英語(yǔ)專題課堂練習(xí) Unit 1 My Family_第1頁(yè)
英語(yǔ)專題課堂練習(xí) Unit 1 My Family_第2頁(yè)
英語(yǔ)專題課堂練習(xí) Unit 1 My Family_第3頁(yè)
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1、Unit 1 My FamilyLesson 1 Fathers Mothers Brothers and SistersA級(jí) 基礎(chǔ)知識(shí)達(dá)標(biāo) 根據(jù)漢語(yǔ)提示,補(bǔ)全單詞f (家庭) g (爺爺) g (奶奶) f (爸爸) m (媽媽) b (哥哥) 將左邊的英語(yǔ)和右邊的相對(duì)應(yīng)的漢語(yǔ)連起來。1.She live in Canada . A.我沒有兄弟姐妹。2.This is my father. B.這是我的爸爸。3.I have two grandmothers. C.她住在加拿大。4.I dont have brothers and sisters. D.她比珍妮年齡小。5.She is yo

2、unger than Jenny. E.我有祖母和外祖母。B級(jí) 重點(diǎn)難點(diǎn)過關(guān) 單項(xiàng)選擇。( )1.I have a sister Kim. A.name B.names C.named D.names( )2.I a sister,but I a brother. A.have,have B.has,has C.have,dont have D.has,dont has( )3.Look at rhis picture.It is a picture my family. A.in B.of C.to D.for( )4.Mr.Li two sons. A.have B.has C.is D.

3、are( )5.Bob is twenty years old.Lynn is five years old.Lynn is than Bob. A.old B.older C.young D.younger 連詞成句1.how old Jenny is ?2.Mr.Smith Canada in lives .3. doesnt have LiLei brother a .4.is older than Fenny she .Lesson 2 Aunts,Uncles and CousinsA級(jí) 基礎(chǔ)知識(shí)達(dá)標(biāo) 選出不同類的單詞,將其序號(hào)填入題前的括號(hào)內(nèi)。 ( )1.A.fathers sis

4、ter B.mothers sister C.daughter( )2,A.uncle B.aunt C.China( )3.A.have B,has C.son( )4.A.husband B.wife C.uncles daughter 單項(xiàng)選擇。( )1.My grandmother is than my mother.A.yiunger B.old C.older( )2.My grandfather is my father.A.father B.fathers C.fathers( )3.His uncle is than his grandmother.A.older B.you

5、nger C.young( )4. have one cousin. A.I B.Me C.MyB級(jí) 重點(diǎn)難點(diǎn)過關(guān) 填空。1.My fathwrs father is my .2.My fathers brother is my .3.My .is my mothers mother.4.My uncles wife my .5.My .is my uncles daughter. 根據(jù)漢語(yǔ)提示補(bǔ)全句子。1.我有一個(gè)堂妹。她叫晶。I one . name is Jing.2.我的父親有一個(gè)弟弟。他是我叔叔大超。My has a . He my Dachao.3.姨夫志偉是我姨的丈夫。 Zhwe

6、i is my .Lesson 3 What Do They Look Like?A級(jí) 基礎(chǔ)知識(shí)達(dá)標(biāo) 將左邊的英語(yǔ)和右邊的漢語(yǔ)連起來。1.Danny has three hairs. A.我的祖父戴著眼鏡。2.Im taller than Jing. B.他們看上去什么樣?3.My grandfather wears glasses. C.丹尼有三根頭發(fā)。4.What colour are her eyes? D.我比晶個(gè)子高。5.What do they look like? E.她的眼睛是什么顏色的? 根據(jù)漢語(yǔ)完成句子。1.My sister has (長(zhǎng)的,直的,紅色的) hair.2.

7、Jenny has (短的,彎曲的,金黃色的) hair.3.Bob has(短的,棕色的) hair.4.My grandfather has(白色的) hair.5.My grandmother has(灰色的) hair.B級(jí) 重點(diǎn)難點(diǎn)過關(guān) 寫出所給單詞的反義詞。1.tall 2.curly 3.young 4.big 5.different 將正確答案的序號(hào)填在括號(hào)里。( ) 1.My grandmother .A.wear glass B.wear glasses C.wears glasses( ) 2.Jenny has hair. A.long,straight,red B.s

8、traight,long,red C.red,long,straight( ) 3.Bob has short,brown hair. eyes are brown. A.He B.His C.She( ) 4.He one cousin.A.has B.have C.isLesson 4 Do They WorkA級(jí) 基礎(chǔ)知識(shí)達(dá)標(biāo) 根據(jù)漢語(yǔ)提示,補(bǔ)全單詞。1.doxt (醫(yī)生) 2.driv (司機(jī)) 3.t cher (老師) 4.n se (護(hù)士)5.cl k (職員) 6.b cycle (自行車) 7.w k (工作) 將左邊的英語(yǔ)和右邊的漢語(yǔ)連起來。1.He walks tl wo

9、rk. A.他們?cè)趺慈ド习啵?.My father is a businessman. B.他騎自行車去上班。3.What do they do? C.他在一家商店工作。4.He goes to work on his bicycle. D.他們是做什么工作的?5.How do they go to work? E.他步行去上班。6.He works in a store. F.我的爸爸是個(gè)商人。 選擇正確的答案。 ( ) 1.She goes go work her bicycle.A.at B.in C.on( ) 2.I go to school bus.A.by B.for C.at(

10、 ) 3.He has a car. He to work.A.goes B.drive C.drivesB級(jí) 重點(diǎn)難點(diǎn)過關(guān) 情景交際( )1.你想知道對(duì)方怎樣去上班,你應(yīng)該問: A.at do you do? B.How do you go to work? C.I drive to work.( ) 2.你想知道對(duì)方是干什么的,你應(yīng)該問: A.Where are you from? B.What do you do? C.How do you do? 連詞成句1.a my is mother doctor 2.do how go work they to 3.works a in scho

11、ol she 4.do what they do Lesson 5 What Do They Like to DOA級(jí) 基礎(chǔ)知識(shí)達(dá)標(biāo) 用所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。1.What do you like (do).2.My uncle (like) to play basketball.3.She like to skip with her (skip) rope.4.I want (play) computer games.5.My cousin and I (be) different. 英漢互譯。1.go for a walk 2.看電視 3.吃面條 4.work on the compute

12、r 5.不同的 6.相同的 B級(jí) 重點(diǎn)難點(diǎn)過關(guān) 選擇正確的答案。( ) 1.What do you like ? A.do B.does C.to do ( ) 2.My uncle to go for a walk.A.like B.likes C.to like( ) 3.I like to work the computer.A.at B,in C.on( ) 4.My cousin and I different.A.am B.is C.are 將下列五個(gè)句子重新排列,組成對(duì)話,并改正五個(gè)拼寫錯(cuò)誤的單詞。(1) He like to eat fish.(2) I likes to ea

13、t noodles.And you?(3) What does your father likes to eat?(4) We is different.I like to eat dumplings.(5) Hi,Jenny!What do you like to eats?1. 排列對(duì)話 2.更正拼寫(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Lesson 6 Having Fun TogetherA級(jí) 基礎(chǔ)知識(shí)達(dá)標(biāo) 將左邊的英語(yǔ)和右邊的漢語(yǔ)連起來。1.flykites A.電影院2.watch the animals B.一起開心3.movie theatre C.打羽毛球4.have fu

14、n together D.看動(dòng)物5.play badminton E.放風(fēng)箏 選詞填空。( )1.Lets go to to.A.the gym,fly kites B.the zoo,fly kites C.the gym,play badminton( )2.She to the gym to play ping-pong.A.go B.goes C.going( )3.We go to the shop clothes.A.buy B.Buys C.to buy( )4.Mr.Li is than Li Ming.A.tall B.short C.taller( )5.My uncle

15、in the store.A.goes B.plays C.worksB級(jí) 重點(diǎn)難點(diǎn)過關(guān) 選詞填空。 testaurant park gym movie theatre1.I like to go to the to play ping-pong.2.Do you like to go to the to watch a movie?3.He likes to go to the to eat supper.4.We like to go to the to buy new clothes. 連詞成句。1.to do do what like you (?) 2.to go to fly ki

16、tes we park the (.) 3.same are we the (.) Lesson 7 Are You Ready for a quiz? 寫出下列單詞的對(duì)應(yīng)詞或反義詞。1.grandfather( ) 2.short( ) 3.waiter( ) 4.old( )5.businessman( ) 6.same( ) 7.brother( ) 8. aunt( ) 連線。1.Is she a nurse? A.he goes to work by bus.2.What does he do? B.Her hair is gray.3.How does your father go

17、 to work? C.Yes,she is .4.What colour is her hair? D.He likes to readthe newspaper.5.What does Li Ming like to do ? E.Hes a teacher. 選出正確的答案。( )1.Is your brother older younger than your sister?A.but B.and C.or( )2.They go for a walk the evening.A.on B.in C.at( )3. your mother a doctor?A.Do B.Is C.Ar

18、e( )4.I have a friend Jenny.A.name C.names C.named Do you know? “family”這個(gè)英文單詞是“家庭,家人”的意思。組成“family”的每個(gè)字母都有一些含義。 f : father a : and m: i : I l: y: 可譯成Father and mother , I love you!Lesson 8 Again,Please 漢語(yǔ)譯成英語(yǔ)。1.年輕的 2.阿姨 3.灰白的 4.眼鏡 5.堂/表兄弟 連詞成句。1.years she twelve is old (陳述句) 2.short Jenny blond hai

19、r has curly 3.does go how she work to 4.evening go they walk a for the in 讀短文,判斷對(duì)錯(cuò),對(duì)的打“”號(hào),錯(cuò)的打“”。Hello! My name ia Lucy. I have a happy family. There are four people in my family. They are my grandfather,my father, my mother and me. My grandfather is old. He doesnt work. My father is a cashier. He wo

20、rks in a bank(銀行). My mother is a teacher. She works in a school. Im a student. I love my family.( )1.There ate four people in my family.( )2.My grandfather doesnt work.( )3.My father works in a store.( )4.My mother is a nurse.創(chuàng)新提高題。給每個(gè)單詞加上一個(gè)字母,使它變成另一個(gè)單詞。1.on 2.you 3.he 4.her 5.red 第一單元試卷 找出下列各組詞中不同

21、的詞,將其序號(hào)填入題前括號(hào)內(nèi)( )1.A.young B.short C.day D.old( )2.A.mother B.grandmother C.aunt D.red( )3.A.friend B.zoo C.park D.store ( )4.A.short B.young C.sister D.tall( )5.A.black B.friend C.student D.teacher 按要求寫出相應(yīng)的單詞。Black(對(duì)應(yīng)詞)_ short(比較級(jí))_ my(人稱代詞)_ sun(同音詞) little(近義詞)_ old(反義詞) tall(反義詞) sane(反義詞) work(

22、同音詞)_ have(單三) 單選題。( )1. _is Bob? A. How old B.How much C. How many D.How long ( )2.Peter is older_Lucy. A.and B.then C.than D.or( )3.I have a sister_Sherly. A.name B.is C.named D.names( )4.He works in a store.He is a_. A. cashier B.waitress C.teacher D.driver( )5.My father is my grandfathers_. A. u

23、ncle B.brother C.father D.son( )6.My uncle is_than his son. A. older B. younger C.smaller D.shorter( )7.What do you like _? A. to do B.do C.does D.did( )8.My hair is black,my eyes are black,_. A.to B.two C.too D.either( )9.My father goes to work_his bike.A.by B.on C.to D.with( )10.His mother and father like to go_a walk.A.to B.of C.at D.for( )11、Uncles Zhi wei is my aunts _ . A sister B father C husband( )12、He works in a store .He is a _ . A doctor B clerk C driver( )13、I like to play checkers _


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