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3、0&base=12.67&ver=16582&sid=EXDhcnRak5YxX0cI搶沙發(fā)評論 HYPERLINK /new/p395297/打工姐妹花“卡洛琳”暢談星路歷程和熒幕友情來自:況況April 2天前| HYPERLINK /new/p395297/閱讀原文Beth Behrs has a wsecret/w. Up until a few weeks ago, shed never baked a single cupcake. Im not very savvy in the kitchen, she reveals coyly. Were around them all d

4、ay, everyday on set and one Sunday I was learning lines for a cupcake-heavy episode and thought, Im going to wbake/w cupcakes. But I have to admit, it was a Betty Crocker mix.貝絲貝爾斯有一個秘密。幾個星期以前,她還從來沒有做過紙杯蛋糕。她害羞的說:“我不太擅長廚房里的事。但我們的片場就是與之相關的,我們每天都被這些廚房瑣事包圍。有一個周日,我正在背臺詞,這一集有很多關于紙杯蛋糕的橋段,當時我想,我也要去做紙杯蛋糕。但是我

5、必須承認,那是我用貝蒂妙廚牌的蛋糕粉做的?!盋ooking skills aside, Behrs has found the wrecipe/w for success in CBS frisky freshman hit 2 Broke Girls, thanks to her wportrayal/w of former Upper East Side heiress-turned-Brooklyn waitress/cupcake entrepreneur Caroline Channing. Beth is a gold mine, says wexecutive/w produce

6、r Michael Patrick King. She has a deep well of wtalent/w, and its a thrill to have spent this first season discovering what she can do, which at this point, I have to say, seems to be everything.撇開廚藝不談,貝爾斯顯然已經(jīng)找到了打工姐妹花這部CBS熱門新劇的成功秘訣,那就是她對由前上東區(qū)富二代淪為布魯克林服務員兼紙杯蛋糕經(jīng)銷人卡洛琳錢寧的完美詮釋。打工姐妹花執(zhí)行制片人邁克爾帕特里克金說:“貝絲是一塊金

7、子,她有著深厚的才華。很高興我們能通過第一季挖掘出她的表演潛力,在此我必須說,她似乎能hold住一切劇情?!盩he 26-year-old blonde beauty from Lynchburg, Virginia, is no stranger to raunchy comedy, starting her acting career with a role in the 2009 direct-to-DVD American Pie Presents: The Book of Love. I was the only girl in it who did not take her clo

8、thes off! clarifies Behrs, calling the film one of her favorite jobs ever, since it came at a time when she needed it most. I was scraping to get by, trying to pay the rent, eating ramen noodles and not going anywhere because I didnt have gas, she says.26歲的金發(fā)美女貝爾斯來自弗吉尼亞州林奇堡。她并不是“三俗”喜劇界的新面孔,她的首次觸電便是在

9、2009年出演了DVD電影美國派:索愛天書。貝爾稱這部電影是她的最愛之一,因為當時的她急需這份工作。她說:“我是這部電影里唯一不用脫掉衣服的女演員!當時我的生活很艱辛,我要付房租,每天只能吃拉面。而且我沒有勇氣到別的地方闖蕩?!盬hile her wdesperation/w in finding a job never wquite/w reached Carolines level, Behrs does bring some of her own wpersonality/w and experiences to the character. I can definitely wrela

10、te/w to Carolines work ethic and business savvy, says Behrs, who wrote short comedy films while at UCLA to send to agencies. Shes always a glass-half-full kind of girl, and shes goofy like me.雖然貝爾斯尋找演藝機會的經(jīng)歷沒有卡洛琳那么艱辛,但她也為這個角色注入了一些自己的性格和經(jīng)歷。當貝爾斯在加州大學洛杉磯分校求學時,她經(jīng)常創(chuàng)作一些喜劇短片劇本并寄給經(jīng)紀公司。她說:“我和有著職業(yè)道德和商業(yè)頭腦的卡洛琳的確

11、有相似之處。她很樂觀,而且和我一樣傻傻的?!盓xpect more goofy antics during May 7s one-hour finale when a visit from homemaking wqueen/w Martha Stewart could mean big developments for the girls cupcake business. She has the gift of comedy, but I got nervous saying dirty things in front of Martha! says Behrs with a laugh.

12、 I held back in our first couple of rehearsals because shes a classy lady.期待更多搞笑劇情的上演吧!5月7日,打工姐妹花將播出一小時季終集。家政女王瑪莎斯圖爾特( Martha Stewart 上左)將客串出演自己,這可能會為女孩的蛋糕事業(yè)帶來巨大的發(fā)展。貝爾斯笑著說:“瑪莎很有喜劇天賦。不過在她面前說一些“三俗”臺詞讓我很緊張。我在前幾次彩排里都省掉了幾句臺詞,因為她是位非常優(yōu)雅的女士?!盩he crudity of 2 Broke Girls jokes has recently come under fire fr

13、om critics, but Behrs shrugs that off. Maybe its edgy or pushing w=boundaryboundaries/w, but isnt that what comedy is supposed to do? she argues. The jokes all come from a real place, and theyre very true to the characters.打工姐妹花臺詞中的三俗笑話近日受到了評論界的攻擊,但貝爾斯對此并不在意。她回應到:“也許這些臺詞很犀利,或是觸及到了底線,但這不就是喜劇的精髓所在么?這些

14、笑話都取材于現(xiàn)實生活,并且和角色十分匹配?!盩he show has been part of a slew of female-driven sitcoms to hit primetime this season, including Up All Night and Whitney (whose star, Whitney Cummings, also cocreated 2 Broke Girls). Its exciting to be in a time when women are allowed to do certain things on TV like say vagin

15、a, says Behrs. Were pushing limits, and it feels great to be part of this wave.打工姐妹花與整夜難眠和惠特尼(Whitney 該劇主演惠特尼卡明斯左一 也是打工姐妹花的制作人之一)一起為這一季的黃金時段美劇注入了新的元素,扭轉(zhuǎn)了戲劇中女性角色被動化的常態(tài)。貝爾斯說:“如今女性角色已經(jīng)可以在電視節(jié)目中說出某些話了,比如陰道,這種變化實在是振奮人心。我們正在擴展界限,能成為這一代的演員是我的榮幸?!盉ehrs is also quick to give credit to co-leading lady Kat Denn

16、ings, who plays her roomie and wsardonic/w fellow waitress Max. Shes like my other half, gushes Behrs. That friendship is what makes the show so special. We love what were doing, and I think it shows. The friendship will extend off camera when the duo head to Europe for vacation this summer. Its not

17、 even like sisters, because we get along so well, adds Behrs.貝爾斯也給予了自己的合作女星凱特丹寧很高的評價。凱特在劇中飾演熱愛吐槽的服務員麥克斯,她從第一集起和卡洛琳成為室友。貝爾斯說:“凱特就像是我的另一半。正是真摯的友誼使這部劇變得很特別。我們非常享受如今的工作,我想大家也都能看的出來?!眲P特和貝爾斯的友誼也從螢幕上延續(xù)到了現(xiàn)實中。今年夏天,她們倆將一起到歐洲度假?!拔覀兩踔帘冉忝眠€要親密,因為我們相處的太和諧了。”And when the girls return to the diner in the fall for Se

18、ason 2, Behrs says shes looking forward to stepping into Carolines well-heeled shoes again, even if it leads to minor on-set injuries. Im a huge klutz, and I will literally run into tables, chairs and trip wmultiple/w times, she says, pointing out a few bumps and bruises. But Ive gotten better at na

19、vigating how not to fall on my face in heels. Now thats going for broke!當姐妹花在金秋時節(jié)回歸小餐館時,貝爾斯很期待在第二季中再次穿上卡洛琳的超級高跟鞋,盡管為此她在片場可沒少遭罪。貝爾斯指著身上的幾處瘀傷說:“我是個笨手笨腳的人,我經(jīng)常會撞到桌椅,絆倒自己。不過如今我已經(jīng)能很好的駕馭高跟鞋,不會摔個臉朝地了?!倍菚r,也是她們?nèi)σ愿?,開始新一季的時候了!2 Broke Girls airs Mondays at 8:30/7:30c on CBS.打工姐妹花于美國時間每周一晚8:30在CBS頻道播出。本周最熱文章 HY

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23、ERLINK /new/p361708/Friends110-12老友記之可憐的ROSS(1)臺詞賞析Ross :So tell me something. What does the wphrase/w no date wpact/w mean to you? Monica . HYPERLINK /new/p361708/全文 HYPERLINK /new/p361708/Friends110-12老友記之可憐的ROSS(1)臺詞賞析來自:實習編輯 2天前| HYPERLINK /new/p361708/閱讀原文收起 HYPERLINK /new/p395207/美少女的謊言第三季海報發(fā)布

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