四上Unit1 C 蘭溪市振興小學(xué) 許丹娜_第1頁(yè)
四上Unit1 C 蘭溪市振興小學(xué) 許丹娜_第2頁(yè)
四上Unit1 C 蘭溪市振興小學(xué) 許丹娜_第3頁(yè)
四上Unit1 C 蘭溪市振興小學(xué) 許丹娜_第4頁(yè)
四上Unit1 C 蘭溪市振興小學(xué) 許丹娜_第5頁(yè)
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1、Unit 1 My classroom C story timeMiss XuWelcome to our classroom!There is a _ in our classroom.There are some _s in our classroom.Read for prediction Who?Oh! Theres a _ in our classroom.beeRead for prediction They are having an _ class.EnglishTip1: Pictures can help you . 圖片能幫助理解Watch and number abcd

2、ef123456Where is the bee ?Its _.on the lightListen for information Look! Its on the light.Where is it?Tip2: Key words can help you . 注意捕捉關(guān)鍵詞Look! Its on the light.Where is it?Tip3: Pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation . 注意語(yǔ)音語(yǔ)調(diào)連讀停頓等Listen and imitate Lets findWhere is the bee now ?It

3、s _.on the fanIts on the fan.Where is it now?Listen for information Where is the bee now ?Its _.on the wallYes.Look! Its on the wall now.What happened?Theres a bee _.on the blackboardIts a bee!Whats this?No, its a blackboard.Lets act Read for emotionsurprisedAh, yes. It really IS a bee!Lets guess 猜猜

4、它們會(huì)怎么做Lets open the _.Lets continue(繼續(xù)) to have _ class.windowEnglishTips 表演小提示Lines臺(tái)詞Bodylanguage動(dòng)作Facialexpressions表情Stage舞臺(tái)效果Say the lines loudly,fluently and emotionally. 大聲地 流利地 有情感地 Do big actions 動(dòng)作. Show different feelings.展現(xiàn)不同的情緒 Face to the audiences.面向觀眾 Show time 選擇你喜歡的結(jié)局表演根據(jù)文字有感情表演根據(jù)黑板上

5、的圖片和關(guān)鍵信息有感情表演Lets open the _.Lets continue to have _ class.windowEnglish 7Lets continue to have English class.Class is over!Be careful in the class.Think and writeMaybe the bee is _.on in under neartable window chair blackboard fan computer light teachers desk : The bee is still in the classroom. : Where is it? Is it _? : No, it isnt. : Is it _? : Yes, it is. Lets open the door. : Bee, bye-bye!Make a new conversation Homework Continue to read the story with your partner. 繼續(xù)和搭檔朗讀這個(gè)故事 Try to


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