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1、.PAGE 下載后可自行編輯修改,頁腳下載后可刪除。高考仿真檢測時間:120分鐘總分值:150分第一局部聽力(總分值30分,限時20分鐘)第一節(jié)(共5小題;每題1.5分,總分值7.5分)聽下面5段對話。每段對話后有一個小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個選項(xiàng)中選出最正確選項(xiàng),并標(biāo)在試卷的相應(yīng)位置。聽完每段對話后,你都有10秒鐘的時間來答復(fù)有關(guān)小題和閱讀下一小題。每段對話僅讀一遍。1What will the woman do first? AGive up the Mr. Fro case.BDesign a new brand.CHave some coffee.2What does the w

2、oman want? AA dress.BA pair of shoes.CA pair of trousers.3Where does the conversation most probably take place? AIn Xian. BIn a train. CIn a plane.4What do people think of that piece of music?ABeautiful. BUnbearable. CComplicated.5What do we know about Alices father? AHe always helps others.BHe does

3、nt live with Alice.CHe is too old to look after himself.第二節(jié)(共15小題;每題1.5分,總分值22.5分)聽下面5段對話或獨(dú)白。每段對話或獨(dú)白后有幾個小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個選項(xiàng)中選出最正確選項(xiàng),并標(biāo)在試卷的相應(yīng)位置。聽每段對話或獨(dú)白前,你將有時間閱讀各個小題,每題5秒鐘;聽完后,各小題將給出5秒鐘的作答時間。每段對話或獨(dú)白讀兩遍。聽第6段材料,答復(fù)第6、7題。6What is the woman invited to do? ATo give a talk.BTo give a concert.CTo teach in her

4、 mother school.7What can we learn about the woman? AShe is a pop star now.BShe is a teacher now.CShe is a famous actress now.聽第7段材料,答復(fù)第8、9題。8How do the students feel about the present plan for the use of computers? AThe time is too changeable.BThe time is too limited.CThe machines are hard to use.9W

5、hat do the speakers plan to do tomorrow? AForbid students to use the computers.BPrepare a notice to solve the problem.CAllow students to use the computers for longer hours.聽第8段材料,答復(fù)第10至12題。10What is the boy doing? APainting the house. BPainting a picture. CPainting the front door. 11What does the wo

6、man offer to do? AClean the house. BBuy a carpet. CMake some curtains. 12Why does the boy say sorry? AHe made a mess in the house.BHe used a color his Mum doesnt like.CHe dropped some paint on the carpet.聽第9段材料,答復(fù)第13至16題。13Where does the conversation take place?AAt an airport waiting hall.BAt a coff

7、ee bar.COn a plane.14What do we know about the man?AHe went to London during World War .BHe has been to several European cities.CHe has flown a lot.15How soon will the man get to London?AIn six hours.BIn four hours.CIn two hours.16What can we learn about the man?AHe was a teacher.BHe just retired fr

8、om the Army.CHe has never traveled with his wife.聽第10段材料,答復(fù)第17至20題。17Why did the woman reserve the Sky Palace for the man?AIt offers good service.BBarcelona Hotel has been fully booked.CIt is near the company hell visit.18What does the man want the woman to do?AFetch the tickets today.BGet the hotel

9、s phone number.CDrive him to the travel agency.19What is the mans final destination?ABrussels.BLondon.CBarcelona.20Who will meet the man at the airport?AHis wife.BHis customer.CHis secretary.答案:15CBCAB610AABBA1115CCCBC1620ACBBA聽力材料(Text 1)M:Any new ideas on the Mr. Fro case? How can we give this mot

10、or oil a new brand identity?W:Let me get my morning coffee to get my brain working again. (Text 2)W:Hi, excuse me, sir? Im looking for a dress shoe. My usual pair that Ive had for years have finally been stretched out of shape. They dont provide any support anymore. M:Sure, weve got sandals, heels a

11、nd something a little more practical. (Text 3)M:Excuse me, but what time will we arrive in Xian? W:Well arrive there at 11:15. M:Thats good. My friend is supposed to meet me at the airport then. (Text 4)W:I really enjoy that piece you just played on the piano. I bet you get a lot of requests for it.

12、 M:You said it. People just cant get enough of it. (Text 5)M:Alice, your father is amazing. Hes 90 years old and he lives alone in that big house. W:I know. He doesnt like to ask anyone for help. My dad insists on paying his own bills and taking care of himself!(Text 6)W:When I got home last night I

13、 found a letter from the school I used to study in. The students there want me to go back and talk to them. M:Oh, really? And are you going? W:I dont know. I used to hate school, so I dont feel like going back. M:But its different now. W:Yes, I know. But its still a difficult situation. You see, whe

14、n I was at school I used to be bad at studies and none of the teachers liked me. M:Well, I think you should go. When I was younger, I used to dream about meeting a famous pop star. You cant let them down. W:Maybe you are right. OK. Ill go. (Text 7)W:Hi, Tommy, got a minute? M:Sure, come in. Whats on

15、 your mind? W:Oh, its the plan for the students about the use of computers. M:Whats the trouble? W:The students are supposed to use the computers for only one hour a day because so many students need to use them every day. M:I can see that. W:Well, now it seems that some of the students arent willin

16、g to give up their machines when the hour is over. M:I suppose they feel that it doesnt matter very much to keep them a few minutes more. W:Yes, but this makes it hard for those who are waiting to use the machines. M:You are right. Lets prepare a notice right now. Then we can pass it out tomorrow to

17、 clear up the problem. (Text 8) W:Hello! Im home! Tom? M:Hi, Mum! Im in here. W:Oh, my God! Whats going on here? M:Ill clear it up later. Ive nearly finished. What do you think? W:Its so lovely. I like the roof. What a beautiful red! M:I havent painted the front door yet. What color do you think it

18、should be? W:I think green would be nice . or yellow . or perhaps blue . Oh, I dont know. Would you like me to make some curtains for it? M:Oh, that would be great, Mum. Oh . by the way . Im afraid Ive got a bit of paint on the carpet over there. Im terribly sorry. W:Oh, you havent, Tom! M:Its all r

19、ight. I think it will come out. If not, Ill just paint the rest of the carpet the same color. (Text 9)W:Yes, Sir. You called?M:Yes, I wonder if you could bring me another bottle of beer.W:Certainly. Would you like anything else?M:Well, my grandson is supposed to meet me in London at the airport. Do

20、you think hell be able to find me?W:Im sure he will. You dont have to worry about that. Are you going to be visiting him?M:Yes. Ive never seen my grandson.W:I think youll have a wonderful time in London. Its beautiful, is this your first time abroad?M:No, I saw quite a bit of Europe before, Rome, Be

21、rlin, Paris, places like that, but Ive never been to London.W:Oh, then you have flown before too.M:No, that was during the Second World War and I went to Europe on a large ship carrying soldiers.W:Things are quite different in Europe nowadays.M:Im sure they are. Im really interested to get there.W:W

22、ell, its 4 oclock now and well be there at 6:00. Will you be staying long?M:I plan to stay five weeks. I was a teacher but I have stopped working. My wife has been dead and so I can go wherever I want.W:I think youll have a good time. Ill go and get a beer for you.(Text 10)M:Now, where am I staying

23、in Barcelona?W:Ive booked you out in the Sky Palace, just at the airport terminal. M:Sky Palace? Wasnt it possible to get me into Barcelona Hotel as usual?W:Well, Barcelona Hotel would have involved much more traveling for you. The company youre visiting is located near the airport.M:Oh, I see. Yes,

24、 fine. Have you got the hotels phone number?W:Oh, no, but Ill get it for you from the travel agency. And at the next stop, youve been booked into the Larval Hotel in Brussels.M:The Larval? Ive already stayed there twice and found it rather depressing.Is it possible to change the hotel?W:Of course. I

25、 will do my best. Oh, the last stop, London.M:OK. When everything is settled, I will ask my wife to meet me at the Heathrow Airport. Is there anything else?W:If possible, I will ask them to send the tickets up before we close today. Thats all in order now. 第二局部閱讀理解(總分值40分,限時35分鐘)第一節(jié)(共15小題;每題2分,總分值30

26、分)閱讀以下短文,從每題所給的A、B、C和D四個選項(xiàng)中,選出最正確選項(xiàng)。AAs an inside joke among Star Wars fans, greeting each other with “May the Fourth be with you has made May the Fourth into a Star Wars holiday.Heres what the fans can do on May the Fourth and beyond in Tampa, Florida.PartiesThere will be two parties this week at C

27、1949 Bar and Beer Garden, each with free entry.The adultsonly party a Jedi (絕地武士) joke contest will start at 7 pm, Thursday.From 2 to 6 pm, Sunday, bring the family and pets for a costume contest, face and body painting, and Star Wars coloring.Activities at the libraryThe Hillsborough County library

28、 system has many parties planned for Thursday.At 10:30 am at the Thonotosassa Branch Library, friends of the library will make, play, show and tell stories from a galaxy (星系) far away.The same program for children will also be at the SouthShore Regional Library at 10:30 am.The New Tampa Regional Lib

29、rary will have a Star Wars Painting Class at 6 pm.With stepbystep instructions, participants will complete their own BB8 paintings.All supplies provided.All ages.The John FGermany Public Library is holding its party on Friday for Revenge of the Fifth (the following day, May 5), falling into the worl

30、d of origami (折紙) to create paper things for the Empire.For all ages, starting at 4 pm.Activities in the museumThursday through Saturday, the Glazer Childrens Museum has a list of Star Wars activities called “A Galaxy Far, Far AwayOn Saturday, admission is $5, and the 501st Legions costumed characte

31、rs will be present for photos.Regular admission on Thursday and Friday is $15 for adults and $9.50 for children.Open 10 am5 pm, ThursdayFriday; 10 am6 pm, Saturday.Other activitiesAt Brew Bus Brewing, watch selected Star Wars films on a big screen.Wear your best Star Wars costume, and your first bee

32、r is free.Special prizes for the best costumes.410 pm, Thursday.語篇解讀:本文是應(yīng)用文。文章介紹了佛羅里達(dá)州坦帕市5月4日星球大戰(zhàn)日為影迷舉辦的一系列活動。21What can a student do at C1949 Bar and Beer Garden?ATake pictures with Star Wars characters.BDress up as a Star Wars character.CGet a glass of beer for free.DTell jokes about Jedi.解析:選B細(xì)節(jié)理

33、解題。由Parties中的信息可知,學(xué)生只能參加周日在C.1949 Bar and Beer Garden舉辦的扮裝比賽。22In which library can you learn painting characters in Star Wars?AThe Thonotosassa Branch Library.BThe SouthShore Regional Library.CThe New Tampa Regional Library.DThe John FGermany Public Library.解析:選C細(xì)節(jié)理解題。由Activities at the library中的“T

34、he New Tampa Regional Library will have a Star Wars Painting Class at 6 pm.可知,在新坦帕地區(qū)圖書館下午六點(diǎn)將會有一堂關(guān)于星球大戰(zhàn)的繪畫課程。23How much will an adult with a kid need to pay for the museum on Thursday?A$10.B$20.C$24.50.D$30.解析:選C細(xì)節(jié)理解題。由Activities in the museum中的“Regular admission on Thursday and Friday is $15 for adu

35、lts and $9.50 for children.可知,周四要去參觀這個博物館,一個大人和一個小孩總共需要24.5美元。BWeylands Ice Cream Shop has been a favorite of my children and grandchildren for almost 30 years.We have never had a bad experience at Weylands the ice cream and the customer service have always been firstrate.We love it that we can enjo

36、y a treat while also supporting a local business.Furthermore, we sincerely appreciate the way Marcus Weyland gives back to the community by always giving 50% of his Friday night profits (盈利) to the Metroville Animal Shelter.I was shocked and saddened to hear the city of Metroville is determined to f

37、orce Mr.Weyland out of business so that they can turn the ice cream shop into a parking deck (停車場)By announcing that the parking deck will be “for the use of the public, the city has the right to buy Mr.Weylands shop as long as they pay him “fair market valueThe amount of money that the government w

38、ill give Mr.Weyland is only what his building is worth now.They are not compensating (賠償) him for the money it will cost to open a new shop in another location.They are not compensating him for the money he will lose as he moves his business.Moreover, the city will do nothing to help the shops five

39、employees who will now be out of work.The city says that the parking deck will be in_the_publics_best_interest,_but what good will another parking deck do for the city? Downtown Metroville already has three parking decks, and they are never full.On the other hand, Weylands is a familyrun business th

40、at employs local citizens and gives back to the community.How can a parking deck be better for the public than Weylands Ice Cream Shop?ore importantly, Marcus Weyland deserves better treatment from the city of Metroville.語篇解讀:本文是夾敘夾議文。文章作者認(rèn)為Metroville市政府不應(yīng)以建停車場為由逼迫市民喜愛的冰淇淋店搬遷。24What do we know about

41、 Weylands Ice Cream Shop?AIt enjoys a good name.BIt employs family members only.CIt doesnt make money on Friday nights.DIt will be out of business for lack of customers.解析:選A推理判斷題。由第一段可知,開了幾十年的冰激凌店的冰激凌、效勞都很好,還堅(jiān)持做善事。由此可推知,冰激凌店的口碑很好。25What can we learn from the text?AMr.Weyland asks too much for movin

42、g his business.BMetroville is in bad need of another parking deck.CThe government doesnt value local businesses.DThe government doesnt pay Mr.Weyland fairly.解析:選D推理判斷題。由第二段最后一句及第三段可知,政府認(rèn)為建停車場是為了公眾使用,只要付給冰激凌店鋪公平的市價就可以了。但是沒有考慮到其他的費(fèi)用。由此可知,政府的出價并不公平。26What does the underlined part “in the publics best i

43、nterest in Paragraph 4 mean?ATo the publics biggest advantage.BBringing money for the public.CCausing great public concern.DIn the publics demand.解析:選A詞義猜想題。由畫線局部之后的“.but what good will another parking deck do for the city?可知,in the publics best interest此處意為“對公眾最有利。27For what purpose is the text wri

44、tten?ATo stress the importance of an ice cream shop.BTo argue against building a new parking deck.CTo accuse the government of closing an ice cream shop.DTo persuade the government to care more about the public.解析:選C寫作意圖題。由文中作者對市政府的決定的反響是震驚、悲傷、失望,及作者抱怨市里不需要更多停車場及補(bǔ)償費(fèi)不夠等可知,本文旨在譴責(zé)政府強(qiáng)迫冰激凌店搬遷的做法。CFor the

45、 last five years, I have been fortunate enough to work on a large vocabulary research project for Cambridge English, the English Vocabulary Profile.You can view the results for free online at .Working with Carol Cassidy, we developed a database (數(shù)據(jù)庫), containing the words and phras

46、es that learners of English around the world typically know and use.We analysed a 50millionword collection of learners writing from Cambridge English exams, but we also looked at the vocabulary taught in bestselling British and American English course books.We have found that there are some words th

47、at are still characteristically British or American.British people have biscuits with their cup of tea or coffee, but Americans have cookies.We have cookies too in Britain, but they are a certain type of biscuit, such as chocolate chip cookies, where the original recipe (配方) is American.A British pe

48、rson goes on holiday, while an American takes a vacation; you visit a city centre in Britain but go downtown in the US.A few words have different meanings across the two varieties of English, which could cause some embarrassment (為難): Americans who are wearing pants have their legs covered, but if a

49、 British person is dressed only in pants, they are in their underwear (clothes that you wear next to your body under your other clothes)! And if you need to fill up your car with fuel, you can ask for gas in the US, but you need to buy petrol in Britain, as “gas is not a liquid (液體) in British Engli

50、sh.Overall, though, our research shows that British and American English are still very close to each other.The 10 most common words (the, of, to, and, a, in, that, is, for and I) are the same in both countries, and most of the UKs 5,000 most common words are also in the USAs top 5,000.語篇解讀:本文是說明文。作

51、者參與了一項(xiàng)關(guān)于英式英語和美式英語的研究,發(fā)現(xiàn)兩種英語依然大同小異。28What can we learn about the project the author worked on?AIt offers vocabulary courses online.BIt is based on powerful evidence.CIt is a study on English exams.DIt aims to collect new words.解析:選B推理判斷題。由第一段的“We analysed a 50millionword collection .course books.可知,作

52、者所參與的這個研究工程基于可信的依據(jù)。29What may British people refer to when they say “cookies?ATiny chocolate cakes.BBiscuits made in Britain.CAmerican biscuit recipes.DA variety of biscuit.解析:選D細(xì)節(jié)理解題。由第二段的“We have cookies too in Britain, but they are a certain type of biscuit可知,當(dāng)英國人說cookies時,實(shí)際指的是一種源自美國配方的特定餅干,如美式巧

53、克力曲奇。30Which sentence may be proper when you chat with British people?AMy car has run out of liquid!BIt is great to wear pants for the party.CIll fill my car up with gas immediately.DI bought the pants in that shop yesterday.解析:選D推理判斷題。由第三段作者列舉英式和美式英語中一些單詞的細(xì)微差異可知,pants在英國指的是一種內(nèi)衣,而在美國那么指長褲。故與英國人交談時D項(xiàng)

54、說法中的pants沒有特指是哪種類型的衣服,故應(yīng)該是合理的。31What do the numbers in the last paragraph show?ABritish and American English are still very similar.BThe most common English words have changed greatly.CShort words are most commonly used in the English language.DThe differences between British and American English ar

55、e obvious.解析:選A推理判斷題。最后一段的“Overall, though, our research shows that British and American English are still very close to each other.即本段主旨句,該段落中提到的數(shù)字是為了說明英式英語和美式英語依然非常相似。DAs an adult, I like nothing better than to sit on the beach reading. If I have a satisfying reading time on the beach, I will be h

56、appy for many days. However, Im sad to say it isnt really a thing for children. Most children would rather play in the waves or play with sand. But the truth is that even when children are on vacation, they need reading time that we, adults, look forward to. The method is getting them to sit for 5 o

57、r 10 minutes to enjoy the pleasure of reading.Books can probably get wet or filled with sand. They are then pretty much ruined. Some book chapters (章節(jié)) may be a little long. Your children may be willing to sit for 10 minutes. However, they may be annoyed at reading if it takes longer than 10 minutes

58、. And if your children are similar to my daughter, they are likely to love reading on the beach.Every time I go to the beach with my daughter, I will bring a magazine for her. Generally, magazines are not too heavy. They can also be thrown away if they get wet. Besides, they provide just the right a

59、mount of reading when my daughter is ready to sit under the sun umbrella. Literary (文學(xué)的) magazines like Cricket, Spider and Ladybug will allow your children to read wonderful fiction. Discovery magazines like Click, Dig, and Faces have articles on all sorts of topics that will excite and interest yo

60、ur children. And like the short stories in the literary magazines, these articles have the right length (長度) for reading on the beach.So dont leave magazines behind when you pack your bags! Put a magazine or two in the pocket of the bag and when your children need a few minutes to relax, pull it out


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