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1、外研版選修7第一模塊Basketball模塊整體解讀及分析英語(新標準)高中選修7 Modu 1 e 1 Basketba I I話題本模塊以basketbaI I為話題,介紹了籃球的基本規(guī) 則、NBA的起源和中外籃球明星的風采,通過本模塊 學習,學生要運用所學詞匯口頭評價自己喜歡的體育 項目,介紹自己喜歡的運動員。功能通過學習使用合適的形容詞表達個人情感,讓學生通 過相關(guān)練習活動掌握相關(guān)的詞匯。任務(wù)要求學生查找資料,利用本模塊所學的詞匯介紹自己 心目中最出色的五名運動員所組成的“夢之隊”,并 和別的同學分享。課時劃分第一課時Introduct i on, Read i ng and voca

2、buI ary第二課時L i sten i ng,Funct ion,EverydayEnglish, Speaking第三課時Read i ng Pract i ce, writing, Grammarl,Grammar2第四課時Cuitura1 corner, Task, Modu1e File分課時教學設(shè)計及教案格式第一課時一、教學內(nèi)容分析教學內(nèi)容英語(新標準)高中必修7 Module 1 Basketba I I教學對象高二學生教學項a教材內(nèi)容Introduction, Read i ng and vocabuI ary詞語grow up, attend the university,

3、 with anaverage of,結(jié)構(gòu)There i s no doubt that其他point guard, shoot i ng guard, sma11 forward, power forward, center教學目標語言知識Enlarge the Ss1 vocabu1 ary by learning the new words語言技能To deve1 op the Ss reading ability語言運用To understand what i s th i s modu 1 e about.文化意識To make the Ss know more about the

4、cu 1 ture of basketba11.情感態(tài)度To motivate Ss enthusiasm about the sports and tra i n the i r sp i r i ts of sports.學習策略By 1 istening and reading strategies.教學重點To dea 1 with the 1 anguage points in the text.教學難點deve 1 op a basic reading ski 1 1 -ana lyzing the text.運用任務(wù)i nd i v i dua1-work, Group-work

5、教學方法Task-based teach i ng,教學媒體B1 ackboard, chaIk, multi-media二、課堂教學過程預設(shè)時間教學步驟教師活動學生活動教學目的SteplQ: What do youIndividualToarouse1ead-i nthinkofbasketba11work:answer thequestionSs,i nterests i nbasketbaI IStep21ntroduct ionAss i gnthetasks:readthisshortpassageandfinishActi vityl, 2, 3.IndividualworkMak

6、e sure Ssknowsometh i ngabout the NBAStep3Read i ngQ: (Dwhat s your favor i te basketbaI I players in NBA(2) Do you know thebasici nformat i on about him/her, height,NBAcareer, etc.)Individualwork and group workTo deveI opSs ability to summar i ze thema i nideas of each paragraphFastread ing:Ask Ss

7、to read the text quicklyandcomp 1etethefol lowing tab 1 e.1ntens i vereading: Ask Ss to read the passage carefu11y and finishtheexerci sesofActivities 35.Step4 1anguage points1) There is no doubt that he deserves the titleoutstandingIndividualworkTo enIargeSs, vocabuI aryplayer of his generation”2)H

8、e fi n i shed h i sfirstseason as one of the top scorers in the league, with an average of points per game.Step5Homeworkthe new wordsSs to prev i ew listening and speaking.IndividualworkTo strengthen and rev i ew the knowledge wehave1 earned.第二課時、教學內(nèi)容分析教學內(nèi)容英語(新標準)高中必修7 Module 1 Basketball教學對象高二學生教學項

9、a教材內(nèi)容Li steni ng, Funct i on, Everyday Eng Ii sh,Speak i ng詞語Lead by, i n the Iead結(jié)構(gòu)non-attr ibutive cIause by which其他Stamina, tie, overtime教學目標語言知識to recognize the words and sentence structures and grasp the usage of them語言技能To promote the Ss Iistening ability語言運To practice the Engli sh i n actuaI用

10、situation文化意識To make the Ss know more about the cu 1 ture of basketba11 further.情感態(tài)度To motivate Ss enthusiasm about the sports and tra i n thei r sp i r i ts of sports.學習策略By 1 istening and speaking strategies.教學重點To find out the usefu1 information to understandthe meaning of the 1i stening mater ia

11、 1教學難點How to get the ma i n i dea of the 1 i sten i ng mater i a 1運用任務(wù)i nd i v i dua1-work, Group-work教學方法Task-based teach i ng,教學媒體B1 ackboard, chaIk, multi-media二、課堂教學過程預設(shè)時間教學步驟教師活動學生活動教學目的SteplLead-inTask: ask Ss to exp lain the new wordsI nd i v i duaI work: answer the quest i onTo check up the

12、resuIts of prev i ew ofSsStep2ListeningTask:finishtheActi vity1-4I nd i v i duaI workMake sure Ssknowsomething about theI i steni ngStep3Funct i on and Everyday Engli shTask: finish the exerc i ses on P81 nd i v i dua1workTo practice the usage of wordsandsentence structure.Step4Speak i ngQ:u Everyon

13、ein China thinks the NBA is fantastic. ” What i s your opinionGroup workTo deve1 op theSsspeak i ng abilityStep5HomeworkAsk Ss toprev i ew readingandpractice and grammar.1 nd i v i dua1workTostrengthenand prev i ewtheknowledgeahead of time第三課時、教學內(nèi)容分析教學內(nèi)容英語(新標準)高中必修7 Modu 1 e 1 Basketba I I教學對象高二學生教學

14、項a教材內(nèi)容Read i ng Pract i ce, Writing, Grammarl,Grammar2詞語put it in this way, if necessary結(jié)構(gòu)111 s (not) i n ones nature to do 其他hit, be gent 1e教學目標語言知識to recognize the words and sentence structures and grasp the usage of them語言技To promote the Ss read i ng and writing能ability語言運用To enab 1 e the Ss to w

15、r i te a short essay文化意識To make the Ss know more about the cu 1 ture of basketba11 further.情感態(tài)度To motivate Ss enthusiasm about the sports and tra i n thei r sp i r i ts of sports.學習策略By 1 istening and speaking strategies.教學重點To acqu i re the information of the passage tofurther deve1 op the reading

16、ability of Ss教學難點How to get the main idea of the each paragraph運用任務(wù)i nd i v i dua1-work, Group-work教學方法Task-based teaching,教學媒體B1 ackboard, chaIk, multi-media二、課堂教學過程預設(shè)時間教學步驟教師活動學生活動教學目的SteplLead-inTask: ask Ss to exp lain the new wordsI nd i v i duaI work: answer the quest i onTo check up the resuI

17、ts of prev i ew ofSsStep2Read i ngTask:the Qs beforeread i ngI nd i v i duaIwork and group wordTo enab I e theSs to acqu i reusefuI moreexerci ses on the textbook.i nformat i onStep3WritingTask: wr i te a1etter to anewspaperabout Yao Ming1 nd i v i dua1workTo deve1 op the Ss s writing abilityStep4Gr

18、ammarConvers ion andsuff i xes1 nd i v i dua1workTo make Ssgrasp thevocabu1 aryformat i onStep5HomeworkAsk Ss to prev i ew Cultural corner.1 nd i v i dua1workTostrengthenand prev i ewtheknow 1 edgeahead of time第四課時、教學內(nèi)容分析教學內(nèi)容英語(新標準)高中必修7 Module 1 Basketball教學對象高二學生教學項a教材內(nèi)容CuIturaI corner, Task, Modu

19、le File詞語Shoot, hoop, referee, guard, sI am dunk結(jié)構(gòu)a man called Alexander其他vers i on, bas i s教學目標語言知識to recognize the words and sentence structures and grasp the usage of them語言技能To promote the Ss reading abilityfurther語言運To i nfer the meani ng from the passage用文化意識To strengthen the awareness ofbaske

20、tba11 of the Ss情感態(tài)度To motivate Ss enthusiasm about the sports and deve1 op thei r awareness of sports.學習策略By reading strategies.教學重點To i nfer the informat i on of the passage to further develop the reading ability of Ss教學難點How to infer the ma in idea from the paragraphs運用任務(wù)i nd i v idua1-work, Group-work教學方


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