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1、 長城英語精選作文帶翻譯遙望長城, 它是人類歷史中最燦爛的一顆星。 以下是小編給大家整理搜集的長城英語精選作文帶翻譯,供大家閱讀參考。長城英語精選作文帶翻譯一長城是中國的象征。 遠(yuǎn)看那宏偉的長城, 像一條長龍?jiān)诔缟骄X之間蜿蜒盤旋,從山海關(guān)到嘉峪關(guān),就有一萬三千多里!從北京出發(fā),不過幾十公里就能到達(dá)長城腳下。啊,長城好長好長,一眼望不到頭,仿佛巨蛇躺在山嶺上休息。長城是用許多條石和城磚筑成的。頂上鋪著方磚,十分整齊,像一條寬寬的馬路,五六匹馬兒可以并排走。 城墻外沿有兩米多高的成排的垛子, 上方有方形的望口和射口,供了望和射擊用,城墻頂上,隔幾百米有座城臺,古時候打仗可以互相照應(yīng)!長城其實(shí)不是

2、一道單獨(dú)的城墻,而是由城墻、敵樓、關(guān)城、墩堡、營城、衛(wèi)所、鎮(zhèn)城烽火臺等多種防御工事所組成的完整工程體系。假如站在長城上, 很自然會想起古代修筑長城的勞動人民。 單看這條石,一塊就有兩三千斤重。那時候工具少,只能靠無數(shù)人民的肩膀無數(shù)的手, 一步一步地抬上這地形峻峭的山嶺。 多少勞動人民的血汗、智慧,才有這前不見首、后不見尾的萬里長城啊!這么個氣魄宏偉的工程,是一個偉大的奇跡!T he G reat W all is a symbol of C hina. F ar from the majestic wall, like a long dragon winding between mountai

3、ns andmountains, from shanhaiguan to jiayuguan, there are more than 13,000!F rom B eijing,only a few tens of kilometers can reach thefoot of the Great Wall. Ah, the Great Wall is long and long, at first sight, as if the giant snake lay on the mountains to rest. The Great Wall is madeof manystone and

4、 brick. T he top was paved with square bricks, and it was as neat as a broad road, and five or six horses could walk abreast. O utside walls along the rows of buttress has two meters high, above the square at the mouth and the nozzle, for observation and shooting, and on the top of the wall, aC heng

5、T ai every few hundredmeters - ancient war can mutual echo. The Great Wall is not a single wall, but a complete engineering system composed of walls, enemy buildings, guancheng, pierburg, camp city, wei place, town tower, and other fortifications.of the working people, theS tanding on the G reat Wal

6、l, it is natural to think of the ancient working people who built the Great Wall. I f you look at the stone, it weighs two or three kilograms. There were few tools at that time, and it wasonly by the hands of countless people on the shoulders of countless people, and one by one, they lifted up the s

7、teep mountains. T he blood sweat and wisdomGreat Wall of theGreat Wall, ow we have come to the foot of theGreat Wall. This which has not been seen before, is not seen. S uch an ambitious project is a great miracle!長城英語精選作文帶翻譯二瞧,遠(yuǎn)看長城它像一條長龍,在崇山峻嶺之間蜿蜒盤旋。從東頭 的山海關(guān)到西頭的嘉峪關(guān),有一萬三千多里?,F(xiàn)在我們已來到長城腳下。 這一段長城修筑在八達(dá)嶺上

8、, 它高大鞏固, 是用巨大的條石和城磚筑成的。 城墻頂上鋪著方磚, 十分平整,像很寬的馬路, 五六匹馬可以并行。 城墻外沿有兩米多高的成排的垛子,垛子上有方形的?望口和射口,供?望和射擊用。城墻頂上,每隔三百多米就有一座方形的城臺,屯兵的堡壘,打仗的時候,城臺之 間可以互相照應(yīng)。現(xiàn)在我們站在了長城上,踏著腳下的方磚,扶著墻上的條石,你會很自然地想起古代修筑長城勞動人民來。 單著這數(shù)不清的條石, 一 塊有兩三千斤重,那時候沒有火車,汽車,沒有起重機(jī)這峻峭的嶺,就靠著無數(shù)的肩膀無數(shù)的手,可想當(dāng)時的勞動人民是多么偉大。這樣氣魄雄的工程,世界歷史上可是一個偉大的奇跡啊!難道長城的宏偉壯麗, 那莽莽蒼蒼

9、的雄資不讓我們深深沉醉嗎? 接下來就讓大家自己去細(xì)細(xì)領(lǐng)會吧。Look, the Great Wall looks like a long dragon, winding between mountains and mountains. F rom the shanhaiguan pass to the west end of jiayuguan, there are more than 13,000 li.section of the G reat Wall was built on badaling, and it wasmadeof huge stones and bricks. T he

10、 top of the wall was paved with square bricks, very flat, like a wide road, and five or six horses in parallel. T he walls are lined with rows of two metres high, with squares on them.Mouth and mouth, for? Look and shoot. At the top of the wall, there was a square tower every three hundred meters, a

11、 fortress of soldiers, and at the time of battle, the towers of the city were able to echo each other.N ow we are standing on the G reat Wall, with the square brick under foot, holding the stone on the wall, and you will naturally think of the ancient people who built theG reat Wall. S ingle the cou

12、ntless stone, a piece of have two or three one thousand catties, at that time there were no trains, cars, no crane this steep ridge, rely on countless countless hands, shoulders to the time of the working people is great.I t is a great miracle in the history of the world.I s the majesty of the Great

13、 Wall so magnificent that it does not make us deeply intoxicated? S o lets do that for ourselves.長城英語精選作文帶翻譯三在荷花開放的季節(jié)里,北京的天氣也很熱,烈日當(dāng)頭,但我們?yōu)?了去首都觀光旅游,不顧炎熱,媽媽還帶我去登萬里長城。我們?nèi)サ情L城,乘專車來到長城腳下,哇!長城可真?zhèn)ゴ笱?!遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)望去就像一條巨龍臥在大山上,起起伏伏,好高好高呀!就是把后 腦勺貼在背上也看不見頂。我們順著一條很窄的樓梯爬上了一個峰火臺, 從門口走出去, 來 到城墻里,然后抓著欄桿往高處爬,上了一個一個臺階,過了一個一個烽火臺

14、,才到了上長城的一半,我累得大汗淋漓,氣喘吁吁,像個泄了氣的皮球,一屁股坐在地上爬不起來了, “暄暄,你腳下的路是工人用血汗砌成的,一定要爬上去。” “記得“不到長城非好漢”這句話嗎?” 媽媽二次說到。 我立即增加了百倍力氣, 迅速往長城頂上沖,到了最后一段,石梯陡得已經(jīng)快碰到鼻子了,耳熱、心跳、氣喘,經(jīng)過了最后的掙扎,我終于爬上了長城。這時,我看到全北京都映在我的眼簾中,真是“欲窮千里目,更上一層樓” ,我深深領(lǐng)會到了這兩句詩的真正含義。I n the open season of lotus flowers, the weather inBeijing is very hot, the h

15、ot sun is on the head, but we are going to visit the capital for sightseeing, regardless of the heat, my mother took me to the Great Wall.We went to the Great Wall and went to the Great Wall by car. Wow! What a Great Wall it is! I t looks like a giant dragon lying on the mountain, rise and fall, hig

16、h and high!ust put the back of your head on your back and you cant see the top.W e follow the narrow stairs to climb up a fire station, and walked out the door, cameto the wall, then grabbed the rail uphill climb, on the steps, one at a time, had a a beacon tower, only to half on the G reat Wall, I

17、was too tired to sweat, panting, like a frustrated the ball, a butt sitting on the ground couldnt climb up, X uan X uan, the path of your feet are workers built with sweat, must climb up. Remember thephrase not to the G reat Wall ? Mother said twice. I immediately increased by one hundred times the effort, quickly ran on the top of the G reat Wall, in the last paragraph, the steep stone ladder faster has touched the nose, heated, he


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