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1、 PAGE19 / NUMPAGES19 某外國語大學(xué)2011年翻譯碩士專業(yè)學(xué)位研究生招生試題科目:翻譯碩士英語(代碼:211)A卷注意事項(xiàng):1. 請核對(duì)本場考試科目及代碼與你所報(bào)考專業(yè)的考試安排是否一致。2. 請一定使用黑色、藍(lán)色鋼筆、圓珠筆或簽字筆,鉛筆答題無效。3. 請?jiān)趯I(yè)答題紙上的規(guī)定區(qū)域清楚地填寫自己的某和某。4. 請按照考題順序在專業(yè)答題紙上依次作答,在試卷上答題無效。5. 本科目總分為100分,答題時(shí)間為3小時(shí),請掌握好答題時(shí)間。6. 考試結(jié)束后,請將試題和答題紙一并裝入考試專用試題袋,并及時(shí)交回。TaskOne: Vocabulary and Grammatical Stru

2、ctureSection ADirections:This section is designed to test your ability to interpret the meanings ofwords in different contexts. Read each of the following sentences carefully andselect one word or phrase from the four choices that is closest in meaning tothe underlined word in each sentence, and the

3、n write your answer on the AnswerSheet. (20%)1. Psychologistshave done extensive studies of how well patients plywith doctors orders.A obey B understandC improvewith D agree with2. Starsare posed of intensely hot gases andderive their energy from nuclear reactions occurring in the interiors.Aextreme

4、ly BuniformlyCexplosively D continually3. From1775 to 1776 the Americans undertook anunsuccessful campaign against the British in Canada.A wage B headedC Paidfor D attendedto 4. Becauseof its old mannerisms, the praying mantis has always intrigued human beings.Afascinate BaggravatedCoffended Dterrif

5、ied5. Industrialself-sufficiency in the United States developed simultaneouslywith the mass production of textiles in New England.Asmoothly BconcurrentlyCeffectively Dspontaneously6. Theinitial appearance of the silver three-cent piece coincided with the first issue of three-cent stamps in 1851.A oc

6、curred atthe same time as B collidedwithC wasnecessitated by D wassimilar to7. Chicagos O Hare International Airport acmodatesforty-four million passengers per year.A amazes B luresC handles D counts8. Regional planning deals with proposals concerning outlying munities and highways as well as with u

7、rban affairs.A outlandish B exclusiveC exempted D remote9. The introduction of the bus signaled the eventual demise of the trolley car as a form of travel.A designation B mechanizationC disappearance D friskiness10. In Silent Spring, Rachel Carson forcefully decried the indiscriminate use of pestici

8、des.A haphazard B unpleasantC regional D periodic11.After its founding, the United States government followed a policy explicitly designed to aid national shipping.A prematurely B economicallyC specifically D proudly12.Before social inequality can be alleviated, its principal causes must be diagnose

9、d.A denounced B relievedC analyzed D controlled13. Astronauts are subjected to the most rigorous training that has ever been devised for human beings.A demanded B createdC diagnosed D allowed14. Weight lifting is the gymnastic sport of lifting weights in a prescribed manner.A vigorous B popularC cer

10、tain D careful15. Project Skylab was designed to demonstrate that a person can work and live inspace for prolonged periods without illeffectsA unexpected B obviousC adverse D immediate16. Plays that entail direct interactionbetween actor and audience present no unusual difficulties for actors.A advo

11、cate B involveC elicit D exaggerate17. Since speech is such a familiar activity, it is often regarded as a universal endowment.A event B habitC trait D gift18. In the Pacific Northwest, as climate and topography vary, so do the speciesthat prevail in the forests.A rebuild B invadeC dominate D tend19

12、. In North America, the first canoes were constructed from logs and propelled by means of wooden pad.A carved B dockedC driven forward D carried upright20. United States citizens are now enjoying better dental health, as shown by thedeclining incidence of tooth decay.A treatment B consequencesC occu

13、rrence D misfortuneSection BDirections: Ineach of the following sentences, some part of the sentence or the whole isunderlined. Rephrase the underlined part so as to express most effectively whatis presented in the original sentence. Your correction should be dear andexact, without awkwardness, ambi

14、guity or redundancy. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet. (10%)21. Credit cards are now accepted in exchange for many goods and services aroundthe world and in some countries, like theAmericans, is used even more widely than cash.22. Scholars recognized immediately that thelanguage experiments in

15、 Finnegans Wakeare different than any other novel.23. When it rains outside, most parents prefersmall children to play indoors.24. Required by law to register by the end of theyear, the post office was crowded with legal aliens attempting to ply withthe law before the deadline.25. In the past few ye

16、ars, significant changes have take place in the organizationof our economy that will profoundly affect thecharacter of our labor unions as well as influencing consumer andindustrial life.Task Two: Reading prehensionSection ADirections:Read the following two texts. Answer the questions below each tex

17、t by choosing A, B, C or D; write your answers on the Answer Sheet. (20%)Text1The ancient Greeks and the Chinese believedthat we first clothed our bodies for some physical reason, such as protectingourselves from the elements. Ethnologists and psychologists have invokedpsychological reasons: modesty

18、, taboo, magical influence, or the desire toplease. Anthropological research indicates that the function of the earliestclothing was to carry objects. Our hunting-gathering ancestors had to travelgreat distances to obtain food. For the male hunters, carrying was much easierif they were wearing simpl

19、e belts or animal skins from which they could hangweapons and tools. For the female gatherers, more elaborate carrying deviceswere necessary. Women had to transport collected food back to the settlementand also had to carry babies, so they required bags or slings.Another function of early clothing-p

20、rovidingfort and protectionprobably developed at the same time as utility. As humanbeings multiplied and spread out from the warm lands in which they evolved,they covered their bodies more and more to maintain body warmth. Today, we still dress to maintain warmth and to carry objects in our clothes.

21、 And likeour hunting-gathering ancestors, most men still carry things on their person,as if they still needed to keep their arms free for hunting, while women tendto have a separate bag for carrying, as if they were still food-gatherers. Butthese two functions of clothing are only two of many uses t

22、o which we put thegarments that we wear today.There is a clear distinction between attirethat constitutes “clothing” and attire that is more aptly termed “costume”. We might say that clothing has to do with coveringthe body, and costume concerns the choice of a particular form of garment for apartic

23、ular purpose. Clothing depends primarily on such physical conditionsas climate, health, and textile, while costume reflects social factors such aspersonal status, religious beliefs, aesthetics, and the wish to bedistinguished from or to emulate others.Even in early human history, costumefulfilled a

24、function beyond that of simple utility. Costume helped to imposeauthority or inspire fear. A chieftains costume embodied attributes expressinghis power, while a warriors costume enhanced his physical superiority andsuggested he was superhuman. Costume often had a magical significance such asinvestin

25、g humans with the attributes of other creatures through the recenttimes, professional or administrative costume is designed to distinguish thewearer and to express personal or delegated authority. Costume municates thestatus of the wearer, and with very few exceptions, the aim is to display ashigh a

26、 status as possible. Costume denotes power, and since power is oftenequated with wealth, costume has e to be an expression of social class andmaterial prosperity.A uniform is a type of costume that servesthe important function of displaying membership in a group: school, sportsteam, occupation, or a

27、rmed force. Military uniform denotes rank and is intendednot only to express group membership but also to protect the body and tointimidate. A soldiers uniform says. “I am part of a powerful machine, andwhen you deal with me, you deal with my whole organization.” Uniforms areimmediate beacons of pow

28、er and authority. If a person needs to display powerapolice officer, for examplethen the body can be virtually transformed. Heightcan be exaggerated with protective headgear, thick clothing can make the bodylook broader and stronger, and boots can enhance the power of the legs.Uniforms also convey l

29、ow social status; at the bottom of the scale, the uniformof the prisoner denotes membership in the society of convicted criminals.Religious costume signifies spiritual orsuperhuman authority and possesses a significance that identifies the wearerwith a belief or god. A successful clergy has always d

30、isplayed impressiveinvestments of one kind or another that clearly demonstrate the religiousleaders dominant status.26. According to the passage, what aspect of humanitys hunting-gathering past isreflected in the clothing of today?APeople cover their bodies because of modesty.BMost men still carry o

31、bjects on their person.C Womenlike clothes that are beautiful and practical.DMen wear pants, but women wear skirts or pants.27. Which sentence below best expresses the essential information in the underlinedsentence in paragraph 3?A Clothing serves a physical purpose,while costume has a personal, so

32、cial, or psychological function.B We like clothing to fit our body well,but different costumes fit differently depending on the purpose.C Both clothing and costume are types ofattire, but it is often difficult to distinguish between them.D People spend more time in choosingspecial costumes than they

33、 do in selecting everyday clothing.28. It can be inferred from paragraph 4 that the author most likely believes whichof the following about costume?A We can learn about a societys socialstructure by studying costume.B Costume used to serve a simple function,but now it is very plex.C The main purpose

34、 of costume is to forcepeople to obey their leaders.D Costume is rarely a reliable indicatorof a persons material wealth.29. Why does the author discuss the police officers uniform in paragraph 5?A To describe the aesthetic aspects ofcostume.B To identify the wearer with a hero.C To suggest that pol

35、ice are superhuman.D To show how costume conveys authority.30. All of the following are likely to be indicated by a persons costume exceptA playing on a football team.B being a prisonerC having a heart condition.D leading a religious ceremony.Text2The founders of the Republic viewed theirrevolution

36、primarily in political rather than economic or social terms. Andthey talked about education as essential to the public gooda goal that tookprecedence over knowledge as occupational training or self-improvement. Overand over again, the Revolutionary generation, both liberal and conservative inoutlook

37、, asserted its conviction that the welfare of the Republic rested uponan educated citizenry and that schools, especially free public schools, wouldbe the best means of educating the citizenry in civic values and theobligations required of everyone in a democratic republican society. All agreedthat t

38、he principal ingredients of a civic education were literacy and the inculcationof patriotic and moral virtues, some others adding the study of history and thestudy of principles of the republican government itself.The founders, as was the case of almost alltheir successors, were long on exhortation

39、and rhetoric regarding the value ofcivic education, but they left it to the textbook writers to distill theessence of those values for school children. Texts in American history and governmentappeared early as the 1790s. The textbook writers turned out to be very largelyof conservative persuasion, m

40、ore likely Federalist in outlook thanJeffersonian, and almost universally agreed that political virtue must restupon moral and religious precepts. Since most textbook writers were NewEnglanders, this means that the texts were infused with Protestant and, aboveall, Puritan outlooks.In the first half

41、of the Republic, civiceducation in the schools emphasized the inculcation of civic values and madelittle attempt to develop participatory political skills. That was a task left toincipient political parties, town meetings, churches, and the coffee or alehouses where men gathered for conversation. Ad

42、ditionally, as a reading ofcertain federalist papers of the period would demonstrate, the press probablydid more to disseminate realistic as well as partisan knowledge of governmentthan the schools. The goal of education, however, was to achieve a higher formof unum for the new Republic. In themiddl

43、e half of the nineteenth century, the political values taught in thepublic and private schools did not change substantially from those celebratedin the first years of the Republic. In the textbooks of the day, their rosy hues if anything became golden. To the resplendent values of liberty, equality,

44、 and a benevolent Christian morality were now added the middle-class virtuesespeciallyof New Englandof hard work, honesty and integrity, the rewards of individualeffort, and obedience to parents and legitimate authority. But of all thepolitical values taught in school, patriotism was preeminent; and

45、 wheneverteachers explained to school children why they should love their country aboveall else, the idea of liberty assumed pride of place.31. The passage deals primarily with the A content of early textbooks on Americanhistory and government.B role of education in late 18th- andearly to mid-19th-c

46、entury America.C influence of New England Puritanism onearly American values.D establishment of universal, free publiceducation in America.32. According to the passage, the founders of the Republic regarded educationprimarily asA a religious obligation. B a private matterC a matter of individual cho

47、ice. D a political necessity.33. The author states that textbooks written in the middle part of the nineteenthcenturyA departed radically in tone and stylefrom earlier textbooks.B mentioned for the first time the valueof liberty.C treated traditional civic virtues witheven greater reverence.D were m

48、issioned by governmentagencies.34. Which of the following would LEAST likely have been the subject of an earlyAmerican textbook?A the American Revolution.B patriotism and other civic virtuesC principles of American government.D vocational education35. The author implies that an early American Purita

49、n would likely insist thatA moral and religious values are thefoundation of civic virtue.B textbooks should instruct students inpolitical issues of vital concern to the munity.C textbooks should give greater emphasisto the value of individual liberty than to the duties of patriotism.D private school

50、s with a particularreligious focus are preferable to public schools with no religious instruction.Section BDirections: Read the following text and answer the questions that follow. Write youranswers on the Answer Sheet. (15%)TheGreenhouse Effect and Global WarmingCarbon dioxide and other naturally o

51、ccurringgases in the earths atmosphere create a natural greenhouse effect by trappingand absorbing solar radiation. These gases act as a blanket and keep the planetwarm enough for life to survive and flourish. The warming of the earth isbalanced by some of the heat escaping from the atmosphere back

52、into space. Without this pensating flow of heat out of the system, the temperature ofthe earths surface and its atmosphere would rise steadily.Scientists are increasingly concerned about ahuman-driven greenhouse effect resulting from a rise in atmospheric levels ofcarbon dioxide and other heat-trapp

53、ing greenhouse gases. The man-madegreenhouse effect is the exhalation of industrial civilization. A majorcontributing factor is the burning of large amounts of fossil fuelscoal,petroleum, and natural gas. Another is the destruction of the worlds forests,which reduces the amount of carbon dioxide con

54、verted to oxygen by plants.Emissions of carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, nitrous oxide, and methanefrom human activities will enhance the greenhouse effect, causing the earths surfaceto bee warmer. The main greenhouse gas, water vapor, will increase inresponse to global warming and further enhan

55、ce it.There is agreement within the scientificmunity that the buildup of green house gases is already causing the earths average surface temperature to rise. This is changing global climate at an unusuallyfast rate. According to the World Meteorological Organization, the earthsaverage temperature cl

56、imbed about 1 degree F in the past century, and nine ofthe ten warmest years on record have occurred since 1990. A United Nationspanel has predicted that average global temperatures could rise as much as 10.5degrees F during the next century as heat-trapping gases from human industryaccumulate in th

57、e atmosphere.What are the potential impacts of an enhancedgreen house effect? According to estimates by an international mittee, NorthAmerican climatic zones could shift northward by as much as 550 kilometers (340miles). Such a change in climate would likely affect all sectors of society. Insome are

58、as, heat and moisture stress would cut crop yields, and traditionalfarming practices would have to change. For example, in the North Americangrain belt, higher temperature and more frequent drought during the growingseason might require farmers to switch from corn to wheat and to use more waterfor i

59、rrigation.Global warming may also cause a rise in sealevel by melting polar ice caps. A rise in sea level would accelerate coastalerosion and inundate islands and low-lying coastal plains, some of which aredensely populated. Millions of acres of coastal farmland would be covered bywater. Furthermore

60、, the warming of seawater will cause the water to expand,thus adding to the potential danger.Global warming has already left itsfingerprint on the natural world. Two research teams recently reviewed hundredsof published papers that tracked changes in the range and behavior of plant andanimal species


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