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1、Unit 1達(dá)標(biāo)測試卷時間:40分鐘總分值:肘0分聽力局部(30分))1. A. tall)2. A. than)3. A. smaller)4. A. meter)5. A. shorter聽錄音,選出你所聽到的一項。(5分)B. tallerB. thatB. smarterB. sizeB. youngerC. tallestC. thenC. slowC. kilogramC. heavier在與所聽內(nèi)容相符的圖片下的方框內(nèi)打*,。(5分)聽錄音,三、聽錄音,判斷以下句子與所聽內(nèi)容是(T)否(F)相符。(10分))1. Its thinner than both of us.()2.

2、These men are so big and tall.()3. Amy is 13 years old.()4. His shadow is getting shorter and shorter.()5. The trees become stronger this year.四、聽錄音,為所聽問句選擇正確的答語。(10分)()1. A. Ifs about 3 metres.B. Pm 1.62 metres.C. He is 1.75 metres.)2. A. Im fine.C. Fm 39 kilograms.)3. A. They are size 38.C. She is

3、 twelve.)4. A. He is taller.C. We are tall.)5. A. He becomes taller.C. She is thinner.B. Im nine.B. He is 52 kilograms.B. Im shorter.B. Im stronger.C.goC. allC. oldC. over there筆試局部(70分)五、根據(jù)圖片及首字母提示寫出單詞,補全句子。(5分)Tom is ten. Im eight. Im y than him.My dress is short. Lilys dress is 1 than my dress.Th

4、ere are many books in his bag. Its h than mine.He often plays sports. He is much s than me.We will get t and older when we grow up.六、選擇正確的單詞填空,補全句子。(5分)have a story to(tell/say) you.That boy(looks/sees) shorter than me.She is(thin/thinner) than me.(wear/am) size 40 shoes. He is(become/becoming) a bi

5、g boy. 七、單項選擇。(10分)1. We watch the sun down.A. goesB.went)2. He is taller than us.A. twoB.both of)3. My father is thanme.A. olderB.young)4. There is a big dinosaur.A. are thereB.is there)5. There are some robots in the of the museum.A. hallB. shadowC. countryside)6. What are your trousers?A. bigB. s

6、izeC. long)7. There were many on the earth many years ago.A. dogB. cowC. dinosaurs()8. The sun gets now.red and redB. lower and lowerC. up and up()9. Pm 1.7 metres.A. shortB. oldC. tall()10. They big and strong.A. all isB. is allC. are all八、根據(jù)所給的情境選擇正確的句子。(10分)()1.你想說“他的腳比我的大”,你應(yīng)該這樣表達(dá):A. His feet ar

7、e bigger than mine. B. His feet are smaller than me.C. Your feet are bigger than me.()2.你想知道Lily的爺爺奶奶誰的年齡更大,你會問:A. Are Lilys grandparents old?B. Who is old?C. Who is older, Lilys grandfather or grandmother?()3.你朋友的書包看起來比你的重,你會這樣說:A. Your bag looks heavier than mine. B. Your bag is heavy.C. My bag is

8、 heavier than yours.()4.你發(fā)現(xiàn)恐龍比你和朋友兩個人加起來還高,你會說:A. The dinosaur is taller than me.The dinosaur is taller than you.The dinosaur is taller than both of us together.)5.你告訴售貨員自己穿38號的鞋,應(yīng)該這樣說:My feet are 38.C. My feet are bigger.My shoes are size 38.九、十、)1. How old is your father?A. I am eleven years old.C

9、. He is thirty-seven years old.)2. How tall is that building?A. It is about 95 metres.C. She is 1.63 metres.)3.1 wear size L clothes.A. What size are your shoes?C. What size are your clothes?)4. Tom is stronger than me.A. Who is heavier than you?C. What is stronger?)5. Who is smarter, Susan or Jane?

10、Yes, Susan is.C. No, Jane isnt.讀一讀,選擇正確的句子補全對話。(10分)She is forty years old.I am 1.72 metres.What size are your feet?Who is stronger than you?Susan is smarter than Jane.為以下問句選擇合適的答句,或為答句選擇合適的問句。(10分)1.Yes, please. I need a new pair of shoes. Where are the shoes?Let me show you. Here they are. 2.My sh

11、oes are size 38.3.These are blue and those are black. I like these. 4.A: They are 98 yuan.B:5.Here you are.Thanks.How much are they?Hl take them.May I help you?What size are your shoes?Do you want these shoes or those shoes?、閱讀短文,判斷正(T)誤(F)。(10分)(建議用時:5分鐘)Hello! My name is Peter. Tm a boy. Tm twelve

12、 years old. Tm tall but Im not strong. I want to play sports every day. Then I will become stronger. My grandfather is 68 years old. He is shorter than me. He is heavier than me. He does exercise every morning. He is stronger than me. My father is 40 years old. He is taller than my grandfather and m

13、e. He is stronger than me, too. My mother is 39 years old. She is shorter than me. She is thinner than me. She is beautiful.()1. Peter is tall and strong.()2. His grandfather is the oldest in the family.()3. His father is the tallest in the family.()4. Peter is the shortest in the family.()5. There

14、are three people in the family.十二、寫作。(1。分)這兩只狗是Lucy的寵物,左邊的斑點狗叫Feifei,今年五歲。右邊的叫Bobby, 今年兩歲。Feifei高大,Bobby小而可愛。Bobby是橙色的,F(xiàn)eifei是白色的,有 黑色的斑點。假如你就是Lucy,請介紹一下這兩只狗。不力 .要求:1 ,必須包含以上要點,其他內(nèi)容可進行適當(dāng)發(fā)揮。 oM 企.題目自擬,不少于7句話。中.內(nèi)容中要包含兩只狗的比擬,使“isthan.的句式。.語句正確、通順。Unit 1達(dá)標(biāo)測試卷聽力材料:一、1. Thats the tallest dinosaur in the h

15、all.Im older than you.Lingling is smarter than Dongdong.My shoes are size 37.Who is heavier than you?二、1. Look at the fish. It is bigger and longer.My grandparents live in the countryside.Tony is thinner than his brother.The man is stronger.Look at the shadow of my hands. It looks like a dog. 三、1. I

16、ts thinner than both of us.These men are so big and tall.M: How old are you, Amy?W: Im 12 years old.Her shadow is getting shorter and shorter.The trees become taller this year.四、1. How tall is he?How heavy are you?What size are your shoes?Who is shorter, Tom or you?What happens to him?答案:一、l.C 2. A

17、3. B 4. B 5. C二三四抵六匕二三四抵六匕B 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. Al.C 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. Al.C 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. AT 2.T 3.F 4. F 5. Fyounger 2. longer 3. heavier 4. stronger 5. tallertell 2. looks 3. thinner 4. wear 5. becomingC 點撥:watch sth. /sb. do sth.觀察某物或某人做某事。B點撥:both of us我們兩個。A 點撥:兩人相比,than前用形容詞的比擬級。C 點撥:over there在那邊。A點撥:句意應(yīng)為“博物館的大廳”,其他選項不符合常理。B 點撥:what size問褲子的尺碼。C8.B點撥:形容詞比擬級+ and +形容詞比擬級,意思為“越來越.”9. C 點撥:Im . metres tall.我身高米。10. C八、1. A 2. C九、1.C 2, A十、1.C 2. D3. A 4,C 5. B3. C 4. B 5. B3. E 4. A


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