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1、8 Visual Signaling視覺信號通信8 Visual Signaling確保船舶在任何時候都能與外界聯(lián)系,不僅是海上航行和生產(chǎn)所必需的,而且與海上人命和財產(chǎn)安全息息相關(guān)。STCW公約明確要求負責(zé)航行值班的駕駛員應(yīng)能用視覺通信發(fā)出和接收信號,具備用莫爾斯燈收發(fā)信息的能力及使用國際信號規(guī)則的能力??梢?,視覺和聲響通信與無線電通信一樣都是船舶駕駛?cè)藛T必須掌握的基本技能之一。視覺和聲響通信包括:燈光通信、旗號通信、手旗或手臂通信、音響通信和強力揚聲器喊話等。8 Visual Signaling8.1 船舶信號設(shè)備及配備8.2 船舶信號設(shè)備的保養(yǎng)8.3 國際信號規(guī)則8.4 船舶掛旗常識8.5

2、 通信要素的表示方法8.6 船舶呼號8.1 船舶信號設(shè)備及配備8.1.1 HAND FLAGS 手旗是2面方形旗,邊長40cm,根部套有一根木棍。分為字母“O”和字母“P”兩種,根據(jù)通信時的不同背景選用。適用于白天、距離較近且視距良好的情況下,一般為13n mile。手旗信號8.1 船舶信號設(shè)備及配備8.1.2 International signal flagsIt is used in day time under good visibility.5 Colours: Red, Yellow, White, Black, Blue40 pieces in total :Alphabetic

3、al flag: A-Z , 26 pieces in total;Numeral flags: 0-9, 10 pieces in total;Substitutes: first substitute, second substitute, third substitute, 3 pieces in total;Answering pendant: 1 piece.8.1 船舶信號設(shè)備及配備8.1.2 International signal flagsShapes of signal flags Burgee flag letter flag A,B Rectangular flag C

4、Z Pennant numeral flag & answering flag Triangular substitute flagInternational signal flags信號旗規(guī)格表號數(shù)長方旗燕尾旗三角旗梯形旗LBLBL1HBHBB112100180024001800800270018004500130030021350120016001200530180012002500900200小2號103090012009004001350900190060015037006008006002709006001200380100450035063035021070035075025060

5、信號旗配備表8.1 船舶信號設(shè)備及配備8.1.3 燈光通信設(shè)備(Flashing light)(1)手提式:定向,通信用(2)旋轉(zhuǎn)座架式:定向,通信用(3)桅頂式:環(huán)照,避讓用8.2 船舶信號設(shè)備的保養(yǎng)8.2.1 旗繩新的旗繩要放在干燥的地方,以免受潮。桅上的各掛旗繩,在日落后都要放松,防止由于其伸縮性而斷掉??拷鼰熗驳睦K子要經(jīng)常保持清潔。旗繩一般是每年換一次,換下的繩子還可挑選一部分用作間索。8.2.2 旗幟各種旗幟使用完畢后,應(yīng)按規(guī)定卷好放入旗柜,但若受潮濕,則必須陰干后才能卷起來,防止腐爛。旗幟經(jīng)過久雨或陰天之后,遇有太陽時必須拿出來曬一下。一 般在暴曬之后還要晾干,防止發(fā)生蟲蛀。8.2

6、 船舶信號設(shè)備的保養(yǎng)8.2.3 燈光通信設(shè)備各種燈光通信設(shè)備應(yīng)經(jīng)常清潔使玻璃外罩保持良好的透明度。每天在天 黑前應(yīng)測試一次,檢查電源是否接好,保險絲是否有斷。對遮板的轉(zhuǎn)軸要經(jīng)常清潔灰塵和加潤滑油;經(jīng)常檢查彈簧的磨損情況,防止在通信中途折斷。使用完畢后應(yīng)用盒蓋好,避免碰壞。8.2.4 音響通信設(shè)備每次在船舶??恐髴?yīng)該對音響器具包括汽笛、電力音響裝置等進行清潔檢查保養(yǎng)。8.3 International Code of Signal國際信號規(guī)則(International Code of Signals,ICS)是由世界各國政府共同協(xié)商訂立的。 制定該規(guī)則的目的主要是為了各國船舶、飛機、岸臺之間

7、在各種情況下進行通信聯(lián)系。特別是在危及航行和人命安全而又存在語言障礙時,該規(guī)則提供了合適的通信方法和工具。即使不存在語言隔閡, 該規(guī)則也可以使通信變得簡潔而有效。現(xiàn)行規(guī)則是1969年4月1日開始生效的。我國政府于1975年7月1日起正式承認(rèn)并執(zhí)行該規(guī)則。目前, ICS經(jīng)過了1981年、1987年和2003年三次修訂。8.3 International Code of Signal根據(jù) SOLAS 公約規(guī)定, ICS是船舶必備的航海圖書之一,也是ISM規(guī)則要求港口國檢查官必查的圖書資料。8.3 International Code of Signal8.3.1 Main Contents of

8、ICSPart 1. Text. 14 chapters , including all kinds of methods, processes, definite and rules.Part 2. Main body. Codes and the meanings that they represent.Code: single-letter ; general section; medical section.Part 3. Appendix. Distress signal & Life-saving signal; procedure of transmission of messa

9、ge.8.3 International Code of Signal8.3.2 Single letter signals:Single letter signals which is from A to Z (except the R) havebeen allocated to signals which are very urgent or very important or of very common use. They may be made by any method of signaling, and their meaning should be always commit

10、ted to memory.Single letter signalsA - I have a diver down; keep well clear at slow speed.B*- I am taking in, or discharging, or carrying dangerous goods.C*- Yes (affirmative or “The significance of the previous group should be read in the affirmative”).D*- Keep clear of me; I am maneuvering with di

11、fficulty.E*- I am altering my course to starboard.Single letter signalsF - I am disabled; communicate with me.G*- I require a pilot. When made by fishing vessels operating in close proximity on the fishing grounds it means: “I am hauling nets”.H - I have a pilot on board.I* - I am altering my course

12、 to port.J - I am on fire and have dangerous cargo on board, keep well clear of me, or I am leaking dangerous cargo.Single letter signalsK - I wish to communicate with you.L - You should stop your vessel instantly.M - My vessel is stopped and making no way through the water.N - No (negative or “The

13、significance of the previous group should be read in the negative”). This signal may be given only visually or by sound. For voice or radio transmission the signal should be “NO”.O - Man overboard.Single letter signalsP - In harbor. All persons should report on board as the vessel is about to procee

14、d to sea. At sea. It may be used by fishing vessels to mean: “My nets have come fast upon an obstruction”. It may also be used as a sound to mean: “I require a pilot”.Q - My vessel is “healthy” and I request free pratique.S*- I am operating astern propulsion.T*- Keep clear of me; I am engaged in pai

15、r trawling.Single letter signalsU - You are running into danger.V - I require assistance.W - I require medical assistance.X - Stop carrying out your intentions and watch for my signals.Y - I am dragging my anchor.Z*- I require a tug. When made by fishing vessels operating in close proximity on the f

16、ishing grounds it means: “I am shooting nets”.MORSE SYMBOLSMORSE SYMBOLSNumeralsSymbolsNumeralsSymbols1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 0 8.4 船舶掛旗常識一、船舶掛旗類別1、船頭公司旗停泊時懸于船首最前端旗桿上,航行時不掛。2、公司旗 (該船所屬公司的標(biāo)志旗)懸于后桅頂。8.4 船舶掛旗常識一、船舶掛旗類別3、國旗國旗代表國家主權(quán)和尊嚴(yán)。各國對國旗的懸掛均有各自的要求。中國籍船舶及進入中國內(nèi)水、港口、錨地的外國籍船舶都應(yīng)該遵守我國的船舶升降國旗管理辦法。規(guī)定如下: (1)懸掛時間:每日

17、早升、晚降,惡劣天氣除外。船舶在航行、錨泊時,由48點的值班水手負責(zé)升降;靠泊時由相應(yīng)班次的值班水手負責(zé)。8.4 船舶掛旗常識一、船舶掛旗類別3、國旗(2)懸掛位置:中國籍船懸掛于船尾旗桿上。無船尾旗桿的掛于駕駛臺信號桅頂部或右橫桁。外國籍船懸掛中國國旗時,應(yīng)懸掛于前桅或駕駛臺信號桅頂部或右橫桁。當(dāng)中國國旗與其他旗幟同時懸掛于右橫桁時,中國國旗應(yīng)掛于最外側(cè)。(3)船舶所懸掛的中國國旗,應(yīng)當(dāng)整潔,不得破損、污損、褪色和不合規(guī)格。8.4 船舶掛旗常識二、各類旗幟升降時間1、不論在航行或停泊時,應(yīng)懸掛的各類旗幟通常應(yīng)在日出時升起,日落時降下。2、在升旗時,應(yīng)首先升起國旗,隨后升起其他各旗;降旗時,應(yīng)

18、先降下其他各類旗幟,最后降下國旗。3、在極地航行時,冬天應(yīng)在能看得見的情況下懸升相關(guān)旗幟。4、船舶在進出港或其他必要顯示國籍的情況下,國旗及各旗的是升降時間視需要提早或延遲。8.4 船舶掛旗常識三、升、降旗的正確操作方法1、國旗國旗是代表一個國家的尊嚴(yán)。保護國旗是所有海員的光榮職責(zé),應(yīng)時刻注意國旗的懸掛狀態(tài)。升國旗時應(yīng)緩慢升起,并應(yīng)升到頂后系勞旗繩,防止松弛滑下。國旗應(yīng)保持飄揚,不應(yīng)卷疊。收下后平整疊好,放在旗柜內(nèi)。如有破損應(yīng)及時縫補。8.4 船舶掛旗常識三、升、降旗的正確操作方法2、船舶間致敬航行中在較近距離與本國及友好國家的海軍艦艇和商船相遇時,應(yīng)用國旗敬禮,以示敬意。敬禮的方法,是在駛近

19、對方船的正橫方向前,將國旗降到一半高度;對方船亦應(yīng)同樣將國旗降至一半高度,隨即再拉到頂表示回禮。我船亦同時將國旗升到頂。敬禮全過程結(jié)束。在下半旗期間敬禮時,應(yīng)先將國旗升到頂后再降到一半高度處。敬禮畢后還應(yīng)該將國旗升到頂然后再降到半旗位置。8.4 船舶掛旗常識三、升、降旗的正確操作方法3、下半旗凡遇哀悼日,應(yīng)按國務(wù)院指示、規(guī)定下半旗致哀。在掛半旗時,應(yīng)先將國旗升到頂隨后再降到一半高度。在日落后降旗時,仍應(yīng)先將升到頂后再降下。在國外港口是否需要降半旗,都應(yīng)根據(jù)我國駐外使領(lǐng)館的正式通知執(zhí)行。8.4 船舶掛旗常識三、升、降旗的正確操作方法4、掛滿旗凡遇國慶及重大節(jié)日,停泊中的船舶應(yīng)掛滿旗致慶。主要方式

20、是,在主桅頂上升國旗,從船首、尾到前后桅以及桅間用繩索以滑車固定穿引,將國際信號旗連接并繞纏于張索上,然后升起裝飾全船。掛滿旗掛滿旗8.4 船舶掛旗常識三、升、降旗的正確操作方法4、掛滿旗(1)將全部國際信號旗從形狀(方旗與尖旗)與色澤上做好搭配。(2)升降索以及主旗繩應(yīng)采用白棕繩,信號旗應(yīng)與主旗繩牢固連接。(3)航行中不掛滿旗但中、前、后桅頂分別懸掛國旗。船首公司旗、船尾國旗等仍應(yīng)懸掛。(4)按照船舶的大小及類型,懸掛滿旗也可采取不同的形式。(5)在國外港口遇該國國慶及重大節(jié)日是否掛滿旗,需按駐在國使領(lǐng)館指示執(zhí)行。8.4 船舶掛旗常識三、升、降旗的正確操作方法5、船舶進出港時應(yīng)懸掛的旗號(1

21、)不同的港口國或不同的抵達港對船舶應(yīng)懸掛的信號旗有不同的要求。船舶在進入這些水域之前或當(dāng)時,應(yīng)設(shè)法了解這方面的有關(guān)規(guī)定以便正確懸掛。(2)需要引水時,先掛出“G”旗(我船需要引水員)。當(dāng)引水登船后應(yīng)降下“G”旗,升上“H”旗(我船上有引水員)。當(dāng)引水離船后應(yīng)立即降下“H”旗。8.4 船舶掛旗常識三、升、降旗的正確操作方法5、船舶進出港時應(yīng)懸掛的旗號(3)船抵國外港口或返航抵達國內(nèi)第一港時,到檢疫錨地錨泊應(yīng)懸掛出“Q”旗。待檢疫結(jié)束,領(lǐng)到進口檢疫證后,可降下“Q”旗。(4)抵達泊位并系泊結(jié)束后,即可降下船舶呼號旗、泊位旗和引航旗等。(5)船舶在預(yù)計開航前12h,應(yīng)在明顯位置懸掛“P”旗。當(dāng)引水抵

22、達,將船舶呼號旗、引航旗升起,解掉第一根纜繩時,既降下“P”旗。8.5 通信要素的表示方法Transmission Method of Communication Elements in Signal Code Message8.5.1 Name of Vessels and /or PlacesSpelled the name of vessels and places directly.E.g. RV Shanghai = You should proceed to Shanghai.HY1 Merry Trans = The vessel Merry trans with I have

23、been in collision has resumed her voyage.8.5 通信要素的表示方法8.5.2 How to signal numbers(a) Numbers are to be signaled as follows:Flag signaling: by the numeral pennants of the Code.Flashing light or sound signaling: usually by the numerals in the Morse Code; they may also be spelled out.Radiotelephony or

24、loud hailer: by the Code words of the Figure Spelling.Figure Spelling Table8.5 通信要素的表示方法8.5.2 How to signal numbers(b) Figures which form part of the basic signification of a signal are to be sent together with the basic group.Examples:“DI 20” = “I require boats for 20 persons.”“FJ 2” = “Position of

25、 accident (or survival craft) is marked by sea marker”.8.5 通信要素的表示方法8.5.2 How to signal numbers(c) A decimal point between numerals is to be signaled as follows:Flag signaling: by inserting the answering pennant where it is desired to express the decimal point.Flashing light and sound signaling: by

26、“decimal point” signal “AAA”.Voice: by use of the word “DECIMAL” as indicated in the Figure Spelling Table.8.5 通信要素的表示方法8.5.3 Azimuth or bearingThey are to be expressed in three figures denoting degrees from 000 to 359, measured clockwise. If there is any possibility of confusion, they should be pre

27、ceded by the letter “A”. They are always to be true unless expressly stated to be otherwise in the context.Examples:LW 005 = I receive your transmission on bearing 005.LT A120 T1540 =Your bearing from me is 120 at (local time) 1540.8.5 通信要素的表示方法8.5.4 CourseCourse is to be expressed in three numerals

28、 denoting degrees from 000 to 359, measured clockwise. If there is any possibility of confusion, they should be preceded by the letter “C”. They are always to be true unless expressly stated to be otherwise in the context.Examples:MD 025 =My course is 025.GR C240 S18 =Vessel coming to your rescue is

29、 steering course 240, speed 18 knots.8.5 通信要素的表示方法8.5.5 DateDates are to be signaled by two, four, or six numerals preceded by the letter “D”. The first two numerals indicate the day of the month. When they are used alone they refer to the current month.Example:“D15” transmitted on the 15th or any o

30、ther date in April means “15 April”.“D1504” means “15 April”.“D181063” means “18 October 1963”.8.5 通信要素的表示方法8.5.6 LatitudeLatitude is expressed by four figures preceded by the Letter “L”. The first two figures denote the degrees and the last two the minutes. The letters “N” (North) or “S” (South) fo

31、llow if they are needed; however, for reasons of simplicity they may be omitted if there is no risk of confusion.Example:“L3740S” = “Latitude 3740S”.8.5 通信要素的表示方法8.5.7 LongitudeLongitude is expressed by four or, if necessary, five figures preceded by the letter “G”. The first two (or three) figures

32、denote the degrees and the last two the minutes. When the longitude is more than 99, no confusion will normally arise if the figure indicating hundreds of degrees is omitted. However, where it is necessary to avoid confusion the five figures should be used. The letters “E” (East) or “W” (West) follo

33、w if they are needed, otherwise they may be omitted, as in the case of latitude.Example:“G13925E” = “Longitude 13925 E”.8.5 通信要素的表示方法8.5.8 DistanceFigures preceded by the letter “R” indicate distance in nautical miles.Example:“OV A080 R10” = “Mine(s) is (are) believed to be bearing 080 from me, dist

34、ance 10 miles”.The letter “R” may be omitted if there is no possibility of confusion.8.5 通信要素的表示方法8.5.9 SpeedSpeed is indicated by figures preceded by:(a) the letter “S” to denote speed in knots, or(b) the letter “V” to denote speed in kilometers per hour.Examples:“BQ S300” = “The speed of my aircra

35、ft in relation to the surface of the earth is 300 knots”.8.5 通信要素的表示方法8.5.10 TimeTimes are to be expressed in four figures, of which the first two denote the hour, from 00 (midnight) up to 23 (11 p.m.), and the last two denote the minutes (from 00 to 59). The figures are preceded by:(a) the letter “T” indicating “Local time”, or(b) the letter “Z” indicating “Greenwich Mean Time”.Example:“RX Z0830” = “You should proceed at GMT 0830”.8.5 通信要素的表示方法8.5.11 DepthWherever the text allows depths, etc., to be s


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