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1、.精選可編輯文本精選可編輯文本.精選可編輯文本大學(xué)英語B復(fù)習(xí)指導(dǎo)(1) .交際用語日常交際用語是?大學(xué)英語?B統(tǒng)考試題中的第一局部,目的是檢測考生在不同的情境中運用英語進行交際的能力。該局部以選擇題形式出題,包括10個小題,每題1分,共10分,考試建議時間為10分鐘。在復(fù)習(xí)該局部知識時,注意以下兩個方面:一、解題技巧一探索答語的規(guī)律在學(xué)習(xí)、使用和復(fù)習(xí)交際用語局部時,大家要掌握使用交際用語的幾個原那么:A. 禮貌原那么 無論在任何場合、表達什么看法/情感,發(fā)話/發(fā)問和應(yīng)答都要有禮貌,即使表達不同看法或批評意見,也要委婉間接表達,使對方聽起來不刺耳,例如: Do you think I can u

2、se your car for one day? .A. Im afraid not.B. No, you cant.C. I wont let you do that.D. Absolutely not.解析:此題第一說話人向?qū)Ψ教岢稣埱蟆跋虢柢囈挥?,對方如果不能容許,應(yīng)該委婉地表示拒絕。因此選A。禮貌原那么還表現(xiàn)在拒絕一個請求的方式上:一種是委婉地回絕,上面例子“Im afraid not就是這種情況;另一種是先表同意,然后用“but來個轉(zhuǎn)折,表達出不同意的意思。例如:I would like to,butThats a good idea,butB. 利他原那么 在日常交際中,英語國家人

3、民形成了一種習(xí)俗,即要盡可能為對方提供幫助和方便,對別人遇到的好事/成功要表示快樂,壞事要表示難過/惋惜,因此在交際用語中也要表達出來這種傾向,例如: I am going to the City Hall, can you tell me how to get there, madam? .A. No, you dont knowB. I dont know.C. Yes, you will.D. Sorry, I am new here too. But you can ask the policeman over there.解析:此題第一說話人在向?qū)Ψ皆儐柕缆?,按照利他原那么,?yīng)盡可能

4、為對方提供幫助和方便。所以選D,首先表示歉意,自己也不知道,同時給出一些有幫助的建議。C. 文化遵從原那么 在選擇交際用語時,大家要有跨文化視角,也就是說,要克服本民族的習(xí)慣思維和應(yīng)答模式,要使用得體的、符合對方習(xí)慣的方式來應(yīng)答。例如:Mary, your dress is really beautiful. How is John? . A. Thank you very muchB. No, no, John is not badC. Thank you. He is fineD. Dont say that. Its ugly. John is good解析:按照英美國家的文化,當(dāng)受到他

5、人的贊揚時,應(yīng)該真誠地表示感謝,這也是對說話人的尊重。如果一味謙虛說“不、沒有、還差得遠等,反而就不禮貌了, 這與中國人的習(xí)慣和思維不太一樣,所以選C。二排除法我們發(fā)現(xiàn),交際用語局部試題的選項中,錯誤選項不但錯得比較明顯,而且有一定規(guī)律可循,這為我們在解題時使用排除法提供了時機。錯項的類型大體有:A. 選項本身語法錯誤;B.選項議題與談話主題無關(guān);C.選項明顯違反上述三原那么;D. 選項雖然與談話主題有關(guān),但不能提供發(fā)問者要求的信息、態(tài)度或觀點;例如:1 Mary, are you and your husband busy this weekend? . A. this weekend we

6、 may go to cinemaB. No, were notC. Oh, its none of your businessD. Welcome to our party講解:Mary 的問題包含了“忙不忙的詢問,她可能想邀請對方作點什么。選項A屬于上述D 的情況,雖然與提問句的主題有關(guān),但并未直接提供“忙還是“不忙的信息;C 答復(fù)很不客氣,顯然違反禮貌原那么;D 與談話主題無關(guān),最后只剩下B是答案。2 You are not the manager here, are you? . A. Yes, Im not B. No, I amC. Yes, I am D. No, not at

7、all講解: 選項A,B 都屬于本身語法錯誤,不看發(fā)問句也可以排除。D 語法無錯,但不能提供發(fā)問句要求的信息,屬錯項,答案是C。通過對近幾次統(tǒng)考試題的分析,我們發(fā)現(xiàn)交際用語的考查形式多樣:既有給出第一句問語,選答語的情況;也有給出答語,選第一句問語的情況當(dāng)然前者居多。還有一些新的考查形式:如給出問語或答語的一局部,讓考生補充完整問語或答語。事實上,這就給了考生更多的提示,縮小了選擇的范圍,在一定程度上降低了試題的難度。在做類似考題時,應(yīng)抓住題干中已有文字提供的信息,選擇最符合題意的選項,排除干擾項。例如:3Would you like another slice of Christmas ca

8、ke? Im full. A. Yes, please.B. No more, thanks. C. Why not?D. Nothing more.講解:第一說話人詢問對方“你要不要再吃一塊圣誕蛋糕?,根據(jù)答者的第二句話Im full.“我吃飽了,推斷出前一句的答語應(yīng)該是No more, thanks“吃不下了,謝謝。而選項A,C表示接受邀請,D表示“沒有什么要說/做的了,均不符合題意,可直接排除。所以選B。二、交際用語模擬試題講解交際用語在統(tǒng)考試題中,考察題型主要可分為以下三類:詢問類試題,約占該局部考題36.7%了; 看法類試題,約占該局部考題26.7%;功能類用語試題,約占該局部考題3

9、6.6%。在下面的講解中,我們按照這種分類,先總結(jié)每類交際用語的常用句型,然后列舉典型例如局部例如選自?大學(xué)英語?B六套模擬題中的相關(guān)交際用語試題。三大類試題中各小類按在考試中出現(xiàn)的頻率,從高到低排序進行講解。同學(xué)們在復(fù)習(xí)備考時,應(yīng)盡量記住統(tǒng)考用書中類似題例,記住幾乎就等于得分10%。一 詢問類1、請求允許和應(yīng)答第一:A.提出請求May /Can /could I use (borrow/take/ask/see) ?(我可以用/借/問/看嗎?)I wonder /I am wondering if? (不知道我能否?)Would you please? (能請你嗎?)Do you think

10、 ? (你是否認為?)B. 答復(fù)請求同意Sure./Certainly./Of course. / By all means./ Yes, do please. / Here you are. / Help yourself. (可以/當(dāng)然/拿去/請便。)回絕Im afraid (我恐怕)Im sorry, but(對不起,但是)Im sorry you cant. /Youd better not.(很抱歉,不行。/你最好別這樣。)【典型例如】1) Could I borrow your car for a few days? ?大學(xué)英語?BTest 3, 3 .A. Yes, you ma

11、y borrow.B. Yes, go on.C. Sure, here you are. Enjoy your journey.D. It doesnt matter.答案: C2) I wonder if I could use your computer tonight? Im not using it right now. ?大學(xué)英語?BTest 6, 1 A. Sure, go ahead.B. I dont know. C. It doesnt matter.D. Who cares 答案: A第二:A. 提出請求 Do / Would you mind if I / my doi

12、ng (你是否介意?)B.答復(fù)請求同意No,I dont mind./ Of course not./ Not at all.(不介意./當(dāng)然不介意/一點也不介意) Please do./ Go ahead, please./ OK.(行,做吧。)不同意Yes, I do.(我介意)【典型例如】1Would you mind changing seats with me? ?大學(xué)英語?BTest 4, 9 A. Yes, you can.B. Of course, I like to. C. No, I dont mind.D. Certainly, please do.答案:C2Do you

13、 mind my smoking here? ?大學(xué)英語?BTest 5, 3 A. No, thanks.B. Yes, I do.C. Yes, Id rather not.D. Good idea.答案:B3Do you mind if I read the newspaper on the table? A. Good news for youB. Go ahead, pleaseC. Yes, sureD. No, I cant答案:B。在用mind句型征求對方的意見時,如果表示同意,也可明確表示“please do/做吧,Go ahead, please./行。2、邀請與應(yīng)答A.提

14、出邀請Would you like to ?Will /Can you come to ?(你能來參加嗎?)Id like to invite you to .(我想邀請你)B.答復(fù)邀請同意Yes / thank you, Id love to. (謝謝,我愿意。)Yes, its very kind of you. (愿意,你太好了。) That would be very nice. (那太好了。)回絕Thanks/Sorry,I(非常感謝/抱歉,我)Id like to but/ Id love to but(我很愿意去,但是)【典型例如】1Can you go to the conce

15、rt with us this evening? ?大學(xué)英語?BTest 4, 2 A. No, I already have plans.B. Id love to, but Im busy tonight. C. No, I really dont like being with you.D. Im ill, so I shouldnt go out.答案:B2 We are going to have a dancing party tonight. Would you like to join us? A. Yes, its very kind of youB. Of course n

16、ot. I have no idea C. No, I cant D. Thats all set答案:A3、提供幫助及應(yīng)答A. 提供幫助Can I help you / What can I do for you? (有什么可以為您效勞嗎?)Would you like me to help you with ? (我能幫您做嗎?)B. 應(yīng) 答接受幫助Thanks. That would be nice./ Its so nice of you. (多謝,那太好了)Thank you for your help.(感謝你的幫助)禮貌地回絕No, thanks./ Thats ok. I ca

17、n manage it myself. (謝謝,不用了。我能處理)【典型例如】 1This box is too heavy for me to carry upstairs. ?大學(xué)英語?BTest 5, 5 A. You may ask for help.B. Let me give you a hand. C. Please do me a favor.D. Id come to help答案:B2Can I help you with your suitcase?. A. Thats OK. I can manageB. Its not very lightC. I can help

18、you with itD. Put it down on the ground答案:A 4、問 路A. 詢問道路Excuse me, can you tell me the way to ?Excuse me, where is / how can I get to?(抱歉,請問去怎么走呢?)Is this rightthe right way to? (請問這是去的路嗎?)B. 答復(fù)當(dāng)知道對方詢問的道路,就一定要給出具體信息Go downupthe street. /Turn rightleft(順著街道往上/下走。在右/左轉(zhuǎn)。)Go straight ahead till you see

19、(往前直走直到你看見)Its on the rightleft corner just ahead. (在前面右邊/左邊轉(zhuǎn)角處。) 當(dāng)不知道對方詢問的道路,抱歉地說明原委Sorry,I dont know. Sorry, Im a stranger here. (抱歉,我不知道。)【典型例如】Excuse me, but can you tell me the way to the post office? ?大學(xué)英語?BTest 3, 9A. Dont ask that.B. Sorry, Im a stranger here.C. No, I cant say that.D. No, yo

20、ure driving too fast.答案:B5、詢問具體信息A.詢問詢問的主題為:時間、地點、距離、費用、人物、事件、頻率等。Who/ What/ When/ Where何人/何事/何時/何地How long/How often/How many時間多長或距離多遠/頻率/數(shù)量多少B. 答復(fù):直扣主題,提供對方需要的信息。注意:特殊疑問句的答語通常針對特殊疑問詞做出具體的答復(fù)。一般疑問句通常用yes和no來答復(fù), 時態(tài)人稱要一致。 當(dāng)情態(tài)動詞must引起一般問句:“必須嗎?,其否認答復(fù)通常用“you neednt/dont have to表示“沒有必要。選擇疑問句是問話者提供兩個或兩個以上

21、答案供對方擇一答復(fù)的問句,答語應(yīng)做出一個明確的選擇。反意問句的答語應(yīng)根據(jù)實際情況確定:內(nèi)容是肯定的,就用yes,其后那么跟肯定句 ;內(nèi)容是否認的,那么用no,其后那么跟否認句?!镜湫屠纭?Paul, ? ?大學(xué)英語?BTest 3, 4Oh, thats my father! And beside him, my mother.A. what is the person over thereB. whos talking over thereC. what are they doingD. which is that答案:B2How often do you go dancing? ?大學(xué)英

22、語?BTest 2, 7A. I will go dancing tomorrow.B. Yesterday.C. Every other day.D. Ive been dancing for a year.答案:C,意為“每隔一天去跳一次舞。 3Are there any drug-stores around here? A. Yes, there is one on the left cornerB. Yes, it isC. No, it isnt D. Oh, you must have a cold 答案:A4Shall we sit up here on the grass or

23、 down there near the water? ?大學(xué)英語?BTest 4, 10 A. Id rather stay here if you dont mind.B. Sorry, I dont like neither. C. Certainly, why not?D. Yes, we like these two places.答案:A5Must I take a taxi?No, you . You can take my car. ?大學(xué)英語?BTest 4, 4 A. had better toB. dontC. must notD. dont have to答案:D二看法

24、類1、表達驚訝,喜悅第一:驚訝Really?/ Is that so? / Oh dear! / Good heavens!(真的?/ 哎呀!/天哪!)第二:喜悅Thats nice /wonderful/ great!(真好!)【典型例如】1Ed said that his boy fell off tree. A. Oh dear! I hope he wasnt hurt B. Oh, no. A luck boy C. He might have broken his arm D. Nothing serious 答案:A2You know, I have three kids now

25、. ?大學(xué)英語?BTest 2, 8A. Well, Ive grown a mustache.B. Thats terrific!C. Say, youve really changed your hair.D. Well, I gave up drinking.答案:B,意為“太棒了!2、表示附和、贊同第一:附和與贊同Yes, I think so. (是的,我也這樣認為。)I agree (with you). (我同意你的看法。)I cant agree with you more.。(我非常同意。)第二:不贊同No, I dont think so. (我不這樣認為。)Im afra

26、id not. I cant agree with you.(我不同意你的看法。)【典型例如】Is it possible for you to work late tonight? ?大學(xué)英語?BTest 6, 4 A. I like it.B. Ill do that.C. Id love to.D. I think so.答案:DC表示肯定,否認3、表示肯定與否 Im sure. /Im not sure. (我確定。/我不確定。)Maybe / Perhaps(或許)【典型例如】1Are you sure about that? A. You neednt worry about th

27、at B. I like the ideaC. Oh, no. Im afraid of that D. Oh yes, Im absolutely positive答案:D2My camera isnt working properly. A. Maybe theres something wrong with itB. Here, have a lookC. I have no idea about itD. There isnt anything at all答案:A4、表示喜好、厭惡I likevery much. (我很喜歡)I dont likehate(我不喜歡/討厭)So do

28、 I. / Neither do I.(我也/我也不)【典型例如】1 What do you think about this story? A. Thank you for telling me about the storyB. Yes, its a real storyC. I like it very muchD. So do I答案:C2I dont like the sports programs on Sundays. A. So do I B. Neither do I C. So am I D. Neither am I 答案:B,當(dāng)?shù)谝徽f話人對問題的看法是肯定、贊同的,用

29、“So do I.表示自己同樣贊同的態(tài)度;當(dāng)?shù)谝徽f話人對問題的看法是否認、不贊同的,用 “Neither do I.表達自己同樣不贊同的態(tài)度。三功能類1、打 A. 發(fā)話方Hello!May/Could/Can I speak to ? Is in/over there? (你好!請找某某接 好嗎?)B. 受話方當(dāng)你就是對方要找的聽話人時:This is (speaking). Speaking. (我就是某某,請講。)Who is that (speaking)? (你是哪位?)當(dāng)對方要找的人不在場時,需要去叫他/她Hold on, please/One moment. (Ill get hi

30、m/her.) (請稍等,我去叫他/她。)當(dāng)對方要找的人不在或不能接 時,Sorry, he is busy at the moment. Sorry, he isnt here / is out right now. (對不起,他/她不在/現(xiàn)在忙)(Can I take a message for you?)(我能替你捎個話嗎?)當(dāng)發(fā)現(xiàn)對方撥錯 號碼時,Im afraid youve got the wrong number. (我想你撥錯號碼了。)【典型例如】1Hello, Im Harry Potter.Hello, my name is Charles Green, but ?大學(xué)英語

31、?BTest 1, 3A. call my CharlesB. call me at CharlesC. call me CharlesD. call Charles me答案:C2Could I speak to Don Watkins, please? ?大學(xué)英語?BTest 3, 2A. Im listeningB. Oh, how are you?C. Speaking, please.D. Im Don.答案:C2、購 物A.售貨員Can/May I help you?/ What can I do for you. (你想買點什么呢?)B.顧 客I want/Id like /I

32、need(我想買)Thanks. Im just having a look. (謝謝,我只是看看)【典型例如】What can I do for you? ?大學(xué)英語?BTest 3, 8A. I want a kilo of pears.B. You can do in your own way.C. Thanks.D. Excuse me. Im busy.答案:A3、就餐第一:A. 效勞員What would you like (to have)?Would you like something (to eat/ to drink)? (你想吃點/喝點什么嗎?)Are you read

33、y to order ?(可以點了嗎?)B. 顧 客Id like (我想要)No, thanks. (不用,謝謝。)第二:A.主人Please help yourself to some (請吃點)B.客人Just a little, please. (就一點,謝謝。)Thank you. I have had enough. / I dont like (謝謝,我吃飽了。/我不太喜歡)【典型例如】1Would you like to order now? A. Im full now B. Yes. Id like fish and soup C. But the price is hig

34、hD. Its very kind of you 答案:B2Please help yourself to the seafood ?大學(xué)英語?BTest 4, 1 A. No, I cant.B. Sorry, I cant help. C. Well, seafood dont suit for.D. Thanks, but I dont like the seafood.答案:D3Have you got a table for four, Waiter ? A. We are going to restaurantB. Yes, sure. This way, please C. We

35、 have booked the seatsD. Here are the menus. 答案:B4、祝愿、祝賀與應(yīng)答第一:祝愿A.表達祝愿Good luck!/Have a good time. /Wish you success. (祝你好運!/祝你愉快!/祝你成功!)B.答復(fù)Thank you. The same to you. /You too. (謝謝!你也一樣。)第二:祝賀A. I won the first / I got A (我獲得第一名/我取得A等)B.表達祝賀(Well done!) Congratulations (on )! (干得好!祝賀你)A. 答復(fù) Thank

36、you.(謝謝。)【典型例如】1I was worried about my maths, but Mr. Brown gave me an A. ?大學(xué)英語?BTest 3, 10A. Dont worry about it.B. Congratulations! Thats a difficult course.C. Mr. Brown is very good.D. Good luck to you!答案:B2Tomorrow is my birthday. ?大學(xué)英語?BTest 5, 8 A. Oh, I have no idea.B. Im glad you like it. C.

37、 Many happy returns of the day!D. You must be very happy.答案:C,意為“祝你長命百歲!5、贊美與應(yīng)答A. How beautiful/How lovely(此類句子表達說話人對對方的住房、家具、衣物、發(fā)型、小孩等表示贊揚欣賞。)B. Thank you. (謝謝。)【典型例如】Thats a beautiful dress you have on! ?大學(xué)英語?BTest 1, 6A. Oh, thanks. I got it yesterday.B. Sorry, its too cheap.C. You can have itD.

38、See you later.答案:A6、遺憾、歉意與應(yīng)答第一:遺憾Im sorry to hear it. (聽到這個我很遺憾。)What a pity! / Its a pity that(真是太遺憾了。)【典型例如】I have got a pain in my neck. A. Yes, I agreeB. Yes, you are quite rightC. Im sorry to hear thatD. Im feeling sick答案:C第二:歉意A. 表達歉意Im sorry(抱歉)B.應(yīng) 答 Thats all right. / Thats ok. Thats nothing

39、. / It doesnt matter.(沒關(guān)系。)【典型例如】Oh, sorry to bother you. ?大學(xué)英語?BTest 3, 10A. Thats Okay.B. No, you cantC. Thats good.D. Oh, I dont know.答案:A7、感謝與應(yīng)答A.表達感謝Thanks a lot! / Thank you (very much). (多謝!)Its very kind of you (to help me). (你真是太好了。)B.回 答Not at all. / Thats all right. Youre welcome. /My ple

40、asure.(不客氣。不用謝。)【典型例如】1Thanks for your help. ?大學(xué)英語?BTest 1, 2A. My pleasure.B. Never mind.C. Quite right.D. Dont thank me.答案:A2Thank you for inviting me. ?大學(xué)英語?BTest 3, 4A. I really had a happy time.B. Oh, its too lateC. Thank you for comingD. Oh, so slowly?答案:C8、看病第一:A.醫(yī)生Whats the matter/problem? W

41、hats wrong with you? (你哪兒不舒服?)B.病人I feel terrible. (我覺得不舒服。)Theres something wrong with my leg.(我腿出了的點問題。)Ive got a high temperature/pain here.(我發(fā)燒/這里疼。)第二:A. 病人Is there anything serious?(嚴重嗎?)B. 醫(yī)生No/ Nothing serious. (不/沒什么問題。)Take this medicine three times a day. Youll be all right soon. (一天吃三次藥。

42、你很快就會好。)Just have a rest and drink more water(注意休息,多喝水。)【典型例如】1How are you feeling?Much better. ?大學(xué)英語?BTest 5, 6 A. Thanks for coming to see me.B. You look great. C. You are so kind.D. Dont mention it.答案:A2Doctor, I dont feel well. ?大學(xué)英語?BTest 6, 10 A. You are fine.B. It doesnt matter. C. Whats the

43、matter?D. Dont take it seriously.答案:C9、勸告,建議,提醒A.勸告、建議Youd better (not) do / You should(你最好/最好別 /你應(yīng)該)Why dont you/Why not(你為啥不)What/How about /Shall we (我們?nèi)ト绾?)B. 應(yīng) 答 Sure. /Great. /Why not?Thats a good idea. (可以/為什么不呢?好主意。)Ill take your advice. (我會采納你的建議的。)No, thanks(不用了,謝謝)【典型例如】1Shall we go shopp

44、ing this Sunday? .A. Why not? Good idea!B. Ive no idea.C. Yes, you will.D. See you then.答案:A2Dont take too long at the coffee shop. Its 14:15. .A. Ill think your advice overB. I see. We have 30 minutes left.C. Thats no problemD. Im afraid so答案:B3How about going to dinner at the Mexican restaurant to

45、night? ?大學(xué)英語?BTest 2, 10A. Forget it.B. Sorry, I like Mexican food.C. Thats great!D. Glad you like it.答案:C10、見面問候A.How are you? /Hows everything?(你好嗎?/一切都好嗎?)B.Fine, thank you, and you? /Very well, thank you.(挺好的,謝謝。你好嗎?) Just so-so. (一般。) Pleased/glad to meet you here. (很快樂在這里見到你。)【典型例如】1How are yo

46、u, Bob? Ted. ?大學(xué)英語?BTest 1, 1A. How are you?B. Im fine. Thank you.C. How do you do?D. Nice to meet you.答案:B2 How do you do? Glad to meet you. ?大學(xué)英語?BTest 4, 7 A. Fine. How are you?B. How do you do? Glad to meet you, too. C. How are you? Thank you!D. Nice. How are you?答案:B11、辭別A.Im afraid I must be l

47、eaving now. (恐怕我得走了。) I think its time for us to leave.(我想我們該離開了。)B.Good night. (晚安。)Good bye. /See you later/tomorrow. (再見。)【典型例如】1Marilyn, Im afraid I have to be leaving now. ?大學(xué)英語?BTest 1, 10A. That sounds wonderful.B. Oh, so early?C. Not at all.D. Good luck!答案:B2Its getting late. Im afraid I mus

48、t go now.Ok. .A. Take it easyB. Go slowlyC. Stay longerD. See you答案:D12、旅行A.What/How about your trip/journey to(旅行如何?)B.It went very well. / Its very interesting.(挺好的。/挺有趣的。) 【典型例如】How was your trip to London, Jane? ?大學(xué)英語?BTest 5, 1 A. Oh, wonderful indeed.B. I went there alone. C. The guide showed

49、me the way.D. By plane and by bus.答案:A13、天氣A. How is the weather?/ Whats the weather like (某地方天氣如何呢?)B. Its fine. (很不錯。)Its rather warm/hot/cold/rainy/cloudy/windy.(非常溫暖/熱/冷/常下雨/多云/吹風(fēng)。)【典型例如】Whats the weather like in your hometown? .A. Its a nice placeB. I like the food thereC. He asks me whether I like the weather D. Its cold in winter and hot in summer答案:D14、訂票A.顧客Id like to book/Can I get a seat(我想訂)B.售票員Yes,Sir/Madam (好的,先生/女士)Im sorry, but(抱歉,但是)【典型例如】1Hello, is that Shanghai Airlines? .A. Yes, can I he


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