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1、共十三頁2Fukushima proved turn-off point for nuclear power福島事件預(yù)示核能(hnng)式微 Nuclear power generation fell last year by its steepest annual level since the industry began because of the continuing impact of the Fukushima accident in Japan. Despite going out of favor in some countries, 66 new reactors are

2、under construction, most in China.因日本福島核泄漏事件的持續(xù)影響,核電站數(shù)量下跌到核能(hnng)行業(yè)以來最低水平。盡管在一些國家不受待見,66個新的核反應(yīng)堆卻正在投入建設(shè),其中大多數(shù)均在中國。共十三頁3The amount of electricity produced by atomic plants was measured at 2,349 terawatt hours (TWh) in 2012, which was 7% less than in 2011 and 11% lower than 2010 just before Fukushima,

3、 according to the International Atomic Energy Agency.國際原子能機構(gòu)稱,2012年核電產(chǎn)生電量達2349太瓦時,相比前年下降(xijing)7%,相比福島事件前一年即2010年下跌11%。 Nuclear power as a technology was in the doldrums following the Chernobyl and Three Mile Island accidents in 1986 and 1979. It has come back into favour because of worries about h

4、ow to replace fossil fuels to reduce carbon emissions.自1986年切爾諾貝利事件和1979年三里島事件以來,核電技術(shù)再次陷入進退維谷的尷尬境況。因其可替代化石燃料,有助于降低碳排放,核電一度重新俘獲人心。共十三頁4That renaissance was brought to a juddering halt by Fukushima in March 2011, when an earthquake and tsunami hit the power plant, causing enormous damage and a release

5、 of radioactive materials. This triggered the immediate shutdown of plants in Japan but also encouraged Germany another major user of atomic power to decide to phase out its remaining plants. Sweden, Italy and Spain made similar moves.而這股熱潮卻因2011年3月的福島事件戛然而止。地震和海嘯侵襲福島核電站,造成了巨大破壞并致使放射性物質(zhì)泄漏。這起事件促使日本立馬

6、關(guān)停核電站,并促進核能依賴嚴重的德國決定逐漸關(guān)停剩余核電站。瑞典(ru din)、意大利、西班牙也作出了類似舉動。共十三頁5The 48 operable Japanese reactors produced no power in 2012 but there were also serious outages at four plants in the United States, while three new plants came on stream two in South Korea and one in China.2012年日本其他可運作的48座反應(yīng)堆停止發(fā)電。同樣(tngy

7、ng),美國的四座核電站也中斷運作,同時三座核電站卻在建設(shè),兩座位于韓國,一座位于中國。共十三頁The Ningde 1 is the first of four reactors being built in Fujian province, alongside a further 24 as the worlds second largest economy has made by the far the biggest commitment to atomic power. China is keen to move away as quickly as possible from a

8、dependence on coal-fired electricity generation, whose air pollution is a cause of deep unease at the highest level of government.中國作為世界第二(d r)大經(jīng)濟體,是目前對原子能投入最多的國家,寧德一號核反應(yīng)堆是中國在福建省建立的四個核反應(yīng)堆中的第一個,其在往后還陸續(xù)建立了24個核反應(yīng)堆。中國迫切想要擺脫燒煤發(fā)電的形式,燒煤所造成的空氣污染已使得政府高層深感不安。共十三頁Russia is the second biggest builder of new rea

9、ctors, with 10 under construction. There are six in India and a handful elsewhere in the world, such as France and Finland. The announcement that the Hinkley Point C plant will go ahead in the UK will give hope to other nuclear operators, notably Hitachi of Japan which is eyeing other sites.俄羅斯是核電站建

10、設(shè)的第二大國,目前有10個核電站正在建設(shè)當中,其中(qzhng)6個在印度以及少數(shù)其他地方,比如法國和芬蘭。欣克利C核電站將會繼續(xù)在英國建造的消息將會給其他核電站建設(shè)者帶來希望,尤其是日本日立公司,而該公司目前也正在覬覦著其他一些建設(shè)點。共十三頁共十三頁Calder Hall on the now-sprawling Sellafield site in Cumbria is regarded as the first power station in the world to generate electricity on an industrial scale from nuclear e

11、nergy. It is now being decommissioned along with many other plants in Britain, such as Oldbury 1 in Gloucestershire and Wylfa 1 on Angelsey in North Wales, which closed last year. Both plants had reached the end of their working lives, although life extensions have also been granted to other facilit

12、ies. 建于坎布里亞郡的科爾德霍爾核電站被視為世界上第一個以工業(yè)規(guī)模發(fā)電的核電廠,這個由塞勒菲爾德公司修建的核電廠現(xiàn)已和英國其他的許多核電廠一樣被清拆了,比如位于格洛斯特郡的奧德伯里一號核電廠,以及威爾士北部安格爾西島上的威爾法核電廠,均在去年被關(guān)閉。這兩處核電廠都已到達了其工作壽命(shumng),雖然其他一些設(shè)施是被允許延長使用壽命(shumng)的。共十三頁共十三頁 The peak for nuclear power generation was 2006 when 2,660 TWh was produced worldwide. The volume of new reactor

13、s easily outnumbered those being retired. But in pure numbers of reactors ,the high point was 11 years ago at 444, according to the World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2013.核能發(fā)電的鼎盛時期是2006年,在全球(qunqi)范圍內(nèi)發(fā)電量為2660萬億瓦。新反應(yīng)器的發(fā)電量很輕松地就超過了那些淘汰的反應(yīng)器。但就反應(yīng)器發(fā)電的凈電量來說,根據(jù)2013年世界核電產(chǎn)業(yè)情況報告是在11年前達到的最高點,當時的發(fā)電量為444萬億瓦。共十三頁Most reactors are regarded as having a life span of around 30 to 40 years, but 44 are said to be operating beyond this limitation already. The average age


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