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1、Unit 1 The world of our senses第一頁,編輯于星期五:十一點 四十一分。.高頻單詞思憶1.observe vt. _ n.觀察_ n.觀察者2.confidently adv. _confident adj._ n.3.related adj. _ v. _ n.根底落實觀察;注意到,觀察到observationobserver自信地,信心十足地confidence相關(guān)的,有聯(lián)系的relaterelation第二頁,編輯于星期五:十一點 四十一分。4.blood n._ v._ adj.血腥的 5.treatment n. _ v.6.accept vt._ n._

2、 adj.合意的,可接受的7.deadly adj. _ adj._ n.8.distance n. _ adj._ adv. 9.avoid vt._ adj._ n.回 避,躲開10.add vt._ n._ adj. 血,血液bleedbloody治療;處理,對待treat接受,接納acceptanceacceptable致命的deaddeath距離distantdistantly防止avoidableavoidance增加additionaddictive第三頁,編輯于星期五:十一點 四十一分。.重點短語再現(xiàn) 1.聽到我的心跳得厲害_2.取得巨大成就_3.希望某人來_4.因而呆住_5.

3、堅決地握住某人的手_6.通過報紙聯(lián)系某人_ _7.有時機向你表達(dá)我的感謝_ _hear my heart beating fastmake great achievementswish for sb.to come alongbe frozen withhold ones hand firmlycontact sb.through thenewspaperhave the chance toexpress my thanks to you第四頁,編輯于星期五:十一點 四十一分。8.突然,猛然_9.與有關(guān)系、關(guān)聯(lián)_10.到達(dá)目的地_11.制定出一項平安的治療方案_ _12.伸出手_all of

4、a suddenbe concerned withget to ones destinationwork out a safetreatment planreach out ones hand第五頁,編輯于星期五:十一點 四十一分。.典型句式運用 1.她現(xiàn)在想到的是逃跑,只是由于恐懼她站在那里一 動也不能動。 Now she wanted to run,but fear _ her still.2.,實際情況是霧太大了,公交車開不了那么遠(yuǎn)。 .,the truth is _ the fog is too thick for the bus to run that far.3.我們變得緊張、患高

5、血壓的一個原因是我們在日常 生活中沒有正確使用我們的感知。 One reason _ we become stressed and have heldthatwhy第六頁,編輯于星期五:十一點 四十一分。 high blood pressure is that we misuse our senses in our everyday life.4.聽力有問題的人們彼此用手語進(jìn)行交流。 People with hearing problems can understand each other _ sign language.5.我想知道這趟列車是否去國王街。 I want to know _

6、the train goes to King Street. usingwhether or not第七頁,編輯于星期五:十一點 四十一分。.綜合語篇填空 1.She wondered _ the buses would still be running.2.Polly found herself staring up at a man standing with his hand resting _ her arm.3.But I heard it was going to rain this afternoon,_ by a thunderstorm.4.,but why pleasant

7、 smells do not reduce pain in men is a question still to be _ by scientists.ifonfollowedanswered第八頁,編輯于星期五:十一點 四十一分。5.He said that he liked rain very much and that he wouldnt use an _ when it was raining.6.I felt so tired _ I couldnt help wondering whether or not I could get to my destination. umbre

8、llathat第九頁,編輯于星期五:十一點 四十一分。重點單詞 1.observe v.觀察,注意到,看到;遵守(規(guī)那么等); 慶祝挑戰(zhàn)自我 (1)老師注意到有幾個學(xué)生正在課上睡覺。 The teacher observed several students _ in class. (2)你注意到有個人未經(jīng)允許進(jìn)入了我的房間了嗎? Have you observed someone _ my room without permission? 導(dǎo)練互動sleepingenter第十頁,編輯于星期五:十一點 四十一分。(3)人人都得遵守交通法規(guī)。 Everyone should _.(4)一個過路

9、人看到那個小女孩被幾個陌生人帶走了。 A passer-by observed the little girl _ _ by several strangers. 幫你歸納(1)observe作“注意到,看到解時,常有以下的結(jié) 構(gòu)和用法,即“observe+賓語+賓補的結(jié)構(gòu):observe sb./sth.do/doing/done。(2)observer n.觀察者observation n.觀察 observe the traffic rulestakenaway第十一頁,編輯于星期五:十一點 四十一分。易混辨異look,see,watch,observe,notice,stare,gla

10、re,glance (1)look為不及物動詞,意為“集中注意力地看,是有意的,強調(diào)動作,后接介詞at后,可接人或物。(2)see強調(diào)結(jié)果,意為“看見,看到,一般不用進(jìn)行時態(tài)。(3)watch指用眼睛跟隨某物,以便對每一個變化、運動等進(jìn)行觀察。(4)observe側(cè)重以客觀的態(tài)度進(jìn)行觀察。(5)notice側(cè)重于留意,注意到,意為“注意到,相當(dāng)于pay attention (to.) with eyes。take no notice of不注意,不理會。第十二頁,編輯于星期五:十一點 四十一分。(6)stare 側(cè)重因驚奇、好奇、粗魯無禮等而睜大眼睛看。(7)glare指用憤怒、兇狠或含敵意的

11、眼光死死看著某人。(8)glance指匆匆地或粗略地一看,側(cè)重心不在焉地、匆忙地看一眼,一瞥。 即學(xué)活練(5)They _ the train until it disappeared in the distance. A.saw B.watched C.noticed D.observed B第十三頁,編輯于星期五:十一點 四十一分。2.sense n.感官;感覺;理智,判斷力;意義;vt.感 覺到;了解;領(lǐng)悟挑戰(zhàn)自我 (1)他有很好的商業(yè)頭腦,因此他的公司運轉(zhuǎn)不錯。 He has _ business,so his company works well. (2)這匹馬感覺到了危險停下了。

12、The horse _ and stopped. (3)他說的話沒什么意義。 What he said _. a good sense ofsensed the dangermakes no sense第十四頁,編輯于星期五:十一點 四十一分。幫你歸納the sense of sight/hearing/smell/taste/touch 視覺/聽覺/嗅覺/味覺/觸覺a sense of hunger/direction/humor饑餓感/方向 感/幽默感common sense常識come to ones sense蘇醒過來;醒悟過來lose ones senses失去知覺make sens

13、e有意義,講得通make sense of理解,弄懂,明白 第十五頁,編輯于星期五:十一點 四十一分。即學(xué)活練(4)I am sure David will be able to find the libraryhe has a pretty good _ of direction. A.idea B.feeling C.experience D.sense(5)In a word,I dont think what he said _ at all. A.makes sense B.makes no sense C.is of little importance D.has a sense

14、DA第十六頁,編輯于星期五:十一點 四十一分。3.freeze v.結(jié)冰,使結(jié)冰;(使)僵住;呆住 挑戰(zhàn)自我 (1)我們吃了一些水果,把剩下的冷藏起來了。 We ate some of the fruits,and _ _. (2)窗戶給凍住了,我打不開。 The window _ and I cant open it. (3)好冷的天氣! What _ weather! froze thehas frozen upfreezingrest第十七頁,編輯于星期五:十一點 四十一分。幫你歸納(1)freeze的過去式、過去分詞的變化形式為:freezefrozefrozen。(2)由freeze

15、變化而來的幾個重點詞匯和短語:freezing adj.極冷的,冰冷的frozen adj.被冷凍的;被凍僵的frozen food冰凍食品freezing point n.冰點,凝固點(有時也可直接用 freezing表示該含義)freezing cold極其寒冷的freeze sb.to death把某人凍死be frozen with因而呆住,僵住 第十八頁,編輯于星期五:十一點 四十一分。即學(xué)活練(4)On a _ cold night,the little match girl was _ to death in a street corner. A.frozen;frozen B.

16、freezing;freezing C.frozen;freezing D.freezing;frozen D第十九頁,編輯于星期五:十一點 四十一分。4.touch n.觸摸;接觸;觸覺;vt.接觸;使感動 挑戰(zhàn)自我 (1)她伸手去碰他的胳膊。 She reached out her hand to _. (2)他與兒子失去聯(lián)系多年了。 He _ with his son for many years. (3)我被他感人的故事感動了。 I _ by his _ story. 幫你歸納 keep in touch with與保持聯(lián)系 get in touch with與取得聯(lián)系touch hi

17、s armhas been out of touchwas touchedtouching第二十頁,編輯于星期五:十一點 四十一分。get out of/lose touch with與失去聯(lián)系be in touch with與有聯(lián)系be out of touch with與沒有聯(lián)系 注意 上述詞組中的touch可以換成contact。 易混辨異keep in touch with,be in touch with,get in touch with keep in touch with和be in touch with均表示“與保持聯(lián)系,表示狀態(tài);而get in touch with表示“與

18、取得聯(lián)系,表示動作。I got in touch with my lost brother last year,and I have been in touch with him since then.去年我聯(lián)系上了我失散的哥哥,而且至今保持著聯(lián)系。第二十一頁,編輯于星期五:十一點 四十一分。即學(xué)活練(4)Oh! I have burnt myself! How did you do that? I _ a hot pot. A.touched B.kept C.felt D.held A第二十二頁,編輯于星期五:十一點 四十一分。5.add v.增加,補充 挑戰(zhàn)自我 (1)他生病了,給他的家

19、庭增添了麻煩。 His illness _ the familys trouble. (2)你愿意再往你的咖啡里加些糖嗎? Will you _ more sugar _ your coffee? (3)這些數(shù)字加起來等于800. These figures _ 800. (4)“別再回來了,他補充說。 “And dont come back again,_.added toaddtoadd up tohe added第二十三頁,編輯于星期五:十一點 四十一分。(5)除英語外,他還要學(xué)第二外語。 _ English,he has to study a second foreign langua

20、ge. 幫你歸納add to增加add.to.把加到上add up to 加起來等于,總計addition n.增加in addition(常作狀語)此外,另外in addition to此外,除此之外(=besides,as well as,apart from) In addition to第二十四頁,編輯于星期五:十一點 四十一分。即學(xué)活練(6)In the evening the car broke down suddenly and the heavy rain _ the helplessness of the poor driver on the country road. A.

21、resulted from B.made up C.turned out D.added to D第二十五頁,編輯于星期五:十一點 四十一分。6.distance n.距離;遠(yuǎn)處,遠(yuǎn)方 挑戰(zhàn)自我 (1)太陽和地球之間距離多遠(yuǎn)? _ between the sun and the earth? (2)這幅油畫遠(yuǎn)看更美一些。 The oil painting looks better _. (3)我要是你,就離那條狗遠(yuǎn)一點。 I would _, if I were you.幫你歸納 at a distance在離開一定距離的地方,稍遠(yuǎn)一些 What is the distanceat a dis

22、tancekeep my distance from that dog第二十六頁,編輯于星期五:十一點 四十一分。in the distance在遠(yuǎn)處,在遠(yuǎn)方from a distance從遠(yuǎn)處keep ones distance from sb./sth. 與保持 一定的距離keep sb.at a distance與某人保持距離,對某人疏 遠(yuǎn),敬而遠(yuǎn)之distant adj.遙遠(yuǎn)的be distant from離遙遠(yuǎn) 即學(xué)活練用distance的適當(dāng)形式填空(4)The village is _ from the station.(5)We are _ related.(6)_ is no

23、 problem on the Internet. distantdistantDistance第二十七頁,編輯于星期五:十一點 四十一分。7.avoid v.避開;防止挑戰(zhàn)自我 (1)為了防止失敗,我們必須加倍努力。 In order to _,we had to work harder. (2)他盡量防止遇到她,因為她總是使他厭煩。 He tried to _,because she always bored him. (3)如果我們的方案周密,危險就可以防止。 The danger _ if we lay our plan carefully. avoid failureavoid me

24、eting hercan be avoided第二十八頁,編輯于星期五:十一點 四十一分。幫你歸納avoid sth.防止某事物avoid doing sth.防止做某事avoidable adj.可以防止的即學(xué)活練(4)你應(yīng)該防止提及任何可能使她難看的事情。 _ _ You should avoid mentioning anything thatmay embarrass her.第二十九頁,編輯于星期五:十一點 四十一分。8.accept v.接受;接收,接納,認(rèn)可;承擔(dān) 挑戰(zhàn)自我 (1)這個新理論被廣泛接受。 This new theory became _. (2)他不會接受任何人的

25、忠告。 He wont _ from anyone. (3)她已被接納為這個組織的新成員。 She _ a new member of the organization. widely acceptedaccept advicehas been accepted as第三十頁,編輯于星期五:十一點 四十一分。幫你歸納accept sth.from sb.從某人那里接受某物accept sb./sth.as sb./sth.把當(dāng)作accept o.接納某人進(jìn)入易混辨異accept,receive (1)accept表示經(jīng)過考慮而接受,指當(dāng)事人的態(tài)度。(2)receive是“收到,接到,指一個動作

26、或事實,不 強調(diào)結(jié)果。第三十一頁,編輯于星期五:十一點 四十一分。即學(xué)活練用accept,receive的適當(dāng)形式填空(4)We must _ criticism.(5)The letter I _ yesterday was from my sister.(6)Xiao Wang was _ as a league member last week.(7)They _ a warm welcome at the airport.acceptreceivedacceptedreceived第三十二頁,編輯于星期五:十一點 四十一分。9.likely adj.很可能的挑戰(zhàn)自我 (1)我們很有可能

27、會贏得足球比賽。 We _ win the football match. =_ we will win the football match. (2)會議可能下學(xué)期開。 The meeting _ next term. (3)今天晚上不太可能會下雪。 It _ there will be snow tonight. are likely toIt is likely thatis likely to be heldis not likely that第三十三頁,編輯于星期五:十一點 四十一分。易混辨異likely,possible,probable (1)三個詞均表示“可能的,可能性大小排列

28、為probablelikelypossible。(2)三個詞均可用于It is.that.的結(jié)構(gòu)中。(3)possible和likely后接不定式,而probable不與 不定式連用。(4)只有l(wèi)ikely可以用人作主語。likely的常見搭配為sb./sth.be likely to do sth.(=It is likely that.)。第三十四頁,編輯于星期五:十一點 四十一分。即學(xué)活練(4)他很有可能會再次考試不及格。(用兩種方式翻譯) _ _. _ _.He is likely to fail in the exam onceagainIt is likely that he wi

29、ll fail in theexam once again第三十五頁,編輯于星期五:十一點 四十一分。重點短語與句型 10.in sight看得到,在視力范圍之內(nèi) 挑戰(zhàn)自我 (1)一個人也看不見。 There is no one _. (2)眼不見,心不煩。 _,out of mind. (3)一看到他古怪的穿著我們就笑了。 We laughed _ his strange clothes. 幫你歸納 within sight在視線之內(nèi) at first sight乍一看;初看時in sightOut of sightat the sight of第三十六頁,編輯于星期五:十一點 四十一分。b

30、e out of sight看不見,在視線范圍之外at the sight of一看見catch sight of看見lose sight of看不見lose ones sight喪失視力keep sth.in sight使不從視線中消失have a good/poor eyesight視力好/不好have long/far sight有遠(yuǎn)見即學(xué)活練(4)The old couple looked at the plane with their son on it until it was _. A.at the first sight B.out of sight C.in sight D.

31、at the sight of B第三十七頁,編輯于星期五:十一點 四十一分。11.by the time到時候為止 As she walked along,she heard the sound of footsteps,but by the time she reached the corner of the street,the footsteps were gone. 走著走著,波莉聽到了一陣腳步聲,可等她到了街道 拐角處,腳步聲又消失了。 (回歸課本P2) 挑戰(zhàn)自我 (1)到他15歲時,他已懂得許多英語了。 _,he had known a lot of English. (2)到這

32、本書結(jié)束的時候,我們將會學(xué)習(xí)近兩千個英 語單詞。By the time he was fifteen第三十八頁,編輯于星期五:十一點 四十一分。 By the time we finish the book,we _ _ about two thousand English words. 幫你歸納(1)by the time意為“到時候為止,引導(dǎo)時間狀語從句,假設(shè)表示“到過去某個時間為止,那么主句常使用過去完成時;假設(shè)表示“到將來某個時間為止,那么主句常用將來完成時。(2)許多表示時間的名詞或名詞詞組也??捎脕碜鬟B詞引導(dǎo)時間狀語從句,如:the moment/second/minute/ins

33、tant等,意為“一 就,相當(dāng)于as soon as。 will havelearned第三十九頁,編輯于星期五:十一點 四十一分。He phoned me the moment/second/minute/instant he reached Chicago.他一到芝加哥就給我打了 。The moment I heard the voice,I knew father was coming.我一聽到聲音,就知道父親回來了。every/each time意為“每一次。Every/Each time I get a cold,I have a headache.每次傷風(fēng),我都頭疼。Every/E

34、ach time I was in trouble,he would come to help me out.每次我處于困境中的時候,他總是來幫助我。第四十頁,編輯于星期五:十一點 四十一分。the first/last time意為“第一次/最后一次。The first time I climbed the wall,I felt nervous.我第一次爬上那墻時,我感到很緊張。 The last time she saw James,he was lying in bed.她最后一次看到詹姆斯時,他躺在床上。next time意為“下次。Dont forget to call on me

35、 next time you come to our city.下次到我們市來時,別忘了來找我。Next time you come,do remember to bring your son here.下次你來時,務(wù)必記住把你兒子帶來。 第四十一頁,編輯于星期五:十一點 四十一分。(3)有些副詞也可作連詞來引導(dǎo)時間狀語從句,如:immediately/directly/instantly意為“一就。He made for the door directly he heard the knock.一聽到敲門聲,他就跑去開門了。We held a meeting to sum up our ex

36、perience immediately we finished the work.工作一結(jié)束,我們立即開會總結(jié)經(jīng)驗。即學(xué)活練(3)一收到他的信,我就立即同他取得了聯(lián)系。 _ _I got in touch with him immediately I received his letter. 第四十二頁,編輯于星期五:十一點 四十一分。12.代詞that的用法 The face that she saw was that of an old man.她所看到的是一位老人的臉龐。(回歸課本P3)精講點撥 本句中的that of an old man中的that是一個代 詞,用來指代上文所提及的

37、face,但是此處that所 指代的face與前文中的face并非是同一個概念,即 that用來代替前面提到的同名異物中特指的事物。挑戰(zhàn)自我 下面句子中的that分別指代什么名詞? (1)The doctor in our school is younger than that in their school.第四十三頁,編輯于星期五:十一點 四十一分。 _ (2)The weather in Beijing is colder than that of Shanghai. _(3)The quality of iron produced in your factory is better t

38、han that in their factory. _幫你歸納that所代替的名詞可以是可數(shù)名詞,也可以是不可數(shù)名詞(代替不可數(shù)名詞只能用that),但其前通常不能有修飾語。 that代替可數(shù)名詞doctorthat代替不可數(shù)名詞qualitythat代替不可數(shù)名詞weather第四十四頁,編輯于星期五:十一點 四十一分。易混辨異it,one,that (1)it指的是同一個事物,即同名同物,相當(dāng)于the, a(an),this,that,my,your,etc.+名詞。(2)one指的是同類中的任何一個,屬于泛指同類異 物,one的復(fù)數(shù)形式是ones。(3)that屬于特指,指代的名詞和前

39、面提到的名詞是 同一類名詞,即同類異物,that作代詞可以代替可數(shù)名詞也可以代替不可數(shù)名詞,that的復(fù)數(shù)形式是those。 第四十五頁,編輯于星期五:十一點 四十一分。即學(xué)活練用that,it,one,ones填空(4)I bought a red pen yesterday,but I cant find _ now.(5)The car I want to buy is more beautiful than _ he has.(6)Do you need my pen? No,thanks,I have got _.(7)The bridge built of steel is str

40、onger than _ built of stone.(8)There are a lot of apples in the basket, please pick out the rotten _. itthatonethatones第四十六頁,編輯于星期五:十一點 四十一分。品味構(gòu)詞1.利用派生法,品句填詞China has made much progress in the farming .Many young have made great achievements in thereformation.(technique) techniquetechnicianstechnica

41、l第四十七頁,編輯于星期五:十一點 四十一分。串聯(lián)擴展名詞(表事) 名詞(表人) 形容詞 副詞 technique(技術(shù);方法;技能) (技術(shù)員,技師) technical(技術(shù)的;科技的) (在技術(shù)上;在專業(yè)上) technology(科技;工藝;工程技術(shù)) (技術(shù)專家;工藝師) (技術(shù)性的;科技的) technological-ly(技術(shù)上地) techniciantechnicallytechnologi-sttechnological第四十八頁,編輯于星期五:十一點 四十一分。2.利用派生法,品句填詞Shanghai is a major of China,where China a

42、variety of goods from the other countries and to the other countries.(port) Portportimportsexports第四十九頁,編輯于星期五:十一點 四十一分。串聯(lián)擴展詞根 前綴ex-/e-(=out) 前綴im-(=in) port港口,口岸 export出口,輸出;出口產(chǎn)品 import進(jìn)口,輸入;引進(jìn) press擠壓,按 表達(dá);表示;表露expression表情;表達(dá) 使欽佩;留下印象 impression印象 pose造成,引起;提問 使顯露,露出 exposition說明,解釋 impose推行,采用;強

43、加 實施;不公平的要求 pound反復(fù)擊打 詳解;闡述 impoundmigrate移居;遷徙 移民;移居國外;emigration移居外國的人 immigrate(從外地)移居;移民 移居(入境);移民人數(shù) expressimpressexposeimposition扣押,沒收emigrateimmigrationexpound第五十頁,編輯于星期五:十一點 四十一分?!纠?】One of the most important questions they had to consider was _ of public health. (寧夏/海南高考) A.what B.this C.th

44、at D.which 解析 句意為:他們必須考慮的最重要的問題之一 是群眾健康。句中缺少表語,that為代詞,指代上 文one of the most important questions,符合 題意;而this作代詞時指代下文。 課文原文 The face that she saw was _ of an old man. (P3)考題回扣thatC第五十一頁,編輯于星期五:十一點 四十一分?!纠?】The play _ next month aims mainly to reflect the local culture. (安徽高考) A.produced B.being produc

45、ed C.to be produced D.having been produced 解析 句意為:下月將要完成的那個戲劇主要反映 當(dāng)?shù)氐奈幕?。play與produce之間為被動關(guān)系,又 因next month為將來的時間,而A項指過去已完成 的動作;B項指正在被完成的動作;而D項經(jīng)常作狀 語,也表示已經(jīng)完成的動作,故均可排除。 課文原文 .,but why pleasant smells do not reduce pain in men is a question _ _ by scientists.(P9) Cstill to beanswered第五十二頁,編輯于星期五:十一點 四十一

46、分?!纠?】Whats the _ of having a public open space where you cant eat,drink or even simply hang out for a while? (福建高考) A.sense B.matter C.case D.opinion 解析 此題所設(shè)的語境是:有這樣一個你在那里不 能吃、不能喝甚至不能動的公共開放場所有什么意 義呢?sense意義;matter問題,麻煩;case情況,問 題;opinion意見,看法。四個選項中只能A項符合 語境。 課文原文 Our _ are very important in our dai

47、ly lives.(P1)Asenses第五十三頁,編輯于星期五:十一點 四十一分?!纠?】To learn English well,we should find opportunities to hear English _ as much as we can. (江蘇高考) A.speak B.speaking C.spoken D.to speak 解析 此處考查“hear+賓語+do/doing/done結(jié) 構(gòu)。因為English是“被說,故用spoken作賓補, 表示被動。 課文原文 .and she _ a mans voice in her ear _ “Sorry.(P2)C

48、heardsaying第五十四頁,編輯于星期五:十一點 四十一分。【例5】Though having lived abroad for years, many Chinese still _ the traditional customs. (湖北高考) A.perform B.possess C.observe D.support 解析 observe在此句中意為“遵守,奉行(法律、 協(xié)議或習(xí)俗等)。句意:盡管在國外居住了這么 多年,許多中國人仍然遵循著傳統(tǒng)的風(fēng)俗習(xí)慣。 課文原文 As Polly _ the passengers on the train,she sensed that s

49、he was being watched by a tall man in a dark coat.(P2) Cobserved第五十五頁,編輯于星期五:十一點 四十一分。 寫作技能 如何寫好并列句一 并列連詞的意義與作用 由兩個或兩個以上的簡單句并列連接起來的句子叫并列句。并列句的根本句型是:“簡單句+并列連詞或連接副詞+簡單句。不同的并列連詞或連接副詞表示不同的關(guān)系。所以,要寫好并列句,首先必須了解每個并列連詞的意義和功能。下表是對所有并列連詞或連接副詞的歸類與功能的概括。第五十六頁,編輯于星期五:十一點 四十一分。并列連詞其他意思相似的并列連詞在句子中表示的意思andfurthermor

50、e,besides,in addition, moreover, also,likewise,not only.but (also).并列或遞進(jìn)(此外,而且)but,yethowever,nevertheless,still,in contrast,while對比(但是;然而)for原因(因為)第五十七頁,編輯于星期五:十一點 四十一分。orotherwise,not.but.,either.or.選擇(或者,否則,不然的話)soconsequently,therefore,thus,accordingly,then結(jié)果(因此,所以)norneither否定選擇(也不)第五十八頁,編輯于星期五

51、:十一點 四十一分。即時練習(xí)請用恰當(dāng)?shù)牟⒘羞B詞填空1.I dont agree with you, does my partner.2.Find out where they are going this even -ing ask if we may join them.3.He was very seriously ill; doctors have almost given up hope of his recovery.4.They go to concerts of pop music they really like it.5.She cant hope to pass the e

52、xam in December, shell have to wait till June.nor/neitherandthereforeforso第五十九頁,編輯于星期五:十一點 四十一分。6.He broke the rules of the school; he had to leave. 7.I dont know anything against the man; ,I dont trust him.8.Ill buy a new suit when I get the cheque for the work I did; ,Im afraid this old one will h

53、ave to do a bit longer.9. is your answer wrong mine is.10.You must work harder; you will be put into another class.thereforehoweverneverthelessNot onlyotherwisebut also第六十頁,編輯于星期五:十一點 四十一分。11. you come to my place I go to yours.12.Id love to, I have lots of homework to do.13.Tom was rich his brother

54、 was very poor.Eitherbutwhileor第六十一頁,編輯于星期五:十一點 四十一分。.品句填詞 1.Nobody knows why there has been an _ atmosphere in the office these days.2.He will be punished for _ the money of the company.3._,I think he is dishonest,but many people trust him.4.She _ along the road to see if he was coming.自主檢測unpleasa

55、ntmisusingPersonallyglanced第六十二頁,編輯于星期五:十一點 四十一分。5.I tried to tell her but she _無視me. 6.So what is your _目的地tomorrow? Its Hong Kong.7.I crossed the street to _ 防止meeting him, but he saw me and came running towards me.8.His adventures have been _ everywhere.9.The story about a doctor who had _ to set

56、tle down in the poor village became the chief fable of the villagers.10.Every student has free _進(jìn)入to the library. ignoreddestinationavoidwhisperedvolunteeredaccess第六十三頁,編輯于星期五:十一點 四十一分。.短語識境 1.In a word,I dont think what you have just said _ at all.2.Every time I look at the photos,I _ _ thinking of

57、 my childhood.3.A number of shots _.4._ someone grabbed me around the neck. in sight;wish for;pay back;be frozen with; be related/linked to;make sense;make the most of;cant help doing;all of a sudden;ring out makes sensecanthelprang outAll of a sudden第六十四頁,編輯于星期五:十一點 四十一分。5.Its my first trip abroad,

58、so Im going to _ it.6.Much of the crime in this area _ _ drug abuse. 7.She stared at him,_ shock.8.Ill _ him _ for making me look like a fool in front of everyone. 9.The end is _ (=will happen soon).10.She shut her eyes and _ him to get better. make the most ofis relatedtofrozen withpaybackin sightw

59、ished for第六十五頁,編輯于星期五:十一點 四十一分。.單項填空 1.In some North European countries,it is a common _ for the husband to stay at home to look after the baby. A.use B.sense C.practice D.idea 解析 practice在本句中表示“通常的做法、慣 例、常規(guī)。 C第六十六頁,編輯于星期五:十一點 四十一分。2.Although punctual himself,the professor was quite used _ late for

60、his lecture. A.to have students B.for students being C.for students to be D.to students being 解析 此題為be used to ones doing sth.結(jié) 構(gòu),表示“習(xí)慣于某人做某事。 D第六十七頁,編輯于星期五:十一點 四十一分。3.As time went by,the plan they stuck _ quite practical. A.proved B.to proving C.to proved D.to be proved 解析 stick to堅持,prove為本句謂語。句意:


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