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1、選修 7 Unit 1 Living we I HRead i ngMARTY S STORYHi, my name is Marry Fielding and I guess you couId say that I am one in a mi I I ionH. In other words, there are not many peop I e I i ke me. You see, I have a muse I e d i sease wh i ch makes me very weak, so I can11 run or cI imb stai rs as quickly a

2、s other peopIe. In addition, sometimes I am very cIumsy and drop things or bump into furniture. Unfortunate Iy, the doctors don11 know how to make me better, but I am very outgoing and have I earned to adapt to my disabi I ity. My motto is: I ive One day at a time.Unti I I was ten years old I was th

3、e same as everyone e I se. I used to climb trees, swim and p I ay f ootba I I. I n fact, I used to dream about playing profess ionaI footbaI I and poss i bIy represent ing my country in the WorId Cup. Then I started to get weaker and weaker, unt iI I couId on Iy en joy footba I I from a bench at the

4、 stad i um. I n the end I went i nto hospitaI for med i caI tests. I stayed there for near Iy three months. I th i nk I had at I east a billion tests, including one i n which they cut out a piece of muse I e from my I eg and I ooked at it under a microscope. Even after a I I that, no one cou Id gi v

5、e my disease a name and it is difficult to know what the future holds.One prob I em i s that I don* t I ook any different from other peopIe. So sometimes some chi Idren in my pr imary school wou Id I augh, when I got out of breath after runn i ng a short way or had to stop and rest ha I fway up the

6、sta i rs. Sometimes, too, I was too weak to go to schoo I so my educat i on suffered. Every time I returned after an absence, I fe11 stupid because I was behind the others.My Iife is a Iot easier at high schooI because my fellow students have accepted me. The few who cannot see the rea I person insi

7、de my body do not make me annoyed, and I just i gnore them. Al I i n a I I I have a good life. I am happy to have found many things I can do, I ike writing and computer programming. My amb i t i on i s to work for a f i rm that deve I ops computer software when I grow up. Last year invented a comput

8、er footbaI I game and a big company has decided to buy it from me. I have a very busy I i fe with no time to sit around fee I i ng sorry for myse I f. As we I I as going to the movies and footba I I matches with my fr iends, I spend a lot of time with my pets. I have tworabbits, a parrot, a tank fuI

9、 I of f ish and a tortoise. To Iook after my pets proper I y takes a lot of time but I find it worthwhi Ie. I a I so have to do a Iot of work, especial ly if I have been away for a while.I n many ways my di sabi I ity has he I ped me grow stronger psycho IogicaIly and become more independent. I have

10、 to work hard to Ii ve a norma I I ife but it has been worth it. I f I had a chance to say one thing to hea I thy chi Idren, it wou I d be this: having a disabiIity does not mean your Iife is not sat i sfy ing. So don* t fee I sorry for the d i sab I ed or make fun of them, and dont ignore them eith

11、er. Just accept them for who they are, and give them encouragement to live as rich and ful I a life as you do.Thank you for read i ng my story.A LETTER TO ANARCHITECTLook at the p i ctures. Di scuss the prob Iems thatpeopIe with walking difficulties might have in a cinema.MsSandersAlice MajorChief64

12、 Cambr idge StreetCinemaBankstown44 Hi I I StreetBankstown24 September, 200_Dear Ms Sanders,arch i tectDes i gnsI read i n the newspaper today that you are to be the architect for the new Bankstown hope you wi I I not mind me writing to ask i f you have thought about the needs of d i sab I ed custom

13、ers. In particular I wonder if you have considered the fol lowing things:Adequate accessfor whee I cha i rs. 11 wou I d be handyto have Ii fts to a I I partsof the c i nema. The buttons i n theI i fts shou I d be easy for a person i n a whee I cha i r to reach, andthe doors be wide enough to enter.

14、In some cinemas, the I ifts are at the back of the c i nema i n cold, unattract i ve p I aces. As d i sab led peop Ie have to use the I i fts, th i s makes them fee I they are not as important as other customers.Earphones for peopIe who have troubIe hear inge It wou I d he I p to fit sets of earphon

15、es to a I I seats, not just to some of them. This wouId allow hear i ng-impa i red customers to enjoy the company of thei r hear ing fr iends rather than having to sit in a specia I area.Raised seating. PeopIe who are short cannot always see the screen. So Id like to suggest that the seats at the ba

16、ck be p I aced h i gher than those at the front so that everyone can see the screen easiIy. Perhaps there couId be a space at the end of each row for peopIe in wheeIchai rs to sit next to thei r fr iends.Toi Iets. For d i sab Ied customers it wouId be moreconven i ent to p I ace the to i I ets near

17、the entrance to the c i nema.It can be difficult i f the on I y d i sab I ed toi let i s i n the basement a Iong way from where the film is showing. And if the doors couId be opened outwards, d i sab Ied customers wouId be very happy.Car parking. Of course, there are usuaI Iy spaces specially reserv

18、ed for d i sab Ied and eIderIy dr i vers. If they are close to the cinema entrance and/or exit, it is easier for d i sab I ed peop I e to get to film i n comfort.Thank you for read ing my I etter. I hope my suggest ions wi I I meet with your approva I. Disabled peopIe should have the same opportunit

19、ies as able-bodied peopIe to enjoy the cinema and to do so with am sure many peopIe wi I I praise your cinema i f you des i gn i t with good access for d i sab I ed peop I e. 11 wi I I a I so make the c i nema owners happy i f more peop I e go as they wi I I make higher profits!Yours s i ncereIy,Ali

20、ce Major選修 7 Unit 2 Robots - ReadingSAT ISFACTI ON GURANTEEDLarry Be Imont worked for a company that made robots. Recent Iy it had begun exper iment ing with a househoId robot. 11 was going to be tested out by Larry* s wife, Claire.Claire didnt want the robot i n her house, especi a I Iy as her husb

21、and would be absent for three weeks, but Larry persuaded her that the robot wouldn* t harm her or allow her to be harmed. It wouId be a bonus. However, when she f i rst saw the robot, she felt a I armed. Hi s name was Tony and he seemed more I i ke a human than a mach i ne. He was ta I I and handsom

22、e w i th smooth ha i r and a deep voice a I though his fac i a I expression never changed.On the second morn i ng Tony, wear i ng an apron, brought her breakfast and then asked her whether she needed he I p dress i ng. She fe 11 embarrassed and quickly to I d him to go. It was d i sturb i ng and fr

23、i ghten i ng that he Iooked so human.One day, Claire mentioned that she didnt think she was cI ever. Tony said that she must fee I very unhappy to say that. Claire thought it was r id iculous to be offered sympathy by a robot. But she began to trust him. She to I d him how she was overweight and thi

24、 s made her fee I unhappy. Al so she fe 11 her home wasn* t e I egant enough for someone I i ke Larry who wanted to i mprove h i s soc i a I pos i t i on. She wasn t I i ke GI adys CI affern, one of the r i chest and most powerfuI women around.As a favour Tony promised to he I p Claire make herse I

25、f smarter and her home more elegant. So Claire borrowed a pile of books from the I ibrary for him to read, or rather, scan. She Iooked at his fingers with wonder as they turned each page and sudden I y reached for hi s hand. She was amazed by hi s f ingernai I s and the softness and warmth of his sk

26、in. How absurd, she thought. He was just a machine.Tony gave Claire a new ha i rcut and changed the makeup she wore. As he was not a I I owed to accompany her to the shops, he wrote out a list of items for her. Claire went into the city and bought curtains, cushions, a carpet and bedding. Then she w

27、ent i nto a jewel lery shop to buy a neck I ace. When the c I erk at the counter was rude to her, she rang Tony up and told the c I erk to speak to him. The c I erk immed i ate I y changed h i s attitude. Claire thanked Tony, tel I ing him that he was a ndearn.As she turned around, there stood GIady

28、s Claffern. How awfuI to be discovered by her, Claire thought. By the amused and surpr ised Iook on her face, Claire knew that GIadys thought she was having an affa i r. After all, she knew Claires husband1s name was Larry, not Tony.When Claire got home, she wept with anger in her armchai r. GIadys

29、was everything Claire wanted to be. nYou can be I i ke her, “ Tony to I d her and suggested that she invite GI adys and her f r i ends to the house the n i ght before he was to I eave and Larry was to return. By that time, Tony expected the house to be comp IeteIy transformed.Tony worked steadi Iy o

30、n the improvements. Claire tr i ed to he I p once but was too fe I I off a I adder and even though Tony was in the next room, he managed to catch her in time. He he I d her firmly i n h i s arms and she felt the warmth of h i s body. She screamed, pushed him away and ran to her room for the rest of

31、the day.The night of the party arr i ved. The cIock struck eight. The guests wou I d be arriving soon and Claire to I d Tony to go into another that moment, Tony foIded his arms around her, bend i ng h i s face c I ose to hers. She cr i ed out Tony and then heard him dec I are that he didn11 want to

32、 I eave her the next day and that he fe11 more than just the desi re to please her. Then the front door be I I rang. Tony freed her and d i sappeared from sight. 11 was then that Claire reaIized that Tony had opened the curta i ns of the front wi ndow. Her guests had seen everyth i ng !The women wer

33、e impressed by Clai re, the house and the delicious cuisine. Just before they left, Claire heard GIadys wh i sper i ng to another woman that she had never seen anyone so handsome as Tony. What a sweet victory to be envied by those women! She might not be as beautifuI as them, but none of them had su

34、ch a handsome I over.Then she remembered -Tony was just a mach i ne. She shouted ,Leave me a I one, and ran to her bed. She cr i ed a I I ni ght. The next morning a car drove up and took Tony away.The company was very p I eased with Tony* s report on his three weeks with Claire. Tony had protected a

35、 human being from harm. He had prevented Clai re from harming herseIf through her own sense of fa i I ure. He had opened the curta i ns that n i ght so that the other women wouId see him and Claire, knowing that there was no r i sk to Claires marr i age. But even though Tony had been so clever, he w

36、ouId have to be rebui It -you cannot havewomen failing in Iove with machines.A BIOGRAPHY OF ISAAC AS I MOVIsaac Asimov was an Amer ican scient ist and wr iter who wrote around 480 books that incIuded mystery stories, science and h i story books, and even books about the Ho I y Bible and Shakespeare.

37、 But he is best known for his science fiction stor ies. Asimov had both an extraordinary imaginat ion that gave him the ability to exp I ore future worI ds and an amaz i ng mind with which he searched for exp Ianat ions of everything, in the present and the past.Asimov1s I ife began in Russia, where

38、 he was born on 2 January, 1920. It ended in New York on 6 Apr i 1, 1992, when he d i ed as a resu 11 of an HIV i nfect i on that he had got from a b I ood transfusion nine years ear Iier.When Asimov was three, he moved with his parents and his one-year-old sister to New York City. There his parents

39、 bought a candy store which they ran for the next 40 or so years. At the age of nine, when his mother was pregnant with her thi rd child, Asimov started work i ng part-time i n the store. He he I ped out through h i s schoo I and uni vers i ty years unt i I 1942, a year after he had gained a master

40、1 s degree in chemistry. In 1942 he joined the staff of the Ph iIadeI ph i a Navy Yard as a junior chemi st and worked there for three years. I n 1948 he got h i s PhD in chemistry. The next year he became a biochemistry teacher at Boston Un i vers i ty Schoo I of Medicine. In 1958 he gave up teachi

41、ng to become a ful Htime writer.It was when Asimov was e I even years o I d that his ta I ent for writing became obvious. He had told a f r iend two chapters of a story he had wr i tten. The f r i end thought he was rete I I i ng a story from a book. Thi s reaI Iy surpr ised Asimov and from that mom

42、ent, he started to take himseIf ser iousIy as a wr itere Asimov began hav i ng stor i es pub I i shed i n science fiction magaz i nes i n 1939. In 1950 he pub I i shed h i s f i rst nove I and i n 1953 his f i rst science book.Throughout his I ife, Asimov received many awards, both for his science f

43、iction books and his science books. Among his most famous works of science fiction, one for which he won an award was the Foundation tr iIogy (1951-1953), three noveIs about the death and reb i rth of a great empi re i n a ga I axy of the future. 11 was I oose I y based on the fa I I of the Roman Em

44、p i re but was about the future. These books are famous because Asimov invented a theoreticaI framework which was designed to show how i deas and th i nk i ng may deve I op i n the future. He is also well known for hi s co I I ect i on of short stories, I, Robot (1950), i n wh i ch he deve I oped a

45、set of three n I awsH for robots. For examp I e, the f i rst I aw states that a robot must not i njure human be i ngs or a I I ow them to be i njured. Some of h i s i deas about robots I ater i nfIuenced other wr i ters and even scientists researching i nto artificial inteI Iigence.Asimov was mar r

46、ied twice. He married hi s f i rst wife i n 1942 and had a son and a daughter. The i r marr i age I asted 31 years. Soon after his divorce in 1973, Asimov married again but he had no chi Idren with his second wife.選修 7 Unit 3 Under the sea - ReadingOLD TOM THE KILLER WHALEI was 16 when I began work

47、in June 1902 at the whaI ing station.I had heard of the kill ers that every year he I ped wha I ers catch huge wha I es. I thought, at the time, that this was just a story but then I witnessed it with my own eyes many times.On the afternoon I arr i ved at the station, as I was I sorting out my accom

48、modation, I heard a Ioud noise coming from the bay. We ran down to the shore in time to see an enormous animal opposite us throwing itself out of the water and then crash i ng down again. It was bI ack and white and fish-shaped. But I knew it wasn11 a fish.“Thats Old Tom, the kill er, n one of the w

49、haIers, George, ca I led out to me. Hes telling us there s a wha I e out there for us.”Another whaI er ye I led out, “Rush-oo .rush-oo. Thi s was the ca I I that announced there was about to be a wha Ie hunt.Come on, Clancy. To the boat, George said as he ran ahead of me. I had a I ready heard that

50、George didnt like being kept waiting, so even though I didnt have the r ight clothes on, I raced after him.Without pausing we jumped into the boat with the other wha I ers and headed out i nto the bay. I I ooked down i nto the water and couId see 01d Tom swimming by the boat, showing us the way.A fe

51、w minutes Iater, there was no Tom, so George started beating the water with hi s oar and there was Tom, ci rcI ing back to the boat, Ieading us to the hunt again.Us i ng a te I escope we cou I d see that someth i ng was happening. As we drew c I oser, I cou Id see a wha Ie being attacked by a pack o

52、f about six other killers.“Whatre they doing I asked George.“Well, its teamwork - the kiIlers over there are throwing themse I ves on top of the wha Ie* s b Iow-hoIe to stop it breathing. And those others are stopping it diving or fleeing out to sea, H George told me, pointing towards the hunt. And

53、just at that moment, the most extraordinary thing happened. The killers started racing between our boat and the whaIe just I ike a pack of excited dogs.Then the harpoon was ready and the man in the bow of the boat a imed it at the wha Ie. He Iet it go and the harpoon hi t the spot. Being bad Iy woun

54、ded, the wha Ie soon d ied. Within a moment or two, its body was dragged swiftly by the killers down into the depths of the sea. The men started turning the boat around to go home.“Whats happened1* I asked. Have we lost the whaIeHn0h no, n Jack rep I i ed. We I I return tomorrow to br i ng i n the b

55、ody. It won* t fI oat up to the surface for around 24 hours. n NIn the meantime, Old Tom, and the others are having a good feed on its Iips and tongue, H added Red, laughing.Although Old Tom and the other ki I Iers were fierce hunters, they, never harmed or attacked peopIe. In fact, they protected t

56、hem. There was one day when we were out i n the bay dur i ng a hunt and James was washed off the boat.“Man overboard! Turn the boat around! urged George, shout i ng IoudIy.The sea was rough that day and it was difficult to hand Ie the boat. The waves were carry i ng James further and further away fr

57、om us. From James1 s face, I cou I d see he was terr if ied of being abandoned by us. Then sudden I y I saw a shark.“Look, there1s a shark out there, n I screamed.“Dont worry, 01d Tom won11 Iet it near, Redrep Iied.took over ha I f an hour to get the boat back to James, and when we approached him, I

58、 saw James being f i rmly he I d up i n the water by Old Tom. I couldnt be I i eve my eyes.There were shouts of uWeI I done, Old Tom, and 1 Thank God, as we pul led James back into the boat. And then Old Tom was off and back to the hunt where the other killers were still attack i ng the whaIe.A NEW

59、DI MENS I ON OF LIFE19th JanuaryI * m sitting i n the warm night a i r with a co I d dr i nk i n my hand and reflecting on the day - a day of pure magic! I went snorkeI I ing on the reef offshore this morning and it was the most fantast i c th i ng I have ever done. See i ng such extraordinary beaut

60、y, I think every ceI I in my body woke up. It was I ike discover ing a whole new dimension of I ife.The f i rst th i ng I became aware of was a I I the vivid colours surroundi ng me - purp I es, reds, oranges, ye I lows, bI ues and greens. The coraIs were fantastic - they were shaped I ike fans, p I


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