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1、 PAGE 頁碼 16 / NUMPAGES 總頁數(shù) 162022年科教版三年級英語下學期期末學業(yè)質(zhì)量監(jiān)測復習同步練習題單班級:_ 姓名:_ 單詞拼寫1. 單詞默寫。1.一_ 2.二_ 3.三_4.四_ 5.五_ 6.六_7.七_ 8.八_ 9.九_10.十_2. 根據(jù)提示補全句子。(1)Is this your sweater. No,.(2)This is my(桌子). That is(我的)computer.(3)Where is my(裙子)? Its on the(桌子).3. 根據(jù)圖片,寫出單詞。1. 2. 3._ _ _4. 5. 6._ _ _4. 看圖,寫單詞。_ _ _5

2、. 根據(jù)圖片補全單詞。1duc_ 2_outh3_eg6. 單詞拼寫。1elep_ant2Beijing is a big c_.3Lets go to the_(教室).4Red is my favourite c_.7. 看圖,用所給字母組成正確的單詞,補全下列句子。1This is my_. (o r t e h r b)2Shes my_. (n u t a)3Its a_. (a t c)4This is an_. (y e e)5I like the_. (d r b i)8. 根據(jù)圖片提示,將下列字母排列成正確的單詞。i,p,l,u,p_s,a,c,s,o,m,r,1,o_s,o

3、,c,o,l,h_c,e,a,t,r,h,e_填空題9. 讀一讀,選詞填空。A. fat B. big C. short D. long1Hi! Im a pig. Im not thin. Im_.2Hello! Im a monkey. I have a_tail.3Hello! Im an elephant. My ears are_.4Hi! Im a dog. Im not tall. Im_.10. 填空題。1_oranges2_pears3_pandas11. 選詞填空。from new where again friends1Nice to see you_.2Hi. Im_C

4、hina.3We are good_.4This is Sam. He is a_student.5_are you from?12. 看圖,選擇合適的單詞補全句子。A. ten B. pen C. leg D. red1This is my _.(_)2Im _ years old.(_)3I have a new _.(_)4My bag is _.(_)13. 讀一讀,選擇正確的單詞或詞組填空。A. How manyB. What colourC. HowD. WhatE. WhoF. How much(1)Taste this peach._is it?Its sweet.(2)_wi

5、ndows can you see?I can see four windows.(3)_is the girl?She is my sister.(4)_is your new dress?Its yellow.(5)_are these bananas?Six yuan, please.(6)_can you hear?I can hear a car.14. 分一分,幫助下列單詞找到他們的家,將其寫到相應的位置。three, cake, bear, black, pen, ear, foot, bird, rice, seven, brown, eraser1數(shù)字_2顏色_3人體部分_4

6、食品_5文具_6動物_15. 選用適當?shù)膯卧~補全句子。isnt, dont, cant, arent, doesnt(1)My mother_at home.(2)They_my hats.They are Peters.(3)I_like singing. (4)The boy_fly the kite. (5)She_like dancing.16. 根據(jù)漢語提示選詞填空,補全句子。brothers She beautiful family you This man1Whos that(男人)?2Nice to meet(你).3All my(家人)help each other.4(她)

7、is my sister.5Sarah is a(美麗的)girl.6(這個)is my friend.7I have two(哥哥). They are very clever.選擇題17. _ this your schoolbag? ( )_, it isnt.A.Its; No B.Is; No C.Is; Yes18. _ be late _ class again. ( )A.Do; on B.Dont; for C.Dont; in19. A: Is he your brother? ( )B: _. He is my father.A.Yes, he is B.No, she

8、isnt C.No, he isnt20. 看圖,完成句子,將正確答案的序號填入括號里。1Whos this boy?( )Hes my _.A.grandpa B.brother2Whats this?( )_.A.My new pencil box. B.My new crayon.3Where is the pen?( )Its_.A.on the desk B.under the desk4Look, the boy is _. The girl is _.( )A.tall; short B.short; tall21. Its time for bed, Wang Bing. (

9、)_A.OK. B.Thank you. C.Hurry up!22. Twenty plus twenty-four are _. ( )A.forty-four B.forty C.fourteen23. 看圖,選擇與圖片相符的單詞。1( )A.boy B.girl2( )A.he B.she3( )A.teacher B.student24. Mum likes going _. ( )A.shops B.shopping C.shop句型轉(zhuǎn)換25. 將下列句子改寫為復數(shù)形式。1. What is this?2. This apple is red.3. It is my book.4.

10、 This is my friend.5. - Is this your pen? -No, it isnt.26. 按要求改寫句子。1.Itisabird.(變?yōu)橐话阋蓡柧?2.Itisblue.(根據(jù)句子意思提問)3.Isitabird?(做肯定回答)4.helpyouIcan?(連詞成句)5.Welldone!(譯成漢語)27. 按要求改寫句子。1. Sheep like to eatgrass. (句子提問)What_sheep_to eat?2. His friends namesJimmy. (句子提問)_his_name?3. Peter,draw on the blackboa

11、rd. (改為否定句)Peter,_on the blackboard.4. There are some old sheep on the farm. (改為單數(shù)句)There_old sheep on the farm.28. 句型轉(zhuǎn)換。1. I likelions. (對句子提問)2. I like pandas. (變一般疑問句)3. We like monkeys. (變否定句)4. He likes bears. (變一般疑問句)5. Do you like tigers? (作否定回答)29. 按要求改寫句子。1. These are your dolls. (改成單數(shù)句)_yo

12、ur doll.2. They like robots. (否定形式)They_robots.30. 按要求改寫句子。1The pen ison the desk.(對句子提問)_the pen?2He was seven years old then. (用they改寫句子)_seven years old then.3The fruit ison the second floor. (對句子提問)_the fruit?4They will have a music party on Sunday. (變?yōu)橥x句)They_have a music party on Sunday.5Ther

13、e arethirtystudents in the class. (對句子提問)_are there in the class?31. 句型轉(zhuǎn)換。1Can you jump far?(肯定回答)2I candance.(對句子提問)3I can run fast.(一般疑問句)4This fish can swim.(否定句)32. 根據(jù)要求完成句子。1.Thisisacard.(變?yōu)橐话阋蓡柧?2.給你。(英譯漢)3.Howmanyplates?(英譯漢)4.please/one/this(.)(連詞成句)5.five/books/I/have(.)(連詞成句)連詞成句33. I Mike

14、 am Hello (, .)34. fine I too am (.)35. close, please, the ,book (.)36. my is sister this (.)(只寫序號)37. 連詞成句。1at, Look, birds, the (.)2many, do, pears, see, How, you (?)3apple, The, is, red, one, an (.)4The, are, beautiful, so, kites (.)38. does, go, school, he, to, Mondays, on (?)39. my, bag, This,

15、is (.)40. name, is, my, Lisa (.)閱讀理解41. 讀對話,在表中相應的食物下面打“”。: Can I help you? : Id like some juice and bread.: Id like some milk . : Id like some fish.: Im hungry. Id like some rice, a cake and an egg.: Here you are. : Thank you!42. 閱讀短文,判斷對(T)錯(F)。Im Likngling. I have got a new bike. Its a nice bike.

16、 I go to school by bike every day. My mother is a teacher. Her school is near our home. So she walks to work. My father is a doctor. He goes to work by car.( )(1)Lingling goes to school by bus.( )(2)Linglings mother walks to work.( )(3)Linglings father is a teacher, too.( )(4)Linglings father goes t

17、o work by car.43. 閱讀判斷。Today is Sunday. The sun is shining.Kitty and Ben go to Ali Babas farm. They can see many animals there. farm.Look,they are ducks.They are yellow and small.They go”Quack,quack.”.”O(jiān)ink,oink”, what can you hear?Oh,there are six pink pigs. Theyre lovely. They like animals very mu

18、ch. They are happy.1Today is a sunny day.( )2There are many animals on Ali Babas farm.( )3The ducks are big and yellow.( )4Kitty and Ben like the farm.( )5They are not sad.( )44. 閱讀短文,判斷下列句子正誤。My name is Bo B. I am from the USA. Im eleven. I am a student. I have a big family. My father is a teacher.

19、 My mother is teacher, too. I have two brothers. They are twelve years old. I have a sister. Shes Lily. Shes only 3 years old. I love my family.( )(1)I am Bo ( )(2)Bob is from America.( )(3)His mum is a teacher.( )(4)Mike has one brother and one sister.( )(5)Lily is a boy.45. 閱讀樂園,根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容選擇正確答案。Hello

20、! Im Jack. Im ten. I like dogs, cats, pandas and elephants. I like blue. My bag is black, but(但是) my pencil box is blue. My eraser is yellow. I like bread, eggs and milk. I dont like cake.(1)Jack is _A.6 B.10 C.8(2)Jack likes _.A.dogs, cats, pandas and elephantsB.dogs, cats, pandas and ducksC.cats,

21、pandas, pigs and elephants(3)Jacks bag is _.A.red B.blue C.black(4)Jacks pencil box is _.A.blue B.yellow C.black(5)Jack doesnt like(不喜歡) _A.eggs B.bread C.cake46. 看圖讀一讀,判斷句子正誤。Ann: Look at the animals. I like pandas. Theyre fat. Theyre cute. Theyre black and white. They like bamboos(竹子). What do you

22、 like, Ben?Ben: I like elephants. Theyre grey. Theyre big and strong. They like grass.Ann: Do you like lions, Ben?Ben: N0. I dont. Theyre fierce(兇猛的). Theyre brown. They like meat. They eat small animals.( )(1)Ann likes elephants and Ben likes pandas.( )(2)Pandas are fat and cute.Theyre black and white.( )(3)Elephants are grey. Theyre big and strong.( )(4)Lions are fierce. They like me


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