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1、Section APeriod 5 (3a-self check)Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation ?學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo)1. 詞匯: as hill duck dislike, Tiananmen Square, the Palace等。 2.能用過去式句子寫小短文3. 通過合作學(xué)習(xí)談?wù)撨^去發(fā)生的事,啟發(fā)學(xué)生思維. Wednesday , _ 20th Today the weather was _.I went to _. It was _. We _. I liked this place because _. For dinner we had _ . It

2、was _.In the evening , I felt really _.3aComplete the diary entry about a trip to one of these places. Use the words and phrases in the box to help you.hot and sunny tiredBeijing duck delicioustake some photos beautiful buy something special interestinglearn something important AugustAugust hot and

3、sunnyTianan men Squarebeautifultook some photos and bought something special.learned something importantBeijing duckdelicioustired3b . Answer the questions to make notes about a vacation you took.3cWrite a travel diary like Janes on page. Use your notes in 3b.Thursday, August 1stToday I went to the

4、Palace Museum. It was cool. Then I walked along Changan Street till Tianan Men Square. The square was very big. There were many people there. 來源:Zxxk.ComI took some photos. Then I went to a Beijing hutong. It was very old but very interesting. In the afternoon, I went to the Great Wall. The Great Wa

5、ll was fantastic, so I took lots of photos there. But it was very tiring to climb the wall, so I felt very tired. After I came back to my hotel I decided go to bed early. anyone No oneNothing anyingEverything Everyone did went started tookfoundWerent were told went jumped started forgot來源:Zxxk.ComHa

6、ppy Tasting來源:Zxxk.Com詞匯練習(xí)1.去度假 _ 2.待在家里 _ 3.去海灘 _ 4. 在度假 _ 5. 去爬山 _ 6.參觀博物館 _ 7.去夏令營(yíng) _8. 太擁擠 _ 翻譯下列詞組。go on vacation . stay at home . go to the beachbe on vacation go to the mountains visit the Palace Museumgo to summer camp too crowded詞匯練習(xí)9.相當(dāng)多 _ 10.為而學(xué)習(xí)_ 11.出去 _ 12.大部分時(shí)間 _ 13.嘗起來很好吃_ 14.玩得高興 _ 15

7、.當(dāng)然 _16.給的感覺;感受到_ 翻譯下列詞組。quite a few. study for. go outmost of the timetaste goodvisit the Palace Museumgo to summer camp feel like詞匯練習(xí)17.去購(gòu)物 _ 18.在過去 _ 19.四處走走 _ 20.因?yàn)?_ 21.一碗_ 22.第二天 _ 23.喝茶 _24.找出;查明 _ 翻譯下列詞組。go shopping. in the past. walk around because ofone bowl ofthe next day drink tea find o

8、ut詞匯練習(xí)25. 繼續(xù) _ 26.照相 _ 27.重要的事 _ 28.上上下下_ 29.出來 _ 30.為某人買某物 _ 31.嘗起來 _32.看起來_ 翻譯下列詞組。go on take photos something importantup and downcome upbuy sth. for sb. / buy sb. sth.taste + adj. look+adj. 詞匯練習(xí)33.除了之外什么都沒有 _ 34.看起來似乎 _ 35.到達(dá)某地 _ 36.決定去做某事_ 37.想要做某事 _ 38.為某人買某物 _ 39.嘗起來 _40.看起來_ 翻譯下列詞組。nothingbu

9、t+動(dòng)詞原形 seem+(to be)+ adj.arrive in+大地點(diǎn) / arrive at+小地點(diǎn) decide to do sth. feel like doing sth.buy sth. for sb. / buy sb. sth.taste + adj. look+adj. 詞匯練習(xí)41. .嘗試做某事 _ 42.盡力去做某事 _ 43.忘記做過某事 _ 44.忘記做某事_ 45.想要做某事 _ 46.喜歡做某事 _ 47.開始去做另外一件事 _48.停止正在做的事去做另外一件事_ 翻譯下列詞組。try doing sth. try to do sth.forget doin

10、g sth.Forget to do sth. feel like doing sth.enjoy doing sth. start to do sth. stop to do sth. 詞匯練習(xí)49.不喜歡做某事 _ 50.繼續(xù)做某事 _ 51.為什么不做呢? _ 52.如此以至于_ 53.告訴某人(不要)做某事_ 54.喜歡做某事 _ 55.開始正在做的事 _56.停止正在做的事 _ 翻譯下列詞組。dislike doing sth. keep doing sth. Why not do. sth.? so+adj.+that+從句tell sb. (not) to do sth.enjo

11、y doing sth. start doing sth. stop doing sth. 1. Tom and Mary _ (come) to China last month.2. My daughter _ (not go) to school yesterday. 3. _ she _ (practice) her guitar yesterday? No, she _.4. There _ (be) three trees around my house last year. 5. What _ you _ (do) last weekend? I _ (study) math o

12、n Saturday.camedidnt go用所給動(dòng)詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。 詞匯練習(xí)Did practiceweredid dodidntstudied6. Lucy did her homework yesterday evening.(改為否定句)Lucy _ _ _ _ yester- day evening.7. I had lunch at my friends home. (改為一般疑問句,并作肯定回答) _ you _ _ at your friends home?_, _ _.8. Jim went to the beach last Sunday. (對(duì)畫線部分提問)_ _ Jim _ last Sunday?9. They played basketball yesterday. (對(duì)畫線部分提問)_ _ they play basketball?10. The students had great fun in the park. (改為同


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