



1、本文格式為Word版,下載可任意編輯 初三年級英語九年級關(guān)于我的家鄉(xiāng)英語(雙語)九年級英語家鄉(xiāng)的變化 杭州位于浙江省東南部,它是我的家鄉(xiāng)。 Hangzhou is located in the southeast of Zhejiang Province, it is my hometown. 我年年在長大,杭州也年年在成長,而且是巨大的變更。黨的十六大之后,杭州全面貫徹科學進展觀,以富民強市和兩個領(lǐng)先總攬全局,經(jīng)過全市上下的共同奮斗,于2022年底領(lǐng)先實現(xiàn)江蘇省全面小康社會指標,根本實現(xiàn)現(xiàn)代化的新征程,走出了一條以科學進展為主要特征的新時期杭州之路。2022年1月省委、省政府召開學習杭州(閱

2、歷)報告,標志著杭州在全省領(lǐng)先根本達成全面小康社會水平。 I grew up in Hangzhou every year, every year in the growth, but also is a huge change. After sixteen big party, Hangzhou fully implement the Kexue Fazhan Guan, to enrich the people strong city and two first the overall situation, through the joint efforts of the city, at

3、 the end of 2022 to achieve a comprehensive well-off society in Jiangsu Province, the index, a new journey to basically realize modernization, out of a scientific development in the new period as the main the characteristics of the ()Hangzhou road. In 2022 January, the provincial government held a p

4、rovincial learning experience in Hangzhou, marking the Hangzhou first in the province has basically reached the level of a well-off society in an all-round way. 大的不去說,作為一個小學生的我,最讓我深有(體會)的是我們家門口的那條馬路,原來是一條窄窄的,坑坑洼洼的小馬路,并且旁邊還有一條臭水溝,由于是條死河,一到夏天就冒泡,一陣陣的臭味撲鼻而來,雖然一向有工作人員抽干,再放水,但一向沒有什么效果。小馬路一到下雨天就有一個個水潭,汽車、

5、自行車、摩托車、行人經(jīng)常會堵塞交通。旁邊的店面也是矮矮的,不是很亮堂的那種?,F(xiàn)在臭水河已經(jīng)不復存在了,小馬路也變成了寬寬的柏油路,并且設(shè)立了路燈、斑馬線、紅綠燈、人行道,再也不會有堵塞的現(xiàn)象了。馬路兩側(cè)開滿了各種商店,商店的招牌也全都換成了夜光的,哪怕是在晚上也一眼就能望得清領(lǐng)會楚。每天的早上,晚上就有大量的老爺爺、老奶奶在馬路兩邊的休息道上磨練身體,舞劍的,打拳的,跳舞的,競走的喧嚷極了,這在以前是從來沒有過的。 Big is not to say, as a student I, let me the most deep is the road in front of our house,

6、 the original is a narrow, bumpy roads, and there is a drainage ditch, because it is a dead, a summer bubble bursts, smell come, although there have been working out, and then turn on the water, but there has been no what effect. Small road one rainy day there is a pool, automobile, motorcycle, bicy

7、cle, pedestrian often traffic jam. Next to the store is short, not very bright, that. Now a smelly river has ceased to exist, the small road has become a wide road, and set up lights, zebra crossing, traffic lights, sidewalks, no blocking phenomenon. On both sides of the road filled with a variety o

8、f shops, shop signs are all changed into the night, even if it is in the evening, one can see clearly. Every morning, at night there are many old grandpa, grandma on both sides of the road to rest on the exercise, fencing, boxing, dancing, walking This is a very lively, never before. 這個新學期,我們也搬進了新建的學校,嶄新、寬大、亮堂的教室,讓我們的身心都愉悅起來,新的大操場,特意的電腦室,美術(shù)室,音樂室,最重要的是室內(nèi)體育室,再也不用惦記下雨天不能上體育課了。 The new semester, we have moved into a new school, new, spacious, bright classroom, let the body and mind are a pleasure, a new playground, specialized computer room, art room, music room, is the most important indoor


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