2. 我們已經(jīng)從臥室清理出了許多東西。We have already _ _ a lot of things _ _ our bedroom.我們已經(jīng)決定了每個人賣掉五件不再用的東西。 We have decided to _ _ _ _ that we _ _ one .我女兒更善解人意,盡管她和玩具分別很傷心。 My daughter was _

11、 _ although she also felt sad _ _ _ certain toys.你可以把舊的東西給需要它們的人。You can also _ old things _ to people _ _.然后再為小孩子檢查這些毛絨玩具和下棋游戲。And _ _ these _ _ and _ _ for younger kids.當他們慢慢長大我們的房子似乎漸漸變小。 As they _ _ our house _ _ _ _.舉個例子,他已經(jīng)擁有了一套火車和地鐵套裝自從他第四個生日。 _ _, he has owned a _ _ _ _ since _ _ _.舊東西真能帶回甜美

12、回憶。 Old things really _ _ _ _.如今,數(shù)百萬中國人離開農(nóng)村去城里找工作。 _, _ _ Chinese leave the _ to _ _ work in the cities.真遺憾,但我就是沒有時間。Its _ _, but i _ dont _ _ _.據(jù)鐘偉所說,無論如何,有些東西永遠不會改變。 _ _ Zhong Wei , _, some things will _ _.我們的故鄉(xiāng)在我們心里留下了太多柔軟而甜蜜的記憶。 Our _ _ _ many _ and _ _ _ our _.完成句子 1. Lets clear out the cupboar

13、d, for its a mess.(同義句轉(zhuǎn)換)The cupboard is a mess, so lets _ _ _.Hurry up! I can no longer wait.(同義句轉(zhuǎn)換) Hurry up ! I _ wait _ _.I own this book.(同義句轉(zhuǎn)換) This book _ _ me.I have had this bike for 3 years .(改為一般疑問句,并做肯定回答) _ _ _ this bike for 3 years?_, _ _.T have a bike . I bought is in 1998.(合并為一句) I _ _ a bike since 1998.The factory opened ten years ago.(同義句轉(zhuǎn)換)The factory _ _ _for ten years.My uncle smoked before but he has given up now.(同義句轉(zhuǎn)換) My uncle _ _ smoke.8. The bus has arrived here. It arrived ten minutes ago.(將倆句合并成一句)_.They go back to their hometown once or twice a


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