人教版八年級上冊英語習題課件 Unit10 Period 3 Section B (1a-2e)_第1頁
人教版八年級上冊英語習題課件 Unit10 Period 3 Section B (1a-2e)_第2頁
人教版八年級上冊英語習題課件 Unit10 Period 3 Section B (1a-2e)_第3頁
人教版八年級上冊英語習題課件 Unit10 Period 3 Section B (1a-2e)_第4頁
人教版八年級上冊英語習題課件 Unit10 Period 3 Section B (1a-2e)_第5頁
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1、Period 3 Section B (1a2e) 人教版 八年級上Unit10 If you go to the party, youll have a great time!12345Teenagersnormalexperiencemileunderstandingkeep; to themselvesto do nothingmade careless mistakesrun away fromto solving678910課內知識答 案 呈 現(xiàn)溫馨提示:點擊 進入講評12 3456789Bif; notDCWhere elseBAexperienceexperienced; to

2、experience題組專訓答 案 呈 現(xiàn)12 345678walletsunlessangrymistakessolvetravel(l)ersteenagercareful課后鞏固understandinghimself910111213share; problemsin halfkeeps; to himselftoo afraid tomakes careless mistakes1415答 案 呈 現(xiàn)課后鞏固1617181920212223BFAGEteenagersto doweekendstheminterested2425262728gettingwithoutwatching

3、isbut2930答 案 呈 現(xiàn)一、根據(jù)漢語提示完成句子, 并背記相應詞匯1. _(青少年) are supposed to help with housework to develop their independence. 【2020青島】2. 【新題】Many disabled people(殘疾人) have _ (正常的) lives with the help of our government. Teenagersnormal3. He has over ten years teaching _(經(jīng)驗). 4. She walked one _(英里) to school. 5.

4、 She often talks to her parents and they are _(善解人意的). experiencemileunderstanding二、根據(jù)漢語意思完成句子, 并背記英語句子6. 如果人們有麻煩, 他們應當把這些煩惱留給自己。If people have problems, they should _ them _ _. keepto themselves7. 有些人認為最糟糕的事情是什么都不做。Some people believe the worst thing is _ _ _. to do nothing8. 他爸爸說有時候他也犯粗心的錯誤。His fa

5、ther said he sometimes _ _ _, too. made careless mistakes9. 最好不要逃避我們的問題。It is best not to _ _ _ our problems. run away from10. 你只要跟人聊聊這個問題, 你就已經(jīng)解決了問題的一半。You are halfway _ _ a problem just by talking to someone about it. to solving1. Im afraid we cant work out the math problem _ the teacher helps us.

6、 【2020丹東】Thats true. Its too difficult. A. if B. unless C. because D. as soon as【點撥】句意為“如果老師不幫助我們,恐怕我們解不出這道數(shù)學題。那是真的。它太難了”。if如果;是否;unless除非,如果不;because因為;as soon as一就。由答語中“Its too difficult(它很難)”可知“老師幫助我們是計算出數(shù)學題的條件”。由空格前“不能計算出那道數(shù)學題”可推知空格處表達“如果不”。B2. I wont go to the party unless I am available. (改為同義

7、句) I wont go to the party _ I am _ available. if not3. He is afraid _ strangers. A. see B. seeing C. saw D. to seeD4. Mum, I dont have anybody to play with. Can I have a pet?_ Our apartment is too small. 【中考自貢】A. Why not? B. I hope so. C. Im afraid not. 【點撥】用交際法?!癢hy not?”“為什么不?”;“I hope so. ”“希望是這樣

8、?!?;“Im afraid not. ”“恐怕不行?!备鶕?jù)后面提到的公寓太小,可知養(yǎng)寵物的可能性不大,故選C。C5. What other places did you go to yesterday? (改為同義句) _ _ did you go yesterday? Where else6. What _ animals do you want to see, Ann?I want to see monkeys. A. else B. other C. others D. another 【點撥】用詞義辨析法。else放在不定代詞或疑問詞后面;other后接名詞;others后不接名詞;a

9、nother表示三者或以上中的另一個。結合句意可知選B。B7. Mr. Huang is an excellent English teacher who has over 20 years teaching _. 【2020海南】A. experience B. informationC. knowledge【點撥】用詞義辨析法。experience 經(jīng)驗;information信息;knowledge知識。根據(jù)句中的20 years可知應是“經(jīng)驗”。A8. It is a wonderful _(經(jīng)歷) to see how they actually make an amazing mo

10、vie with the 5D technology. 【2021泰州期末】experience9. The _(有經(jīng)驗的) expert told us that it was educational for kids _(經(jīng)歷) a lot. experienced to experience一、根據(jù)句意及漢語提示完成句子1. Fewer and fewer people take their _(錢包) to go out because they can pay by WeChat or Alipay. 2. We will go to the movies _(除非) it rain

11、s tomorrow. walletsunless3. I am _ (生氣的) with Jane. She didnt help with my math exam. 4. Lily made some _(錯誤) in her homework. 5. Can you help me _ (解決) the problem?angrymistakessolve二、用所給詞的適當形式完成句子6. Many _ (travel) come to Lijiang every year to enjoy the peaceful life. 7. Growing up is hard for ev

12、eryone. Laura has to face lots of stress as a _(teenage). 【2020臨沂】travel(l)ersteenager8. To cross the street, you should be _(care). 9. Mary is a beautiful and _ (understand) girl. 10. The boy started to live in school and learn to manage time by_(he). 【2020上海】 carefulunderstandinghimself三、根據(jù)漢語意思完成句

13、子11. 咱們一起來面對和分擔這些問題吧。Lets face and _ these _ together. share problems12. 我把面包切成兩半。I cut the bread _ _. in half13. 我們不知道他的歲數(shù)。他把它埋在心底。We dont know his age. He _ it _ _. keepsto himself14. 瑪麗太害怕而不敢告訴她的父母這個壞消息。Mary is _ _ _ tell her parents the bad news. too afraid to15. 李明在英語聽力方面經(jīng)常犯粗心的錯誤。Li Ming usuall

14、y _ _ _ in English listening. makes carelessmistakes四、【2021原創(chuàng)】閱讀還原 從方框中選擇合適的一項補全短文Once upon a time when I was in school, I remember my best friend called me on Saturday night to invite me to her birthday party the next day. _16B【點撥】結合上下文“我最好的朋友在星期六晚上打電話給我,邀請我第二天參加她的生日聚會_我媽媽說:“好吧,你可以走,但你必須在10點前回來?!笨芍?/p>

15、此處是接到邀請后征求媽媽的同意,B項“我很高興也很興奮去那里,但我需要從我父母那里得到允許 ?!狈险Z境。My mom said, “OK, you can go but you have to be back before 10. ”_17 【點撥】結合上文可知此時媽媽同意了“我”去聚會,再根據(jù)下文“我在聚會上玩得很開心。我的朋友喜歡我為她做的那張卡片,聚會上的每個人都喜歡我的衣服。”中的關鍵詞“卡片”、“衣服”,可知答案為F“然后我給朋友做了一張卡片,開始為聚會挑選衣服?!盕The next morning my mom was surprised to see me, no alarm,

16、 no Moms warning just I woke up by myself. The whole day had passed and now it was party time. _18【點撥】結合上下文“現(xiàn)在是聚會時間_我在聚會上玩得很開心。”可知此時“我”到了聚會的地點,A項“我父親把我送到朋友家,說他10點回來。”符合語境。AI enjoyed a lot at the party. My friend loved that card which I made for her and everybody at the party loved my dress. _19 I re

17、membered my moms advice that I should be back till 10. 【點撥】根據(jù)下文“我想起了我媽媽的建議,我應該在10點以前回來。我出來找我爸爸,但找不到他?!笨赏浦藭r已經(jīng)到了十點,G項“我們吃了晚飯,玩了那么多游戲,終于10點了。”符合語境。GI came out and started searching for my dad, but I could not be able to find him. _20 I started to walk. I thought at least I could go home by walking as

18、my home was 20 miles away from my friends place. 【點撥】根據(jù)上文“我出來找我爸爸,但找不到他?!笨芍颂幨恰拔摇闭也坏桨职趾蟮姆磻?,E項“我非常擔心和害怕。每個人都在里面,只有我一個人在那里。”符合語境。E五、語法填空Not only adults but also _ 21 (teenage) have problems in their life. Here is a survey showing the main problems of teenagers. They feel stressed because they have too much homework_22 ( do) both at school and at home. They have a lot of exams to take. teenagersto doAnd parents usually send them to different classes on_ 23 (weekend). As a result, so many of _24 ( they) almost become bookworms(書蟲). On holidays, they could hardly have thei


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