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1、1。交際(jioj)是人際交往的重要特征。通信(tng xn):數(shù)據(jù)傳輸?shù)难芯俊?. Communication is an important feature of human interaction. Communications: the study of the transfer of data.2。自我概念指的是我們思考自己的方式。這是一個(gè)人的獨(dú)特的屬性或特征(tzhng)的看法2積極自我概念:一個(gè)概念,使你盡力發(fā)揮你的能力和需要的感覺,在社會(huì)上有用的。 “Properly based confidence” is the result of genuine self-analysi

2、s and a resolve to build on strengths and eliminate weakness.“正確的信心”是真正的自我分析的結(jié)果,是建立在優(yōu)勢(shì)和消除弱點(diǎn)上的決心。“。 When developed, it leads to comm. success, improved self-esteem and continuing, more general effectiveness發(fā)達(dá)的時(shí)候,它會(huì)導(dǎo)致通信成功,提高自尊和繼續(xù),更有效積極自我概念:開放的,直接的,支持的,聰明,樂于助人,務(wù)實(shí),樂觀消極的自我概念:一個(gè)概念使你表現(xiàn)不佳,給了你,你是不是和其他人并沒有太多的

3、用人很不愉快的感覺。對(duì)批評(píng)過分敏感,看到自己的進(jìn)步不大,對(duì)未來悲觀。愿意嘗試的失敗和未來可能的批評(píng),恐懼功能文盲,與消極的自我概念的人一般選擇退出。 Negative self-concept: incompetent, surly, clumsy, over-sensitive to criticism, pessimistic, lack of confidence消極的自我概念:無(wú)能、粗暴、笨拙,對(duì)批評(píng)敏感,悲觀,缺乏信心2. Self-concept means the way we think about ourselves. It is ones perceptions of on

4、es unique attributes or traits positive self-concept: a concept which makes you perform to the best of your abilities and to feel wanted and useful in the community.“Properly based confidence” is the result of genuine self-analysis and a resolve to build on strengths and eliminate weakness.When deve

5、loped, it leads to comm. success, improved self-esteem and continuing, more general effectivenessPositive self-concept: open, direct, supportive, intelligent, helpful, and businesslike, optimistic negative self-concept: a concept which makes you perform poorly and gives you the unpleasant feeling th

6、at you are not as good as others people and not much use to anybody.Being over-sensitive to criticism, seeing little hope for improvement in themselves, being pessimistic about the future. Unwilling to try for fear of failure and possible future criticism, functional illiterates, and people with neg

7、ative self-concepts generally choose to withdraw.Negative self-concept: incompetent, surly, clumsy, over-sensitive to criticism, pessimistic, lack of confidence3。周哈里之窗3開放的領(lǐng)域:包含的事情(sh qing)是公開的已知和談?wù)?和可能(knng)被視為優(yōu)勢(shì)或劣勢(shì)。這就是我們選擇與他人分享的自我盲區(qū),或“盲點(diǎn)(mng din)”:關(guān)于他/她自己的未知的人,但其他人知道。這可以是簡(jiǎn)單的信息,或者涉及深層次的問題(例如,自卑,無(wú)能,不

8、配,拒絕)這是個(gè)體直接面對(duì)的困難,但可以看到他人的。隱藏或避免/私人領(lǐng)域包含我們自己的方面,我們知道,并保持隱藏的其他人。 The Unknown Area contains things that nobody knows about us - including ourselves. This may be because weve never exposed those areas of our personality, or because theyre buried deep in the subconscious.未知領(lǐng)域中包含的東西,沒有人知道我們-包括我們自己。這可能是因?yàn)槲覀?/p>

9、從來沒有暴露出我們?nèi)烁竦倪@些領(lǐng)域,或者是因?yàn)樗麄兩盥裨跐撘庾R(shí)里。3. Johari windowThe Open Area:contains things that are openly known and talked about - and which may be seen as strengths or weaknesses. This is the self that we choose to share with others Blind Area, or “Blind Spot”: What is unknown by the person about him/herself b

10、ut which others know. This can be simple information, or can involve deep issues (for example, feelings of inadequacy, incompetence, unworthiness, rejection) which are difficult for individuals to face directly, and yet can be seen by others. Hidden or Avoided/Private Area contains aspects of our se

11、lf that we know about and keep hidden from others.The Unknown Area contains things that nobody knows about us - including ourselves. This may be because weve never exposed those areas of our personality, or because theyre buried deep in the subconscious. 4。肢體語(yǔ)言:包括身體(shnt)的身體行為,眼睛接觸,姿勢(shì),姿勢(shì),方向等等。4. Bod

12、y language: involves the physical behaviour of bodies-eye contact, posture, gesture, orientation and so forth.5。沖突(chngt)是相互作用的相互影響的人,他們有不相容的目標(biāo),他們互相干擾,實(shí)現(xiàn)這些目標(biāo)。Condition of conflict(引起(ynq)的原因): discuss incompatible goals between people and they believe they have the power to reach these goals.沖突的狀況(引

13、起的原因):討論不相容的目標(biāo)的人,他們相信他們有能力達(dá)到這些目標(biāo)之間。間 。Conflict-handling styles:(沖突處理方式)沖突處理方式:(沖突處理方式)式 ) Competing(競(jìng)爭(zhēng))競(jìng)爭(zhēng)(競(jìng)爭(zhēng))爭(zhēng) ) Collaborating(合作共贏)合作(合作共贏)贏 ) Compromising(折中,妥協(xié))妥協(xié)(折中,妥協(xié))協(xié) ) Avoiding(回避)避免(回避) Accommodating(遷就)容納(遷就)就 )How to prevent destructive conflict:如何防止破壞性沖突:1) Listen carefully to prevent mi

14、sunderstanding.1)仔細(xì)聽,以防止誤解。2) Monitor employees work to assist them understand and coordinate their actions.2)監(jiān)督員工的工作,幫助他們理解和協(xié)調(diào)他們的行為。2為 。3) Encourage employees to approach you when they cannot solve difficulties with their colleagues by themselves.3)鼓勵(lì)員工在與同事解決困難時(shí),向你靠近。3近 。4) Clear the air with regul

15、ar meetings that allow for grievances(委屈) to be raised.4)定期會(huì)議,讓怨氣清除空氣(委屈)有待提高。4高 。5) Provide a suggestion box, and check and reply to it frequently.5)提供一個(gè)建議箱,并經(jīng)常檢查和回復(fù)它。5它 。6) Offer a lot of information about decisions to minimise confusion and resentment.6)提供了許多有關(guān)決定的信息,以盡量減少混亂和怨恨。7) Use employee sur

16、veys to identify any potential conflicts that have not as yet arisen.7)使用員工調(diào)查,以確定尚未出現(xiàn)的任何潛在沖突。5. Conflict is the interaction of interdependent people who have incompatible goals and who interfere with each other in achieving these goals.Condition of conflict(引起(ynq)的原因): discuss incompatible goals be

17、tween people and they believe they have the power to reach these goals.Conflict-handling styles:(沖突(chngt)處理方式)Competing(競(jìng)爭(zhēng)(jngzhng)Collaborating(合作共贏)Compromising(折中,妥協(xié))Avoiding(回避)Accommodating(遷就)How to prevent destructive conflict:Listen carefully to prevent misunderstanding.Monitor employees wo

18、rk to assist them understand and coordinate their actions.Encourage employees to approach you when they cannot solve difficulties with their colleagues by themselves.Clear the air with regular meetings that allow for grievances(委屈) to be raised.Provide a suggestion box, and check and reply to it fre

19、quently.Offer a lot of information about decisions to minimise confusion and resentment.Use employee surveys to identify any potential conflicts that have not as yet arisen. 6。邏輯是正確的和不正確的推理的研究。這是一項(xiàng)研究,闡明了好與壞的論點(diǎn)之間的區(qū)別,告訴我們?yōu)槭裁从行┱擖c(diǎn)是強(qiáng)的,應(yīng)該被接受,為什么有些論點(diǎn)是弱或無(wú)價(jià)值的。6. Logic is the study of correct and incorrect re

20、asoning. It is a study which clarifies the distinctions between good and bad arguments, telling us why some arguments are strong and should be accepted and why some arguments are weak or worthless.7。謬誤(謬誤):一個(gè)有缺陷的論點(diǎn)有無(wú)數(shù)種非正式謬誤。一些原因?qū)е路钦街囌`:粗心;注意論據(jù)不足;誤導(dǎo)7. Fallacy(謬誤(miw)): A flawed argument There are num

21、erous kinds of informal fallacy.Some reasons leading to informal fallacy: carelessness; lack of attention to the argument; misleading8。群體(qnt):2或更多的人共同(gngtng)行動(dòng),以達(dá)到共同的目標(biāo)或目標(biāo)。8群體分類正式群體:由組織的結(jié)構(gòu)定義,與指定的工作任務(wù)建立任務(wù)。 informal groups: are alliances that are neither formally structured nor organizationally dete

22、rmined非正式群體結(jié)盟,既不是正式的結(jié)構(gòu)化和組織確定的8. Group: Two or more people who act together to achieve common aims or goals.Classification of group formal groups: those defined by the organizations structure, with designated work assignments establishing task. informal groups: are alliances that are neither formally

23、 structured nor organizationally determined9、為什么人們加入團(tuán)體 Security: by joining a group, individuals can reduce the insecurity of standing alone. People feel stronger, have fewer self-doubts, and are more resistant to threats when they are part of a group.安全:通過加入一個(gè)團(tuán)體,個(gè)人可以減少不安全的孤獨(dú)。人們會(huì)感到更堅(jiān)強(qiáng),有更少的自我懷疑,當(dāng)他們是一

24、個(gè)群體的一部分時(shí),他們更有抵抗力的威脅。 task complexity: tackle task, working together to complete a job task.任務(wù)復(fù)雜性:解決任務(wù),共同完成工作任務(wù)。 social interaction: belonging to a group may help satisfy a need for human company.社會(huì)互動(dòng):屬于一個(gè)組可能有助于滿足人類需要的公司。 propinquity接近: belonging to a group simply because members find themselves loca

25、ted physically near each other接近接近:屬于一個(gè)團(tuán)體因?yàn)槌蓡T發(fā)現(xiàn)自己位于靠近對(duì)方 exchange: belonging to a group sometimes depends on a cost-benefit calculation made by members. (if cost benefit, will leave group )交換:屬于一個(gè)群體有時(shí)取決于成本效益計(jì)算的成員。(如有費(fèi)用利益,將離開集團(tuán))9.Why do people join groups Security: by joining a group, individuals can

26、reduce the insecurity of standing alone. People feel stronger, have fewer self-doubts, and are more resistant to threats when they are part of a group. task complexity: tackle task, working together to complete a job task. social interaction: belonging to a group may help satisfy a need for human co

27、mpany. propinquity接近(jijn): belonging to a group simply because members find themselves located physically near each other exchange: belonging to a group sometimes depends on a cost-benefit calculation made by members. (if cost benefit, will leave group )10。群體思維(團(tuán)體迷思):一個(gè)有缺陷的決策(juc)在團(tuán)體模式。10. Groupthi

28、nk(團(tuán)體(tunt)迷思): a pattern of defective decision making seen in groups.11。群體凝聚力(群體凝聚力):程度,群體成員相互吸引和激勵(lì)留在集團(tuán)11. Group cohesiveness(群體凝聚力):the degree to which group members are attracted to each other and are motivated to stay in the group12。文化:是他們?cè)谧约荷鐣?huì)中生活經(jīng)驗(yàn)的產(chǎn)物,是物質(zhì)和精神產(chǎn)品的總和。12. Culture: is the product of

29、their living experiences within their own society, is the sum of material and mental product. 13。馬斯洛的模式:馬斯洛的五個(gè)層次的人類需要應(yīng)用到一個(gè)廣告宣傳活動(dòng)的生態(tài)旅游公司的冒險(xiǎn)之旅。Self-actualization needs: get away from civilization, and rediscover the inner you.自我實(shí)現(xiàn)需要:遠(yuǎn)離文明,重新發(fā)現(xiàn)你的內(nèi)心。Esteem needs: all of your friends and colleagues will b

30、e impressed that you are taking this trip.尊重需要:你所有的朋友和同事會(huì)留下深刻的印象,你正在旅行。行 。Social needs: youre meet new people, with an approach to the wilderness similar to yours.社會(huì)需求:你認(rèn)識(shí)新的人,一個(gè)在曠野與你相似的方法。Safety needs: a paramedic accompanies each group, and we are in continual radio contact with home base.安全需求:醫(yī)護(hù)人員

31、陪伴每一組中,我們與基地持續(xù)的無(wú)線電聯(lián)系。Physiological needs: we havent forgotten your creature comforts-all tents have light and heating/cooling facilities生理需求:我們沒有忘記你的舒適,所有的帳篷都光和加熱/冷卻設(shè)施13. Maslows model: Maslows five levels of human needs applied to an advertising campaign of an ecotourism companys adventure tours. S

32、elf-actualization needs: get away from civilization, and rediscover the inner you. Esteem needs: all of your friends and colleagues will be impressed that you are taking this trip. Social needs: youre meet new people, with an approach to the wilderness similar to yours. Safety needs: a paramedic acc

33、ompanies each group, and we are in continual radio contact with home base. Physiological needs: we havent forgotten your creature comforts-all tents have light and heating/cooling facilities.14。Geert Hofstede的文化(wnhu)維度霍夫斯塔德文化(wnhu)維度Power Distance is focused on how a society deals with the fact tha

34、t people are unequal in physical and intellectual capabilities權(quán)力的距離是一個(gè)社會(huì)如何處理的事實(shí),人們是不平等的,在物理(wl)和智力能力個(gè)人主義與集體主義是專注于個(gè)人和他或她的伙伴的關(guān)系不確定性規(guī)避措施的程度,不同的文化社會(huì)成員接受模棱兩可的歧義的環(huán)境男性和女性氣質(zhì)看性別和工作角色之間的關(guān)系長(zhǎng)期與短期導(dǎo)向。這個(gè)維度描述了一個(gè)社會(huì)的“時(shí)間跨度”,或未來與過去和現(xiàn)在的重要性。14. Geert Hofstede culture dimensions霍夫斯塔德文化維度Power Distance is focused on how a

35、society deals with the fact that people are unequal in physical and intellectual capabilities Individualism Versus Collectivism is focused on the relationship between the individual and his or her fellows Uncertainty Avoidance measures the extent to which different cultures socialize their members into accepting ambiguous situations and tolerating ambiguity Masculinity Versus Femininity looks at the relationship between gender and work rolesLong vs. short term orientation. This dimension describes a


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