



1、牛津小學(xué)英語6A U1-U2單元練習(xí)卷Class Name 筆試部分 70一、找出劃線部分不同音的單詞 4()1. A.sweater B.teacherC.cleanD.mean( ) 2. A.dear B.near C.pear D.hear( )3. A.herB.father C.word D.Thursday( )4. A.shoulderB.shouldC.show D.old二、詞組互譯 101禁止踐踏草坪_2. 在8月9號 _3一些公共標(biāo)志_ 4.發(fā)出噪音_5.10月12號_ 6. 舉行生日聚會_7.禁止抽煙_ 8. the sign on the birds cage_9吹

2、滅蠟燭_ 10. mean different things _三、按所給單詞在句子里的正確形式填空 101.What does that sign mean?It means you shouldnt _ (litter) here.2.My daughter is very interesting, she often _ (have) a lot question to ask you.3.Does it _ (mean) Danger?4. Can you see that sign? Yes, I think it meansNo _ (swim)5. What _ Jack _ (

3、do) now?He _ (ask) his brother some questions.6. My birthday is on_ (five) of September.7.Would you like _(watch) Aladdin?8.He can _(see) some signs in the park.四、選擇 8( )1.My sister is doing her homework. Please _ make noise. A.notB.cantC.dont( )2.Its time for class. We_ play the game. A.dontB.shoul

4、dntC.cant( )3.What does that sign _? It _ you shouldnt swim here. A.mean meanB.means meanC.meanmeans( )4.There are_public signs in the park, but I dont know_about them. A.a lot ofa lot of B.a lot a lotC. a lot of a lot( )5. Whensyourbirthday?Its January. What would you like _a birthday present? I wo

5、uld like a yo-yo. A. onfor B. in as C. on,with ( )6.Your book is under the desk. Please _. A.pick up it B.pick them up C.pick it up ( )7.The park keeper points _ a sign beside the building. A.inB.withC.to( )8.I d like a cake _lots of grapes.A.with B.have C.for五、用所給詞以及它們的適當(dāng)形式完成下列句子 (每詞只用一次)8always,re

6、ad,swim,watch,must,building,sit, mean1. Its hot today. Lets go_ in the river(河), OK?2. Its the first day of the new term and there is a new_ in our school.3. You _do your homework first and then play football.4. Yang Ling is _ over there near Miss Li.5. This sign _ we shouldnt walk on the grass.6. A

7、ll of the students in our class like _ cartoon.7. This storybook is very interesting and I want_.8. She _ has a lot of question.六、句型轉(zhuǎn)化 131.Its the 1st of May.(對劃線提問) today?2.The sign means “Be quiet” (對劃線提問) the sign ?3.Id like to watch “Aladdin”.(改同意句)I “Aladdin”.4.It means “No taking photos” (改同意句

8、)It we here.七、中譯英 121 你不應(yīng)該看電視,我的孩子們在看書。You_watch TV, my _ _ _their books.2. 她知道許多關(guān)于公共標(biāo)志的知識。She a lot .3. 你必須遠(yuǎn)離那幢大樓。You must the .九、閱讀理解,判斷正誤(正 T,錯F ) 5 Nancy likes to take a walk in the park at the weekends. Now she is taking a walk with her good friend Yang Ling. There are many different public sig

9、ns in the park. Nancy knows a lot about them. Suddenly she sees a short man walking on the grass. She points to the sign and says to him: “ Sir, Look at the sign! You cant walk on the grass.” The man smiles and says: “ Youre right young men. But I m the keep park. I look after the grass. Im picking

10、up the garbage on it.”( )1.Perhaps it is Monday.( )2.Nancy and Yang Ling are in the park.( )3.The sign means Danger!.( )4.The short man is taking a walk on the grass. 填空 5.The word “garbage” in Chinese means _十、排列順序 5%1. A.Let me see. I think its a toilet for a pet(寵物).B.Yes. I do. I like studying them.C.Do you know anything about the public signs?D.OK. What does that sign on the door mean? 2. A. Ill buy


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