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1、第PAGE 頁(yè)碼7頁(yè)/總NUMPAGES 總頁(yè)數(shù)11頁(yè)【小升初】譯林版(三起)2022-2023學(xué)年英語(yǔ)六年級(jí)下冊(cè)秋季開(kāi)學(xué)分班考沖刺特訓(xùn)卷(四)一、單選題1Mike always _ at school. We all _ him. ()Astudies; likesBstudies; likeCstudys; like2Mike _ well in all his subjects. ()AdoesBdontCdoingDdoesnt3Sam likes fish and he _ some fish. ()Awant toBwantsCwants to4Can I cross _ othe

2、r people? () Yes, you can.AforBandCwith5He _ busy this week. He _ free next week. ()Awas; isBis; willCis; will be6Would you like _ coffee? ()Yes, please.AsomeBanyCmany7There _ a few eggs on the plate just now. ()AisBwereCwas8It _ tomorrow. They _ go to the park. ()Arains; dontBwill rain; wontCwont r

3、ain; wont9There _ an elephant in the zoo last week. ()AhasBwereCwas10Will your cousin stay here _ a week? ()Yes, he _.Afor; willBfor; will notCto; wont二、中英互譯:?jiǎn)卧~/短語(yǔ)英漢互譯。11談?wù)?_12乘坐飛機(jī) _13返回學(xué)校 _14待在家里 _15一次令人興奮的旅行 _16how long _17different plans _18summer holiday _19Well done! _20send me some photos _三、用

4、單詞正確形式填空21_ (keep) healthy, and you can do the work _ (good).22What about _ (drink) some coffee?23Bobby is shouting _ (excited).24There _ (be) eight bags of rice in the kitchen this morning.25Would you like _ (drink) some coffee?四、判斷句子正誤26閱讀并判斷,用T/F表示。Tomorrow is Sunday. All of us will go to school

5、early. Our teachers will take us to the zoo. We will take buses there. We will get there at about nine thirty.The zoo is very big. Its very beautiful. There are a lot of trees and flowers, There is a big lake ,too. We all like animals .We will watch monkeys, tigers and other animals. We will take so

6、me photos ,too .We will leave the zoo at three oclock in the afternoon . I think We will have a good time there.() 1.Today is Sunday. The students will go to the zoo.() 2.The students will get to the zoo at three .() 3.The students will have lunch in the zoo.() 4.They will go to the zoo by bus .() 5

7、.They will stay in the zoo for five hours.五、排序題27( ) Good habits are good for us.( ) We should keep the good habits.( ) But bad habits are bad for us.( ) Everyone has good habits and bad habits.( ) And we should get rid of the bad ones.六、選內(nèi)容補(bǔ)全對(duì)話/短文have a good timethank youhave picnicsgowithand my co

8、usinsounds greaton footA: What are you going to do this Sunday?B: We are going to the West Lake (西湖) to _28_.A: _29_! But how are you going there?B: The Lake is near here and were going there _30_.A: OK! Then who are you _31_ there _32_?B: Helen, Jim _33_.A: Good! I think you will _34_.B: _35_!七、完形填

9、空Mr Smith _ from London. Now he is in China. He is _. He thinks _ students is interesting. He works very _. His students like him very much. He can _ a little Chinese. His students often teach him Chinese _ Sundays. Mr Smith likes playing football. He often plays football _ his students. He has a dr

10、eam. He wants to be a _ player. He goes to school _ bike every day. He gets back home at four in the afternoon. He likes _ books in the evening.36AcomeBcomesCareDcoming37Aa teacherBa workerCa driverDa farmer38AteachBteachingCplayDplaying39AhardBhardlyCgoodDeasy40AspeakBsayCtalkDtell41AatBonCofDin42A

11、forBtoCwithDat43AbasketballBvolleyballCfootballDtennis44AonBbyCinDtake45AseeingBlookingCreadingDlooking at八、閱讀選擇Do you want to grow your own sweet and juicy tomatoes? It is lucky for you that tomato plants can grow anywhere. With sunlight, water and patience (耐心), you can get a lot. Tomatoes take a

12、long time to grow, so you must have great patience. Thats all you need to do to get your tomato plants growing. Have fun growing!1.Buy tomato plants. Buy tomato plants from a nearby shop and grow them in your garden. If they are small, put them in a greenhouse or near a window inside your house firs

13、t. 2.Choose a sunny place for the plants. Place tomato plants in a place to get full sun (7 hours or more a day). Tomatoes need lots of warm sunshine for a good taste.3.Plant the tomato plants deeply. Put 75% of the plants into the ground. Its okay to put some of its leaves into it.4.Water tomato pl

14、ants. We must give the plants enough water. The small plants need water in ten minutes after transplanting (移植).46Where can we grow tomato plants? ()AIn a warm place.BIn the darkness.CIn the desert.DIn water.47Tomatoes take a long time to grow so _. ()Ayou must have great patienceByou must water the

15、mCyou must place them in a warm placeDyou must have much money48If the plants are too small, you can _. ()Aput them in a cold placeBput them in a cool placeCput them in a greenhouseDput them outdoors49How much sunshine do the plants need a week? ()AThey need less than 7 hours sunshine.BThey need ove

16、r 7 hours sunshine.CThey need less than 49 hours sunshine.DThey need over 49 hours sunshine.50Which of the following is true? ()ABuy tomato plants from a shop far away.BChoose a sunny place for the plants.CPut 25% of the plants into the ground.DAll the leaves must be out of the ground.There was once

17、 a large crocodile living in a river. He was very selfish. He didnt want to share his river. So all other animals were afraid of the crocodile. They had to drink water in other rivers or steams. One day, the animals heard a loud sound from somewhere. They finally found out it was the crocodile. The

18、crocodile was in a lot of pain due to (因?yàn)? a bad tooth. But no animal tried to help him as they were all scared of him. Suddenly, a little mouse jumped onto the crocodiles head. He crept (爬行) into the crocodiles open mouth. He held the bad tooth, and pulled and pulled and pulled. Finally, he pulled

19、out the tooth and jumped out of the crocodiles mouth. The crocodile said, You are very clever and kind. Thanks for helping me get rid of (除去) my toothache. The mouse said, Not just me, all the animals here are kind as well. After hearing this, the crocodile felt ashamed (羞愧的). The next day, the croc

20、odile welcomed all the animals to join him in the river. And soon, the river was full of happy animals.51單詞“selfish”在文中的意思是 _.()A驕傲的B自私的C粗魯?shù)?2Why did all other animals drink water in other rivers or steams? ()ABecause the crocodile didnt let them come into the river.BBecause the water in other river

21、s or steams was sweet.CBecause they lived near other rivers or steams.53The crocodile had a bad _. ()AtoothacheBheadacheCcough54The mouse is _. ()Aclever and kindBbraveCboth A and B55Which sentence is wrong? ()AFirst, all other animals were afraid of the crocodile.BFinally, all the animals could drink water in the river.CThe crocodile helped the mouse pull his bad tooth.九、命題作文56Sara和Tina是好朋友,上周她們一起度過(guò)了一個(gè)愉快的周末。請(qǐng)根據(jù)圖片,以“A Happy Weekend”為題,寫(xiě)一寫(xiě)她們上周末都做了什么,不少于60詞。A Happy Weekend_答案第 = page 1 1頁(yè),共 = sectionpages 2 2頁(yè)答案第 = page 4 4頁(yè),共 = secti


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