



1、EverysilverlininghasacloudThesealingofaPacifictradedealiswelcome.ButsparethecheersOct10th2015|FromtheprinteditionGlobaltradeSix-monthaverage%changponayearearlier200810121415Economist,comUNTILthisweek,theworldhadnotseenabigmultilateral1tradepactmultilateral : involving several different countries or

2、groups pact: a formal agreement between two groups, countries, or people, especially to help each other or to stop fighting:forover20years.ThedealthathasbrokenthedroughttheTrans-PacificPartnership(TPP),whichcomprises comprise: to consist of particular parts, groups etc: backdrop : the conditions or

3、situation in which something happensagainst a backdrop of something a love story set against a backdrop of war and despair12countriesinAsiaandtheAmericas,includingtheUnitedStatesandJapaniswelcome.Butthosewhobelieveinfreetrade,andthebenefitsitbrings,oughtnottomissthebiggerpicture.Thebackdroptothiswee

4、ksdealisa bleak: without anything to make you feel happy or hopefula bleak future/prospect The company still hopes to find a buyer, but the future looks bleak.bonakFirst,thepactitself.Ithasflaws flaw: a mistake, mark, or weakness that makes something imperfect = defectwhatcompromise compromise: to r

5、each an agreement in which everyone involved accepts less that what they wanted at firstbroker: broker a deal/settlement/treaty etc: to arrange the details of a deal etc so that everyone can agree to it: a ceasefire agreement brokered by the UNdoesnt?buttheadvantagesaregreater.Thenegotiatorswhobroke

6、redtheagreementinAtlantadidnotjustlowertariffssector: a part of an area of activity, especially of business, trade etc4 draw up: draw something ? up to prepare a written document, such as a list or contract:5 visa: an official mark put on your passport that gives you permission to temporarily enter

7、or leave a foreign country:6 veiled: a veiled threat, warning, attack, reference etc is expressed so that its exact meaning is hidden or unclear A fine rain was beginning to veil the hills.7 arbitrary: decided or arranged without any reason or plan, often unfairly: I8 step: one of a series of things

8、 that you do in order to deal with a problem or to succeed9 The Fine Print (寫在文件底部的)保留條款(為該協(xié)議的附件,注明保留或限制性的條件)10comprehensive: including all the necessary facts, details, or problems that need to be dealt with= thorough:incoddled2sectors3suchasagriculture,butalsodrewup4sharedrulesoneverythingfromvisa


10、farvocal : expressing strong opinions publicly, especially about things that you disagree with2 dairy farm : a farm that has cows and produces and sells milk3dole something ? outto give something such as money, food, advice etc to more than one person4 subsidy : money that is paid by a government or

11、 organization to make prices lower, reduce the cost of producing goods5 saga: a long and complicated series of events, or a description of this6 champion : to publicly fight for and defend an aim or principle, such as the rights of a group of people: She championed the cause of religious freedom7 un

12、derscore : to emphasize the fact that something is important or true8 shift : a change in the way people think about something, in the way something is done9 contentious: causing a lot of argument and disagreement between people10 steer: to guide someones behaviour or the way a situation develops11

13、glaring : very bad and very noticeable = obvious12 outcast: someone who is not accepted by the people they live among, or who has been forced out of their home:13 linchpin : the linchpin of something the person or thing in a group, system etc that is most important, because everything depends on the






19、omaysteer10customawayfromthemostefficientproducer.InthecaseofTPP,theglaring11outcast2isChina,thelinchpin13ofmostglobalsupplychains.Tradeingoodsbyexistingandproposedregionaltradeblocs,2014AllNAHACISA5EAN MercosurTPPTTIP$2343,2 billionIIUnitedStatesChinaGermanyJapanWhycountriesaresokeentoagreenewtrade


21、Thevolume in contrast to : a difference between people, ideas, situations, things etc that are being compared The stock lost 60 cents a share, in contrast to last year, when it gained 21 cents. Cross-border :跨境annulment : to officially state that a marriage or legal agreement no longer exists headwi

22、nd : a wind that blows directly towards you when you are moving volume : the total amount of something, especially when it is large or increasing soggy : unpleasantly wet and softofgoodsshippedinthefirsthalfofthisyearwasjust1.9%higherthaninthesameperiodof2014,farbelowitslong-termaveragede mandbfogyi

23、mportsa threat togrowthof5%.ThisreflectsnotonlyChinathedevelopingeconomiesthatsupplyitbutalsotheaccumulationofminormeasuresthatsiltup silt up : if something silts up or is silted up, it becomes filled with siltglobaltrade.DealslikeTPParethemosteffectivewaytoreversethissorrytrend,byreducingtariffsand





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