1、,*:.9:*F”.;”=-ov0:*.:.3-=,:;:;”3,x;:if*.q*H.W*.,:”:;,“; .-. :.”|“”c;?;:-:、.n,a,.h-03,:.j_w:-.:,3-”.m4,,“29.WH,:s-,.f.i.v.;:1.:-.”::,*:.X:,1.rrx.M”w-&3b;.m:.::.:s:,:0;:;;.:me.-.,”:*:0:;:”nw3.1,,“:).*p.u.::.a.;f*;.:x;.-o;:*.:=:二,:.、*;:-、.*:.-9:.”:一:,”.( ”, .d. .- - .* I. . -.k. - 1. .L- . .k . ., dU .
2、 i. 1- -any” .”., ”- -I.- ”.、,” .inch .3 . .!.- -. ,I. - i- - - 3, , -一* ,.天津市石油管材加工有限公司編碼:TSG12-02/4石油套管和油管螺紋加工內(nèi)控標(biāo)準(zhǔn)(第3版)發(fā)放編號:受控狀態(tài):是 否口持有者:2005年8月8日 發(fā)布2005年8月8日 實(shí)施中國?天津.I. Ad -H di.、.-d .g . i. .I. .I. .- . *I. .I. .-, .g-.g- i. .11. .1- .,.- . . .a -i. .-I .I. . - . .i-,. -ii - .”, i 、.I.”. .ui d.
3、. fut I e ”._ .ndll ad luling of IpIO- .0 .uaui . has be. 101t.iz. d, to .t. i.g. of . se.icOoi. 1rui ci. mm. it O-oil. . : aid moy .- d i. ii, -iiiii, s.I. a.d op.lBi. ”,gio , iuit uid a 10 al -, ”.,.一uii a goI imUtslUol Of work I fHou., No 1a form ifoi ad laaoiia.i,s ha Ii of mpiov* Logli-i,st-g f
4、i th. t op,|lmob t h. mp . wU supoit Upaa,uih.i st.11gheiDoum.it maa”.it, .ifUitba, Uifi.a,、 dU,ad ot I . “s h b isig! u.I,_|iov. d. 4, HU .iHi ulloi .d at al .,* Gim.it ofk_ a dh. t .gh.i a id mpi - t. .i of t. s,st a bi - atiougg, hha dop|d a of.od. of.i.a uitiuous ipiigmak, d.d.t oi, g I od . How
5、 . , wt h th. Stat. C.uiaI d t h.p.I iUa Gl.im. I t ollh. iX oia l, t.p. - iirs S. o.ta, . mtig of go.im.it ofu th. i.w sl toi t h. Ui.iis ad pi oii .mpa. d to th. . . . its of ou gas st I.,bg M ai s 一,ii t h. passl. m of moi* a i U of . I U ha s iot tok.hnpiob.ms, muHIllfU ,b. 一 1.d i t I . Uu. w o
6、ikSiuid, l.th. o.alHUat oi, oa,out t I .i dU.* impl. 一,aid Hi. to .aiH .i of s,sof gooBiim.tofi. s i t h. oly si io. ts si, m. g t. Sluea,Ga of th. Sa. C.uUi aid t h. pio - ualgooBi im.tha sh.d a gg.I m.t . m, fom m.Uaii m.,aida wa glbal a id st g u h.ght, lui0 ,suid ad th. mp.m.itatoiof t. iu.s a i
7、d iig uaiis, a id a dh. t o t. s,s-of maag ig p.opl . auoidig t t h. u. s,th. w o. . ito t I . oi bi of isiu.ilHa.i aid Hadadiatoi.oikli t h. m.、“ oia of aid pi og-of of woik wl,lpiioaiisii aid . iioaii oa ppu iot siig. su.l soiifmaiiwa aid pimottddHoi mp.m. I aiii a ial,. d t. i sit uatoi aid t.i.w
8、l s oit. s,sof ggnm. it ofbiigi stuatois ad i. w pibl-s a id i.w Ual. ig , piofouidy ouidld th. woik of go .im. it Focus oi st.lg h.ii ig id.olgiua aid poiial uistiutoi of t. uit i.t if oa d.s a id a ut uai. d out d th. m.tigad eed aim poia it s. .Uith.mids, hop. good gasp of imp .at oi.天津市石油管材加工有限公
9、司文件編碼:TSG-12-02/4版本號:3石油套管和油管螺紋加工內(nèi)控標(biāo)準(zhǔn)修改碼:0頁碼:1/34一、油套管加工內(nèi)控標(biāo)準(zhǔn)油、套管理化性能要求尺寸、重量、長度油、套管直線度橢圓度要求通徑要求無損檢驗(yàn)螺紋加工要求接箍擰緊靜水試壓二、油、套管接箍加工內(nèi)控標(biāo)準(zhǔn)油、套管接箍理化性能要求油、套管接箍外徑、壁后、長度、重量 API標(biāo)準(zhǔn)值油、套管接箍加工尺寸標(biāo)準(zhǔn)值油、套管接箍尺寸要求內(nèi)控偏差值接箍螺紋加工通用參數(shù)編制審核批準(zhǔn)生效日期天津市石油管材加工有限公司文件編碼:TSG-12-02/4版本號:3石油套管和油管螺紋加工內(nèi)控標(biāo)準(zhǔn)修改碼:0頁碼:2/34ui d. . fut I e ”._ .ndll ad
10、luling of IpIO- .0 .uaui . has be. 101t.iz. d, to .t. i.g. of . se.icOoi. 1rui ci. mm. it O-oil. . : aid moy .- d i. ii, -iiiii, s.I. a.d op.lBi. ”,gio , iuit uid a 10 al -, ”.,.一uii a goI imUtslUol Of work I fHou., No 1a form ifoi ad .aaoia.i,Pima siew of mpiov* Loiy sl-g file the imp - e ialo-suau
11、poit -p.、uihei sle11gheiD_m.it maa”.it, .ifUit_a lieika,,_dUy .les ad ot I . i-s h bb. isgf u. mpioved. 4,OI .isi ulloi i.d at al .,*Gleime”,,de dUl oi, g I od m. Ho- ele, t h le Sa. Coui.la I d t hepil iUa Gl.ime .t oleial oia I, lep. - U! Se U.la, Ge. mlig of goeimeit of udde the iew si loi t he u
12、i.iis ad pi. J . . .1_! .一 一 I_ _ . ” ” I us -Llis oooa ala duit isd.ishok.s as a smaa a_. uiit -th a a- si. fo1mli .t . os . . .mak ig uitbe iduased i t I e Hue ok Se,lights ie soisbia la, a id l i isia ah of Udas sii aidbi , .h.me tmoi. Sui ad -mhe oleaa sual oi, .,out t h ar du-uiga iiiasae isss
13、iI . ss ou i 1m as a ddas im pp .pi. i 1aa Dea.m_alty aid sile to l.一a raa pi o .k mp. .s a big isua lodd,a ie-sti| musb. m.tigL.I.ii of sys of gooaiI jst -mbi . tsd. a aeig of siia,ait offcs a dhea t ostaghei a id .pi I la le LoistuLii of l oriis mpae d to the a _i_eits of ou g.s st la,bg ML . L .
14、. I . . I . imat olia s i t he Li,si i.e ts -id .u 1a h. a, fo.s, I le Lins C.mmuist Pa,Commlta OIL,moigI. . of gooB.m.tof . s wik ig it h. U,s matk is to . .,G.m. its . of .as. lup.ii, a-.h. ”.ai11, a dmii.,一. I ooks a opm.、 si. . I Uy .I im.t s,s.- -oi i.d.ig amosph. ii.mit s, .,.m. it Of toa idii
15、lmaii teI -g,sas Fol the meor Ma has m.e impoiait isl utiois the Muiipa Glaimeit Ofica uI,pie paid bai ig, mi.d t h pra iaa ok to ple ioti Leoi fut her slagt heii I g le lupals oi oik le.X,abi - .iougg, hhadoppda se-of .ode of Loi-U .itiuous is ii the passle m of moi. acLIe i - aacL of .ss sel alsha
16、. . . II. . I . . . . . L .t, 一|1111g . si ig .oaaI I I . - I . I .lagid t he pro aagooarimat ha s h. d a ggle imat .sam, fomLl1a 1Pii 1ad t- iasois l . _ .hei ie saaad exLa 11asi i this agga d ilefuura,s ss of GolmeifdmiislllI i i me aiis iot i mea,aid iot i .pa- .- L.bii , I I L I L - .0 ,suid ad
17、the _l.meitaloi of leiu.s a id i、 uaiis, a id a dhae t ole s of m.” ig pe opl . a_oidig l t he u. s,the - o. -u. ito tI e oi bi of isi u.i.i aid sadadialoi.oikli t he me1 1111d. oi. of aid pi og-of of -oik -a,-lIpiiolaiisii aid lLe iiooa. i -iot siig. su.l soiifmaiik aid plmottd deUsoi imp.me I aloi
18、 - ( . . 一a gabaaa id slaeg L height, lia a iaa,. d the ia sit uatii aid theIh.I.一 一 .Ila eiile ia,a. musiimaizaii isuiia.d i sat mp.l.I . I L I Ihold hg tig of-. I . .ie-1 sis oi le s of ggulmehe ba iia of laig Xa opiigtheor,a id the Tae ieid sn.to bud apa itt la,t.ofcs brig ia si ualois ad iehe g.
19、a ba iid - F. ut. Iof uidde the lie saameit adI la do. e il. Bela le Geieal bl,aid s.Ls:of the -ie tp.bl-s aLdai- lth. ._i_. 1ts 0fm0d.i madaship of le CPC, ao obsala the Gleimeitid ieaa. ig,piofouid,atouiddd t1aleme1t .-11 . I _I - I-saasig.L. Ihe -oik of golaimedhea t o le 1apae orie ittd, i .ss o
20、i lu h, adae fis to exaaFocus oi Haigheii ig i oagi. aid poiiaa isl_l oi of le il igget if ca das a id a . ar. d out a.ous bbsiea , fadda U si u.ii iol a Lll. a saa iesus I f ig eiooghlua , raaah ddgaeiothgh.smeaa oi do. as I uiiig iot_ _ _.LI. I I II . I I I . .L.I_I_ I LL I .L .I. .- I |L .IL . .
21、. I .si asoiiay !1am of mai .IL -l. . r . _ Iit pam.s a al aeiL. elrs to d Olica s ileieaa shou d be | ut i i leib,ob.Ltl.-L 一 Io. l a ie 一 Ssttaloi l udai said, l gas, l da o|k oi s i . ho s i I .h.g. .d o s .pea. a le C.iaai.ehe ss.m of golepa,a asoisba. -a .ht . I . I r . l i,time ad uidde ai,do
22、l. 1a p.opa h.- mslas soud a-as is oil.imeit offcas i I the .i,aouid le . aopmatof salha 1rspi bii, h - i i uifua,. . .L.fuLl oi l iaa a ieOfica, a t he pu.ose of a ig of oik loug hl,odd,leag Ma,r asa.d. the m.eligad deleed aimpor. it se eithemds, hope good g pof imp aal oi.一 I ud a ia lm.a a fa r-a
23、ks ad aouid一、油套管加工內(nèi)控標(biāo)準(zhǔn).油、套管理化性能要求化學(xué)成分鋼級化學(xué)成分(重量百分比)API標(biāo)準(zhǔn)內(nèi)控標(biāo)準(zhǔn)PSPSH40 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.030.03414414276& 551276517517379& 551379655655379& 551379689689551& 758551862身58758965.尺寸、重量、長度油、套管外徑要求管子規(guī)格標(biāo)準(zhǔn)公差值內(nèi)控偏差值 1/2 +1.00%-0.50%D0mm+1.
24、00%D天津市石油管材加工有限公司文件編碼:TSG-12-02/4版本號:3石油套管和油管螺紋加工內(nèi)控標(biāo)準(zhǔn)修改碼:0頁碼:3/34ui d. . fut I e ”._ .ndll ad luling of IpIO- .0 .uaui . has be. 101t.iz. d, to .t. i.g. of . se.icOoi. 1rui ci. mm. it O-oil. . : aid moy .- d i. ii, -iiiii, s.I. a.d op.lBi. ”,gio , iuit uid a 10 al -, ”.,.一uii a goI imUtslUol Of work
25、 I fHou., No 1a form ifoi ad laaoiia.i,I ha si of miol* Logli U supoit U .,Uih.i st. i.h. iDoum.it maa”.it, .ifUitba, Uifa,、 dU,ad ot I . “s h b isgf u.I,mpiol. d. 4, HU .i.i ulloi ”1d at al .,*Gim.it ofk_ a.h” t.h.i aid _|i - t. Loi_Liof t. s,a aiKaKiougg, l_.opld a of.od. of. a uiti.o.s i一.,stg fi
26、 th. t ”.,d. d.t oi, g I od .“ How . , wt h t. Sa. uiLaa I d t h. pil iUa mm. I t ollt. iat oia l, t. Urols S. L.tay *. mtig of go.im.it ofu th. i.w H toi t h. uiLiis ad |i oii .mia. d to th. . _b_. its of ou gas st I” bg M ai s 一,ii t h. passl. m - of moi. aL i oL of 1 I U ha s iot tplmo. t h. mp .
27、 iaii of th. wok.Thu piob.ms, muHIllfU ,b. 1.d i t I . uu. w ok id, I. t h. oalsuat oi, Lay out t I .i du .* impl.-ai,aid HI. to l.ai H - .i of s,sof go - iim.tof s i t h. LI,si iL. ts- si, m. g t. SLl.ayG.a of th. Sa. CcuLI aid t h. pi oiLal go.iim.tha sh.d a gg.m.t . m, fom m.oLaii m.,aida wa glba
28、l a id st g L height, Hi0 ,suid ad the imi.meitatoi of te iu.s a id iig uatois, a id a dh.e t o te s,s-of maag ig peopl * a-oiiiig t t he u* s,the w o. . ito t I e oi bit of isi utoitoi aid sadadi-toi.oikli t he me*、“oia of aid pi og-of of woik wd*lp iiolaii sii aid Le iioatoi oa ppoi, iot siig. su*
29、. soiifmaiiwk aid pimottd d*isoi imp.me I aiii a ial,* d te iew siii aid te iewl s - oite s,sof |gd the woik of go *ime it Fo_s oi st*V h.ii ig id*olgi l. aid poiial .ist_t oi of te .it igget if U d*s a id a ote,i* d out awas fs oite油、套管壁厚、重量要求項(xiàng)目API標(biāo)準(zhǔn)公差內(nèi)控偏差壁厚t-12.5%t由0%t單根重量+6.5%-3.5%+6.5%-3.5%油、套管長
30、度要求產(chǎn)品名稱長度范圍(m)123套管4.887.627.6210.3610.3614.63不加厚油管6.107.328.539.7511.5812.80交貨長度也可以與購方協(xié)商,但必須在合同中注明。.油、套管直線度組別直度要求API標(biāo)準(zhǔn)內(nèi)控標(biāo)準(zhǔn)所有管子均應(yīng)進(jìn)行外觀檢查并有適當(dāng)?shù)闹倍?1/2 的 管子全長L直度最大弦高不得超過 0.20%L0.15%L對平端管端部 直度E1a距管端 5ft (1524mm)范圍內(nèi)最大下垂度 lie,、d-, .d ot I e - bbe n. b|l e d. 4, OIU - Si Ldn ”ed at al . Gnme一.,stg 11the t ”一
31、,dedt on, “od b” Howeve, wt hte , CLncla I d t heiiV nU_ Gvenme it ollie nat ona l, tepi-一 Se . ,e mt ng of govenme nt oIlCls udde the new Sl ton t he LnCinS ad li_,sLnd ad the _lementaton of te rLes a nd ri. Lains, a nd a dhee t o te s,s-of maa.n. |e o|l e 01*. t t he Lle s,the w 0. lH,ito t I e or
32、 bl of isiLlnHaln and sadadlaton.orkln t he mee yl- - -ona of and |r o.- of of work wlinovainsil and ieivce lnoe , fedda ,si Lain not a ctve e seac re sucs I f -n. enohlUl , reeach is di.eenoth.h.sme cor documes r . I . . I I . .Li.- . L L . .L . .L .IL, a bi - atioL., hhs do|ld a seof code of Lon-U
33、t -ntluoLSis i,in t heiasSie mee of more a L irsea U of ess sev - as ha. . . II. . I . . . . . L . mecanis not t me,and not i w.- L.d, of te Lnnlgnot. I .nt offccs a dhee t oste.hen a nd im|r I le te constucin of t oil cm|ae d to the e _l_ents of ou .as stl ve,b. ML . L . . I . . I . stuain t uner s
34、and, t .as, t deLni a .ove nmet secoieoL., N ea form iteacOf work 1 f |ule ww |.bl-s a一 etsia .lbal a nd stae. c he.ht, icii a na, d te new si Lain and te|imoe t he m| 一he work of .ovenmein of s,stb of go - in,t.e ad Lndde an, las I_s onteok.nt - lames a al eveof bii. new si -atons ad nea newal,and
35、srveto ceaeoa Secnewl sss on te s,s- of .mehe oveal suat on, ca,out t h er dUon ad cloe claoraln,be iduesed l t I e fLue wnmet ofle s l t he cl,si ncelsts -nd t he |rooical.ooer nmet ha s he d a .ve I met .sem, fomid new cale n.ls,lrofound,exoLndid ts ite newea sho d be | Lt i n tecl mstas soLd as i
36、m lll,s as a smal e_. A nit wlh a e- sit fo1mli at . .s . . .ha 1rs10 nsi bll, hhs t t tfu,a . . .ccrdan wtthe e _i_e nts.tic es0nsi 0f man._e.IL -I. . r . _ It -lvatn. a st 1 n. co. . . . l - . -nd mU ua he 、, for asde a eei.of 111ai,ahe . 0 f 11ntaei,ido te - |eo|e have wnt mus be meli.L.I.n te ov
37、eal i” .s sho d stic,m |l-et te check i . - 一 ll.Ike of the ch s s,s-of Gvenmet slec a thentl. l eanes tn te Hie of lai,Cmmlte lain, s.ll ond,wnfcata ccuho d sen.t he t he e-. A uni s a tl-i s s,s_ of .oeimet02s wia n. i t he c,s maitsa is to s .,*0 w o.nt of - in t he cl,ll,a nd rear d iceie l,sem,
38、 isac,.venmeI Lsll,cloe atetict ns 0f te Lnit isde i一,ca sh ad mak n. ul,r.hts re sonsil te, a id t i nsle ech of 一des sil andbi-, -hemoiae Sn ad cm一一” Inesee isss i1 eivee ss o-nt tmae as a dde1tlic1 s aa Dea”a r |i 0s a bi. isLe lodd,I jst cmbi . - ts, i te c s CmmLnst Pa,mmtte micmon.-eVct - s|II
39、 ad tem iesonsI . I _ . I -hen re seacad exca n.si n ts e d l te fLLiebii , I . L . .L - Iheefe - nneI I 一 . eseeinte new,ai m-sd t sat .|.V.I . I L I Ihold h|. tng of w. l . .he ba nne of n. Xa o|in. theor,a nd the tree rele- ntt te,tcncehe .ea ba nnd - Fa Ll. Iof Lndde the ulleU sh|of te aden mana
40、!ement cence e-11 . I _I - I-saasi.L. Iee t 0 te I e|le orie nttd, i ,ss on tU h, adee firs to e lence efrs to d Ofie wntb,obect -L 一 Ioi t a new eve. Sw0|k woi s l ca.e who s i 1 cha.ead wos e|eec a te C.neencehe ssem of .oveson. wa. . I . I r nment ofsich aoLnd te deveo|met of seVce fuct on tciae
41、a nemai1 n, a dminstatve re cet ma nd infmain Isem Of - tocnol .,sses For the meor Ma has m-e _|orant ist -tons te Mulla Gvenment Ofle u |re laid biewi n., cmned wt h |ia clal w ok t |te noti ceon fut her ste.t heni I . te -levs on w oik te.X,c,s sstm of Goverment minstat I n infmalzaln cnsuclna.sae
42、ment adI te doce ns Befe te Geneal b,and sicsof the -ne t0 obsele the GvenmentOfle, a c t he |Lof -ca n.- of w ork toL.ht lod*tea. Ma,r asa.d. the meO.ad e d am|ora nt se ecithemds, hole .ood . |of iml eat on.Next I wLd l le tmae a few r-aks ad aoLnd.橢圓度要求對于所有組管子來說橢圓度均需要 0.5%D,其中D為管子的外徑。.通徑要求通徑技術(shù)要求每
43、支光油、套管都應(yīng)進(jìn)行全長通徑試驗(yàn)。在進(jìn)行通徑檢驗(yàn)時,管內(nèi) 應(yīng)無任何異物,并且應(yīng)適當(dāng)支撐,以防管子下垂。通徑棒形狀應(yīng)為 圓柱狀。通徑棒尺寸類別規(guī)格范圍通徑規(guī)最小長度通徑規(guī)最小直徑不加厚油管2 /81067.00mm (42in)d-3.18mm (d-1/8 in)套管133/8305.00mmm (12in)d-4.76mm (d-3/16in)t -. Go;. ;”*一: =一 . .:.一:. O. , -kite .a-3*-.”. ”.b-i - .-ok . i._. ._u_f. .”一.,. .”. .”a.- .” . . -.n. . . ,. .b-.f- ok ag.
44、a. . ”. .-e.i-.i “天津市石油管材加工有限公司文件編碼:TSG-12-02/4版本號:3石油套管和油管螺紋加工內(nèi)控標(biāo)準(zhǔn)修改碼:0頁碼:5/34.無損檢驗(yàn)外觀檢驗(yàn)在充足的照明光線下用肉眼進(jìn)行管體表面進(jìn)行檢查。鋼管內(nèi)外表面不 得有裂縫、折疊、扎折、離層、麻點(diǎn)和結(jié)疤存在。允許有圓底凹坑、直道等線性缺陷存在,其深度或高度必須小于0.30mm超聲探傷鋼管逐支進(jìn)行電磁超聲無損檢驗(yàn),電磁超聲探傷過程中若發(fā)現(xiàn)有缺陷的管子,應(yīng)在保證壁厚尺寸的前提下進(jìn)行修磨,修磨應(yīng)保證足夠大 的圓角半徑以防止壁厚突變,修磨后其深度或高度必須小于0.30mm修磨后應(yīng)用超聲波測厚儀檢測剩余壁厚,并重新回線對缺陷部分進(jìn)
45、行 手工超聲探傷或電磁超聲探傷。電磁超聲探傷的判定標(biāo)準(zhǔn)是以設(shè)備收 集的由于管體缺陷所造成并產(chǎn)生的波形的振幅大小為依據(jù),此波形的 基準(zhǔn)振幅值由預(yù)先用電火花刻有矩形人工參考缺陷梢的管體產(chǎn)生。人工參考缺陷鋼級刻槽位置刻槽方向刻槽尺寸深度長度mm寬度mmH40內(nèi)外表面縱 向10401J55內(nèi)外表面縱 向10401K55內(nèi)外表面縱 向10401N80內(nèi)外表面縱向和橫向10401P110內(nèi)外表面縱向和橫向5401. . .” .-a-,p. - .f.g g .0.-.t.a-. . a . i - .、. .-a. . “.t a.-.”. i . .f- i - .at . .t0 . 1, a. .
46、-3.-. . . a .a . i-t- .l -i. aSa - . - a -pl-.”. - -pl 0.a. .天津市石油管材加工有限公司文件編碼:TSG-12-02/4版本號:3石油套管和油管螺紋加工內(nèi)控標(biāo)準(zhǔn)修改碼:0頁碼:6/34ui de s f t I e ehaLe d d_ments hade ad rning of sed obvO- es Lre has bee no|tbiy d, to biode te rage of ko . I . .I. secc-on. M i L|a Gvenme nt OleblgllL -e “,gas ”_ _ _ . . . .
47、 F. .一Lea,Lndes00d |abes a al l - lon te Lnt,(dlsioveai st uat0n, lulg l, . U)and m0y sd . .a se . , “ aii e .d ol.llln.ca.cl,” -urt-Id a ”(IH -. 一.nt off.s adhee t o stegghen a nd im|i I le te LonstuLln of toil Lmlae d to the e .liments of o gas st ve,big M L . . I . . I . s ha of bil - e ”.3 sulor
48、t l、,r ste n.he n-D-t .”“ nt, - “ lie,、 d-, .d ot I e - bbe n. b|l e d. 4, OIU - Si Ldn ”e d at al . Gnme一.,stg 11the t ”一,dedt on, “od b” How eve, wt hte , CLncla I d t heiiV nU_ Gvenme it ollie nat ona l, tepi-一 Se. ,el mt ng of govenme nt oIlCls udde the new Sl ton t he LnCinS ad li . .1一 I.一0,su
49、nd ad the blementaton of te iLes a nd ri. Ualns, a nd a dhee t o te s,s-of manatng |e o|l e -ordlg t t he ue s,the w o. . Ito t I e or bl of Isl L.nln and sadadlaton.orkln t he mee、“ ona of and lr o.rmof of work wllnomln.ll and Le lnoa.n - .IU not sing. sLeV sonlfmalnk and limottddel_on leme In - (
50、. . 一Fo_s on steggheni ng ide olgi La and |olial LnstLt on of te Lnt ngget if des a nd a Ltve,Laie d out e , fedda L si Lain not a Ltve e seaL re sLs I f sngenoghll ,ree h isulsd - eenothgh.smele Loi doLbes i unnig not_ _ _.LI. I I II . I I I . .L.I_I_ I L L I .L .I. .- I |L .IL . . . I ., a bi - at
51、ioL., hhs do|ld a seof code of Lon-Ut -ntluoLSis i,in t heiasSie mee of more a L irsea U of ess sev - as ha. . . II. . I . . . . . L .ealna meLanis not t me,and not i a-lb. w.- L.nd t he |rovnLalgooernmet ha s he d a ggve I met .sem, fomsialn t ner sand, t gas, t deof brig new si udons ad nenewl sss
52、 on te s,s- of ggelmeLni L|a gove nmet seLoi w一 etnmesieougg, N ea form iteaLnt - lames a al eve|imoe t he bl he work of govenmeIn of s of goer as Ills onten,t.e ad Lndde an,w libllms all,a aoa Seca newok.Off work I f .les i t he Li,si nLe ts -he ove s Lt on, La,out t I er d es imli al,and siveto Le
53、 on ad Lloe Llaorain,be Iddesed i t I e fL-e wa glbal a nd st g L heght, iLii a nal d te new si Lain and teid new Lhle ngls,|iofound,exoundid ts ite newea sho d be | Lt i n teLl_mstaies soLd as as a -al e_. A unit wih a e- sit fo1mli at iesons . . .ha 1rs10 nsibii, hhs t t utf ,a nd. . . 一LLdan wtth
54、e e .i-e nt00fm.en mastlL e.0nsi . 0f manng-e.IL -l. . r . _ I ei-ee ss ount t.ae at -lva1ng a stI ng Lo-. . . . l - . -Lt - s|II ad te. resons l . _ .sde a ee1g 0f 111ai,ad0 te - |e0|e have wbil , I . L . .L - nt .us be .etigL.I.sonsiie wa rght . I . I r . l n te oveai i” .s sho- d stiL,b lllbet te
55、 LheU i. - 一 ll.Ike of the Lh s s,stbof Gvenmet sleL a thent1g i eanes the -a 0 f 11ntaet,in te Ofle of lai,Cmmlte lain, sg.lat-0n d,, wnfLata LL ho d sengt he t he e-. A uni s a ti-iIs s,stbof goeimetoffUs wik ng it he L,s mantsk i s to s -,* 一 . e einte new,ar musd t sat b|rV.I . I L I Ihold hg tn
56、g ofle w. I . .he ba nne of ng Xa o|i ng theory a nd the tee rend siveto bUd ale- ntt te,tLnLehe gea ba nnof Lndde the LiieL - shi of te, a.ent IUenLe e-11 . I _I - I-sals1g.L. Idhee t o te I e|le orie nttd, i I ss on t h, adee fis to e lenLe efrs to d Ofie wntb,obect -L 一 Ioi t a new e. Swoil woi s
57、 i L-e who s i -ha” ad wos e|eeL a te C.neenLehe ssem of govenment offs i I the . aound te devel|met of sevLe f-Lt on tLiae a nebaiI n, a dminstrtve re Let ma nd infbaion Isem Of - toLnol .g,sses For the me a,or Ma has m.e im|orant ist LLtons te M-i|a Gvenment Ofie |re laid biewi ng, Lmbi ned wth |r
58、aLial w ok tiel|te noti Leon f-t her stegt heni I g te luulevi on w oil te XX,L,s sstm of Govment minstat I n inf.aKainLns Lina.saement adI te doLLbe ns Befe te Ge neal b,and siLs)of the -ne t0 0 bse1 the GvenmentOfie, a L t he luiose of -La ng- of w oik toug ht lod*teag Ma,r asaed. the meUngad deiv
59、ee d a b|ora nt se eLithemds, hole good g | of imllbeat on.Next I wd l le tmae a few rrbaas ad aound.螺紋加工要求螺紋加工通用參數(shù)類別參數(shù)名稱及參數(shù)值A(chǔ)PI標(biāo)準(zhǔn)值A(chǔ)PI標(biāo)準(zhǔn)偏差范圍內(nèi)控10牙油管齒高1.4122mm+0.0508 -0.1016mm+0.0254 -0.0508mm0.0556in+0.0020 -0.0040in+0.0010 -0.0020in螺距2.5400mm10.0762mm10.0381mm0.1000in由0030in/ini0.0015in/in錐度1.5875m
60、m/in1.52151.7195mm/in1.57991.6764mm/in0.0625in/in0.05990.0677in/in0.0622 0.0660in/in螺紋夾角6060 1.5 60 1.5 管端倒角6565+565+58牙套管齒高1.8097mm+0.0508 -0.1016mm+0.0254 -0.0508mm0.07125in+0.0020-0.0040in+0.00100.0020in螺距3.1750mm10.0762mm10.0381mm0.1250in垃0030in垃0015in錐度1.5875mm/in1.52151.7195mm/in1.57991.6764mm
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