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1、學(xué)習(xí)好資料歡迎下載名詞考向一名詞的數(shù)bookfbooksbenchbenches,名詞后面加“ s”(大部分名詞)map-maps,bag-bags, girl fgirls, 名詞詞尾為 s, x, ch, sh, o加“esclass - classes, busbuses, dish-dishes, box boxes,zoozoos.注意:photo photos piano-pianos名詞詞尾為輔音字母+y,去y+iesbaby babies, storystories, lady ladies.注意:名詞詞尾為元音字母+y,直接加s. boy-boys, joy-joys, ke

2、y-keys.2010全國II.短文改錯Christie was one of my best friend at high school.76I have some _in my pocket. In other words, I have on me.A. coin; change B. coins; change C. coin; change D. coins; changesfriend的復(fù)數(shù)形式是friends.由one of可知,friend應(yīng)用復(fù)數(shù)形式。故答案:friendscoin 硬幣為可數(shù)名詞;change零錢,為不可數(shù)名詞。答案:B以f或fe結(jié)尾的名詞把f或fe變?yōu)関,

3、再力口 -es。thief - thieves, wife wives, life-lives, shelf-shelves, knife - knives, leaf-leaves, self selves, wolf wolves, half-halves.注意: 有些以 f 或 fe 結(jié)尾的詞直接力口 -s. roofs, cliffs, chiefs, reefs, safes, beliefs, gulfs, proofs.有些名詞有兩種變化形式。handkerchiefs/handkerchieves, scarfs/scarves, dwarfs/dwarves, wharfs/

4、wharves, hoofs/hooves. 【歌訣1】小偷之妻生活難,自己掃葉來做飯。忽見一狼藏架后,取刀把它劈兩半。【歌訣2】樹葉半數(shù)自己黃,妻子拿刀去割糧,架后竄出一只狼,就像強(qiáng)盜逃命忙。考點(diǎn)2:名詞變復(fù)數(shù)的不規(guī)則變化情況例詞1、改變內(nèi)部兀音字母men, women, policemen, feet, geese2、詞尾加en, ren或其它形式oxen, children, mice3、復(fù)合名詞的 復(fù)數(shù)將主體名詞變?yōu)閺?fù)數(shù)sons-in-law 女婿 passers-by過路人無主體名詞,詞尾加 sgrown-ups 成年人 go-betweens 中 間人,媒人man 或 woman

5、作定語的名詞,兩個名詞都要交復(fù)數(shù)men drivers, women teachers4、有些名詞形似復(fù)數(shù),實(shí)為單數(shù)news, physics, politics, mathematics5、有些集體名詞,形式上單數(shù),用作復(fù)數(shù)cattle, police, people6、有些名詞的復(fù)數(shù)形式表示特別的意義papers文件,goods貨物,商品,glasses眼鏡woods樹林,arms武2年, works 工廠,者作7、單復(fù)數(shù)同形的名詞Chinese, Japanese, sheep, deer, means, fish【典例】2010.濟(jì)寧高三檢測His parents raise hund

6、reds of, including four.A. cattle; cows B. cattles; cow C. cattle; cow D. cattles; cows歡迎下載學(xué)習(xí)好資料【解析】cattle為集體名詞;cow是可數(shù)名詞,其復(fù)數(shù)形式需要加s。答案:A考點(diǎn)3:抽象名詞具體化定義-抽象名詞是指表示動作、狀態(tài)、品質(zhì)、感情等抽象概念的名詞。抽象名詞一般為不可數(shù)名詞,但在實(shí)際運(yùn)用中,抽象名詞常用來表示具體的人或事,這種情況我們稱之為抽象名詞具體化。應(yīng)用1與不定冠詞連用,表示“某個人或“某件事 。success成功-a success成功的事,成功 的人 beauty美,美麗- a b

7、eauty美人surprise驚奇- a surprise驚奇的事 應(yīng)用2與不定冠詞連用,表示“一種,一陣,一場”等含義。a heavy rain 一場大雨a coffee一杯咖啡a strong wind 一陣大風(fēng) a beer 一瓶啤酒【典例】2010.四川卷In_ most countries, a university degree can give you _ flying start in life.A. the; aB. the;不填 C.不填;不填 D.不填;a【解析】countries表泛指,不用冠詞,抽象名詞 start前有flying修飾,因此被具體化,意為“一個飛躍性的

8、開始”。句意:在許多國家,一個大學(xué)學(xué)位能給你人生一個飛躍的開始。故第二個空填不定冠詞a。答案:DThe news brought comfort to all of us.這消息給我們大家?guī)砹税参?。Her husband was a great comfort to her when she was ill.她生病時,她丈夫?qū)λ莻€極大的安慰。Failure is the mother of success. 考向二 名詞的格失敗是成功之母。She was a failure as a teacher.她當(dāng)教師并不成功。題組訓(xùn)練用所給詞的適當(dāng)詞形式填空(1) Two (month) ago

9、, three (Negro),who were all (hero), caught four (thief )because they had stolen some(potato ) and some bamboos from 2 (zoo) ,where 500 (sheep) ,200, (deer) ,100 (ox) and 1,000(goose) were raised.Months ,Negroes,heroes,thieves,potatoes,zoos,sheep,deer,oxen,geese考向二名詞的格表示有生命的名詞的所有格情況構(gòu)成例詞不以s結(jié)尾的單復(fù)名詞加-,

10、sMarys e-mail瑪麗的電子郵件 childrens books兒童圖書以s結(jié)尾的復(fù)數(shù)名詞加-the girls dormitory 女生宿舍t(yī)he teachers office 教師辦公室以s結(jié)尾的單數(shù)名詞加-s或-our bosss (boss) office 老板的辦公室Engelss (Engels) works 恩格斯的著作.合成名詞的所有格,直接在詞尾加-so例如:her sister-in-laws book她嫂子的書.并列名詞的所有格,表示各自的所有關(guān)系,在各個名詞后加-s。表示共同的所有關(guān)系,在后一個名詞后加-So試比較:Toms and Jacks rooms湯姆

11、的房間和杰克的房間Tom and Jacks room湯姆和杰克(共有)的房間.在表示“家宅”、“店鋪”等所有格后面,常省略其所修飾的名詞。歡迎下載學(xué)習(xí)好資料例如:at the doctors (office)(在診所),at my uncles (house)高考鏈接(2009.江西)The shoes were covered with mud, so I asked them to take them off before they got intocar.A. girls; TomsB. girlss; Toms C. girls; Toms D. girls; Toms兩個空都是名詞

12、所有格做定語。由后面的them可知,girl應(yīng)用復(fù)數(shù)形式,其所有格是girls;Tom所有格形式是 Toms。答案:C表示無生命的名詞的所有格.通常用of所有格表示。例如The capital of Peru is Lima, which is in the north on the coast.秘魯?shù)氖锥际抢R,位于北部沿海地區(qū)。.表示時間、距離、國家、城市、團(tuán)體、機(jī)構(gòu)、節(jié)日等的名詞通常用-s所有格表示。例如:todays newspaper今天的報紙a few hours bus-ride 幾小時的公交車程Beijings parks 北京的公園 April Fools Day 愚人節(jié).一

13、句話巧記名詞所有格的形式和用法The childrens teacher asked a friend of Toms to bring him some students books on the first day of the month.雙重所有格定義of+ s結(jié)構(gòu)叫作雙重所有格功能表B分a daughter of Mrs. Greens=one of Mrs. Greens daughters.a picture of Toms湯姆收藏的一張照片 比較:a picture of Tom 一張湯姆的肖像表示感情色彩this lovely son of your brothers你弟弟的

14、這個可愛的兒子that large house of Mr. Browns布朗先生的那棟大房子典 例Miss Smith is a friend of.A.Marys mothers B. Marys mothers C. mothers of Mary D. Mary mothers瑪麗母親的一個朋友 要使用雙重所有格,表達(dá)為a friend of Marys mothers.答案:A題組訓(xùn)練用所給詞的適當(dāng)詞形式填空(2)The(girl) shoes were covered with mud ,so I asked them to take them off before they go

15、t into(Tom) car,Yesterday I was invited to dinner at the(Turner).Girls ,Toms,Turners考向三名詞構(gòu)詞法(構(gòu)成名詞的后綴)英語中構(gòu)成名詞的后綴包括-ence, -ance , -tion ,-sion , -ment ,-ness , -age ,-th , -ure , ,-dom 等。存在 exist-existence 接受 accept-acceptance 生產(chǎn) produce-production表達(dá) express-expression 發(fā)展 develop - development 盲目 blin

16、d -blindness婚姻 marry-marriage 溫暖 warm-warmth 快樂 please pleasure離開 depart-departure 暴露 exposeexposure壓力 press -pressure歡迎下載學(xué)習(xí)好資料失敗 fail failure混合 mix-mixture 簽名 sign-sign ature 智慧 wise-wisdom考向四名詞作定語名詞作定語一般用單數(shù)-shoe repairers修鞋的人 tooth brushes牙刷rouser pockets褲子上的口袋例外-a sports car 一輛賽車 a customs office

17、r 一個海關(guān)官員arms production 武器的生產(chǎn)a salesgirl個女售貨員數(shù)詞+名詞作定語時,名詞一般保留單數(shù)形式。a ten-mile walk 十里路 two-dozen eggs兩打雞蛋a five-year plan. 個五年計(jì)戈 U【典例】Hiking by oneself can be fun and good for health. It may also be good for building.A. respectB. friendship C. reputation D. Character考察名詞作定語。根據(jù)前面的信息詞health可知,運(yùn)動既可以增強(qiáng)體質(zhì)

18、又可以發(fā)展個性,故用character作定語修飾 building.答案:D考向五名詞辨析1 cause, reason, excuse詞匯辨析典型例句cause造成一種事實(shí)或現(xiàn)象的“原因、起因”,后接介詞ofCarelessness is the usual cause of fire.reason說明一種看法或行為的“理由”You must tell him the reason why you won t accept his offer.excuse意思為“借口、辯解”Late again! What s your excuse of this time.題組訓(xùn)練-I m sorry

19、I stepped outside for a smoke. I was tired.-There is no _B_ for this while you are on duty.A. reason B . excuse C. cause D. explanation2. mistake ,error ,fault詞匯辨析短語mistake幾乎等于 errorby mistake(錯誤地)errorerror更止式,更常用于書面語。強(qiáng)調(diào)“道 德方面的過失”。an error of judgment (判斷錯誤 )fault強(qiáng)調(diào)(性格上的)小缺點(diǎn)”find fault with(找茬兒,挑剔)

20、;It is someones fault是某人的過錯題組訓(xùn)練I dont think its my _C that the TV blew up. I just turned it on. Thats all, said the boy.A. error B. mistake C. fault D. Duty3. sight, view, scene, scenery詞匯辨析典型例句sight目光;視力;視野;看到;景物,情景, 景象。Birds have better sight than dogs.鳥比狗有更好的視力。view可數(shù)名詞,從某一個特定點(diǎn)看到的東西、 景物,尤箕是美麗的自然風(fēng)

21、景。We have a fine view of the lake from our hotel window.從旅館的窗口我們可以看歡迎下載學(xué)習(xí)好資料到湖向美麗的風(fēng)景。scene可數(shù)名詞,局部或者具體的風(fēng)景 ,但景中 更有可能包括人的活動。還表示戲劇、 電影中的“場景”、“場面”等There are many beautiful scenes in the out-of-town park.這個郊外公園有多處美麗的風(fēng)景。scenery不可數(shù)名詞,是大自然風(fēng)景的總稱,其 中包含了許多個 sceneGuilin is world-famous for her finescenery桂林以其美麗的風(fēng)景聞名 于世。 There is no _from this window, except for some factory chimneys. The white sailboats in the blue water make a pretty. The crowd waited for a of the Queen passing by. During the summer holiday, we enjoyed the beautiful _of China. view scene sight sc


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