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1、- 團(tuán)結(jié)就是力量單: 敬愛(ài)的老師們舟: 親愛(ài)的同學(xué)們單舟:大家中午好,王莊中心小學(xué)第12 期雛鷹小喇叭節(jié)目又和大家見(jiàn)面了。單:本期節(jié)目的主題是團(tuán)結(jié)就是力量,由我們一(3)一( 4)班為大家主持,希望大家喜歡。沈:我是一(4)班的沈燦成,我有這樣一個(gè)故事,一位智者和他的徒弟正漫步于河邊,智者問(wèn)徒弟:“怎樣才能使一滴水永不干涸?”徒弟大惑,然后說(shuō):“將它托入掌心?!睅煾感υ唬骸胺且?、非也!將它投入大海之中?!笔前?! 一滴水只有在大海中才不會(huì)干涸。我們的學(xué)校正是這一片汪洋大海,而我們不正是大海中的一滴滴水珠嗎?一個(gè)人只有在集體中才能發(fā)揮自己,一個(gè)集體也正因有了我們才生發(fā)光芒。金陽(yáng): 團(tuán)結(jié)是一種奮發(fā)向

2、上的精神,團(tuán)結(jié)使我們緊緊地聯(lián)系在了一起請(qǐng)聽(tīng)歌曲團(tuán)結(jié)就是力量錢(qián):世界上有很多的成功之人,但并不是每個(gè)人的成就都是個(gè)人的,它們的成功凝聚著千千萬(wàn)萬(wàn)人的汗水,淚水和血液。邵:造物主在創(chuàng)造人類(lèi)時(shí),就要讓我們明白團(tuán)結(jié)的道理,因?yàn)樗麆?chuàng)造的是一群人,而不是一個(gè)人。舟:人生路上,難免會(huì)有挫折、失敗和困難。這時(shí)候不是一個(gè)人的力量就可以解決的。它需要合作、需要團(tuán)結(jié)。錢(qián): 20* 年 5 月 12 日,四川汶川縣發(fā)生7.8 級(jí)大地震,數(shù)萬(wàn)同胞處在水深火熱之中,災(zāi)情之嚴(yán)重,情況之緊急,多少志愿者,武警官兵,他們緊緊團(tuán)結(jié)在一起,救助傷員,撫慰難人,創(chuàng)造了一個(gè)個(gè)奇跡,真所謂患難與共,眾志成城!邵:蛇天生就是老鼠的天敵,然

3、而許多老鼠團(tuán)結(jié)在一起抵抗蛇的侵略,蛇也會(huì)退縮恐懼的逃跑。真所謂樹(shù)多成林不怕風(fēng),線(xiàn)多搓繩挑千斤!金陽(yáng)一根筷子,輕輕被折斷,十根筷子緊緊抱成團(tuán),要想折斷就很難。真所謂眾人拾柴火焰高!舟: 其實(shí)不僅是很多大事需要團(tuán)結(jié)協(xié)作,很多小事也需要團(tuán)結(jié)。單:是呀,小制作需要合作,玩游戲也需要合作。金陽(yáng):學(xué)習(xí)需要合作,勞動(dòng)也需要合作!錢(qián):在合作中我們學(xué)會(huì)了團(tuán)結(jié),學(xué)會(huì)了融入集體,將個(gè)人的力量和集體融合,幾十、幾百個(gè)人的力量是驚人的,是無(wú)所不能的。邵: 是呀, 團(tuán)結(jié)的力量是多么巨大!同學(xué)們, 當(dāng)你遇到困難時(shí),別忘了集體是你的依靠,而當(dāng)集體遇到困難時(shí),更別忘了你是集體的一分子。所以集體和個(gè)人是分不開(kāi)的。我們應(yīng)該學(xué)會(huì)團(tuán)結(jié)

4、與合作。因?yàn)槲覀兪窍嘤H相愛(ài)的一家人!(音樂(lè)欣賞)單:同學(xué)們,老師就是我們的父母親人金陽(yáng):同學(xué)就是我們的兄弟姐妹單和金陽(yáng)齊:讓我們?cè)趫F(tuán)結(jié)中乘風(fēng)破浪,讓我們?cè)趫F(tuán)結(jié)中奮勇向前吧!舟, 燦: 各位老師,各位同學(xué)。本次雛鷹小喇叭節(jié)目到此結(jié)束,本次播音有我陳佳舟,有我沈燦晨,有我單佳敏,有我陳金陽(yáng),有我錢(qián)靖雯,有我邵,指導(dǎo)老師秦老師,須老師,配樂(lè)秦老師,我們下期見(jiàn)。Single: Dear teachersSingle boat: Good afternoon everyone, the Wangzhuang Central Primary School 12 fluttereth small speak

5、er program, and we met.Single: The theme of this program is unity is strength, presided over by (3) (4) classes for everyone, I hope you like it.Shen: I am a (4) Ban Shen Chan, I have a story, a wise man and his apprentice is walking in the river, the wise man asked the disciples: How to make a drop

6、 of water will never dry? Apprentice confusion and then said: to prop it into the palm. Master laughed and said: No, No! it into the sea. . Yes, ah! A drop of water only in the sea will not dry up. Our school is this a vast ocean, and we do not exactly drops of water drops in the ocean? Only one per

7、son in thecollective to play, a collective which is why have weonly germinal light.Jinyang: unity is an enthusiastic spirit, unity so tightly linked together . please listen to the song Unity is strengthMoney: people have a lot of success in the world, but not everyones achievements are individuals,

8、 their success crystallization of sweat, tears and blood of millions of people.Shao: God in the creation of human, it is necessary to let us understand the truth of unity, because he created a group of people, rather than a person.Boat: life on the road, it is inevitable there will be setbacks, fail

9、ures and difficulties. At this time than the power of one person can solve. It requires cooperation, the need to unite.Money: May 12, 20*, Wenchuan County in Sichuan 7.8 earthquake, tens of thousands of compatriots in dire straits, and the seriousness of the disaster, emergency situation, the number

10、 of volunteers, police officers, and they closely together, relief wounded, soothe difficult people, has created a miracle, so-called sharing weal and woe, verily!Shao: snake born rat predators, however, many of the micetogether against snake aggression, fear of snakes will retreat to escape. True,

11、the so-called tree multi-forest afraid of the wind, lines and more twine pick jin!Jinyang. A chopstick, gently break ten chopsticks tightly into the group, in order to break it is difficult.So-called Many hands make light work!Boat: In fact, not only is a lot of big need of unity and cooperation, a

12、lot of little things also need to unite.Single: Yes, small production requires cooperation, cooperation also need to play the game.Jinyang: learning needs cooperation, the Labor also need cooperation!Money: in cooperation, we have learned a united learned to blend the power of the individual and col

13、lective integration, dozens, hundreds of personal power is amazing, is omnipotent.Shao: Yes, how great the power of solidarity! Students, when you encounter difficulties, do not forget to collective you rely on when collective difficulties, do not forget that you are a memberof the collective. There

14、fore, the collective and the individual are inseparable. We should learn tosolidarity and cooperation. Because we are a people love eachother! (Music appreciation)Single: students, teachers, our parents whoJinyang: students are our brothers and sistersSingle and Jinyang homogeneous: Let the wind and waves in the unity, let us charge forward in unity!The boat Chan: My fellow teachers, fellow students. The Eagle


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