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1、 Lesson 2 Name Stories第1頁,共32頁。1. What sort of names do you think is popular in China in the 1960s, in the 1970s, in the 1980s? Whats your name? What does it mean?Brainstorm第2頁,共32頁。Match the words with their Meanings.1. specific a) lively2. significance b) difficulties3. abnormal c) very unusual4.

2、vivid d) particular5. hardship e) importance1d) 2e) 3c) 4a)5b)第3頁,共32頁。Listen to the three students talking about their names. Do the matching in Exercise 4. 1. Wang Jiannan 2. Isaac Evans 3. Heather Smith 4. Isaac Evans 5. Heather Smith 6. Wang Jiannan第4頁,共32頁。My name is Wang Jiannan and like many

3、Chinese names, Jiannan means several things at once. When my parents were _ a name for me, they _ the character “Nan”. “N” is a type of wood that is used tolooking forcame across第5頁,共32頁。_the roof in the construction of traditional Chinese houses. Therefore my parents chose this character for me bec

4、ause they wanted me to _to be _ someone who helps to build a betterhold upgrow upa pillar of society第6頁,共32頁。future for society. But, as well as having meaning from the characters that are used for writing, Chinese names can also have _ according to their _. _, significancesoundsIn my case第7頁,共32頁。J

5、iannan sounds like _, but I dontgood and capable boy第8頁,共32頁。My name is Heather Smith. “Smith” is one of the most _ names in Britain. The _ of “Smith” is “black smith”. A blacksmith is somebody who makes things from _. I guess there were many of them incommonoriginmetal第9頁,共32頁。Europe in the days wh

6、en _ were the fastest form of land _and riders _ the service of blacksmiths for metal horse shoes. Well there are very few blacksmiths these days and no one in my family canhorsescounted on transport第10頁,共32頁。_ which _ was a blacksmith but I suppose we must have had one sometime in the past. My firs

7、t name is easier to explain. “Heather” is a _flower that grows a lot in certain parts of the country. Myancestorfigure outpurple第11頁,共32頁。mother comes from a place in northern England where heather turns whole hillsides purple every _. But when she had me, she was living in London July第12頁,共32頁。My n

8、ame is Isaac Evans. It is a very common name that doesnt _anywhere and you wouldnt think it had a story to it, but I believe that when you _ deep enough every name has a story to it. “Evans” is a verystand outdig第13頁,共32頁。common _name and I am not sure exactly what it means, only that there are many

9、 “Evans” in Wales and all around Britain. My grandfather left his farm in Northern Wales to look for work.Welsh第14頁,共32頁。He was seventeen and he _ in the industrial city of Manchester. He _ a lot of hardship all his life to provide a good future for his _and I am _ for that. “John” is just about the

10、 most common boys name in England. You might think ended upput up withdescendentsgrateful第15頁,共32頁。Read the passage in Exercise 5 and fill in the blanks with the phrasal verbs.第16頁,共32頁。 come acrosshold up grow upstand for count onfigure out look likeend up put up with Can you guess their meanings n

11、ow?第17頁,共32頁。come across 偶然One day I came across a foreigner on the campus.count on 依靠,指望Dont count on your promotion this year.3. figure out 找出,弄明白I cant figure out why they went to the forest.第18頁,共32頁。4. put up with 忍受It is difficult to put up with what they did.與構(gòu)成的短語有:put aside儲蓄put away放好put b

12、ack推遲,阻礙put down鎮(zhèn)壓put off 推遲 put forward 提出put on 戴上put out 熄滅 put up 建造第19頁,共32頁。5. try out 試驗(yàn)His brother likes trying out new things.6. pillar of society 社會的棟梁Many parents want their children to be a “pillar of society.”7. name after 以的名字命名The girl was named Julia after her mother.第20頁,共32頁。Use th

13、e right forms of the given phrases to fill in the blanks:count on, put up with, come across, figure out, try out, name afterDont always _ your parents, you should learn to be independent.The nurse almost cant _ the strange old man.He _ one of his classmates the day before yesterday.count onput up wi

14、thcame across第21頁,共32頁。1. 她無法忍受丈夫的壞脾氣。She couldnt _ _ _ her husbands bad temper.2. 當(dāng)?shù)氐娘L(fēng)俗是以孩子祖父母的名字給他們命名。It is a custom there to _ the children _ their grandfather. put up withnameafter第22頁,共32頁。4.They havent _ a good way to test the new machine.5.This road is _ a national hero.6.The boy is fond of _

15、 news idea.figured outtrying out named after第23頁,共32頁。6. 我在這本書上偶然發(fā)現(xiàn)一首美妙的詩。Ive just _ _ a beautiful poet in this e across第24頁,共32頁。1came across 2grew up3stands for 4count on5put up with 6figured out7looks like 8ended up 9holding up 第25頁,共32頁。Read through the Function File and predict what the missing

16、 words are. Listen to the FunctionFile and fill in the blanks.1I guess2I suppose3I believe第26頁,共32頁。I believe to express ones beliefsI suppose to express ones assumptionI guess to express ones guesses 第27頁,共32頁。 Listen to the person talking about his name. Complete the Function File with these words

17、. 1Guess what2Suddenly3And then4After that 第28頁,共32頁。Listen to the story and write down the contractions you hear.didnt feel hadnt had hadnt caught didnt believe第29頁,共32頁。Writing and speakingThink about stories attached to your parents names. Use the question cues to write notes.What characters are used to write their names?What do these characters mean?Were they named after anybody


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