1、 江蘇省如皋中學(xué)2020-2021學(xué)年度高三年級教學(xué)質(zhì)量調(diào)研(二)英語試題第一部分聽力(共兩節(jié)20題,滿分30分)聽力在郵箱第一節(jié)(共5小題,每小題1.5分,滿分7.5分)聽下面5段對話。每段對話后有一個小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個選項(xiàng)中選出最佳 選項(xiàng)。聽完每段對話后,你都有10秒鐘的時間來回答有關(guān)小題和閱讀下一小題。每段對 話僅讀一遍。1 HOW IOng Will the WOman StUdy in the UK?A.For three months.B. FOr One yearWhat is the relationship between JOhn and Mike?A.Fri
2、ends.B. Partners.HOW might the WOman feel?A-SatisfiedB. AnnOyedWhat ClOeS the WOinan mean?A. ThC Inan forgot to do his hair.B .The Inan forgot to PUt On a tic.C.The Inan is WCaring CIOtheS that don,t match.What arc the two SPCakCrS talking about?C. FOr One and a half years.C.Strangers.C. Excited.A-C
3、lcaning the house.B.Dcaling With OId books.C.Sorting the rubbish.第二節(jié)(共15小題;每小題1.5分,滿分22.5分) 聽下面5段對話或獨(dú)白。每段對話或獨(dú)白后有幾個小題,從題中所給的九BX C三個選 項(xiàng)中選出最佳選項(xiàng)。聽每段對話或獨(dú)白前,你將有時間閱讀各個小題,每小題5秒鐘;聽 完后,各小題將給出5秒鐘的作答時間。每段對話或獨(dú)白讀兩遍。聽第6段材料,回答第6、7題。When did the womans IiCenSe StOP being valid?C.2 days ago.C. HCr bills.19 days ago.B
4、.17 days ago.What Will the WOman COmC back tomorrow with?Her PaSSPOrtB. HCr CrCdit Card聽第7段材料,回答第& 9題。What time is it now?6:30 a.m.B. 7:00 a.m.What Will the boy do next?Go to SChOOlB. FiX the watch.聽第8段材料,回答第10至12題。When did the man argue With David?YeSterdayB. TOdayWhy did the Inan Want to get his m
5、oney back?Bccause DaVid borrowed too much money from him.B-Bccause he didn,t trust DaVid any moreC.Because he had to Pay an UneXPCCtCd bill.How docs the Inan feel now?HC is StilI angry With DaVid.Hc regrets getting angry With David.Hc is happy to break UP With DaVid聽第9段材料,回答第13至16題。What does the man
6、 do to kill time?Eat POtatO chips.B.Take a walk.What docs the WOman hate?The ParkSB. The SqUareWhat is the most important in the mans opinion?A-Entertainment B.Quietness What do the man and WOman disagree on?WhethCr the City needs a SymbOLB-Whethcr the amusement Park ShOUId be built.C.Whcther the Sq
7、Uare is a good PlaCe for a walk.聽第io段材料,回答第17至20題。17 What is the SPCakCfS attitude?C. 7:30 a.m.C.Check the time.C.Thc day before yesterday.C.Watch TV.C. ThC city.C. Income.NO One is born a genius historical figures, realistic SPCCial effects and two breathtaking rides to bring back a thousand years
8、Of Londons dark past.See the AnimaIS at the LondOn ZOOAddress: Outer CirCle.London NWl 4RY, the UKThC LOndOn ZOO is an CXCClIent family day OUt for kids and adults, and OnCe youre inside you Can easily SPCnd a WhOIe day there Daily CVCntS include a tropical bird tour, the MCgabUgS LiVe Show, a ShOWC
9、aSe Of big fish, and an event known as Giraffe High Tea as WCll as ShOWS With birds and Smail animals at the AnimalS in ACtiOn AmPhithCatre.2 LWhat Can you ICarn about the MUSeUm Of LOndOn DOCkIands?It PrOVideS MUdlarkS for ParentS to rest.Its PIay area is SUitable for kids Of all agesBig kids Can m
10、ake foam bananas for Small kids thereKidS Can have the ChanCe Of driving a DOCklandS Light RailWay train.When exploring the LOndOn Dungeon, ViSitOrSWOUld Iearn more about LOndOnS historycould UndCrStand the reason and PrOCeSS OfitS relocationwill CXPCrienCe two breathtaking rides around LOndOncan dr
11、ess UP as historical figures to Create LOndOn,s historyIf you Want to enjoy a tropical bird tour, you Can go toThe Quecn,s Walk,London SEl 7PB, the UKLondon W22UH,thc UK0uter CirCIe,London NWl 4RY, the UKNo.l WarehOuse,London E14 4AL,thc UKBMattheW Whitaker has been blind SinCe birth. HiS ParCntS We
12、re told that he OnIy had a 50% ChanCC Of SUrViVaL and he experienced 11 OPCratiOnS before he WaS even two years old.DeSPite being faced With these terrible SitUations, he sunivcd. NOt OnIy that, he CXhibitCd an excellent gift for PIaying the piano; by the time he WaS 3 years OId, he WaS PIaying two-
13、handed PianO COnIPOSitiOnS and Writing his OWn SOngS WithOUt ever having a teacher At the age Of 5, he even COUId PIay the SOngS COmPIeteIy after hearing them OnC time.Dalia SakaSt the director Of NeW York,s FiIOmCn M. D AgOStinO Greenberg MUSiC SChOOhrCCalIS the moment She decided to take MatthCW O
14、n as a StUdCnt WhCn he WaS five years old. making him the youngest PerSOn to ever attend the SChOoL NOW OnIy 18 years old.Whitaker has SinCe toured the WOrId,headlined famous SiteS from CarnCgie Han to KCnnedy CentCr,and WOn a number Of music awardsSUCh is the height Of WhitakCf S talent that he CaU
15、ght the attention Of Dr. CharIeS Limb, a neurologist WhO also happens to be a fellow musician. Dr. Li mb WaS attracted by What might have been going On inside Whitakef S brai SO With the PCrmiSSiOn Of the musician and his family, Whitaker took two MRl CXamS 一 first WhiIe being CXPOSCd to CIifferCnt
16、Stinnlli,including music, and then WhiIe he PIayCd On a keyboardWhat Dr. Li mb WaS SUrPriSCd to find WaS that Whitaker1 S brain SeemCd to have repurposed its OWn CliSUSed ViSUal CortCX(視覺皮質(zhì))in Order to build Other neurological(神經(jīng)系統(tǒng)的) PathWayS EVen When Whitaker WaS SimPIy IiStening to One Of his fav
17、orite music, his Cntire ViSUal COrteX Iit up.When Dr.Limb PreSentCd Whitaker With his brain SCanS ShOWing how his brain Iit UP When he IiStenCd to music, the musician WaS amazed. Hl didn,t even know that that WaS happening/* WhCn asked about Why IUS brain WaS msued in SUCh a Way, he SUnPly SaId I IO
18、Ve music”。What Can We ICarn about MatthCW WhitakCr from Para.3?HC WaS the youngest disabled PianO Player in the SChOOLDalia SakaS helped him tour the WOrId to PIay the piano.Hc had ViSited a IOt Of tourist attractions by the time he WaS 18.HC has achieved great SUCCeSS in music WhCn he is just eight
19、een.What WaS Dr. Limb PrObabIy interested in about Matthew?His brains reaction to InUSiCThe terrible COnditiOn Of MatthCw.The SPeCial StrUCtUre Of his brainThC WOnderfUl PCrfOrInanCe Of MattheW.What do you know about the result Of Whitakcf S brain scans?It ShOWed that Whitaker WaSjUSt a COmmOn boy.D
20、r. Linlb and Whitaker both felt UnCXPeCtCd about it.Dr.Limb thought that it wasn,t reasonable and complete.It explained how WhitakCr remembered the SOngS after IiSteningWhat is the best title for the text?A SCientiSt IS StUdying an 18-YCar-Old PianO PIayerAn 18-YCar-OId BIind PianO Player IS StUdyin
21、g HiS BrainA SCientiSt StUdieS an 18-YCar-OId BIind PianO Players BrainAn 18-YCar-Old PianO Player HCIPS SCiCntiStS With MUSiCCDenmark is OnIy about half the SiZe Of SOUth Carolina, but it PrOdUCeS more Of its electricity from Wind than any OthCr COUntry in the world. ThatS not because it,s a PartiC
22、Ularly breezy country; it has Pretty Ordinary average Wind speeds. The reason the DaneS now get 47% Of their electricity from Wind,with more to COmCXOmeS down to a COmbinatiOn Of history and POliCy.First, the history: PaUl Ia COUr WaS a SCientiSt and inventor WhO experimented With and engineered Car
23、ly Wind POwCr machines at the Start Of the 20th CentUry. SO its not SUrPriSing that Denmark SPent money developing Wind POWer early, beginning at a national IeVel in the 1970s.In the 1980s.due to a StrOng grassroots movement disagreeing With nuclear POWer plants, DCnmark increased PrOclUCtiOn before
24、 many Other COUntrieS Were even COnSidering it.DCnmark has also had SignifiCant government SUPPOrt for Wind-CnCrgy projects, as WCll as SUPPOrt from the COUntry,s technology-focused UniVerSities. EVen back in 2002. the COUntry WaS taking CIimate Change WarningS seriously, aiming to CUt fossil-fuel e
25、missions by 20 percent, WhiCh it did Via renewable energy investment and implementation.SOme Of the WOrICI,s IargeSt COlnPanieS in the area 一 including Vestas, WhiCh builds turbines, and Orstcd, WhiCh SPeCialiZeS in OffShOre Wind ProjeCtS 一 are DaniSh.so the COImtry has an impact beyond its bordersT
26、hC great impact Of Denmarks Wind-energy business is important because it,s a Small country, SO WhiIe an almost 50% rate Of CleCtriCity from Wind is admirable, it,s also Small in terms Of OVerall global impactWhile Deninark gets almost half Of its electricity needs COVCrCd from 5,758 megawatts (MW) O
27、f capacity, SPain,s 23,000 MTW COVerS just 18 PerCCnt Of its electricity SUPPly as its a much bigger COUntry. China is the IeadCr in Wind energy at 221.000 IVlW,and the U.S. COmeS SeCOnd in the WOrId at about 96,000 MW.Dcnmark1S IOng SUPPOrt for Wind-energy technology and its POliCieS made in SUPPOr
28、t Of Wind energy have PrOVen this approach Can WOrk to decarbonize the economy, even On a bigger scalc.At the Cnd Of 2019, IaWmakerS in DCninark Set a new goal: increasing the PCrCentage Of electricity SOUrCCd from renewable POWer to 100%What Can WC ICarn about DCninark in developing Wind power?It h
29、as the advantage Of StrOng winds.Its WeathCr COnditiOnS are UnfaVOrabICIt is CXPerienCed in this areaIt met With StrOng disagreement at first.The fourth ParagraPh mentions two COmPanieS to ShOWthe bright future Of the Wind POWer businessthe fierce COmPetitiOn in the area Of Wind POWerDCnmarkS depend
30、ence On the Wind-CnCrgy businessDcnmark,s international StatuS in the Wind-Cnergy businessWhiCh COUntry PrOdUCeS the most Wind power?Thc U.S.Denmark.Spain.China.What is indicated in the IaSt paragraph?A hopeful future Of the green economy.The Urgent need to develop Wincl energy WOrldWide.A IOng Way
31、to go to full dependence On ClCan CnCrgy.Wind CnCrgy,s Ieading role as a form Of renewable POWerDIn an interview in 195& ErmeSt HCmingWay made an admission that has inspired novelists ever smce:The final WOrdS Of HA FareWeIl to AnlIS, his WallIme classic, Were rewritten 39 times before I WaS SatiSfi
32、Cd.nThose endings have never been PUbliShCd together in their entirety, according to his IOngtime publisher. SCribnCrA new CditiOn Of HA FareWell to Arms, Will be released soon, including all the different endings, With early drafts Of OthCr PaSSageS in the bk. The new CditiOn COnClUdeS that the 39
33、endings that HCmingWay referred to arc really InOrC IikC 47. ThCy have been kept in the ErneSt HeiningWay COlleCtiOn at the JOhn F.Kennedy PreSidential Library and MUSeUm in BOStOn SinCe 1979. The endings arc named and gathered in an appendix in the new edition, a 330book WhOSe COVer USeS the novels
34、 Original artwork.FOr readers Of HemingWay the CndingS are a fascinating IOOk into how the novel COUId have ended With different endings And SinCe most InOdCrn authors PrOclUCe their WOrk On computers, the new CditiOn also SerVeS as an artifact,with handwritten notes and IOng PaSSageS CrOSSed out,gi
35、ving readers a SenSe Of an authors process.HCmingWay also ICft behind a IiSt Of titles, IikC MWOrId EnOUgh and Time,” HOf WOUndS and Other CaUSeS,Thc EnChantment/and etc,which arc reprinted in the new CditiOnPatriCk HemingWay,Ernest Hcmingway1S OnIy SUrViVing son, Said that WhCn SCribner SUggeStCd t
36、he raw material be PUbliShcd. he agreed. ,They (JO give insight into how HemingWay WaS thinking, but no matter how InUCh you analyze a ClaSSiC bit Of Writing,you Can never really figure OUt What makes talent WOrk.,said PatriCk HCmingWayAVhO is 84.SUSan MOIdOw, the PUbIiSher Of SCribnen SayS that Hem
37、ingWay is an all-time StrOng seller. After reading the VariOUS CndingS.Ms.Moldow added, ShC didn,t question the author,s decision; the Cnding has StOOd the test Of time. ShC Said,I think We have to be glad that he ChOSe the ending in Iine With his Style/*What Can WC know about HA FareWCn to ArmS?A.
38、It is a novel Written during the times Of WarSB-Scribncr has never PUbliShed Hcmingway1S works.C-Hcmingway tried to Write a SatiSfying ending for it.0thcr WriterS rewrite their WOrkS mostly because Of its success.33 What can*t readers find in the new CditiOn according to the passage?47 CndingS Of th
39、e bookHandwritten notes by HCnlingWay.Diffcrcnt UnUSCd names Of the bookA PiCtUrC Of an artifact made by HCmingWay.What Can WC know from PatriCk HcmingwaytS Words?PUbliShing the new CditiOn is thought to be a good ideaIt is difficult to find a Writer as talented as ErneSt HemingWay.Rcadcrs never rea
40、lly UnderStand ErnCSt HCmingWays WOrkSThe drafts Of the novels are ValUed more than the novelsWhat does SUSan MoIdOW think Of the final Cnding Of the book?A. Ironic.Classic C-Average DJntcresting.第二節(jié)(共5小題;每小題2.5分,滿分12.5分)根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,從短文后的選項(xiàng)中選出能填入空白處的最佳選項(xiàng)。選項(xiàng)中有兩項(xiàng)為多 余選項(xiàng)。A few years ago,a FinniSh app took th
41、e mobile gaming WOrId by StOrm. Its Set-UP WaS SimPIC and its idea illogical:Angry BirdS WaS IittIe more than a shting game,with birds instead Of bullets and green PigS in PIaCe Of targets 36 ShOrtIy after Angry BirdS took OfLaUdienCeS found a new distraction in FrUit Ninja5a game WhCre the ObjCCt W
42、aS to ChOP falling PrOdUCe,and then Candy CrUSh37 That WaS their charm, after all: ThCy Were knowingly ridiculous Or illogicaLan attack into mindless amusement. In games Iike Angry Birds, PlayerS found an CSCaPC from realityFaSt forward to 2016, and there,s now an Angry BirdS movie, here to fill you
43、 in On all the details you never WiShCd to know. ThC birds have been given PerSOnaIitics, motives and back StOrieS,and SO have the evil green pigs. Meanwhile, the gamc,s nonsense had to be made SenSe Of due to a necessary PlOt for a movie. 38HOnVwOOd has made an industry Of answering the questions n
44、o OnC ever thought to ask; to the POint Of even giving a brand Of toy blocks its OWn StOry in 2014,s ThC LegO MOVie._39 VieWerS no IOnger have the IUXUry Of imagining back-stories for their favorite characters, Or debating the OPCn-CndCd questions in a filn,s SOUrCe materials: An endless flow Of PrC
45、qUels(前傳)z SCqUClS(續(xù)傳)and SPinoffs(衍生產(chǎn)品)fill in those blanks for them.40 ThCy,11 know.Everything Win be determined for them:ACCOrding to the movie, the main bird RCd gets PiCkCd On for his bushy eycbrows,and that IeaVeS him feeling isolated and, WeILangry.In SOmC ways, HOnyWOOd has taken On the role
46、 Of fan fiction Writers,by expanding and exploring every COmCr Of its fictional UniVerSeS BUt When these UniVerSeS expand too WideIy,what Will be ICft to imagine?Angry BirdS is not alone in having its gray areas SkCtChCd in for the big SCreen.In its efforts to feed the audience,s curiosity, HOllyWOO
47、d may in fact be killing it.Never mind that these games made absolutely no SCnSe from a narrative ViCWPOintWhcn ChiIdren today PIay Angry Birds, they WOn,t WOnder Why the birds arc SO ill-tcmpcrcdIt ICd the Way for a number Of Other CqUany silly, CqUalIy addictive games to invade Cell PhOneS everywh
48、ere Lego,by PUtting forward education solutions, is now StriVing to help kids to Stand UP to a PrOblein and SOlVe it.HOnyWOOd is actually SUCh a POWCr featuring its creativity, imagination and efficiency in giving rise to its CntertainmCnt products.第三部分語言知識運(yùn)用(共三節(jié),滿分30分)第一節(jié)完形填空(共15小題;每小題1分,滿分15分)閱讀下面
49、短文,從短文后各題所給的A、BX C和D四個選項(xiàng)中,選出可以填入空白處的 最馳項(xiàng)。What,s the first tlg that COIneS to mind WhelI you thuk Of the Word “culture ? DO you think Of different groups Of PCOPIC across the WOrld With VariOUS _41_and ClOthing? What about animals?Sam WiniamSXXeCUtiVe director Of the MaCaw(金剛鸚鵡)RCCOVery NetWOrk in CO
50、StaRica, helps to 42_the impact Of the decline Of macaw POPUIatiOnS by taking birds that Were born_43_and releasing them into the wild. BUt this PrOCeSS is VerV 44,In a cage,you cant _ 45jhem to know Where,when and how to find that food, Or about trees With good nest sites/* WiniamS told CCOlOgiSt a
51、nd Writer Carl Safina for the GUardian. In the wild, the ParCntS WOUId be the OneS to teach them this important 46 IThiS type Of knowledge is known as CUItUral knowledge CUItUral knowledge Can bc_47 from the OIdCr generation to the newer One FOr many SPeCieSXUItUral knowledge is necessary for 48_CUI
52、tUrC helps animals to_49_different habitats.For example,some CrOWS(烏鴉)have IearnCd to PUt nuts in the middle Of the road for CarS to drive OVer. And in Other areas, they have ICarnCd to do this at intersections SO they Can_50_get the food When the CarS StOP at red lights.Other important PartS Of CUI
53、tUral knowledge include things Iike group identity, USing different tools,taking different_5 l-routes and USing different SOCiaIiZing methods.TheSC traditions Can especially be Seen in ChilnPanZee COmmUnitieS. Cat HObaiter,who StUdieS ChimPanZeCS in Uganda,said:HIts not just IhC_52_of POPUlatiOnS Of
54、 ChimPS that WOrriCS me.I find_53_the POSSIbllIty OflOSmg each populations UmqUe CUInU*e. That,s PennalIent.nCUItUrC isn,t just for_54_Ci山UrC is also an important Part Of Iife in the WiId from USing tools (o_55_4 LAeCOinnninitiesB.zonesC.traditionsD.divisions42.A.squeczeB.reduceC.wrestleD.dclete43.A
55、.cncagcdB.enlargcdCxncouragedD.ensurcd44.A.tentativeB.slowC.lameD.abrupt45.A.clectB.swapC.assessD.train46.A.brochureB. SeminarC.frameworkDJnformation47.A.passed downB.taken UPC.followcd UPD.put together4& A.mn3gcmcn(B. SUrViValCxurrencyDxoopcration49.A.cater toB. PUSh forC.adapt toD.dive in50.A.safc
56、lyB.dcspcratclyC-SurprisinglyD.hopefully5 LA.irrigationB. migrationC.suspensionDxollision52.A.lossB.dilcmmaC.adjustmcntD.prcvention53.A.cntcrprisingB.flexiblcC.artificialD.tcrrifying54.A.animalsB.plantsC.humansD.nails55. A.refreshingB. weepingC.negotiatingDeSocializing第二節(jié)(共10小題;每小題15分,滿分15分)閱讀下面短文,在
57、空白處填入1個適當(dāng)?shù)膯卧~或括號內(nèi)單詞的正確形式。 IThe Sad ZithCr住帛瑟 )is a famous SeVen-VerSe POem Written by Tang DynaSty POCt Li Shangyin (813-858).DUe to its rich imagery, the POCm is regarded as One Of the 56.(hard) POCmS to explain and translate.In the beginning Of the poem, the POet lks at his ZithCr and recalls the d
58、eath Of his beloved Wifee ThC big number Of StringS,which might not be the real number, 57.( be) mentioned toShOW his feeling With SO many Strings,his Zither CreateS COInPIiCated tones, 58.( SUggeSt)the SOrrOW and depression the POCt feels. The reality is SO CrUel that he WiSheS everything 59. happe
59、ned WaS UntrUe In this part, he USeS four ChineSe ancient 60.( myth) and Iegends:ZhUangzi,a PhiIOSOPher, drcams Of being a butterfly and COUldn,t distinguish drcam 61. reality; the ancient CmPCrOr Wang becomes a CUCkOO and always cries; mermaids tears become Pearl and VaPOr Of jade from Lantian COUn
60、ty Can be SeCn in the sunlight. ThC first three StOrieS all Create 62.Sad atmosphere ThOUgh the IaSt Iegend describes a beautiful scene,it,s hard 63.( reach), implicating the hopelessness.ACtUaily,the four StOrieS he ChOSe indicate Li,s 64.( SatiSfy) With his life.In the end. the POet directly expre
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