人教版七年級(jí)下冊(cè)英語(yǔ) 第二學(xué)期期中測(cè)試卷_第1頁(yè)
人教版七年級(jí)下冊(cè)英語(yǔ) 第二學(xué)期期中測(cè)試卷_第2頁(yè)
人教版七年級(jí)下冊(cè)英語(yǔ) 第二學(xué)期期中測(cè)試卷_第3頁(yè)
人教版七年級(jí)下冊(cè)英語(yǔ) 第二學(xué)期期中測(cè)試卷_第4頁(yè)
人教版七年級(jí)下冊(cè)英語(yǔ) 第二學(xué)期期中測(cè)試卷_第5頁(yè)
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1、第二學(xué)期期中測(cè)試卷時(shí)間:90分鐘滿分:100分一、單項(xiàng)選擇。(每小題1分,共10分)1. Can you play _ guitar?No, I cant. But I can play _ chess. A. the; the B. /; theC. the; / D. the; a2. Are there _ boats in the river?Yes, there are. A. any B. much C. some D. little3. Its twelve oclock. Its time_lunch. A. / B. haveC. for D. to having4. Loo

2、k! There are some _ on the floor. A. child B. waterC. boxes D. girl5. _do you visit your grandparents?Three times a week. A. How many B. How oftenC. How long D. How much6. Listen! There is a girl _in the classroom. A. sings B. is singingC. singing D. are singing7. Bob often _his homework after dinne

3、r. A. do B. does C. doing D. to do8. I dont like math because it is very _. A. difficult B. easyC. interesting D. nice9. Do I need _a bus?Yes, the No. 3 bus will take you there. A. taking B. to takeC. takesD. take10. Can I smoke here?_. Look at the sign, “No Smoking!”A. Sure B. Id love toC. Im afrai

4、d not D. Yes, you can二、完形填空。(每小題1. 5分,共15分)Peter is a middle school student. He lives in the center of the city. Next to his_11_is an old peoples home. On weekends, he always goes there with his_12_Alice, Sam, Tony, Betty and Henry. They try their best to_13_the old people happy. Peter and Alice lik

5、e_14_. Peter can play the piano and Alice can sing for the old people. Tony and Sam are _15_ telling stories. They often tell stories to the old people. Sometimes,Tony and Sam _16_ some fun storybooks to the old people. Betty and Henry love sports. They _17_ kung fu for the old people and play pingp

6、ong with them. After that, they talk to the old people and play chess _18_ them. The old people look very happy. When people ask Peter and his friends,“_19_ do you always go to the old peoples home?”They always say,“It is_20_ and meaningful(有意義的). ”11. A. store B. home C. classroom D. library12. A.

7、teachers B. sistersC. brothers D. friends13. A. make B. want C. call D. sell14. A. history B. P. E. C. music D. science15. A. good at B. busy with C. late for D. free of16. A. spell B. take C. write D. watch17. A. find B. need C. know D. do18. A. with B. on C. for D. from19. A. What B. When C. Why D

8、. How20. A. boring B. interestingC. difficult D. easy三、閱讀理解。(每小題2分,共30分)AChildrens play area(場(chǎng)地) rules: No smoking(吸煙). No food or drinks. No glassware(玻璃制品). No shoes in the play area, but wear socks all the time. Train museum(博物館) rules: Children must be with their group or parents. No running. No

9、 smoking. Do not get onto any trains. Pool rules: No animals in the pool area. No food or drinks in the pool. Please take a shower(洗淋浴) before getting into the pool. No glassware in the pool. 21. What must children wear in the play area?A. Shoes. B. Socks. C. Gloves. D. Glasses. 22. What can people

10、probably(很可能) do in the train museum?A. Smoke. B. Run. C. Take photos. D. Get on the trains. 23. What must people do before getting into the pool?A. Eat something. B. Take a shower. C. Take off their clothes. D. Brush their teeth. 24. How many rules about the play area and the pool are the same?A. O

11、ne. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four. 25. Which of the following is TRUE?A. There are six rules in the play area. B. The train museum isnt for children. C. People cant smoke in the play area. D. People can take their dogs to the pool. BMy name is Linus. Im 9 years old from Singapore. I like reading and swi

12、mming. I live in China with my mom. She studies in a university (大學(xué)) in Nanjing. I study in an international class of a primary school in Nanjing. I have many classmates from China, Canada,the United States and Australia. I like my school here. I can study more subjects than (比) in my country. In Si

13、ngapore, I can only study Chinese,English,math, PE and science. My school day is from 8 a. m. to 1: 30 p. m. I go back home and stay at my home after school. I can only have a 30minute break after lunch. So I dont have much time to play with my friends. But now, my school life is quite different. It

14、s very interesting. What do I like best about my school life in China? To play with my friends at breaks. 26. Where is Linus from?A. China. B. Singapore. C. Canada. D. The United States. 27. Where does Linus study now?A. In Singapore. B. In Canada. C. In China. D. In Australia. 28. Whats the meaning

15、 of the underlined word “breaks” in Para. 4?A. 裂縫B. 休息 C. 破裂 D. 機(jī)遇29. What does Linus like best about his school life in China?A. To have math lessons. B. To stay at his home. C. To have Chinese lessons. D. To play with his friends at breaks. 30. How does Linus like his school life in China?A. He li

16、kes it a lot because he can learn more subjects. B. He doesnt like it because he has no time to play with his friends. C. He doesnt like it because he has a lot of homework to do. D. He likes it because he can go back home early. CIm Fang Ming. On holidays my parents often take me to the zoo in our

17、city because I like animals. I have a lot of toy animals in my room. In the zoo I can see tigers, elephants, monkeys, pandas, bears, giraffes and many other animals. Some animals are very friendly, but some are not. Tigers, bears and lions are very dangerous. That is why they have to stay in cages.

18、But I dont think its good for animals to stay in cages. They should be free. The animals in cages cant be happy. Tigers usually live in forests and mountains. They can run very fast. They catch and eat small animals like rabbits and deer,but now they live in small rooms. They have nothing to do ever

19、y day. So they walk in the cages,and they want to get out. When they are tired,they sleep. I feel sorry for them. 31. When does Fang Ming go to the zoo? A. On weekends. B. On holidays. C. On Friday. D. On weekdays. 32. _are very dangerous animals. A. Tigers and monkeysB. Bears and elephantsC. Bears

20、and lionsD. Giraffes and rabbits33. The writer thinks that animals should_. A. stay in cages B. be healthyC. live in houses D. be free34. Tigers eat _ in the forests and mountains according to the passage. A. bears B. deerC. monkeys D. birds35. What does the writer want to tell us? A. Dont get close

21、 to the dangerous animals. B. Animals are mans best friends. C. Animals should live in nature freely. D. Animals are mans enemy (敵人). 四、任務(wù)型閱讀。(每小題2分,共10分)Every home should have its family rules. There is a book about family rules called Rules of Love. It says family rules help to make home a better

22、place. In our family, we tape (粘貼) our rules on the wall of the living room. I got them from a friend six years ago, and these rules help us a lot over the years. We tell our children that the family rules follow them wherever (無(wú)論何處) they go. These are not just rules for them to follow at our house.

23、 Rules come in different words. But good rules are all easy to understand. And it is important for the children to remember and follow the rules. So dont have too many rules for your children. For younger children, parents can use pictures to tell them about the rules. Here are some examples(例子): *

24、Sit down to eat. * No fighting. No namecalling(罵人). * Dont ask for things in the supermarket. 36. Whats the name of the book?_37. Where does the writer tape the rules?_38. When did the writer get the family rules?_39. What can parents use to tell younger children the rules?_40. How many family rules

25、 are mentioned (被提及)?_五、補(bǔ)全對(duì)話。(每小題2分,共10分)A: Hello, Jenny! What are you doing?B: Im doing some cleaning. 41. _A: Wow, you are so busy. Do you want to play basketball with me?B: No. I dont like basketball. Its too difficult for me. A: 42. _B: Yeah I join it because my parents want me to learn it. A: W

26、hat about visiting the zoo?B: Thats good. I like to see animals. 43. _ And you?A: Me too. I like them best. They are so smart. B: 44. _A: Yes. When I feel unhappy, I always go to see elephants. B: OK. When do we go to the zoo?A: 45. _B: How do we go there? By bike?A: No, its kind of far. We need to

27、take a bus there. A. But you join a basketball club. B. Lets visit it this Friday afternoon. C. Elephants are my favorite animals. D. I need to do the dishes and wash the clothes. E. Is it true that elephants can help you feel good?六、單詞拼寫(xiě)。(每小題1分,共5分)根據(jù)漢語(yǔ)或首字母提示,寫(xiě)出單詞。46. A _(四分之一) of the students live

28、 in Hangzhou. 47. You are too n_. Cant you be quiet?48. Look!Steve is playing basketball with some friends at the park a_. 49. Do you like_(大象)?They are big and heavy animals from Africa. 50. I cant find Jenny. Is she _(跳舞) in the music room?七、書(shū)面表達(dá)。(20分)假如你有一位來(lái)自美國(guó)的筆友,名字叫Tom,請(qǐng)根據(jù)下面的提示內(nèi)容,寫(xiě)一篇短文簡(jiǎn)單介紹一下他的情況。提示: 1. Tom是一名中學(xué)生,會(huì)下國(guó)際象棋,喜歡彈鋼琴,擅長(zhǎng)游泳。2. 他家離學(xué)校很近,通常步行,大約花費(fèi)十分鐘。3. 他的學(xué)校有很多規(guī)章制度,但他喜歡學(xué)校; 家中有很多家規(guī),在家必須做家務(wù)。4. 最喜歡的動(dòng)物是熊貓,他正在參觀大熊貓。要求: 1. 詞數(shù): 70詞左右。2. 文章必須包含所有提示內(nèi)容,并可作適當(dāng)發(fā)揮


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