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1、初中英語(yǔ)語(yǔ)法專題講座名詞可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù):英語(yǔ)名詞有可數(shù)與不可數(shù)之分,可數(shù)名詞通常是個(gè)體名詞和集體名詞,可以計(jì)數(shù),例如:tree trees, child children, familyfamilies, class classes。不可數(shù)名詞通常是物質(zhì)名詞和抽象名詞,不可以計(jì)數(shù),在句中視為單數(shù),例如:water, paper, work, health??蓴?shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù)規(guī)則:1.一般在復(fù)數(shù)名詞后加s,如:dogdogs。2.以s、x、ch、sh結(jié)尾的名詞加es,如:watchwatches。請(qǐng)注意:stomachstomachs3.以輔音字母加y結(jié)尾的名詞,變y為i加es,如:country-co

2、untries。請(qǐng)注意:如果是元音字母加y結(jié)尾的名詞,則只須加s。如:monkey-monkeys。 4.以o結(jié)尾的名詞:zero,zoo,radio,photo,piano無(wú)生命的詞變復(fù)數(shù)時(shí),加-s,tomato,potato,hero,Negro(黑人)等有生命的詞變復(fù)數(shù)時(shí)加-es。5.以f、fe結(jié)尾的名詞,變f、fe為v再加es,如:knifeknives。 6.單復(fù)數(shù)形式相同的詞:sheepsheep,fishfish ChineseChinese,JapaneseJapanese 7.特殊變化的單詞有:toothteeth,footfeet childchildren mousemi

3、ce manmen,womanwomen,policemanpolicemen, FrenchmanFrenchmen請(qǐng)注意:German(德國(guó)人)Germans 8.常以復(fù)數(shù)形式出現(xiàn)的名詞:people(人),clothes(衣服),trousers(褲子) glasses(眼鏡) ,這些名詞作主語(yǔ)時(shí),同學(xué)們應(yīng)特別注意它們的謂語(yǔ),用復(fù)數(shù)。例如:My clothes are (be) newer than yours. 9.有些名詞看似復(fù)數(shù)形式,實(shí)際上是單數(shù)。這一點(diǎn)是同學(xué)不易掌握的,應(yīng)特別加以記憶。如:news(消息),maths(數(shù)學(xué)),physics(物理) 10. how many,ma

4、ny,a few,few,a lot of,lots of,some,any, a number of等來(lái)修飾可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù)。 11.復(fù)合名詞的復(fù)數(shù)形式:.將最后部分變?yōu)閺?fù)數(shù)形式,例如:afternoon afternoons 下午,policewoman policewomen 女警察,girl-friend girl-friends女朋友,schoolboy schoolboys 男生,school teacher school teachers 中小學(xué)教師。.將兩個(gè)部分都變?yōu)閺?fù)數(shù)形式,只限于man, woman為第一部分的復(fù)合名詞。例如:man doctor men doctors 男醫(yī)生

5、,woman singer women singers 女歌手。四、名詞的所有格:名詞的所有格有三種形式:s所有格、of所有格、雙重所有格。1、s所有格:s所有格通過(guò)在名詞后加s構(gòu)成,主要用于表示人或有生命的東西的名詞后。例如:Johns father 約翰的父親,the teachers desk 老師的辦公桌,the dogs food 狗的食物。有時(shí),也用在表示時(shí)間、距離、國(guó)家等的名詞后,例如:New Years Day 元旦,Chinas future 中國(guó)的未來(lái)。請(qǐng)比較以下兩個(gè)短語(yǔ)的不同意思:Jack and Janes mother 杰克和瓊(兩人)的母親Jacks and Jan

6、es mothers 杰克和瓊(各自)的母親s所有格有時(shí)可以獨(dú)立使用(即它的后面不跟名詞),表示商店、診所、家宅等。例如:Mrs. Smith went to the doctors yesterday afternoon. (= the doctors clinic) 史密斯夫人昨天下午去看醫(yī)生了。Where are you going? Im going to my uncles. (= my uncles house) 你去哪里?我去我叔叔家。2、of所有格:of所有格用of短語(yǔ)表示,主要用于表示無(wú)生命物品的名詞以及名詞化的形容詞。例如:the cover of the dictiona

7、ry 詞典的封面,the life of the poor 窮人們的生活,the name of the student (= the students name) 這個(gè)學(xué)生的姓名。3、雙重所有格:雙重所有格的結(jié)構(gòu)是:of + s。例如:a book of Toms (= one of Toms books) 湯姆的一本書。雙重所有格主要用來(lái)表示全體中的一部分,例如:a book of my brothers 我哥哥的一本書(許多書中的一本)two coats of my friends 我朋友的兩件外衣(許多外衣中的兩件)請(qǐng)比較以下兩組短語(yǔ)的意思:a friend of my fathers

8、 (強(qiáng)調(diào)我父親不只有一位朋友)a friend of my father(強(qiáng)調(diào)對(duì)我父親友好)a picture of Mr. Wangs (王先生許多照片中的一張)a picture of Mr. Wang(王先生本人的肖像)【考題分析】1 Would you like some _? Thank you, but Im not thirsty. A. sandwichesB. mooncakes C. orangesD. orange分析:本題既考了名詞的可數(shù)與不可數(shù),又考了詞義。從題目上看,Im not thirsty一句是關(guān)鍵。thirsty意為“口渴的”,與飲料有關(guān)。候選項(xiàng)中的oran

9、ges(橘子)是可數(shù)名詞(復(fù)數(shù)),而orange(橘子汁)是不可數(shù)名詞,正好可選。答案:D2How far is your school from here? Its about twenty _ walk. A. minutesB. minutesC. minutesD. minute分析:“二十分鐘的行走(路程)”的英語(yǔ)說(shuō)法既要考慮到復(fù)數(shù)形式,又要考慮使用名詞的所有格。應(yīng)當(dāng)選用候選項(xiàng)中的 (twenty) minutes(該詞已以s結(jié)尾,不可再加s)。 答案:C 再如:We will have a _ holiday after the exam. A. two month B. two-

10、month C. two months D. two-months 答案: B3Have you _ your new classmates yet? A. had friends withB. made friend withC. got friend toD. made friends with分析:本題四個(gè)選項(xiàng)雖然是動(dòng)詞短語(yǔ),但是其中有一個(gè)名詞復(fù)數(shù)的問(wèn)題?!芭c某人交朋友”的英語(yǔ)說(shuō)法是make friends with sb。其中的friends一定要用復(fù)數(shù)形式,表示相互關(guān)系。 答案:D4. What can I do for you? Id like two _.A. box of ap

11、pleB. boxes of applesC. box of applesD. boxes of apple分析:box 和apple都是可數(shù)名詞,應(yīng)用復(fù)數(shù)。 答案: B.5. Help yourself to _. A. some chickens B. a chicken C. some chicken D. any chicken分析:chicken當(dāng)雞肉講時(shí)不可數(shù),故不能選A,B 答案: C6._ it is today! A. What fine weather B. What a fine weather C. How a fine weather D. How fine a we

12、ather答案: A.選擇B的同學(xué)要注意weather不可數(shù). 選擇C和D的同學(xué)要注意weather是名詞, 要用what來(lái)感嘆.)7. Which is the way to the _? A. shoe factory B. shoes factory C. shoes factory D. shoes factory答案: A. 選擇C,D的同學(xué)注意這里不是指名詞所有格, 而是名詞作形容詞的用法.類似的用法如: pencil box; school bag等. 例如:誤:Please tell me where the shoes shop is?正:Please tell me whe

13、re the shoe shop is.分析:在用名詞作修飾詞來(lái)修飾另一名詞時(shí),這個(gè)作修飾詞的名詞應(yīng)用單數(shù)形式,如:a shoe shop 鞋店 a fruit shop 水果店 a book shop 書店a post office 郵局 a police station 警察局 a bus stop 汽車站8. This class _ now. Miss Gao teaches them. A. are studying B. is studying C. be studying D. studying答案: A. 選擇B的同學(xué)要注意, 當(dāng)這種概念名詞當(dāng) “人”講的時(shí)候要做復(fù)數(shù)處理.類似

14、的還有: the police are running after the thief等 9. The Great Wall was made not only by _, but also the flesh and blood of _ men. A. earth and stone, millions of B. earths and stones, millions C. the earth and stone, million of D. the earths and stones, millions解析:earth 是不可數(shù)名詞,因此刪除B D,數(shù)以百萬(wàn)的應(yīng)為millions of

15、 . 因此選A。10. “Would you like _?” “_ , please.” A. drink, Three coffees B. a cup of drink, Coffees C. a drink, A coffee D. a drink, Three cups of coffees解析: drink 和coffee是不可數(shù)名詞, 可以用of來(lái)表示數(shù)量, 例如, three cups of coffee, 當(dāng)前面加a 時(shí),則表示“一杯”因此選C。11. They got much _ from those new books. A. ideas B. photos C. ne

16、ws D. stories解析: much 是用來(lái)修飾不可數(shù)名詞的, A B D三個(gè)選項(xiàng)均是可是名詞的復(fù)數(shù)形式, C項(xiàng)為不可數(shù)名詞, 因此選C.12. I have two _ and three bottles of _ here. A. orange, orange B. oranges, oranges C. oranges, orange D. orange, oranges解析: orange 有兩種含義, 一種可數(shù)名詞橘子, 另一種是不可數(shù)名詞橘汁, 此題第一空應(yīng)填可數(shù)名詞, 第二空填不可數(shù)名詞, 因此選 C。13. The team _ having a meeting. A.

17、is B. are C. am D. be解析: team 是一個(gè)集合名詞,即可表示復(fù)數(shù)意義(指整個(gè)小組) , 也可指小組中的成員(表示復(fù)數(shù)), 此題意為后者, 因此選B。14. An old _ wants to see you. A. people B. person C. the people D. the person 解析: person 與people 都有”人” 的意思, 但用法不同. “一個(gè)人”用 “a person”,“兩個(gè)人” 用 “two persons”; people 泛指 “人們”是集合名詞,表示復(fù)數(shù), the people 指 “人民”, a people 指 “

18、一個(gè)民族”. 應(yīng)選B。15. Help yourself to _.A. chickens and apples B. chickens and appleC. chicken and apple D. chicken and apples解析: chicken 可用作可數(shù)名詞指小雞,用作不可數(shù)名詞指雞肉,根據(jù)詞題意應(yīng)理解為雞肉;apple為可數(shù)名詞, 故應(yīng)+s, 因此選D。16. Oh, dear. I forgot the two _. A. rooms number B. rooms number C. room numbers D. rooms numbers解析: room numb

19、er 房間號(hào)碼. room可直接用作定語(yǔ)修飾后面的名詞. 類似的還有my physics teacher, two bus drivers 等. 應(yīng)選C。17. She has been in Tianjin for ten years. Tianjin has become her second _. A. family B. house C. home D. room解析: family指的是家庭或是家庭成員; house指的是房子(住所); room 指的是房間;而home 指的是家, 因此選C.18. _ mothers couldnt go to the meeting, becau

20、se they have gone to Shanghai . A. Mary and Peters B. Mary and Peter C. Marys and Peter D. Marys and Peters解析: 此句中 “mothers”是復(fù)數(shù),表示兩個(gè)人各自的母親,因此應(yīng)選D。19. Li Lei has been to _ many times this month. A. her uncle B. her uncles C. her uncles D. aunts 解析: 此句意為 “李雷這個(gè)去她舅舅家多次”. 表示具體場(chǎng)所時(shí), 可省去所有格后面的名詞.因此選B。20. He

21、is a success as a leader but he hasnt _ in teaching. A. many experiences B. much experience C. an experience D. a lot experience解析: experience作 “經(jīng)驗(yàn)” 講時(shí)是不可數(shù)名詞, 作 “經(jīng)歷”講時(shí)是可數(shù)名詞. 本句中應(yīng)理解為 “經(jīng)驗(yàn)”,因此是不可數(shù)名詞,排除 A C. 又因 a lot of , lots of, plenty of 只用于肯定句, 不用于否定句, 因此選B。21. A classmate of _ was here ten minutes

22、ago. A. you B. your C. your sister D. your sisters解析: 此題考查名詞的雙重所有格.應(yīng)選D。22. A group of _ are talking with two _. A. Frenchmen, Germans B. Germans, Frenchmans C. Frenchmans, Germen D. Germen, Frenchmen 解析: Frenchman 是復(fù)合詞,其復(fù)數(shù)形式為 Frenchmen; German 的復(fù)數(shù)為直接在單詞末尾+S, 應(yīng)選A.【鞏固練習(xí)】一、寫出下列名詞的復(fù)數(shù)形式。1bag _ 2orange _

23、3family _ 4wish _ 5leaf _ 6knife _ 7key _ 8baby _ 9tooth _ 10foot _ 11woman _ 12sheep _ 13Indian _ 14Japanese _ 15potato _16radio _ 17child _ 18fish _ 19Frenchman _ 20man doctor _二、根據(jù)句意填入適當(dāng)?shù)拿~(首字母已給出):1.They live in Paris and speak F_.2.They will go on a p_. Please tell them not to forget to take wa

24、ter with them.3.We Chinese use c_ when we have meals.4.China has larger p_ than any other country in the world.5.Their class won the g_ 400-metre relay race at the s_ meeting.三、選擇填空:1.We now dont write letters on _. We send emails. A. papers B. computer C. paperD. the computer2. What _ is it today?

25、It is Sunday. A. days B. days C. date D. day3.There are two _ in my class. Who is the one youre going to talk to?A. MaryB. MaryC. MariesD. Marys4.They will not walk there. Most of them have decided to go there _.A. in the bus B. by busC. on busD. by the bus5.Tom works hard and spends _ in the librar

26、y.A. much time B. many time C. many times D. a lot of times6. I was told that two _ teachers would teach us English and chemistry next term.A. womans B. womenC. womensD. woman7.He decided to travel round the earth and return in _.A. two year time B. two years longC. two years timeD. two years time8.

27、I dont know that man, but I think he is _ father.A. Lucy and LilysB. Lucys and LilyC. Lucys and LilysD. Lucy and Lily9.What _ we have today! A. a niceweather B. a fine day C. nice a day D. the nice weather10.Im hungry. Please give me _, please.A. a bread B. some breadsC. a piece of bread D. two piec

28、e of breads11. The day before yesterday she told me _ newsAa good Bsuch a good Cso good a Da piece of good12. I wont go there with you,for I have a lot of _ to doA. works B. job C. work D. working13. Li Lei is a friend of _A. I sister B. my sisters C. me sister D. my sister of14. In our school there

29、 are fifty-five _ A. women teachers B. woman teachers C. women teacher D. woman s teacher15The cat caught two _ last nightA. mouses B. mice C. mouse D.mices四、將下列短語(yǔ)譯成英語(yǔ)。(名詞所有格的用法)1.吉姆的自行車 _2.王叔叔的自行車 _3.教師節(jié) _4.吉姆和凱特的父親 _5.我父親的一個(gè)朋友 _6.五分鐘的路程 _7.兒童節(jié) _8.中國(guó)地圖 _9.床頭 _10.今天的作業(yè) _11.孩子們的故事書 _12.在我姑姑家 _13.在醫(yī)務(wù)室

30、 _14.幾年的時(shí)間 _15.我姐姐的朋友的書 _五、將下列句子譯成英文:1房間里有幾位女醫(yī)生和女警察。There are some _ _ and policewomen in the room.2史密斯先生是邁克父親的一位朋友。Mr. Smith is _ _ _ _ _.3中國(guó)的人口為世界最多。China has _ _ _ in the world.4看,床底下有一雙新鞋。Look! There is _ _ _ _ under the bed.5格林一家已經(jīng)搬到另一處去了。_ _ have moved to another place.參考答案:一、1.bags 2. oranges

31、 3. Families 4. wishes 5.leaves 6knives 7keys 8babies 9.teeth 10feet 11women 12sheep 13. Indians類似的還有:Russians,Canadians,Australians,Germans 14Japanese15potatoes 16radios 17children 18. fish/fishes (fish的復(fù)數(shù)可以是fish,也可以是fishes。fishes指“不同種類的魚?!眆ish作“魚肉”解是不可數(shù)名詞) 19Frenchmen 20men doctors二、1. French 2. p

32、icnic 3. chopsticks 4. population 5. girls sports 三、15 CDDBA 610 BDABC 1115 DCBAB四、1Jims bike 2Uncle Wangs bike 3Teachers Day 4Jim and Kates father 5A friend of my fathers 6five minutes walk 7Childrens Day 8A map ofChina9the end of a bed 10todays homework 11childrens storybooks 12at my aunts 13at th

33、e doctors 14a few years time 15my sisters friends book五、1. women doctors 2. a friend of Mikes fathers 3. the largest population 4. a new pair of shoes 5. The Greens / The Green family初中英語(yǔ)語(yǔ)法專題講座冠詞【復(fù)習(xí)要點(diǎn)】英語(yǔ)的冠詞分為三種:不定冠詞、定冠詞和零冠詞(即不用冠詞)。一、不定冠詞:英語(yǔ)中不定冠詞有兩個(gè):a, an。a用于以輔音音素開頭的詞前,例如:a room, a red apple, a usefu

34、l book;an用于元音音素開頭的詞前,例如:an egg, an old man, an hour。1、不定冠詞的基本用法:不定冠詞主要用于泛指和類指,有時(shí)也用于特指(如以下第條)。、表示“一個(gè)(one);每一個(gè)(each)”,例如:There is a table and four chairs in the room. 房間里有一張餐桌和四張椅子。He comes to visit me twice a year. 他每年來(lái)看我兩次。a和one有時(shí)可以互換,例如:There were nearly a / one hundred people at the meeting.有將近100

35、人參加了會(huì)議。但是,在一些習(xí)慣用語(yǔ)中,a和one是不可互換的。例如:once upon a time(從前)和one day(有一天)這兩個(gè)短語(yǔ)中的a, one就不能互換;an hour or two 和one or two hours(一兩個(gè)小時(shí))這兩個(gè)短語(yǔ)中的an, one也不能互換。請(qǐng)注意:a (an) 雖表示“一個(gè)”,但不強(qiáng)調(diào)數(shù)量,而是強(qiáng)調(diào)類別;one則強(qiáng)調(diào)數(shù)量。例:I bought a computer. 我買了一臺(tái)電腦。(不是收音機(jī)和電視機(jī))I bought one computer. 我買了一臺(tái)電腦。 (不是兩臺(tái))、表示“某一個(gè)(a certain)”,例如:She went t

36、o buy a dictionary. 他去買了一本詞典。(沒(méi)有買別的東西)We used to live in a small house. 我們?cè)?jīng)住在一間小屋子里。、表示一類中的任何一個(gè),通常不必譯成中文。例如:A horse is an animal. (= Horses are animals. / The horse is an animal.) 馬是一種動(dòng)物。 提示:表示某一類人或物時(shí),可用下面三種方法:The dog is a faithful animal.(用定冠詞)A dog is a faithful animal.(用不定冠詞)Dogs are faithful an

37、imals. (用復(fù)數(shù)形式,不加定冠詞)2、不定冠詞的特別用法:用在序數(shù)詞前,表示“再一次,又一個(gè)”。例如:Youll have to do it a second time. 你得再做一次。I dont think well need a third person. 我認(rèn)為我們不再需要第三個(gè)人了。二、定冠詞:定冠詞只有一個(gè):the其發(fā)音是:在元音音素前讀 /I/,在輔音音素前讀 / /。1、定冠詞的基本用法:一般情況下,定冠詞主要用于特指和類指,例如: 表示前面提到過(guò)的人或物,例如:There is a chair in the room. An old man is sitting on

38、the chair.房間里有一把椅子,椅子上坐著一位老人。 表示談話雙方都知道的人或物。例如:I dont know the man. Is he your English teacher?我不認(rèn)識(shí)那個(gè)人,他是你們的英語(yǔ)老師嗎? 表示獨(dú)一無(wú)二的事物或方位、時(shí)間等,例如:The earth moves round the sun. 地球圍繞著太陽(yáng)運(yùn)行。例如:I saw some birds flying in the sky. 我看到幾只鳥在天上飛著。 用在單數(shù)可數(shù)名詞前,表示某一類人或物。例如:The librarian is a person who lends books to other

39、s. 圖書館員是借書給他人的人。The cow is a useful animal. (= A cow is a useful animal. / Cows are useful animals.) 奶牛是一種有用的動(dòng)物。 用在用普通名詞構(gòu)成的黨派,國(guó)家等專有名詞以及江河、海洋、山脈、群島、海峽、海灣等專有名詞前。例如:They will visit the Great Wall next week. The Yellow River is the second longest river in China. 用在形容詞前表示一類人,the +形容詞指的是一群人,是一種復(fù)數(shù)含義,所以其后動(dòng)詞

40、應(yīng)用復(fù)數(shù)形式。例如:The old are sick. 用在姓名復(fù)數(shù)形式前表示一家人。例如:The Smiths /The Smith family have moved to London.2、定冠詞的特殊用法: 序數(shù)詞前一般要用定冠詞,例如:This is the first time I have heard of such a thing. 這是我第一次聽(tīng)到這種事情。注意:序數(shù)詞前如果有了物主代詞、指示代詞或名詞所有格等限定詞,不再用定冠詞。例如:Is this your first visit to China?這是你第一次訪問(wèn)中國(guó)嗎? Susans first thing to d

41、o was to have a meal.蘇珊要做的第一件事就是進(jìn)餐。 形容詞、副詞的最高級(jí)前要用定冠詞。例如:The Changjiang River is the longest river in China.長(zhǎng)江是中國(guó)最長(zhǎng)的河流。Mike runs (the) fastest of the all the boys.邁克在所有男孩中跑得最快。 形容詞、副詞的比較級(jí)前也可以用定冠詞,表示“兩者中較的一個(gè)”。例如:He is the taller of the two. 他是兩人中個(gè)子較高的那個(gè)。Of the two students Mary works the harder. 在這兩個(gè)學(xué)

42、生中,瑪麗學(xué)習(xí)更努力。三、零冠詞:零冠詞是指不用冠詞,用于以下場(chǎng)合:(1)星期、月份、季節(jié)、節(jié)日前一般不用冠詞。但是中國(guó)傳統(tǒng)節(jié)日前習(xí)慣用冠詞。例如: All of us like the spring festival. 我們喜歡春節(jié)。Its Sunday today.今天是星期天。Today is Fathers Day. 今天是父親節(jié)。If winter comes, can spring be far behind? 冬天來(lái)了,春天還會(huì)遠(yuǎn)嗎? 但是如果被一個(gè)限制性定語(yǔ)修飾或有表示繼續(xù)的介詞during, through 時(shí)與表示一段特定的時(shí)間,則在季節(jié)前要加定冠詞。例如:She came

43、 to Shanghai in the spring of 1987. 她是一九八七年春天來(lái)上海的。The school was completed in the September of 2000. 這學(xué)校是2000年9月落成的。He swims every day during the summer. 他夏天的每一天都游泳。 (2)在稱呼語(yǔ)或表示頭銜的名詞前。例如:Mr. Li is our headmaster. 李先生是我們的校長(zhǎng)。 After lunch Aunt Huang came in. 午飯后黃阿姨來(lái)了。 (3)各詞復(fù)數(shù)表示一類人或事物時(shí)。例如:I like cakes ve

44、ry much. 我非常喜歡蛋糕。Pandas are lovely animals.熊貓是可愛(ài)的動(dòng)物。(4)在三餐飯,球類運(yùn)動(dòng)與棋類游戲,學(xué)科名稱的名詞前。但若表示某一種或某一個(gè)特定的概念時(shí)用冠詞。例如:He had supper with us yesterday. Its a very good supper.他昨天和我們吃晚飯, (5)在物質(zhì)名詞,抽象名詞,人名,地名等專有名詞和不可數(shù)名詞前. 但若不可數(shù)各詞有其它限制詞修飾時(shí),則要加定冠詞the. 例如: Smith is our teacher. 史密思是我們的老師。 Milk is good for us. 牛奶對(duì)我們有好處。Th

45、e water in the pool is very dirty. 坑里的水很臟。 (6)某些交通工具名稱前不用冠詞。例如:by train乘火車(=on a train) by ship 乘船(=on a ship)by taxi 乘出租車(= in a taxi) by plane乘飛機(jī)(=on a plane) by bus乘公交車 (=on a bus) by bike 騎自行車 (=on a bike) by car 小汽車(=in a car) on foot 步行(7)名詞前已有作定語(yǔ)的this, that, these, those, my, your, some, any等

46、限定詞時(shí)。例如: I want this car, not that car. There is some water in the cup.(8)兩個(gè)平行、并列的名詞前不用冠詞。 例:arm in arm 臂挽臂side by side肩并肩one by one 一個(gè)接一個(gè)from time to time時(shí)時(shí),不時(shí)from east to west 從東到西from beginning to end自始至終from morning till night從早到晚hand in hand手拉手face to face面對(duì)面day by day一天一天的day and night日日夜夜step

47、 by step循序漸進(jìn)from door to door 挨家挨戶hour after hour一個(gè)小時(shí)又一個(gè)小時(shí)(9)零冠詞也用于一些固定短語(yǔ)中,例如:at night 在夜里,go to school去上學(xué),make friends with與某人交朋友,lie in bed 躺在床上,travel by air乘飛機(jī)旅行,be ill in hospital生病住院。請(qǐng)注意:它們從形式上看只是多(少)一個(gè)冠詞而已,便在意義上卻截然不同。例如:at table進(jìn)餐、吃飯at the table 在餐桌旁;在桌邊at school 求學(xué)at the school 在學(xué)校in class 在

48、上課;在課內(nèi) in the class 在這個(gè)班in hospital 住院in the hospital(因事)在醫(yī)院里in front of 在-(外部)前面in the front of 在-(內(nèi)部)前面go to school上學(xué)go to the school(因事)去學(xué)校take place發(fā)生take the place代替in bed(睡、病、躺)在床上in the bed (某物)在床上on earth 究竟on the earth 在地球上a teacher and writer一位教師兼作家a teacher and a writer一位教師和一位作家a knife an

49、d fork一副刀叉 a knife and a fork一個(gè)刀子和一個(gè)叉子注意:以下句中的劃線部分意思一樣:Please fill in the form in pen / with a pen.請(qǐng)用鋼筆填表?!究碱}分析】1We cant see _ sun at _ night. A. a, /B. a, theC. the, /D. /, the點(diǎn)撥:sun是獨(dú)一無(wú)二的天體,用定冠詞the。at night是固定短語(yǔ),不用冠詞。答案:C2We work five days _ week. A. aB. anC. theD. /點(diǎn)撥:“每周五天”應(yīng)說(shuō)five days a week,其中的

50、不定冠詞a有every, each的意思。答案:A3More college graduates would like to work in _ west of our country _ next year. A. the, theB. /, /C. /, theD. the, /點(diǎn)撥:通常我們說(shuō)in the west of,而不說(shuō)in west of。此外,next year表示“(從現(xiàn)在算起的)明年”,而the next year則是“(從過(guò)去某一年算起的)第二年”;據(jù)句意,應(yīng)確定前者。答案:D4. _ people here are very friendly to us. A. Th

51、e B. / C. A D. An點(diǎn)撥:people是特指這里的, 因此要用定冠詞the。答案:A5._ book on the desk is_ useful oneAThe;an BA;a CThe;a DThe; 點(diǎn)撥:答案是 。第一條線因?yàn)楹竺嬗卸ㄕZ(yǔ)on the desk所以是特指,用the 修飾,第二條線上表示一個(gè)種類,而且 useful的第一個(gè)音素是j,不是元音,所以用a6.He often says_ rich should help_ poor Athe;a Ba;the Cthe;the D/;/ 點(diǎn)撥:答案是 the 后面接形容詞表示一類人?!眷柟叹毩?xí)】一、冠詞填空:在下列

52、句中空白處填入適當(dāng)冠詞,不需用冠詞處劃。 1. There is apple tree and some other trees in the courtyard.2. Did you come to Nanjing by train or in car?3. Pollution has been one of most serious problems in world today.4. Russia is European country and Japan is Asian country.5. Thousands of people lost their lives in _ war.

53、6. Can you play violin? Yes, and sometimes I go to play football with my friends.7. doctor asked me to take the medicine twice day.8. There is interesting movie tonight. movie will start at 7:00.9. Browns live in small town not very far from Boston.10. This is third time I have come to that city. Wo

54、uld you like fourth time?11. What _ interesting stories they are!12. _ most of _ teachers in this school come from _ north.13. _ Spring Festival usually comes after _ New Years Day.14. She said she would come to see you _ next month.15. We usually dont eat too much for _ breakfast but always have _g

55、ood lunch.16. John likes to read stories, but he doesnt like _ John in this story.17. The teacher asked them to write the homework in _ pen, but Mike wrote with _ pencil.18. _ man who tells _ lies is called a liar.19. Of the two boys Mike is _ stronger.20. It is _ fun to play snowballs in such _ fro

56、zen weather.21There is _ picture of _ elephant on _ wall 22This is _ useful bookIve read it for _ hour 23_ elephant is much heavier than _ horse 24_ doctor told him to take _ medicine three times _ day 25Lets go out for _ walk 26Its too hotOpen _ door,please 27There is _ woman over there_ woman is M

57、eimeis mother 28_ sun rises in _ east 29_ Changjiang River is _ longest river in _ China 30Are you going to do it _ second time? 31Washington is _ capital of _ USA 32_ Turners are living at the end of _ Turner Street 33He joined the army in _ spring of _ 1995 34_ old man is _teacherHe likes playing

58、_basketball after _ supper 35After I had _ quick breakfast,I hurried to school 36Are _ sheep kept by _ farmers for producing _ wool and _ meat? 37They went to _ Peoples Park,but we both went to _ Peoples Cinema yesterday 38I often watch _ TV in _ evening 39_ day of _ December 20,1999 is Monday 40Tom

59、orrow is _Christmas Day and my father and I went to choose _ Christmas tree today 二、選擇填空:1Does Jim have _ ruler? Yes,he has _ Aan;some Ba;one Ca; Dany;one 2There is _ old bike _ old bike is Mr. Zhaos Aan ;The Bthe;An Ca;The Dthe;The 3_ apple a day keeps the doctors aw ay AThe BA CAn DTwo 4How many b

60、ooks do you have? I have _bookThats _English book Aa;an Ba;one Cone;an Done;one 5At that time Tom was _ one-year-old baby Ca; D; 8_ useful b Aa Ban Cthe D 6_ tiger is _ China AThe;a BA;the CThe;from DThe;the 7We cant see _ sun at _ night Athe;the Bthe;ook it is! AWhat an BHow a CWhat a DWhat 9One af


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