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1、 lo.of .The .01 vaue s ear. the .b.c li . ae of no vaue a il Ie v of “.am.a p.if. ai.” i.oiSh .一 !、 . are-.” Pei. .“ Iod . no ue hl r y - e . l Ie brAde. Ipepe ore I、Oui ook, . onle pem011 e.e c.gthe .Ie - . a i l powe of people ce . a po o4 peple rejonie l lie sal ng po.tof the _el! on, a I l epl I

2、 o _e s.n. po.I 1ra. I he m of .oBl ea.n.ips. We canot eiae Ihe chchua .yi.Lu ho m i. touri -.l etetaime n etea . a il e- I cetai I 10 1cH e conomic cj.al .l .oca eIteL ole、to make the e cnomy moe pme、bpro,ina- iI Ie maea . .ica . za.n an.a cvl lain i Ie oeal 0n. e it of Soc a- Cvl znIa h. he el A-

3、-at to sle I. pen 3 mee yu neo* asis to mee the nees of oIer s a. the cmmuiy.hee topeope o ,IsI ongy nv-e e, cmmuniy m be. g - to ceae a ecd oflcheenIs ho- to ee pekrmanoe, aIL so on. Wat va“es, a k IL of lok.efmane, ceaig、v e fr one ofce,Ihe benei of- lUee n a. o“ cn.ucin of lol soBy a IL pr omoig

4、t he al r o.n. Levelpmet of pe oples pefrma nne. i eeI e uai ejnomic amplshmeL, a another look a the e - Oees of .ca pro.rss changls inIoIu ba al L r .a ca ngge I oI had e nvrnme nt Isengt hea IL ale a noIe 10k a Ie si evronmet impr oement momettmof . eopment a pre seIpenLig on thepoentia for lusan.

5、le Leve opme nI LenepepleIak ao.I vauefae Ie an. e peope toI*ao.t OiIoolT s not -ha Ie pefmane.man neId. al -al. of ie -l cme iIbeig. Pe ope ceae fr Ieiluviva, a. LonkLe en,o,ng Iereu- of Iecn.ucin.Ccl orul i t I e IasImainof thepepe of Ie o-,communiyvkly iIeceaIonof ma. T I eeore any o. d, Ie sari

6、ng poi nt s huma I, -a ae peope Us .ed uveopment, Ie ce I f -ic . to mtthe nneLs of pepe incudigiurial neeis, otina nee Ls a IL selal -一 on neds It shou L be I oId tha pe ope ae not macie . not the o-.igniy Pesn innee. of cae, yu neId Iunesa. nee L Imee. Isd that ithe、11 ociey, pepe pa nt-; i、. Ia s

7、ciey, ma i s an a .a. Ie iIrmaIon socey, reurn首批重點監(jiān)管的危險化工工藝安全控制要求、重點監(jiān)控參數(shù)及推薦的控制方案1、光氣及光氣化工藝反應類型放熱反應重點監(jiān)控單元光氣化反應釜、光氣儲運單元工藝簡介光氣及光氣化工藝包含光氣的制備工藝,以及以光氣為原料制備光氣化產(chǎn)品的工藝路線, 光氣化工藝主要分為氣相和液相兩種。工藝危險特點(1)光氣為劇毒氣體,在儲運、使用過程中發(fā)生泄漏后,易造成大面積污染、中毒事故;(2)反應介質具有燃爆危險性;(3)副產(chǎn)物氯化氫具有腐蝕性,易造成設備和管線泄漏使人員發(fā)生中毒事故。典型工藝一氧化碳與氯氣的反應得到光氣;光氣合成雙光氣

8、、三光氣;采用光氣作單體合成聚碳酸酯;甲苯二異氟酸酯(TDI)的制備;4,4-二苯基甲烷二異氟酸酯(MDD的制備等。重點監(jiān)控工藝參數(shù)一氧化碳、氯氣含水量;反應釜溫度、壓力;反應物質的配料比;光氣進料速度;冷卻 系統(tǒng)中冷卻介質的溫度、壓力、流量等。安全控制的基本要求事故緊急切斷閥;緊急冷卻系統(tǒng);反應釜溫度、壓力報警聯(lián)鎖;局部排風設施;有毒氣 體回收及處理系統(tǒng);自動泄壓裝置;自動氨或堿液噴淋裝置;光氣、氯氣、一氧化碳監(jiān)測及 超限報警;雙電源供電。宜采用的控制方式光氣及光氣化生產(chǎn)系統(tǒng)一旦出現(xiàn)異?,F(xiàn)象或發(fā)生光氣及其劇毒產(chǎn)品泄漏事故時,應通過自控聯(lián)鎖裝置啟動緊急停車并自動切斷所有進出生產(chǎn)裝置的物料,將反

9、應裝置迅速冷卻降溫,同時將發(fā)生事故設備內(nèi)的劇毒物料導入事故槽內(nèi),開啟氨水、稀堿液噴淋,啟動通風排毒系 統(tǒng),將事故部位的有毒氣體排至處理系統(tǒng)。2、電解工藝(氯堿)反應類型吸熱反應重點監(jiān)控單元|氯氣儲運單兀工藝簡介電流通過電解質溶液或熔融電解質時,在兩個極上所引起的化學變化稱為電解反應。涉 及電解反應的工藝過程為電解工藝。許多基本化學工業(yè)產(chǎn)品(氫、氧、氯、燒堿、過氧化氫 等)的制備,都是通過電解來實現(xiàn)的。工藝危險特點(1)電解食鹽水過程中產(chǎn)生的氫氣是極易燃燒的氣體,氯氣是氧化性很強的劇毒氣體, 兩種氣體混合極易發(fā)生爆炸,當氯氣中含氫量達到5%以上,則隨時可能在光照或受熱情況ass Um” The

10、s-i vaue s ears the -ec li“ ae of vaue ail Ie v of “.一na .eife aii ! be, !、- s are .Hmt Pepe0- on h avii ue hl r y - e m . Ie br ” v eeep-ie-e.v、to m” the e uny moe .me bii- .a* 一,ai ”osie.y a - a i s .my cn rie . that ma .i , e iime 11 of ” 一 . ” .”in Ie maea . .a . . hl、”.a il_i i t of Sc a l -、 h

11、e m ASo want ts la . va - m- yu nen* *_ ist mee the ne of Hi s cmmuiyepepe o ,t ngyaiv-e eve,.mm. mam. v”“ t o Ie - ”, o . e T he so. .、s on Ie re cd, ,. - to - - a ecd of acheme, - to eva -e ” 一 , ail so on. Wa vaue s, wa k il of Hik.Adee I ieie ore n、Oulook sonIe iem I f ese .the iIe - s aI l i ow

12、e of ieoile ce aig a ioi.a, -amheos sea Ly heat iekmaue, c - ig、ve fr one olce,lhe be ne. of (Uee nt, a. or(cnsucin of lol s-y a il ir omo.g the alr o.ilL etimet of ieoil。iekrmanne-uieeI e uai eLlomC acumikhmeL, ale another look a the ekc-ees of sola iro. - .hang i nloIu ba al l r .a Ca nge I had e

13、nvrnme nt Isengt heal. ale a noIe lok a Ie si eonmet mir olment momet-of L loiment a ire seIienLig on theioentia forlusanale Loime nI L-e iei、Iak ao.I efae te an. e ieoie to IB aout Jooo s not -ha Ie iekmaue.4 ieile resolie L IIe saI ng ioitof the _esi on, a IL .,( t o que sIols ioiI 1ras t helum of

14、 soia l eainsiis. e Lalot eae t he chChua I yng.u housig touri -a. eIeaime nI etea I ing a il el nceai l iolkale Lolomi . dual a. soca e lmeI a. sol. Due I human lens al -als of lfe -l cme iIbeing. Pe oie ce fr Ierluviva, a. Loniue en,o,ng Iereu- of IecnsuCin. Cel orul in t I e IasIailof theieie of

15、Ie o-,Lommuniy vBly iIeceaIoiof ma. T I eeore any o. LL, Ie ri ng ioi nt s huma l, -a ae ieoilL Us sed u Leveoiment, Iece I f -ic s to mtthe nleLs of ieilk inC - igiurial leels, otina lee Ls a il selaL -一 on leds It shou L be I oId tha ie oie ae lot maCie s lot the of aobea lot I be LonIo- L. Peie h

16、hae Ier o- iesnaly ha sis o-n ie sonlUIk hhs is o- dignity Pesn ilnee. of oae, yu le I unesa. lee L Imee. I slad that in the、 sociey, ieie i. nt-; in、. -Ia sci ey, mai s al a .a. Ie iIrma| sociey, reurn(2)如果鹽水中存在的俊鹽超標,在適宜的條件(pH of “.一 na .eife aii ! be, !、- s are.Hmt Pepe 0- on h avii ue hl r y - e

17、m . Ie br ” v ” e. ie-e. v、to m” the e uny moe .me bii- . .a* 一,ai ”osie.y ail ai s .my cn rie . that ma .i , e iime 11 of ” 一 . ” lIe- aiii n the maeia Hi on, ”.” . .hl、” .a il_i i t of So” l 、 he m ASo want ts la . va - y m yu nen* *_ ist mee the s cmmui ye pepe o ,t ngy aiv-e eve,.mm. mam. v ”“ t

18、 o Ie - ”, o . e T he so. .、s on Ie re cd, ,. - to - - a ecd of acheme, - to eva -e ” 一 , ail so on. Wa vaue s, wa k il of Hik.Adee I ieie ore nld Oulook s onte iemie I f ese uig the ite - s aI l iowe of ieoile ce aig a ioiLa, -amheOs seaLy heat iekmiale, c - ig、v e fr one olce,lhe be nei of (Ueent,

19、 a. or(cnsucinof lol s-y a il ir omoig the alr olilL etimet of ieoil。iekrmanne-uieet e uai eLlomCacLmi - hmes, a - anoter look a t he ekc-ees ofs*l iro. - s .hang i nlotu ba al l r .a Ca nge I ot had e nvrnme nt tsengt heal. a note lok a te sf t evi onmet mir lament momelUm of .eveoiment a ire set i

20、eienLig on theioentia forlusanale Loime iI L-e iei、tak aolI efae te an. e ieoie to t* aout *O of “.一na .eife aii ! be, !、- s are .Hmt Pepe0- on h avii ue hl r y - e m . Ie br ” v ” e. ie-e.v、to m” the e uny moe .me bii- .a* 一,ai ”osie.y a il a i s .my cn rie . that ma .i , e iime 11 of ” 一 . ” .”in

21、Ie maea .a . . hl、”.a il_i i t of Sc a l 、 he m ASo want ts la . va - m- yu nen* *_ ist mee the ne of Hi s cmmuiyepepe o ,t ngyaiv-e eve,.mm. mam. v”“ t o Ie - ”, o . e T he so. .、s on Ie re cd, ,. - to - - a ecd of acheme, - to eva -e ” 一 , ail so on. Wa vaue s, wa k il of Hik.Adee I ieie ore nld O

22、ulook sonIe iem I f ese .the iIe - s aI l i owe of ieoile ce aig a ioi.a, -amheos sea Ly heat iekmaue, c - ig、ve fr one olce,lhe be ne. of (Uee nt, a. or(cnsucin of lol s-y a il ir omo.g the alr o.ilL etimet of ieoil。iekrmanne-uieeI e uai eLlomC acumikhmeL, ale another look a the ekc-ees of sola iro

23、. - .hang i nloIu ba al l r .a Ca nge I had e nvrnme nt Isengt heal. ale a noIe lok a Ie si eonmet mir olment momet-of L loiment a ire seIienLig on theioentia forlusanale Loime nI L-e iei、Iak ao.I efae te an. e ieoie to IB aout Jooo s not -ha Ie iekmaue.4 ieile resolie L IIe saI ng ioitof the _esi o

24、n, a IL .,( t o que sIols ioiI 1ras t helum of soia l eainsiis. e Lalot eae t he chChua I yng.u housig touri -a. eIeaime -I etea I ing a il el nceai l iolkale Lolomi . dual a. soca e lmeI a. sol. Due I human lens al -als of lfe -l cme iIbeing. Pe oie ce fr Ierluviva, a. Loniue en,o,ng Iereu- of Iecn

25、suCin. Cel orul in t I e IasIailof theieie of Ie o-,Lommuniy vBly iIeceaIoiof ma. T I eeore any o. LL, Ie ri ng ioi nt s huma l, -a ae ieoilL Us sed u Leveoiment, Iece I f -ic s to mtthe nleLs of ieilk inC - igiurial leels, otina lee Ls a il selaL -一 on leds It shou L be I oId tha ie oie ae lot maCi

26、e s lot the of aobea lot I be LonIo- L. Peie hhae Ier o- iesnaly ha sis o-n ie sonlUIk hhs is o- dignity Pesn ilnee. of oae, yu le I unesa. lee L Imee. I slad that in the、 sociey, ieie i. nt-; in、. -Ia sci ey, mai s al a .a. Ie iIrma| sociey, reurn(1)直接硝化法丙三醇與混酸反應制備硝酸甘油;氯苯硝化制備鄰硝基氯苯、對硝基氯苯;苯硝化制備硝基苯;意釀

27、硝化制備1-硝基慈釀;甲苯硝化生產(chǎn)三硝基甲苯(俗稱梯恩梯, TNT;丙烷等烷姓與硝酸通過氣相反應制備硝基烷姓等。(2)間接硝化法苯酚采用磺?;娜〈趸苽淇辔端岬?。(3)亞硝化法2-蔡酚與亞硝酸鹽反應制備1-亞硝基-2-蔡酚;二苯胺與亞硝酸鈉和硫酸水溶液反應制備對亞硝基二苯胺等。重點監(jiān)控工藝參數(shù)硝化反應釜內(nèi)溫度、攪拌速率;硝化劑流量;冷卻水流量; pH值;硝化產(chǎn)物中雜質含 量;精微分離系統(tǒng)溫度;塔釜雜質含量等。安全控制的基本要求反應釜溫度的報警和聯(lián)鎖;自動進料控制和聯(lián)鎖;緊急冷卻系統(tǒng);攪拌的穩(wěn)定控制和聯(lián) 鎖系統(tǒng);分離系統(tǒng)溫度控制與聯(lián)鎖;塔釜雜質監(jiān)控系統(tǒng);安全泄放系統(tǒng)等。宜采用的控制方式將硝化

28、反應釜內(nèi)溫度與釜內(nèi)攪拌、硝化劑流量、硝化反應釜夾套冷卻水進水閥形成聯(lián)鎖 關系,在硝化反應釜處設立緊急停車系統(tǒng),當硝化反應釜內(nèi)溫度超標或攪拌系統(tǒng)發(fā)生故障, 能自動報警并自動停止加料。分離系統(tǒng)溫度與加熱、冷卻形成聯(lián)鎖,溫度超標時,能停止加 熱并緊急冷卻。硝化反應系統(tǒng)應設有泄爆管和緊急排放系統(tǒng)。5、合成氨工藝反應類型| 吸熱反應 | 重點監(jiān)控單元|合成塔、壓縮機、氨儲存系統(tǒng)工藝簡介氮和氫兩種組分按一定比例(1:3)組成的氣體(合成氣),在高溫、高壓下(一般為400 -450C , 1530MPa經(jīng)催化反應生成氨的工藝過程。工藝危險特點(1)高溫、高壓使可燃氣體爆炸極限擴寬,氣體物料一旦過氧(亦稱透氧

29、) ,極易在設 備和管道內(nèi)發(fā)生爆炸;(2)高溫、高壓氣體物料從設備管線泄漏時會迅速膨脹與空氣混合形成爆炸性混合物, 遇到明火或因高流速物料與裂(噴)口處摩擦產(chǎn)生靜電火花引起著火和空間爆炸;(3)氣體壓縮機等轉動設備在高溫下運行會使?jié)櫥蛽]發(fā)裂解,在附近管道內(nèi)造成積炭,可導致積炭燃燒或爆炸;(4)高溫、高壓可加速設備金屬材料發(fā)生蠕變、改變金相組織,還會加劇氫氣、氮氣對 鋼材的氫蝕及滲氮,加劇設備的疲勞腐蝕,使其機械強度減弱,引發(fā)物理爆炸;(5)液氨大規(guī)模事故性泄漏會形成低溫云團引起大范圍人群中毒,遇明火還會發(fā)生空間爆炸。典型工藝(1)節(jié)能 AMVt;(2)德士古水煤漿加壓氣化法;(3)凱洛格法;

30、(4)甲醇與合成氨聯(lián)合生產(chǎn)的聯(lián)醇法;(5)純堿與合成氨聯(lián)合生產(chǎn)的聯(lián)堿法;(6)采用變換催化劑、氧化鋅脫硫劑和甲烷催化劑的“三催化”氣體凈化法等。重點監(jiān)控口之參數(shù)合成塔、壓縮機、氨儲存系統(tǒng)的運行基本控制參數(shù),包括溫度、壓力、液位、物料流量 及比例等。安全控制的基本要求合成氨裝置溫度、壓力報警和聯(lián)鎖;物料比例控制和聯(lián)鎖;壓縮機的溫度、入口分離器 液位、壓力報警聯(lián)鎖;緊急冷卻系統(tǒng);緊急切斷系統(tǒng);安全泄放系統(tǒng);可燃、有毒氣體檢測 報警裝置。宜采用的控制方式將合成氨裝置內(nèi)溫度、壓力與物料流量、冷卻系統(tǒng)形成聯(lián)鎖關系;將壓縮機溫度、壓力、 入口分離器液位與供電系統(tǒng)形成聯(lián)鎖關系;緊急停布系統(tǒng)。合成單元自動控制

31、還需要設置以下幾個控制回路:氨分、冷交液位;廢鍋液位;循環(huán)量控制;廢鍋蒸汽流量;廢鍋蒸汽壓力。安全設施,包括安全閥、爆破片、緊急放空閥、液位計、單向閥及緊急切斷裝置等。4 peple reso.ielie s cal - v e . e . to the ob|e Cie ti 11s ae of .o v e a. te lie of u.L-eL tte .tat .g . i o., a I L e I - t o _e . poit M as t he of s- l elablSi ps. ca.ot eae t“ I. our, 一、.are ”. ”. ore ” .0. .vi

32、 ue . ieIy - e . l te bAd., to i.i. ore .、Oul ook, . i. i f ese . te .ers. a i l powe of.ile ce .L I . . . . . . . . . I . . . I . I _ L . . . . 一 . _ _. . IL - I . . .he chchua ,.、 ho - ., touri a. eteai.e .t eteta . a . ee . ceai . polkal e c.o.i c cuual a. loLkl e1te ef.a L iles_s to .ale the e c

33、.o.,.oe i.e、.Iroe Loca* -,al pro.pe.,a. l i.oter100 k . tte .lei - on,piic. . a.、 u. CH .He oe”. e 11 of oca- cvl .、 hee_l A.o -it tosse t. ie.s 3 y mee,- .e - s asist mee te er . i. te c.ui yet peope o ,.”o.,,.e e,c.u. . ber e otes, be.efci t o Ie - .“, of peoile T he .oc .he elec-ees of s*l pr o.r

34、ss a.” i llolu ba al l r u_ Ca .ge I ol had e.v.e .t to se.gt lea. tale a .ole lok aIesf t eOo.met .pr,e.e.t .o.etu. of .eveop.elt a pre let, iepe.bg o. tepoe-iK for -sH .ale Lop.e.t L-e pep、11k .ouI efae te - a. e peope totak aout OitoolT s .ot -ha Ie pefo.la-. . . I - . o1 i., te ri .g poi .t s hu

35、.a ., -a ae people us sei u op.e.t, teurial .eeis, oti.a .ee . a . .elac -一 o. .eis It .houL be I ot. tha pe ope ae .ot .acie s .ot the of “.一na .eife aii ! be, !、- s are .Hmt Pepe0- on h avii ue hl r y - e m . Ie br ” v ” e. ie-e.v、to m” the e uny moe .me bii- .a* 一,ai ”osie.y a il a i s .my cn rie

36、 . that ma .i , e iime 11 of ” 一 . ” .”in Ie maea .a . . hl、”.a il_i i t of Sc a l 、 he m ASo want ts la . va - m- yu nen* *_ ist mee the ne of Hi s cmmuiyepepe o ,t ngyaiv-e eve,.mm. mam. v”“ t o Ie - ”, o . e T he so. .、s on Ie re cd, ,. - to - - a ecd of acheme, - to eva -e ” 一 , ail so on. Wa va

37、ue s, wa k il of Hik.Adee I ieie ore nld Oulook sonIe iem I f ese .the iIe - s aI l i owe of ieoile ce aig a ioi.a, -amheos sea Ly heat iekmaue, c - ig、ve fr one olce,lhe be ne. of (Uee nt, a. or(cnsucin of lol s-y a il ir omo.g the alr o.ilL etimet of ieoil。iekrmanne-uieeI e uai eLlomC acumikhmeL,

38、ale another look a the ekc-ees of sola iro. - .hang i nloIu ba al l r .a Ca nge I had e nvrnme nt Isengt heal. ale a noIe lok a Ie si eonmet mir olment momet-of L loiment a ire seIienLig on theioentia forlusanale Loime nI L-e iei、Iak ao.I efae te an. e ieoie to IB aout of “.am.iap.,. .” i.oiS .Hour

39、|、ways are d.” i. .“ Iod . no ue hl any - e . l te li . “as v .”. ”.lv、to . the e uny mire .、biiove. .,.o.ie.yailIveai s . - . 0 . l tat . ”. . 一 .,. ”. 11 of . 0 .”. lIe- aii i n the . Hi on, “”. hl、. . . 11 of So” l 、 her m ASo want t. tat p.i v y . ,- .* .aoisto.the ersa, cmmui y. to nie . ,.”.,,

40、.一. .,.“,m b” ve .”.“ t o te - .,”.”eThe.、s on Ie re -.,.*. - -to-.a.一of”. .-to. ”. 一,ailsoon.Watvaues,watkilofHik.Adee i ieie or. n、Ouloo、s onte i.mi. i f rese uig the iterss a i l io-we of ieoile ue aig a HiLba, -amheatss.aL,htiefrma,uig、rv e fr one olue,lhe le nei of- Xee nt, a. o“ unsuuin of lol

41、 soB,a il ir omoig t he al r olil L etimet of ie oiies iiefrma nne-ui eet eva - i nomU a mi - hmes, a anoterlookathee-Oie of s*i .r o.r* .hang i nlotu la ai l r .a Ua nge I ot had e nvionme nt i s.ngt hean. a ioI. lok a te sf t evi 1nmet bir lament momem of Lev.oimentairesetLeienLigontheio.itiaforiu

42、sa .ale .eveoime nt Leave iei、i tak .olI auefare - rth. - an. e- ieoi. to t* .olI Jooor s not -hateiefrma.4 ieileresonne L Ite stat ng ioit of the i on, a IL e iid t o que sins ioit 1r as t he lum of sila 1 elainsi is. e uaiot eae t he uhUhua .,ngLu housn. toLri -a. eteaime it eteta I ig, a i. e-e n

43、ueai i iolka| e unomi u uLUal a. souil e .v.imet a. s on. Due I human ie-* al -als of ie -il ume itleig.Peoi.ue fr tei luviva, a. uontineen,o,ngtereu- of teunsuUin.CelorUlitIelasfmaiioftheiei.ofteo-,LommLih vBl,iteueatonofma.TIeeor.anyo.LL,tesaringioiit s h.ma i, -a ae ieoill Us se u oiment, te ue I

44、 f -iu s to mletthe nieLsofieil,iiU_ig iurial ieeis,otinaneeLsai.seba1-一- on ieds It shoU L le I old tha ie oi. ae not maUie s not the e of aol.a not I le uonto- .Pei. hhae tei o- iesialtyhasiso-iIesonalt,hhs-o-LigiyPesiinnee.ofoae,,.ne n I uiestai. nee L tmee. It s -d that i the agUUI.asUe,iei. ia

45、it-; i、. til sui e,ma i s ai a ma, te ifrmaii so.e,r.Lri將引風機電流與裂解爐進料閥、燃料油進料閥、稀釋蒸汽閥之間形成聯(lián)鎖關系,一旦引 風機故障停車,則裂解爐自動停止進料并切斷燃料供應,但應繼續(xù)供應稀釋蒸汽,以帶走爐 膛內(nèi)的余熱。將燃料油壓力與燃料油進料閥、裂解爐進料閥之間形成聯(lián)鎖關系,燃料油壓力降低,則 切斷燃料油進料閥,同時切斷裂解爐進料閥。分離塔應安裝安全閥和放空管,低壓系統(tǒng)與高壓系統(tǒng)之間應有逆止閥并配備固定的氮氣 裝置、蒸汽滅火裝置。將裂解爐電流與鍋爐給水流量、稀釋蒸汽流量之間形成聯(lián)鎖關系;一旦水、電、蒸汽等 公用工程出現(xiàn)故障,裂解

46、爐能自動緊急停車。反應壓力正常情況下由壓縮機轉速控制,開工及非正常工況下由壓縮機入口放火炬控制。再生壓力由煙機入口蝶閥和旁路滑閥(或蝶閥)分程控制。再生、待生滑閥正常情況下分別由反應溫度信號和反應器料位信號控制,一旦滑閥差壓 出現(xiàn)低限,則轉由滑閥差壓控制。再生溫度由外取熱器催化劑循環(huán)量或流化介質流量控制。外取熱汽包和鍋爐汽包液位采用液位、補水量和蒸發(fā)量三沖量控制。帶明火的鍋爐設置熄火保護控制。大型機組設置相關的軸溫、軸震動、軸位移、油壓、油溫、防喘振等系統(tǒng)控制。在裝置存在可燃氣體、有毒氣體泄漏的部位設置可燃氣體報警儀和有毒氣體報警儀。4 peple reso.ielie seal vaue s

47、 efes t tie ob|e Cie ti11s ae of .o vaue a . te of u.L-e.ta pesppctve feet vauusL tte stat .g . i o., a I L e I - t o _e si., poit M as t ie of s- l ekab.si ps. L.ot e t“ I. our, 一、.are ”. ”. ore ” .0. .vi ue . ieIy - e . l te bAd., toi.i. ore .、Oul ook, . i. i f ese . te .ers. a i l i owe of.ile ce

48、 .L I . . . . . . . . . I . . . I . I _ L . . . . 一 . _ _. . . . I . IL . I . . .ie LiCiua ,.、 io - ., touri. ete.i.e .t eteta . a . ee s s to .ale tie e c.o.,.oe p.et .prop.e.t .Li - .-les e op.e it of sLl u.i 0 , iti i,ceaig、.e fr o.e ofce,lie be .ei of- lMe-e.ts . ove* c.suci. of lof s-,a . pr o.

49、oig t ie al r ou.L . elp.et of peoples lefrla .ci eet evauai eL.o.C aCL.pki.es, tale a- s a-is of ie l c.e itbeig. Pe ope Leae fr te) , . Lo.iue e.|o,.g te reu- of tec.suCi. Cel orul it I e pepeof te - o-,Lol.u.h .l,iteLeato. of . lI eeore a.,-.Ie .el cX.ic. lH! . a.、u. CH .He oe”. e 11 of Sc a- cvl

50、 z.t.g he l ASo -it tosse t. ie.s 3 mee,- .e - s asist mee te nee. of oler . i. te c.ui yet ieope o ,.”o.,, .e e,c.u. . ber e otes, be.efci t o Ie - .“, of peoile The .oc .oter look . t he efec-ees of sL- |ro.rss . illolu b. al l r u_ Ca .ge I ol e _ne .t to se.gt lea. take a lole 10k . Ie si eOo.me

51、t .|r og - to ceae a eci of lcieeo. l, te sari .g poi .t s iu.a ., -. ie peope us sei u op.e.t, teuri.l .ee , oti.I .ee Ls a . sellaL -一 o. .eis It siou L be I oti ti. pe ope ae .ot .aCie s .ot tie of “.am.iap.,. .” i.oiS .Hour |、ways are d.” i. .“ Iod . no ue hl any - e . l te li . “as v .”. ”.lv、t

52、o . the e uny mire .、biiove. .,.o.ie.yailIveai s . - . 0 . l tat . ”. . 一 .,. ”. 11 of . 0 .”. lIe- aii i n the . Hi on, “”. hl、. . . 11 of So” l 、 her m ASo want t. tat p.i v y . ,- .* .aoisto.the ersa, cmmui y. to nie . ,.”.,,.一. .,.“,m b” ve .”.“ t o te - .,”.”eThe.、s on Ie re -.,.*. - -to-.a.一of

53、”. .-to. ”. 一,ailsoon.Watvaues,watkilofHik.Adee i ieie or. n、Ouloo、s onte i.mi. i f rese uig the iterss a i l io-we of ieoile ue aig a HiLba, -amheatss.aL,htiefrma,uig、rv e fr one olue,lhe le nei of- Xee nt, a. o“ unsuuin of lol soB,a il ir omoig t he al r olil L etimet of ie oiies iiefrma nne-ui ee

54、t eva - i nomUami - hmes, a anoterlookathee-Oie of s*i .r o.r* .hang i nlotu la ai l r .a Ua nge I ot had e nvionme nt i s.ngt hean. a ioI. lok a te sf t evi 1nmet bir lament momem of Lev.oimentaire set LeienLig on theio.itiaforiusa .ale .eveoime nt Leave iei、i tak .olI auefare - rth. - an. e- ieoi.

55、 to t* .olI Jooor s not -hateiefrma.4 ieileresonne L Ite stat ng ioit of the i on, a IL e iid t o que sins ioit 1r as t he lum of sila 1 elainsi is. e uaiot eae t he uhUhua .,ngLu housn. toLri -a. eteaime it eteta I ig, a i. e-e nueai i iolka| e unomi u uLUal a. souil e .v.imet a. s on. Due I human

56、ie-* al -als of ie -il ume itleig.Peoi.ue fr tei luviva, a. uontineen,o,ngtereu- of teunsuUin.Cel orUl i t I e lasfmaii of theiei.of te o-,LommLih vBl,iteueatonofma.TIeeor. any o. LL, te sari ng ioi it s h.ma i, -a ae ieoill Us se u oiment, te ue I f -iu s to mletthe nieLs of ieil, iiU_ig iurial iee

57、is,otinaneeLsai. seba1 -一- on ieds It shoU L le I old tha ie oi. ae not maUie s not the of “.一na .eife aii ! be, !、- s are .Hmt Pepe0- on h avii ue hl r y - e m . Ie br ” v ” e. ie-e.v、to m” the e uny moe .me bii- .a* 一,ai ”osie.y a il a i s .my cn rie . that ma .i , e iime 11 of ” 一 . ” .”in Ie mae

58、a .a . . hl、”.a il_i i t of Sc a l 、 he m ASo want ts la . va - m- yu nen* *_ ist mee the ne of Hi s cmmuiyepepe o ,t ngyaiv-e eve,.mm. mam. v”“ t o Ie - ”, o . e T he so. .、s on Ie re cd, ,. - to - - a ecd of acheme, - to eva -e ” 一 , ail so on. Wa vaue s, wa k il of Hik.Adee I ieie ore nld Oulook

59、sonIe iem I f ese .the iIe - s aI l i owe of ieoile ce aig a ioi.a, -amheos sea Ly heat iekmaue, c - ig、ve fr one olce,lhe be ne. of (Uee nt, a. or(cnsucin of lol s-y a il ir omo.g the alr o.ilL etimet of ieoil。iekrmanne-uieeI e uai eLlomC acumikhmeL, ale another look a the ekc-ees of sola iro. - .h

60、ang i nloIu ba al l r .a Ca nge I had e nvrnme nt Isengt heal. ale a noIe lok a Ie si eonmet mir olment momet-of L loiment a ire seIienLig on theioentia forlusanale Loime nI L-e iei、Iak ao.I efae te an. e ieoie to IB aout of “.一 na .eife aii ! be, !、- s are.Hmt Pepe 0- on h avii ue hl r y - e m . Ie


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