外研版英語八年級上冊Module 7 Unit 2 She was thinking about her cat.課堂檢測題(無答案)_第1頁
外研版英語八年級上冊Module 7 Unit 2 She was thinking about her cat.課堂檢測題(無答案)_第2頁
外研版英語八年級上冊Module 7 Unit 2 She was thinking about her cat.課堂檢測題(無答案)_第3頁




1、Module 7 Unit 2課堂檢測題Clas s N ame N umber一、默寫單詞衣袋 牧場,田地 降落深的 干的 兩次,兩倍突然地 當.的時候 粉紅色的二、默寫短語看書 無所事事偶爾 有什么用從.身邊跑過 沒什么奇怪的聽見某人說 從.取出跑過,穿過 太.而不能考慮 降落三、單項選擇()1. Its necessary us polite in class.A.for,to B.of, to C.of, to be D.for, to be()2. -Is there in todays newspaper?-Yes. More than 1 thousand confirmed c

2、ases of COVID-19 have been reported.A. anything specialB.special anythingC.something specialD.special something)3.did your friend give you the book?A. What, about B.What, for C.How, about D.How, for)4. Was the cat in the little duck?A. interested B.interesting C.interestD. interests)5. The boy often

3、 plays football on the playground. I saw him on my way homeyesterday.A.playB.playing C.plays D.to play)6.My mother was cooking I was doing my homework at seven yesterday evening.A. because B.while C.but D.so)7.1 didnt notice her behind me at that time.A. standsB. standingC. standD. stood)8.1 saw him

4、 a picture when I came in.A. drawB.drawsC.drawing D.drew)9.-on the newspaper?-No,. Its boring.A. Something new, nothing interestingB. Any thing new, nothing interestingC.Anything new, interesting somethingD.New anything, interesting nothing四、根據(jù)漢語意思完成句子The plane will a beautiful and small city.飛機將降落在一座美麗的小城。Im a good way to improve my English.我正在想一個提高我英語的方法。Father books mother TV atthis time yesterday.昨晚這個時候爸爸正在看書,而媽媽在看電視。4.1 read some books in the library我一周去一兩次圖書館看書。5. Do youtomorrow?你明天有什么事情可做嗎?6. The fan is high


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