



1、本文格式為Word版,下載可任意編輯 善意的謊言英語 假設(shè)孩子生活在批評(píng)中,他便學(xué)會(huì)譴責(zé); 假設(shè)孩子生活在激勵(lì)中,他便學(xué)會(huì)自信。 If a child lives in criticism, he learns to condemn; if a child lives in encouragement, he learns to be confident. 題記 - inscription 在我的小學(xué)生涯中,許大量多的事都已經(jīng)在我的腦海里印象模糊了,但是唯獨(dú)有件事,卻讓我銘刻在心,終生難忘。 In my primary school years, many things have been b

2、lurred in my mind, but there is only one thing that I remember in my heart and will never forget. 記得,那是在小學(xué)六年級(jí)的時(shí)候,我的學(xué)習(xí)勞績一向在下降,可能是頑皮所致吧。雖然我是一個(gè)女孩子,但是頑皮起來卻比男孩子有過之而無不及。上課時(shí),小手時(shí)常在桌箱里疊飛機(jī),老師望見了,也就是那么唬人的一句話:xxx,你在干什么,要是不想學(xué)了可以回家去?!倍乙仓皇且痪淝箴?jiān)挘骸袄蠋?,我錯(cuò)了,下次不敢了!” Remem()ber, when I was in the sixth grade of primary

3、school, my academic performance was declining all the time. Maybe it was due to mischief. Although I am a girl, I am more naughty than a boy. In class, the little hand often folds the airplane in the table box. The teacher sees that, which is a bluff: XXX, what are you doing? If you dont want to lea

4、rn, you can go home. And I just begged for mercy: teacher, Im wrong, I wont dare next time! 日子過的可真快,很快就到了其次學(xué)期期中考試。試后,我的勞績之差是可以想見的,我有些后怕,更讓我惶惶終日的是學(xué)校還要開家長會(huì)。在無奈中,我只好把勞績不好的事報(bào)告了媽媽。媽媽聽了后,并沒有說什么,便去開家長會(huì)了。 Its been a long time, and soon its the second semester mid-term exam. After the test, I can imagine the

5、 difference between my grades. Im afraid of it. What scares me all the time is that the school has to hold a parents meeting. In desperation, I had to tell my mother about my bad grades. After hearing this, mom didnt say anything, so she went to the parents meeting. 看著媽媽離去的背影,我的心里涌起一陣陣的懼怕。整整一個(gè)下午,我都在

6、忐忑擔(dān)心的心情中度過,我知道,媽媽回來后,斷定會(huì)對(duì)我發(fā)動(dòng)暴風(fēng)雨般地“伏擊”。窗處,是一片可怕的安寧。 Looking at the back of my mothers departure, I felt a wave of fear in my heart. I spent the whole afternoon in a state of uneasiness. I knew that when my mother came back, she would definitely launch a storm like attack on me. There was a terrible s

7、ilence at the window. “砰砰”一陣敲門聲驚醒了我雜亂的思緒。斷定是媽媽來了,這下我死定了!此時(shí),屋子里已經(jīng)暗了下來,我懷著慌張的心情用顫抖的手開了門,卻望見媽媽滿臉堆笑。即刻,我有些如墜五里霧中。媽媽一踏進(jìn)門檻就興奮地對(duì)我說:“xxx呀,今天下午開家長會(huì)時(shí),老師一向在表揚(yáng)你,說你活潑開朗,樂于助人?!?Bang bang A knock on the door awakened my confused thoughts. It must be my mother. Im dead now! At this time, the room has been dark down, I opened the door with trembling hands in a tense mood, but I saw my mothers face full of laughter. All of a sudden, I was in a fog. As soon as my mother stepped into the threshold, she excitedly said to me, XXX, when the pa


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