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18、?倫敦橋崩塌了崩塌了崩塌了于是他把自己隱入煉獄的火中何時我能象燕子呵燕子,燕子阿基坦王子在塌毀的樓閣中為了支撐我的荒墟,我撿起這些碎片當(dāng)然我要供給你。海若尼莫又瘋了。噠嗒。噠亞德萬。噠密呵塔。善蒂,善蒂,善蒂艾略特荒原The Waste Land.(原文及譯文)作者:T.S.Eliot(18881965).The Waste Land.1922.The Waste LandI.THE BURIAL OF THE DEADAPRIL is the cruellest month,breedingLilacs out of the dead land,mixingMemory and desire

19、,stirringDull roots with spring rain.Winter kept us warm,covering 5Earth in forgetful snow,feedingA little life with dried tubers.Summer surprised us,coming over the StarnbergerseeWith a shower of rain;we stopped in the colonnade,And went on in sunlight,into the Hofgarten,10And drank coffee,and talk

20、ed for an hour.Bin gar keine Russin,stammaus Litauen,echt deutsch.And when we were children,staying at the archdukes,My cousins,he took me out on a sled,And I was frightened.He said,Marie,15Marie,hold on tight.And down we went.In the mountains,there you feel free.I read,much of the night,and go sout

21、h in the winter.What are the roots that clutch,what branches growOut of this stony rubbish?Son of man,20You cannot say,or guess,for you know onlyA heap of broken images,where the sun beats,And the dead tree gives no shelter,the cricket no relief,And the dry stone no sound of water.OnlyThere is shado

22、w under this red rock,25(Come in under the shadow of this red rock),And I will show you something different from eitherYour shadow at morning striding behind youOr your shadow at evening rising to meet you;I will show you fear in a handful of dust.30Frisch weht der WindDer Heimat zu.Mein Irisch Kind

23、,Wo weilest du?You gave me hyacinths first a year ago;35They called me the hyacinth girl.Yet when we came back,late,from the Hyacinth garden,Your arms full,and your hair wet,I could notSpeak,and my eyes failed,I was neitherLiving nor dead,and I knew nothing,40Looking into the heart of light,the sile

24、nce.Odund leer das Meer.Madame Sosostris,famous clairvoyante,Had a bad cold,neverthelessIs known to be the wisest woman in Europe,45With a wicked pack of cards.Here,said she,Is your card,the drowned Phoenician Sailor,(Those are pearls that were his eyes.Look!)Here is Belladonna,the Lady of the Rocks

25、,The lady of situations.50Here is the man with three staves,and here the Wheel,And here is the one-eyed merchant,and this card,Which is blank,is something he carries on his back,Which I am forbidden to see.I do not findThe Hanged Man.Fear death by water.55I see crowds of people,walking round in a ri

26、ng.Thank you.If you see dear Mrs.Equitone,Tell her I bring the horoscope myself:One must be so careful these days.Unreal City,60Under the brown fog of a winter dawn,A crowd flowed over London Bridge,so many,I had not thought death had undone so many.Sighs,short and infrequent,were exhaled,And each m

27、an fixed his eyes before his feet.65Flowed up the hill and down King William Street,To where Saint Mary Woolnoth kept the hoursWith a dead sound on the final stroke of nine.There I saw one I knew,and stopped him,cryingStetson!You who were with me in the ships at Mylae!70That corpse you planted last

28、year in your garden,Has it begun to sprout?Will it bloom this year?Or has the sudden frost disturbed its bed?Oh keep the Dog far hence,thats friend to men,Or with his nails hell dig it up again!75You!hypocrite lecteur!mon semblable,mon frre!II.A GAME OF CHESSTHE Chair she sat in,like a burnished thr

29、one,Glowed on the marble,where the glassHeld up by standards wrought with fruited vinesFrom which a golden Cupidon peeped out 80(Another hid his eyes behind his wing)Doubled the flames of sevenbranched candelabraReflecting light upon the table asThe glitter of her jewels rose to meet it,From satin c

30、ases poured in rich profusion;85In vials of ivory and coloured glassUnstoppered,lurked her strange synthetic perfumes,Unguent,powdered,or liquidtroubled,confusedAnd drowned the sense in odours;stirred by the airThat freshened from the window,these ascended 90In fattening the prolonged candle-flames,

31、Flung their smoke into the laquearia,Stirring the pattern on the coffered ceiling.Huge sea-wood fed with copperBurned green and orange,framed by the coloured stone,95In which sad light a carvd dolphin swam.Above the antique mantel was displayedAs though a window gave upon the sylvan sceneThe change

32、of Philomel,by the barbarous kingSo rudely forced;yet there the nightingale 100Filled all the desert with inviolable voiceAnd still she cried,and still the world pursues,Jug Jugto dirty ears.And other withered stumps of timeWere told upon the walls;staring forms 105Leaned out,leaning,hushing the roo

33、m enclosed.Footsteps shuffled on the stair.Under the firelight,under the brush,her hairSpread out in fiery pointsGlowed into words,then would be savagely still.110My nerves are bad to-night.Yes,bad.Stay with me.Speak to me.Why do you never speak?Speak.What are you thinking of?What thinking?What?I ne

34、ver know what you are thinking.Think.I think we are in ratsalley 115Where the dead men lost their bones.What is that noise?The wind under the door.What is that noise now?What is the wind doing?Nothing again nothing.120DoYou know nothing?Do you see nothing?Do you rememberNothing?I rememberThose are p

35、earls that were his eyes.125Are you alive,or not?Is there nothing in your head?ButO O O O that Shakespeherian RagIts so elegantSo intelligent 130What shall I do now?What shall I do?I shall rush out as I am,and walk the streetWith my hair down,so.What shall we do to-morrow?What shall we ever do?The h

36、ot water at ten.135And if it rains,a closed car at four.And we shall play a game of chess,Pressing lidless eyes and waiting for a knock upon the door.When Lils husband got demobbed,I saidI didnt mince my words,I said to her myself,140HURRY UP PLEASE ITS TIMENow Alberts coming back,make yourself a bi

37、t smart.Hell want to know what you done with that money he gave youTo get yourself some teeth.He did,I was there.You have them all out,Lil,and get a nice set,145He said,I swear,I cant bear to look at you.And no more cant I,I said,and think of poor Albert,Hes been in the army four years,he wants a go

38、od time,And if you dont give it him,theres others will,I said.Oh is there,she said.Something othat,I said.150Then Ill know who to thank,she said,and give me a straight look.HURRY UP PLEASE ITS TIMEIf you dont like it you can get on with it,I said.Others can pick and choose if you cant.But if Albert

39、makes off,it wont be for lack of telling.155You ought to be ashamed,I said,to look so antique.(And her only thirty-one.)I cant help it,she said,pulling a long face,Its them pills I took,to bring it off,she said.(Shes had five already,and nearly died of young George.)160The chemist said it would be a

40、lright,but Ive never been the same.You are a proper fool,I said.Well,if Albert wont leave you alone,there it is,I said,What you get married for if you dont want children?HURRY UP PLEASE ITS TIME 165Well,that Sunday Albert was home,they had a hot gammon,And they asked me in to dinner,to get the beaut

41、y of it hotHURRY UP PLEASE ITS TIMEHURRY UP PLEASE ITS TIMEGoonight Bill.Goonight Lou.Goonight May.Goonight.170Ta ta.Goonight.Goonight.Good night,ladies,good night,sweet ladies,good night,good night.III.THE FIRE SERMONTHE rivers tent is broken:the last fingers of leafClutch and sink into the wet ban

42、k.The windCrosses the brown land,unheard.The nymphs are departed.175Sweet Thames,run softly,till I end my song.The river bears no empty bottles,sandwich papers,Silk handkerchiefs,cardboard boxes,cigarette endsOr other testimony of summer nights.The nymphs are departed.And their friends,the loitering

43、 heirs of city directors;180Departed,have left no addresses.By the waters of Leman I sat down and wept.Sweet Thames,run softly till I end my song,Sweet Thames,run softly,for I speak not loud or long.But at my back in a cold blast I hear 185The rattle of the bones,and chuckle spread from ear to ear.A

44、 rat crept softly through the vegetationDragging its slimy belly on the bankWhile I was fishing in the dull canalOn a winter evening round behind the gashouse 190Musing upon the king my brothers wreckAnd on the king my fathers death before him.White bodies naked on the low damp groundAnd bones cast

45、in a little low dry garret,Rattled by the rats foot only,year to year.195But at my back from time to time I hearThe sound of horns and motors,which shall bringSweeney to Mrs.Porter in the spring.O the moon shone bright on Mrs.PorterAnd on her daughter 200They wash their feet in soda waterEt,O ces vo

46、ix denfants,chantant dans la coupole!Twit twit twitJug jug jug jug jug jugSo rudely forcd.205TereuUnreal CityUnder the brown fog of a winter noonMr.Eugenides,the Smyrna merchantUnshaven,with a pocket full of currants 210C.i.f.London:documents at sight,Asked me in demotic FrenchTo luncheon at the Can

47、non Street HotelFollowed by a weekend at the Metropole.At the violet hour,when the eyes and back 215Turn upward from the desk,when the human engine waitsLike a taxi throbbing waiting,I Tiresias,though blind,throbbing between two lives,Old man with wrinkled female breasts,can seeAt the violet hour,th

48、e evening hour that strives 220Homeward,and brings the sailor home from sea,The typist home at teatime,clears her breakfast,lightsHer stove,and lays out food in tins.Out of the window perilously spreadHer drying combinations touched by the suns last rays,225On the divan are piled(at night her bed)St

49、ockings,slippers,camisoles,and stays.I Tiresias,old man with wrinkled dugsPerceived the scene,and foretold the restI too awaited the expected guest.230He,the young man carbuncular,arrives,A small house agents clerk,with one bold stare,One of the low on whom assurance sitsAs a silk hat on a Bradford

50、millionaire.The time is now propitious,as he guesses,235The meal is ended,she is bored and tired,Endeavours to engage her in caressesWhich still are unreproved,if undesired.Flushed and decided,he assaults at once;Exploring hands encounter no defence;240His vanity requires no response,And makes a wel

51、come of indifference.(And I Tiresias have foresuffered allEnacted on this same divan or bed;I who have sat by Thebes below the wall 245And walked among the lowest of the dead.)Bestows on final patronising kiss,And gropes his way,finding the stairs unlit.She turns and looks a moment in the glass,Hard

52、ly aware of her departed lover;250Her brain allows one half-formed thought to pass:Well now thats done:and Im glad its over.When lovely woman stoops to folly andPaces about her room again,alone,She smoothes her hair with automatic hand,255And puts a record on the gramophone.This music crept by me up

53、on the watersAnd along the Strand,up Queen Victoria Street.O City city,I can sometimes hearBeside a public bar in Lower Thames Street,260The pleasant whining of a mandolineAnd a clatter and a chatter from withinWhere fishmen lounge at noon:where the wallsOf Magnus Martyr holdInexplicable splendour o

54、f Ionian white and gold.265The river sweatsOil and tarThe barges driftWith the turning tideRed sails 270WideTo leeward,swing on the heavy spar.The barges washDrifting logsDown Greenwich reach 275Past the Isle of Dogs.Weialala leiaWallala leialalaElizabeth and LeicesterBeating oars 280The stern was f

55、ormedA gilded shellRed and goldThe brisk swellRippled both shores 285Southwest windCarried down streamThe peal of bellsWhite towersWeialala leia 290Wallala leialalaTrams and dusty trees.Highbury bore me.Richmond and KewUndid me.By Richmond I raised my kneesSupine on the floor of a narrow canoe.295My

56、 feet are at Moorgate,and my heartUnder my feet.After the eventHe wept.He promiseda new start.I made no comment.What should I resent?On Margate Sands.300I can connectNothing with nothing.The broken fingernails of dirty hands.My people humble people who expectNothing.305la laTo Carthage then I cameBu

57、rning burning burning burningO Lord Thou pluckest me outO Lord Thou pluckest 310burningIV.DEATH BY WATERPHLEBAS the Phoenician,a fortnight dead,Forgot the cry of gulls,and the deep seas swellAnd the profit and loss.A current under sea 315Picked his bones in whispers.As he rose and fellHe passed the

58、stages of his age and youthEntering the whirlpool.Gentile or JewO you who turn the wheel and look to windward,320Consider Phlebas,who was once handsome and tall as you.V.WHAT THE THUNDER SAIDAFTER the torchlight red on sweaty facesAfter the frosty silence in the gardensAfter the agony in stony place

59、sThe shouting and the crying 325Prison and place and reverberationOf thunder of spring over distant mountainsHe who was living is now deadWe who were living are now dyingWith a little patience 330Here is no water but only rockRock and no water and the sandy roadThe road winding above among the mount

60、ainsWhich are mountains of rock without waterIf there were water we should stop and drink 335Amongst the rock one cannot stop or thinkSweat is dry and feet are in the sandIf there were only water amongst the rockDead mountain mouth of carious teeth that cannot spitHere one can neither stand nor lie


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