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1、Lesson 90Whats for supper?單詞講解chip overfish giant terrify diver oil rig n. 油煎土豆片v. 過度捕撈adj. 巨大的v. 嚇,使恐怖n. 潛水員石油鉆塔wit cage shark whale variety cod skatefactor crew n. (復(fù)數(shù))理智,頭腦n. 籠n. 鯊魚n. 鯨n. 品種n. 鱈n. 鰩n. 因素n. 全體工作人員overfish v. 過度捕撈 over 做前綴,表示“過度的” 打扮的過了份 overdressed我把飯做糊了。I overcook the rice. 你過分了。

2、You overdid it. giant (1)adj. 巨大的giant = huge quantity big/large/great/huge/immense/fantastic tremendous adj. 巨大的(大的讓人不相信,驚訝) enormous adj. 巨大的(大的讓人不相信,驚訝) This is a tremendous shoe. This is tremendous and enormous.(2)n. (故事或傳說等) 巨人、大漢Jack saw the giant climbing down the beanstalk (3) n. 偉人、大人物He is

3、 the giant in the field of electronics. terrify v. 嚇,使恐怖、使受驚嚇(主語是嚇人者,賓語是被嚇者)terrify sb 驚嚇某人、威脅(某人)他的突然出現(xiàn),嚇壞了他們。His sudden appearance terrified them . be terrified of 害怕 ., 恐懼.孩子們害怕被罵。The children were terrified of being scolded . be terrified by / be terrified at 被嚇一跳他的突然出現(xiàn)使他們都嚇壞了。They were terrifie

4、d by his sudden appearance .They were terrified at his sudden appearance .fear/be afraid of 害怕(主語是人)frighten/scare 嚇了一跳(主語是物,嚇了一跳,但很快就恢復(fù)了平靜,主語是嚇人者,賓語是被嚇者)You frighten me. 你嚇了我一跳 diver n. 潛水員、跳水選手dive n. vi.跳水,潛水;俯沖,撲從橋上跳入河中dive from the bridge into the riverdive for (為尋找或?。?潛水他們潛水去撈牡蠣They dived down

5、 for oysters . dive into (突然)投入, 跳入、潛心研究他潛心研究中國的歷史。He dived into the history of China . oil(1) n. 油 食用油cooking oilpour oil on the flame(2) n. 油畫顏料畫油畫paint in oils(3) v. 在.注 (涂)油給鐘加油oil a clock wit (1)n. (復(fù)數(shù))理智,頭腦(wits)他反應(yīng)敏銳He has quick wits .他在緊急情況中缺少臨機(jī)應(yīng)變的能力。He lacked the wits to see what to do in t

6、he emergency .(2)機(jī)智、聰明(u)他的演講充滿了機(jī)智和幽默。His speech was full of wit and humor .live by ones wits 靠小聰明過日子out of ones wits 失去理智 variety n.多樣化他過著豐富多彩的生活He lives a life full of variety.a variety of 種種,多種多樣的地球上有各種不同的人。There are a wide variety of people on the earth .variety show (英)綜藝節(jié)目variety store (美) 雜貨店

7、various adj.(1) 形形色色的、種種的來自各國的代表representatives from various countries(2) 許多的、好幾個的(無比較級變化) factor () n.(造成某結(jié)果的) 因素、要素造成糾紛的主要因素就是錢Money is the main factor that caused the dispute.誠信是他成功的因素之一。Honesty is one factor for his success .(2) n. 因數(shù)、因子 crew n.(船、飛機(jī)、火車等的) 全體工作人員(集體名詞)The crew is large . The cre

8、w of the jet are 30 in all .The plane had seventy passengers and a crew of ten .crew cut 小平頭staff n. 辦公室的全體工作人員 crew 和staff 屬于集合名詞,可能會做單數(shù),可能會做復(fù)數(shù)。special (1)adj. 特殊的,特別的,獨(dú)特的He received special care while in Paris.(2) adj. 專門的,特制的,專用的Special cages are made to protect them from giant fish.Fish and chip

9、s has always been a favorite dish in Britain, but as the oceans have been overfished, fish has become more and more expensive.fish and chips(魚和炸土豆片,傳統(tǒng)英國食物,是一道菜)被看作是一個整體,因此,雖然 chips 是復(fù)數(shù)形式,它后面卻要跟動詞的單數(shù)形式。dish 在這里指“一盤菜”或“菜肴”、“食品”: I like French dishes. 我喜歡(吃)法國菜。 Would you like a sweet dish? 您要一盤甜食嗎? mo

10、re and more 越來越(多音節(jié)用more and more 加原級)more and more interesting I love you more and more each day as time goes by.隨著時間的流逝我每一天越來越愛你。 fatter and fatter 越來越胖(單音節(jié)直接加er,然后用and 連接)So it comes as a surprise to learn that giant fish are terrifying the divers on North Sea oil rigs. North Sea 北海it comes as a

11、surprise + to do sth. /that 某事令人驚訝 It comes as a surprise that it rains/snows. It comes as a surprise to have four lessons in three hours. 令人吃驚的表達(dá): to ones surprise The most surprising thing about it is that get a surprise What a surprise it is It comes as a surprise + to do sth. /thatOil rigs have

12、to be repaired frequently and divers, who often have to work in darkness a hundred feet under water, have been frightened out of their wits by giant fish bumping into them as they work.be frightened out of their wits 被嚇暈了、被嚇得驚惶失措bump into bump into 碰上,撞上Wandering in darkness, the drunk bumped into a

13、 policeman. 那醉漢在黑夜中閑蕩時撞到了一個警察的身上。 偶然遇見,碰見(多用于口語)I bumped into Jane at the conference. 我開會時碰見了簡Now they have had special cages made to protect them from these monsters.have sth done get sth done 讓別人做某事protect sb. from + n. 保護(hù)使之不受侵害(protect常與from或against連用) This coat will protect you against the cold.

14、He tried to protect the child from the rain/the dog.The fish are not sharks or killer whales, but favorite eating varieties like cod and skate which grow to unnatural sizes, sometimes as much as twelve feet in length.notbut 不是而是eating adj. 供食用的;宜生食的 favourite eating variety 深受人們喜愛的食用的品種Eating corn i

15、s quite sweet. 食用玉米很香甜。These are eating apples, and those are cooking apples/ones.這些是生吃的蘋果,那些是烹飪用的蘋果。grow to 長到 as much as 像一樣(最大限度)+ 數(shù)字 as much as five meters tall as far as + 從句 as far as I could get 長寬高深的表達(dá)方式 數(shù)詞 + 量詞 +adj. two feet deep 數(shù)詞 + 量詞 + in + 名詞 long - length ;high - height ;wide width ;

16、deep - depth two feet in depth Three factors have caused these fish to grow so large: cause + n. to do 成為原因旱災(zāi)造成植物死亡The drought caused the plants to die . cause + n. 導(dǎo)致是什么使他生病?What caused his sickness ?事故是由于粗心大意而引起的。The accident is caused by carelessnesscause sb sth cause sth to sb 引導(dǎo)某人、某事他帶給父母許多麻煩。H

17、e caused his parents a lot of trouble . He caused a lot of trouble to his parents the warm water round the hot oil pipes under the sea; the plentiful supply of food thrown overboard by the crews on the rigs;overboard adv.(自船上、岸上) 到水中fall overboard 從船上落水、 從火車上掉下來plentiful adj. 豐富的、很多的(反義詞scarce)水供應(yīng)充足

18、a plentiful supply of water plenty n.plenty of 大量的 通常用于肯定句中否定句、疑問句則用enough , much , manythrow sth. overboard = throw away 扔掉 throw the rubbish overboard the total absence of fishing boats around the oil rigs.total在這里表示“完全的,徹底的”(相當(dāng)于complete) His letter is a total surprise to her. That girl is a total

19、 stranger to me.absence of 缺少,不存在These plants dont grow well because of the absence of rain/sunshine.total absence of 完全沒有total absence of mind 心不在焉 The total absence of mind caused him to fail the exam. the total absence of order 沒有秩序 As a result, the fish just eat and eat and grow and grow in the lovely warm water.as a result = so 結(jié)果是,因此 他沒有努力學(xué)習(xí)數(shù)學(xué),因此他沒有通過考試。He didnt work hard at mathematics. A


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