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1、重慶大學(xué)光電工程學(xué)院復(fù)試電磁學(xué)試題 和復(fù)試面試指導(dǎo)一. 填空題(50 分)1.電磁感應(yīng)強(qiáng)度的單位: 2.一線密度為l的圓環(huán),其中心處的電場強(qiáng)度: 電勢: 3.安培環(huán)路定理: ;用公式表示為: 4.畢奧-薩法爾定理: ;用公式表示為: 5.一均勻分布電荷圓盤,被挖掉一個同心小圓盤后,其中心電勢如何變化?(變大、變小、還是不變?) 6.通過某一曲面S的磁通量表示為: 7.磁場高斯定理: 用公式表示為 8.電勢與電場強(qiáng)度的積分關(guān)系表達(dá)式: 兩者的微分關(guān)系表達(dá)式: 9.麥克斯韋方程組積分形式: ; ; ; ;微分形式: ; ; ;三個描述各向同性介質(zhì)性質(zhì)的方程: ; ; 10.某沿Z 向的長直導(dǎo)線的周

2、圍電勢分布為:=Aln(x2+y2),則其電場強(qiáng)度:Ex= ,Ey= 11.某均勻帶電體的電場分布表達(dá)式: 某均勻帶電面的電場分布表達(dá)式: 某均勻帶電線的電場分布 12.靜電場高斯定理: 公式表達(dá)式: 13.電流連續(xù)性方程: 含義: 14.洛倫茲力是: 公式表達(dá)式: 15.某平面載流線圈的磁矩是指: 公式表達(dá)式: 16.光速的公式表達(dá)式: 其E與H的關(guān)系: 坡印亭矢量表達(dá)式: 含義: 17.法拉第電磁感應(yīng)定律: 公式表達(dá)式: 18.帶電體的尺寸比線度小很多時,帶電體可以視為: 二.選擇題(30 分,每題3 分)1. 正三角形三個頂點分別放電荷Q,2Q,3Q,求其中心(距頂點距離為L)處的一個點

3、電荷被移動到最遠(yuǎn)處時,則正三角形對其作的功為( )A、6Q/(4L) B、4Q/(4L) C、3Q/(4L) D、Q/(4L)2.兩個平行的相距為L的面積為S 的電極板,分別帶電荷為:Q,2Q,介電常量為,則兩極板電勢差為( )A、QL/(S) B、QL/(2S) C、2QL/(S) D、QL/(3S)3.平行板電容器帶電荷為:Q,-Q,面積為S,間距為d,求其極板被拉到2d時,外力做的功為( )A、dQ2/(S) B、dQ2/(2S) C、dQ2/(3S) D、3dQ2/(S)4.平行板電容器帶電荷為:Q,-Q,面積為S,間距為d,則其中一個電極板對另一個電極板的作用力為( )A、2Q2 d

4、/(S) B、2Qd/(S) C、Q2/(S) D、Q2 /(2S)5.靜電場高斯定理,正確理解的是( )A、電場線一定是閉合的B、某閉合曲面上的電場強(qiáng)度僅僅與其內(nèi)部的凈電荷有關(guān)C、某閉合曲面上的電場強(qiáng)度數(shù)值上僅僅與其內(nèi)部的凈電荷有關(guān)D、電場線可以相交6.均勻電場線上的兩點電場強(qiáng)度E和電勢的關(guān)系?( )A、越大,E越大 B、越大,E越小 C、電場線越密,電勢越大 D、沒有關(guān)系7.關(guān)于電場和磁場的關(guān)系,正確的是( )A、均勻電場周圍有著恒定的磁場 B、均勻磁場周圍有著恒定的電場C、交變電場周圍有著恒定的磁場 D、交變磁場周圍有著恒定的電場8.關(guān)于霍爾效應(yīng),說法正確的有( )A、霍爾電壓的方向與載

5、流子的種類無關(guān) B、載流子濃度越大霍爾電壓越大C、霍爾電壓與薄片的寬度無關(guān) D、金屬元件比半導(dǎo)體元件的霍爾電壓的數(shù)值大9.關(guān)于帶電粒子在垂直于均勻磁場方向的平面上運(yùn)動,說法正確的是( )A、電子和質(zhì)子的運(yùn)動半徑相同 B、核質(zhì)比相同的粒子的回旋周期一定相同C、回旋周期與粒子速度成反比 D、運(yùn)動半徑和粒子速度成正比10.關(guān)于恒定電流,下列說法錯誤的是( )A、電子的漂移速度與電場的傳播速度相同B、沿任何閉合回路的電勢降落的代數(shù)和為0C、其電荷分布不隨時間改變D、沿任何閉合曲面的電流密度的通量為0三.計算題(20 分,每題10分)1.一個厚度為0.5cm 的無限均勻帶電板,電荷密度為1.2E-6(c

6、/m3),(1)求距其表面0.1cm處的電場強(qiáng)度;(2)求其表面外的電場強(qiáng)度;2.一個圓形線圈A 由50 匝細(xì)線繞成,截面積4.0cm2,放在另一個匝數(shù)為100,半徑為20.0cm 的圓形線圈B 的中心,兩線圈同軸。求:(1)兩線圈的互感系數(shù);(2)當(dāng)線圈A 中的電流以50A/s 的變化率減少時,線圈B 內(nèi)的磁通量的變化率;(3)線圈B的感生電動勢;復(fù)試面試常見問題!英語:1你來自那個學(xué)校?2什么專業(yè)?3你的學(xué)校所在城市有啥景點(signpoints)?4業(yè)余時間干什么?5對于公共場合抽煙你怎么想?6關(guān)于奧運(yùn)會利弊?7介紹一下你自己?8談?wù)勀愕奈磥泶蛩悖?香港電影發(fā)展快的原因10你對911事件


8、事?12畢業(yè)設(shè)計是做什么的?做的怎么樣了?(很重要,答的好什么都OK啦,說詳細(xì)點,就少問你幾個問題,如果你搞的是綜述方面的論文最好就免談了)13 什么是鏈表?14計算機(jī)構(gòu)成?15普通光源的特點?16防眩暈燈的原理?17半波損失是什么?18光的本質(zhì)?19全反射的原理和應(yīng)用?20菲涅爾衍射?21干涉條件?22時序和邏輯電路的區(qū)別?23.相干光源和普通光源的區(qū)別?24實驗題:用示波器怎么測頻率,周期等?25計算機(jī)由什么組成?26誤差有哪幾類?怎么檢測?27你未來五年有什么打算?28防眩暈燈是什么原理及其和半波損失的關(guān)系?29精密機(jī)械中零件的主要技術(shù)指標(biāo)是什么?30 PN結(jié)的性質(zhì)與原理?31光電倍增管

9、是干什么用的?32對專業(yè)碩士和學(xué)術(shù)碩士的看法?33零點飄移?大家都把自己以前面試的問題發(fā)兩個上來,讓學(xué)弟學(xué)妹們參考參考吧(注:光就是光學(xué)類的定義啦,區(qū)別啦,實驗條件啦。電就是電子技術(shù)。計算機(jī) 就是計算機(jī)硬件。中文題涵蓋了模電數(shù)電和硬件)( 一點經(jīng)驗,多了解點光電方面的知識,不需要深,而是要廣,他們問的基本上很多都是專業(yè)課沒學(xué)的,或者學(xué)了,但是不是重點,平時沒留意)1 Selfintroduce(自我介紹)Good morning /afternoon, my dear teachers, my dear professors. I am very gald to be here for you

10、r interview. my chinese name is which was given me by my parents. symbolizes peace, health and happiness.I also have an English name. my English name is which was given me by my a college English teacher who came from . represents a childish. In my teachers eye, I am a child forever.I am 24 years ol

11、d. I come from city. My undergraduate period will be accomplished in university in July this year. Now I am trying my best for obtaining a key to this university.Generally speaking I am a hard working student especially do the thing that I am interested in. I will try my best to finish it no matter

12、how difficult it is. when I was sophomore, I found web design was very intertesting.so I learnd it very hard.To weaver a homepage for myself ,I stayed with my personal computer half a month.And I am the first one in our class who own his homepage.Furthermore I am a person with perseverance because I

13、 firmly believe that persevercance can sometimes equal genius. just like an old proverb goes, there are only two creatures who can mount the pyramids the eagle and the snail.During the days preparing for the first examination, I insist on running everyday no matter what the weather was like. And jus

14、t owing to this ,I could concentrate on my study and succeed in the end.Well, in my spare time, I like basketball, Chinese chess and pingpong. English is also my favorite. So I often go to English corner to practice my oral English and write compositions to improve my written ability but I know my E

15、nglish is not good enough. so I will continue studying English hardOk, thats all, thank you for your attention, my god bless you.2 The reason for my choice(為什么要考研)I have been deeply impressed by the academic atmosphere when I came here last summer. In my opinion, as one of the most famous university

16、 in our city,It provides people with enough room to get further enrichment .I think this is my first reasonThe second one is I am long for doing some research in this universiy throughout my life . Its a pleasure to be with my favorite scientifical research for my life-time. I suppose this is most i

17、mportant factor in my decision.Thirdly, I think further study is still urgent for me to realize myself vaule. Life is precious, one time for everyone including me. So it is necessary to seize any opportunity for self-development,espcially in the competitive modern world.3 plan in the postgraduate (研

18、究生期間的計劃)Well, thank you for question。 I hope I can form systematic view of 大專業(yè)詞匯 . As for 專業(yè) , especially 研究方向 , my express wish is to get to complete comprehension of formation and development as well as potential economical value. If possible, I will go on with my study for doctorate degree.In a w

19、ord I am looking forward to making a solid foundation for further profession after three yeas study here.4 my family (我的家庭)There are six members in my family. My grandfather,my parents my sister,my bother and me. My father is a agent of china life assurance limited company. So he often goes out on b

20、usiness.Its obvious to most of us and people around us that most of housework is done my industrious mom. Both my sister and my brother are doctor in my hometown in order to take care of our big family. Mounting at the weekends is our common interest. The fresh air and natural beauty can help us get

21、 rid of tiredness. They also can strengthen our relaxation. During preparing for coming here,my grandfathers my parents my sisters my brothers love and support have always been my power. So I hope in the future I will able to repay them.5 my hometown ChongQing city(我的家鄉(xiāng))(material source:HYPERLINK /

22、I am from a famous city with a long history over 1000 years 城市名字 city. The city lies in southwestern of china and she also is the center of industry and economy in southwestern chinaNow,indeed ,chongqing city is the bigest city in china in terms of area and population.In addition , 城市名字 is a popular

23、 destination for travelers with her hilly slopes, night views, rivers ,fog and hotpot. As the matter of fact , owing to rivers and fog, it maybe said without fear of exaggeration that城市名字 is a natural wonder. So it is pleasant to visit the city in any season except in summer. Because you know chongq

24、ing is unbearably hot during the summer.In a word , I love my hometown城市名字 city more than people around me can imagin. I was born in this city and her culture have been having a profound influence on my life as well as my work.6 my university (我的大學(xué))你的大學(xué)名字 is one of the oldest univeristy in henan pro

25、vinceIt was founded in 1908 and covers an area of 2500 mu. The building area coves about 1000 mu. It develops into a comprehensive university with the efforts of generations especially after the reform and opening up. It takes lead among the same species universities with nice teaching and scientifical research ability. The labrary has a storage of 1.5 million books. And various research institutes are set up including 32 scientifical research center. There are teaching research ex


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