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1、2022-2023學(xué)年九上英語期末模擬試卷注意事項(xiàng):1答題前,考生先將自己的姓名、準(zhǔn)考證號(hào)碼填寫清楚,將條形碼準(zhǔn)確粘貼在條形碼區(qū)域內(nèi)。2答題時(shí)請(qǐng)按要求用筆。3請(qǐng)按照題號(hào)順序在答題卡各題目的答題區(qū)域內(nèi)作答,超出答題區(qū)域書寫的答案無效;在草稿紙、試卷上答題無效。4作圖可先使用鉛筆畫出,確定后必須用黑色字跡的簽字筆描黑。5保持卡面清潔,不要折暴、不要弄破、弄皺,不準(zhǔn)使用涂改液、修正帶、刮紙刀。. 單項(xiàng)選擇1、Could you tell me ? I must find him. Sorry, I have no idea. But he was here just now.Awhere Tom w

2、asBwhere Tom isCwhere can I find TomDwhere has Tom gone2、-Hi, Kate, would you like to hang out with me this afternoon?-Im afraid not. I cant go out I finish my report.AwhenBunlessCif3、The woman _ all of her money to charities _ the poor.Agave off; to helpBgave up; helpingCgave away; to helpDgave; he

3、lping4、My mother is a teacher. She works _ No. 5 Middle School. AinBtoCofDon5、The teacher told us _.Awhen will the English class beginBif she can come to the partyCthe students were having a listening examDwhere could we find the lost things6、_ of them has been to Australia several times, so they kn

4、ow the Opera House very well.ABothBAllCNoneDEach7、Do you know how much Mary all these books? They only 200 yuan!Aspent; cost Bpaid for; spentCpaid for; cost Dcost; spent8、-Excuse me, would you mind helping me with the math problem?-Im sorry. _, Im in a hurry.AIn generalBIn factCIn allDIn detail9、Man

5、y kids in China are crazy about the Western culture. But I still cant understand to us Chinese.Awhat does Christmas meanBwhat Christmas does meanCwhat mean Christmas doesDwhat Christmas means10、The more you smile, the _ you will feel.AhappyBhappierChappilyDmore happily. 完形填空11、 The expression “excus

6、e me” is more often used in the USA than in China.An American says “excuse me” when he wants to 1 in front of someone,to leave a party or a dinner or when he finds 2 late for a meeting.“Thank you” means that you like what someone has done for 3 .An American says “thank you” all day 4 .For example,he

7、 will thank the saleswoman after 5 has served him.He will say “thank you” to the cashier when he 6 for his food.He will say “thank you” to the 7 when he brings him a cup of coffee.And an American 8 will say “thank you” to a student if he has just answered the question.At home,the husband will thank

8、his 9 for helping him with housework.So the American peoples idea of being polite is 10 from ours.1AgoBcomeCgiveDpass2AheBhisChimDhimself3AyouBheCyourDyourself4AheBshortCtimeDlong5AheBsheCyouDit6ApayBpaidCpaysDpaying7AwaiterBwaitressCbossDassistant8ApolicemanBfatherCworkerDteacher9AauntBcarCwifeDdog

9、10AsameBdifferenceCdifferentDhard. 語法填空12、請(qǐng)用適當(dāng)?shù)脑~完成下面的短文,并把所缺單詞填寫在答題卡指定的位置上。每個(gè)空只能填寫一個(gè)形式正確、意義相符的單詞。Have you ever heard of anything about crying marriage(哭嫁)? It sounds surprising, doesnt it? In fact, the custom of crying marriage 1a long time ago in may parts of Sichuan Province, Southwest China. And

10、it remained popular till the end of the Qing Dynasty.Sometimes, you can still see it happening in some 2far away from cities if you are lucky enough. Though it is not 3 popular as before, the custom can still be seen by people in many places, especially in the villages of Tujia people. They regard i

11、t as something4has to be done when a marriage happens.It is 5same in different places of China. According to the tradition, every bride(新娘) had to 6at the wedding(婚禮). If not, the brides neighbors would look down upon7as a girl from a poor family. And she would be laughed at 8all the villagers. In f

12、act, her mother sometimes beat the bride for not crying at the wedding.In a 9, crying at weddings is a way to set off for happiness. The bride doesnt really feel sad in her heart.10, in the marriages of the old days of China, quite a lot of brides indeed cried over their unlucky marriages and even t

13、heir bad life. 閱讀理解A13、 Do you know Weibo? Do you write a Weibo? If you dont, you are out! Weibo means microblog. People may spend muchtime writing a blog, but it takes a little time to write a microblog.Why? Because every message on a microblog is less than 140 words.Microblog started in the USAIt

14、came to China in 2009 andit has developed very fast. In 2011, the number of Chinesemicro-bloggers grew to 300 million. Now, more and more people are interested in writing microblogs. For manymicroblog users, it is a great way of learning the freshest news,talking with friends and sharing different k

15、inds of information, including news, daily life, pictures,music and so on. Many stars and famous people also write microblogs and share good things with theirfans. It is easy and fast to send a message on a microblog. However, this can also lead to problems and even cause panic . For example, when t

16、hebig earthquake and tsunami hit Japan in March, 2011, messages like Salt can protectpeople from radiation were hot on microblogs. It soon caused a crazy buying of salt. Later people realized it was just arumor (謠言). In a word, microblog plays a new role in the life of Chinese people.1People spend _

17、 time and _ words writing microblog.Alittle, a fewBa little, fewCa little, a fewDa few, a little2There were 300 million Chinesemicro-bloggersin _.A2008B2009C2011D20133Which of the following is TRUE? AWriting a microblog needs a special training.BMicroblog appeared in China only one year ago but it h

18、as developed rapidly.CAs a popular thing, microblog has its advantages and disadvantages.DMore and more Chinese show great interest in microblog because it started in the USAB14、GIY stands for “grow it yourself” and is about a new fashion for growing your own food.There are a lot of reasons why grow

19、ing your own food is a good idea. GIY helps reduce carbon dioxide(CO2) emissions(排放物). Food in supermarkets travels a long way and that produces a lot of CO2. If you grow as many vegetables as you can at home, you can help save the earth.Vegetables you grow are also good for your health because they

20、 have more nutrients than supermarket vegetables and they dont have chemicals.How much money can you save? First of all, seeds are a lot of cheaper than vegetables, and secondly, you can save more by planting the most expensive and the most productive(多產(chǎn)的) vegetables. You can give your vegetables to

21、 fiends and neighbors. It can make you very popular.Dont worry if you dont have much space. To GIY, you dont even need a garden. You can use pots on your balconies(陽臺(tái)). And dont worry if your space doesnt get much sun. You can plant vegetables that dont need a lot of sun to grow.Grow your own vegeta

22、bles now. You will have both a healthier body and a healthier social life.1During the course of _, food in supermarkets produces a lot of CO2.Agrowing BcollectionCtransportation Dproducing2How many reasons do people have to grow their own food?AOne. BTwo.CThree. DFour.3What do people mostly need if

23、they want to grow their own vegetables?ASome seeds. BA garden.CSome chemicals. DA pot.4From the passage, we can learn that _.Aall vegetables need a lot of sun to growBwe can plant vegetables on our balconiesCvegetables from supermarkets must be a little cheaperDwe need much space to plant vegetables

24、5Where is the passage probably taken from?AAn advertisement. BA science fiction.CA story book. DA newspaper.C15、 You put a blue lobster (龍蝦) in boiling water, and a few minutes later, you take out a red lobster. Have you ever wondered why the lobster changes its color when it is cooked?Scientists at

25、 Manchester Universitys school of chemistry in the UK have an answer. They found that a chemical in the shell called astaxanthin (蝦青素) causes the lobsters color to change.This chemical is red and is in the shells of both raw and cooked lobsters. But in raw lobsters, the redness of the astaxanthin is

26、 covered by the dark blue color of another chemical in the shell, crustacyanin (蝦青蛋白).The darker color helps lobsters avoid enemies in the wild. And it is likely to have evolved (進(jìn)化) by natural selection.However, when heated, the structure of crustacyanin changes. This makes the red color of astaxan

27、thin stand out.This is similar to the changing colors of tree leaves in autumn. Leaves always contain the pigments that make them red, orange and yellow. But for most of the year, those pigments are covered by the bright green color of chlorophyll (葉綠素). In autumn, when the temperature cools and the

28、 suns light becomes weak, chlorophyll fades to make these warm-colored pigments visible (看得見的).“It is a scientific curiosity (神奇), but it may also have important uses in the real world,” said John Helliwell, the lead scientist, to The Daily Telegraph. “It could help people know when food has been co

29、oked properly.”1Whose color is red?ACrustacyanin.BAstaxanthin.CChlorophyll.DPigment.2Which of the following is TRUE?ARaw lobsters have no crustacyanin.BCrustacyanin only exists in the shell of dead lobsters.CCrustacyanin is a dark blue chemical.DAstaxanthin can protect lobsters from enemies.3From Pa

30、ragraph 6 we know that _.Apigment in leaves can protect trees from sunshineBchlorophyll disappears because of high temperaturesCpigments in leaves can be seen all year roundDchlorophyll fades when sunlight becomes weaker4What can we learn from the article?AScientific studies can help people live a b

31、etter life.BNo one knows why lobsters change their colors.CUS scientists discovered the chemical astaxanthin.DSome animals change their colors with the seasons.D16、An old farmer lived on a farm with his young grandson. Each morning Grandpa was up early to read. One day the grandson asked, Grandpa! W

32、hat good does reading do? The Grandfather quietly turned from putting coal in the stove and replied, Take this coal basket to the river and bring me back a basket of water.The boy did as he was told, but all the water leaked out (漏出) before he got back to the house. The grandfather laughed and said,

33、 Youll have to move a little faster next time, This time the boy ran faster, but again the same took place. it was an impossible task.The old man said, Youre just not trying hard enough, So the boy tried a third time and failed. he said, See Grandpa, its useless! So you think it is useless? The old

34、man said, Look at the basket. The boy looked at the basket and for the first time realized that the basket was different. It had been transformed from a dirty old coal basket into a clean one inside and outside.You might not understand or remember everything, but when you read it, you will be change

35、d, inside and out. 1.What did Grandpa always do every morning?AHe read books Bhe carried waterChe put coal in the stove Dhe taught his grandson.2How did Grandpa reply to his grandsons question?Atelling him to read books Bhaving a discussion with himCtelling him an interesting story Dasking him to ca

36、rry water with a basket3How many times did the boy try to carry water with the basket?AOnce BTwice CThree times DFour times4The basket became _ in the endADirty Bold Cclean Dnew5What would the grandson probably do in the future?ATo clean the basket BTo do more readingCTo carry water with a basket DT

37、o remember everything in his life.E17、Do you ever find yourself getting really unhappy for almost no reason? Or suddenly feeling down without knowing why? Going from sadness to anger to joy in a matter of minutes can make many teens feel as though theyre losing control. But why is the feeling so com

38、mon among teens?Maybe youre starting a new school and not able to see old friends as much. Getting good grades or wanting to be better in sports or other activities can be a concern (關(guān)注)for many teens. Being accepted by friends is important. Teens also may notice, for the first time, a sense of dist

39、ance from parents and family. You may feel you want to be on your own and make your own decisions, but it can also seem a bit lonely at times.Another important cause for mood swings is biology. Whenpubertybegins, the body starts producing hormones(荷爾蒙). These hormones cause physical changes in the b

40、ody. But in some people, they also seem to cause emotional(情緒的)changes.Here are some things you can do that might make those bad moods a bit easier to deal with.Recognize youre not alone. Although not every teen experiences mood changes to the same degree, they are common.Talk to people you trust. F

41、riends can help each other by realizing that theyre not alone in their feelings. Talking to parents is important, too. Parents can share their own experiences dealing with bad moods. Teachers are often good resources and a doctor can help to answer questions about development.Get enough sleep. Thoug

42、h it can be hard to find enough time, getting enough rest is very important. Being tired can lead to more sadness.Create. Taking part in some kinds of activities, like building something out of wood, or starting an art or music piece. Writing can help you organize and express your thoughts and feeli

43、ngs. Get your thoughts on paper. Do the same thing with paint, music, or other art forms. Put your feelings into your artwork.1When puberty begins, many teens feel_.Aunhappy BangryCjoyful Demotional2The underlined word “puberty” in the passage probably means “ ”A成長期 B青春期 C情緒化 D變化期3_may not make some

44、 teens be in bad moods.AStudy pressureBGetting good gradesCThe sense of distance from parentsDMissing old friends4Its easier to deal with your mood changes by _.realizing they are common explaining your feelings to people you trustplaying computer games being creativebreaking school rules getting en

45、ough sleepA BC D5The passage is mainly for _.Aparents BteenagersCteachers DdoctorsF18、One day Frank was walking with his mother when they came to a pretty garden.Frank looked in, and saw that it had clean gravel(碎石)walks and beautiful flowers.He called to his mother and said, Mum, come and look at t

46、his pretty garden.1 wish I might open the gate, and walk in.”The gardener(園?。﹉eard what Frank said, and kindly invited him and his mother to come into the garden.Franks mother thanked the man. Then she said to her son, “Frank, if I take you to walk in this garden, you must take care not to meddle(亂動(dòng)

47、)with anything in it”Frank walked along the tidy gravel walks, and looked at everything, but touched nothing that he saw.He did not step on any of the borders(草坪邊的狹長花壇),and was careful that his clothes should not brush the tops of the flowers so that he might not break them.The gardener was much ple

48、ased(滿意的)with Frank, because he was so careful to behave well. He showed him the seeds, and told him the name of many of the flowers and plants.While Frank was admiring the beauty of a flower, a little boy came to the gate, and finding it locked, he shook it hard. But it would not open. Then he said

49、, “Let me in. Let me in. Will you not let me in this garden?“No, said the gardener,“1 will not let you in, Tom. When I let you in yesterday, you meddled with my flowers, and pulled some of my fruit. I do not choose to let a boy into my garden who meddles with the plants.Tom looked ashamed, and when he found that the gardener would not let him in, he went slowly away.Frank saw and felt how much happier a boy may be by not meddling with what does not belong to him.He and his mother then continued thei


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