



1、 PAGE 3Course Title: Human Develoment and Practice, Lecture: 2 Hours & Practice: 1 HourCredits:Lecture: 2 , Practice: 1Level of Student:Sophomore of O.T. school Prerequisites:NoneInstructor(s):TEL:M. H. Tseng、 K. T. Yang、A. W. Pan、H. L. Chen(02)3366-8175Time:Lecture: Friday, 8:10 am 10:00 am Practic

2、e: Friday, 10:10 am 12:00 noonLocation:Room 431, School of Occupational Therapy, NTUHCourse Description:This course will introduce theories of human development, prenatal and neurobehavioral development. The development related to motor, language, visual perceptual and psychosocial functions and pla

3、y will also be discussed respectively. In addition, the developmental tasks from conception to late adulthood will be introduced. In practice class, students will go to a kindergarten to observe the development of children aged 2.5 to 6 years. Course Objectives:After finishing this course, the stude

4、nts willunderstand the major theories related to human development.understand the process of human development in respect to the following areas: reflex and motor skills, language, cognition, visual perception, psychosocial functions and play.understand the developmental tasks throughout the life sp

5、an and the significance of biology as well as psychosocial growth and change. Grading:1. Lecture2. PracticeAttendance:5%Midterm Exam:45%Final Exam:50%.Written Report of Child Development Evaluation:60%2. Test administration:Administering VMI &TVPS to children:TVPS-R:5%、VMI:5%PDMS-2: 30Schedule of th

6、e Course:DateLecturePracticeInstruc-tor2/26 Lecture (1):課程暨實(shí)習(xí)方式介紹Practice (1):VMI施測練習(xí)作業(yè):VMI施測小抄 、熟悉VMI評分標(biāo)準(zhǔn)M. H. Tseng 3/05 Lecture (2):Developmental Tasks (0-6發(fā)展)Practice (2): 0-6歲兒童發(fā)展篩檢量表介紹抽問VMI評分,練習(xí)0-6量表之結(jié)果評分、 繳交VMI施測小抄作業(yè):0-6歲兒童發(fā)展篩檢量表道具清單M. H. Tseng3/12 Lecture (3):測驗(yàn)分?jǐn)?shù)之介紹,測驗(yàn)結(jié)果之解釋Practice (3):CCDI

7、幼兒篩檢測驗(yàn)施測練習(xí) 每位同學(xué)繳交0-6歲兒童發(fā)展篩檢量表道具清單M. H. Tseng 3/19 Lecture (4):Development of Visual Perception:Evaluation and intervention Practice (4): PDMS-2 Practice1/3作業(yè):製作TVPS-R 施測小抄H. L. Chen3/26 Lecture (5):Learning Theory Practice (5):The Introduction of TVPS-R 繳交TVPS-R 施測小抄、M. H. Tseng4/02 下午(2:00-5:00)Pra

8、ctice(6):臺大附設(shè)幼稚園 大班 (施測 TVPS/ VMI)其中VMI給家長報(bào)告M.H. Tseng4/09 Lecture (6):Prenatal Development and Neurobehavior DevelopmentPractice (7):PDMS-2Practice2/3Every student must hand in his TVPS/VMI Reports Result to Teacher Tseng. H. L. Chen4/16 Lecture (7): Psychosocial Development Practice (8):Psychosoci

9、al Development A. W. Pan 4/23 Midterm ExamM. H. Tseng4/30Lecture (8):Development of oral motor function and self feeding Practice (9):PDMS-2 Practice3/3H. L. Chen5/7(Fri.)5/8SSat.早上9:00-(日期暫訂,請班代與楊老師確定日期,去年楊老師調(diào)到周六) Lecture (10):/Practice (11):Understanding human development the mechanisms of Change

10、Lecture (11):/Practice (12):Gross motor development Lecture (12):/Practice (13):Development of Fine Motor Skills K. T. Yang5/14下午(2:00-5:00)Practice(14):臺大附設(shè)幼稚園 中班 ( 施測CCDI / 0-6歲兒童發(fā)展篩檢量表/PDMS-2/)其中0-6歲兒童發(fā)展篩檢量表給家長報(bào)告M.H. Tseng5/21下午(2:00-5:00)Practice(15):臺大附設(shè)幼稚園小班 ( 施測CCDI / 0-6歲兒童發(fā)展篩檢量表/ PDMS-2) 其中

11、0-6歲兒童發(fā)展篩檢量表給家長報(bào)告M.H. Tseng5/28 Lecture (13):Temperament in children Practice(16): Temperament scale (4-11m、1-3歲、3-7歲)介紹 每位同學(xué)繳交2名幼兒(中、小班)發(fā)展觀察報(bào)告(CCDI / 0-6歲量表,)M. H. Tseng6/4(下午) Lecture (9):Play development(下午)Practice (10):Test of Playfulness (TOP)施測練習(xí)和評分M. H. Tseng 6/05 Lecture: (14):9:00am11:00am Language Development (The Date Unsure) Dr. L. Lu6/11 Lecture: (15)/ Development of prewriting, handwriting and pencil grips


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