牛津版八年級上冊英語習(xí)題課件 Unit8 課時2 ReadingⅠ_第1頁
牛津版八年級上冊英語習(xí)題課件 Unit8 課時2 ReadingⅠ_第2頁
牛津版八年級上冊英語習(xí)題課件 Unit8 課時2 ReadingⅠ_第3頁
牛津版八年級上冊英語習(xí)題課件 Unit8 課時2 ReadingⅠ_第4頁
牛津版八年級上冊英語習(xí)題課件 Unit8 課時2 ReadingⅠ_第5頁
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1、課時2Reading安徽譯林版八年級上 Unit 8 Natural disasters1234678910基礎(chǔ)鞏固練提示:點擊 進入習(xí)題5答案呈現(xiàn)beatingdirectionssilentshakecamealivesilenttrappedcrashesfear1112131415BACBA答案呈現(xiàn)26272829BDAD30B2122AD232425CBC1617181920at firsta moment of joydidnt ; at allto come down能力提升練基礎(chǔ)鞏固練nervous when答案呈現(xiàn)能力提升練353637CDA3132AB3334DA3839B

2、D一、根據(jù)句意、首字母及漢語提示完成單詞。1. The firemen rushed into the burning house without any f (害怕).2. After the wall came down, his heart stopped b (跳動).3. 中考連云港 Does the radio say the expressway is closed in both d (方向) because of the heavy fog?eatingirectionsear4. 安徽中考權(quán)威預(yù)測模擬 The woman was s . (寂靜的) about what h

3、appened yesterday.5. We usually s (搖動) hands when we meet someone for the first time.ilenthake二、用所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。6. Several walls _(come) down in last nights storm.came7. The old womans husband died 35 years ago, but she is still _(live).alive8. We should keep _ (silence) in the library.silent9. All the

4、 visitors were _ (trap) on the top of the mountain because of the snowstorm.trapped10. The man stops his car before it _ (crash) into a tree.crashes三、單項選擇。11. What were the twins doing at this time yesterday?July was reading _ Jack was writing.A. as B. while C. because D. afterB12. People _the shopp

5、ing mall when the earthquake happened.A. ran out of B. ran out toC. ran out D. run outA13. When the flood was washing away the village, people screamed _ and ran _ all directions.A. in fear; with B. with fear; withC. in fear; in D. with fears; inC14. The earthquake _ when I _ some cleaning. A. start

6、s; was doingB. started; was doingC. was starting; was doingD. starts; were doingB15. _ youre not interested in the news, I will not tell you about it.A. Since B. Whether C. Unless D. UntilA四、根據(jù)漢語意思完成句子。16. 起初我不是很喜歡這個工作。I didnt like the job very much _ _ .at first17. 聽到這個好消息,我感到一陣喜悅。I felt _ _ _ _ he

7、aring the good news.a moment of joy18. 那時候我一點兒都不覺得害怕。At that time, I _ feel afraid _ _ .didnt at all19. 由于地震,墻面開始坍塌。The walls started _ _ _ because of the earthquake.to come down20. 遇到陌生人時我總是緊張。Im always _ _ I meet strangers.nervous when五、完形填空。You have probably heard about the expression, “Its raini

8、ng cats and dogs.”This means _21 its raining very hardnot that _ 22 cats and dogs are falling from the _ 23.21. A. that B. how C. why D. if22. A. careless B. blind C. dead D. real23. A. hill B. tower C. sky D. buildingADCHowever, one day in June, 1882, it really did rain _24 over Dubuque, Iowa.24. A

9、. cats B. frogs C. dogs D. birdsBThe frogs _25 falling along with hailstones (雹子) during a _26 storm.25. A. stopped B. enjoyed C. began D. forgot26. A. popular B. terrible C. weekly D. commonCBHail is formed when drops of rainwater are _27 by strong winds and are carried high up into the air. There

10、the raindrops become frozen.27. A. divided B. added C. changed D. caughtDMany drops may freeze _28 to form balls of ice; these ice balls, or hailstones, then _29 to the earth.28. A. together B. alone C. so D. almost29. A. hold B. lose C. keep D. fallADDuring the storm in Dubuque, the strong winds li

11、fted small frogs from nearby ponds (池塘) _30 the air along with raindrops. When some of these frogs became covered with ice, both hailstones and “frog-stones” fell onto the ground.30. A. from B. into C. after D. byB六、閱讀理解。 A31. This passage is mainly about _.A. how animals act before an earthquakeB.

12、how an earthquake startsC. how mice leave their homesD. how animals live every dayA【點撥】根據(jù)原文第一段開頭Many animals do strange things before an earthquake. The news may be important.可知本文主要講述動物在地震前的奇怪行為。32. Before an earthquake, quiet dogs _.A. ran away B. started to barkC. climbed trees D. jumped into the

13、waterB【點撥】根據(jù)原文第二段中句子Dogs that are usually quiet have started to bark (吠).可知答案。33. Before the earthquake in Italy, the frogs _.A. sang B. jumped into the waterC. died D. jumped around a lotD【點撥】根據(jù)原文第三段中句子One Sunday, the frogs jumped around more than ever. They made loud noises, like bigger frogs. Tha

14、t night, an earthquake struck the city.可知答案。34. How many animals are mentioned in the passage?A. 6. B. 5. C. 4. D. 3.A【點撥】原文中到了Dogs、Horses、Mice、Cows、cats、frogs這6種動物。B35. What does it mean when a smoke alarm rings at home?A. You have to get up.B. Water is running to the floor.C. Something is burning.

15、D. Someone breaks your window.C【點撥】根據(jù)原文第二段中句子Smoke from a fire causes the alarm to go off. The alarm makes a loud sound. The sound tells everyone to leave the house at once.可知煙霧警報器響了,意味著有些東西著了。36. The writer advises people to do the following to prepare for a fire except _.A. practise for a fire B.

16、make escape plansC. buy fire extinguishers D. use electrical cookersD【點撥】原文中作者提到了Make escape (逃脫) plans.、Buy fire extinguishers (滅火器)、Practise for a fire.因此答案為D。37. When a fire happens, _if you open the hot door.A. the fire will grow more quicklyB. the electricity will be cut offC. the door will soo

17、n be on fireD. the house will fall downA【點撥】根據(jù)原文中句子Dont open a hot door! The fire can grow more quickly if you open the door.可知答案。38. What are the right steps you should take when your hair or clothes catch fire?A. Stop, run, roll. B. Stop, drop, roll.C. Run, drop, roll. D. Roll, drop, stop.B【點撥】根據(jù)原文中句子What will you do if your hair or clothes start to burn? First, stop! Dont run! The fire burns faster because of moving air. Drop! Fall to the floor. Then roll! Turning over and over will make the f


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