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1、syntaxIndicate the category of each word in the following sentences.The old lady suddenly left.Det A N Qual VThe car stopped at the end of the road.Det N V P Det N P Det NThe snow might have blocked the road.Det NAux Aux V Det Nd) He never appears quite mature.N Qual VDeg AThe following phrases incl

2、ude a head, each.full of people APAPNfull ofpeoplea story about a sentimental girl NPNPPP DetNPNPDet ANastory about a sentimental girloften read detective storiesVPQualVNP/XANoftenread detective storiesthe argument against the proposals NPNPPP/DetNPNPDetNa complement, and a specifier. Draw the appro

3、priate tree structure forthe argument against the proposalse) move towards the windowPDet Nmovetowards the windowDraw phrase structure trees for each of the following sentences.The jet landed.InflP(=S)The jetlandedMary became very ill.InflP(=S)CPNPINIeNapplemighthittheThemanORInflP(=S)What will you

4、talk aboutWhat will you e talk about* IThe apple might hit the man.The apple might hit themane) He often reads detective stories.ORInflP(=S)N Qual VHe oftenreads etective stories4. The followingsentences containmodifiers of various types. For each sentence, first identify the modifier(s),then draw t

5、he tree structures.A frightened passenger landed the crippled airplane.A frightened passenger landed the crippled airplaneA huge moon hung in the black sky.InflP(=S)NP Infl VPDet A N Pst VPPNPskyDet AA huge moon hung in the blackAn unusual event occurred before the meeting.InflP(=S)NP/NDet AInflN Ps

6、t VVPPPNPmeetingDet An unusual event occurred before theA quaint old house appeared on the grassy hill. InflP(=S)NPDetInflVPPP,地_Det AA quaint oldhouse appeared on the grassyhill5. The following sentences all contain conjoined categories. Draw a tree structure for each of the sentences. a) Jim has w

7、ashed the dirty shirts and pants.InflP(=S)NPVPJimAuxhaswashedNPDetthedirtyNP/TN CON Nshirts and pantsORInflP(=S)NPInflVPVNPDetNP /TJimhasN CON Nwashed the dirty shirts andpantsSher clothes andwent outHelen put on her clothes and went outHelen put on her clothes and went out.Helen put onORMary is fon

8、d of literature but tired of statistics.SNPNMary is fond of literaturebut (is) tired of statisticsORInflP(=S)NPVAP NV A P NMary is fond of literature but (is) tired of statisticsThe detective went out and the mysterious man came in.SThe detectivewent out and the mysterious man came inCrusoe knows th

9、at spring will come and the snow will melt.Sknows that spring willcome and the snowCrusoewill meltThe following sentences all contain embedded clauses that function as complements of a verb, an adjective, a preposition or a noun. Draw a tree structure for each sentence.You know that I hate war.SNPNY

10、ouORSYouknow thathatewarHe said that Tom asked whether the class was over.AHeNPthe fact thatAnna flunked the English examGerry can not believesaid that Tom asked whether the class was overGerry cant believe the fact that Anna flunked the English exam.Chris was happy that his father bought him a Roll

11、s-Royce.SChriswas happy that his father bought him a Rolls-RoyceNPThe children argued over whether bats had wings.VPDet NCPargued over whether batshad wingsThe childrenthe deep structure and the surface structureEach of the following sentences contains a relative clause. Draw trees for each of the s

12、entences.The essay that he wrote was too long.Deep structureCPPThe essay hewrote that wastoo longSurface Structureessay thatePtoowasThehewrotelongThe dog that he keeps bites.Deep structure CPSVPNPNDetThedogCPC InflSPres NPVPVhekeepsNPthatbitesSurface StructureCPSVPNPNDetTheCPCSNPNPInfl VPPres VNPdog

13、 thatbiteshekeeps eHerbert found the man she loved. Deep structure CPSHerbertfound the manshe lovedNPNwhoSurface StructureHerbertfound the man (whom) she lovedNPNeThe girl whom he often quarrels with majors in linguistics.Deep structureVPDetNCPPPThegirlhe often quarrels with whom majors in linguisti

14、csNPNSurface Structuregirl whom heoften quarrels withNPNThee majors in linguisticsThe derivations of the following sentences involve the inversion transformation. Give the deep structure and the surface structure trees for each of these sentences.Would you come tomorrow Deep structure CPNPVPAdvPInfl

15、AdvyouwouldcometomorrowSurface structureAdvPAdvwouldcometomorrowyouCan you pass me the newspaperDeep structureNPDetyoucanpassmethenewspaperSurface structureCanyoupassmethenewspaperShould the students report the incidentDeep structurethe studentsshouldreportthe incidentSurface structure CPCS- VPInflNP7r/ /DetNInflVshould the studentsereportt1What did you eat for lunch Deep structure CPCS- VPNP1NInflV1youdideatSurface structureCPNP CSVPInflNPNNInflVwhat didyoueeat1Who should this be reported to Deep structureCPCSVPNPVP NInflNP r DetNthe


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