人教版七年級下冊 Unit9 What does he look like復習學案(word版無答案)_第1頁
人教版七年級下冊 Unit9 What does he look like復習學案(word版無答案)_第2頁
人教版七年級下冊 Unit9 What does he look like復習學案(word版無答案)_第3頁
人教版七年級下冊 Unit9 What does he look like復習學案(word版無答案)_第4頁
人教版七年級下冊 Unit9 What does he look like復習學案(word版無答案)_第5頁
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1、Unit9 What does he look like? 復習學案【導學案】第一部分:生詞學習知識能力目標:學會拼讀本單元的生詞,并背誦及默寫。能用本單元所學的詞來描述一個人的外貌特征。教學方法:課前預習:將下列描述人的外貌的詞分類,完成下表。Curly hair, tall, heavy, straight hair, medium build, short, blonde hair, medium height, thin, beard, brown hair, long hair, glasses, short hair身高體重發(fā)型面部特征寫出下列形容詞的反義詞。1、long_ 2、o

2、ld_ 3、tall_ 4、thin_5、big_ 6、good_(三)寫出下列名詞的復數形式。1、woman_ 2、glass_ 3、scarf_4、leaf_ 5、thief_ 6、potato_(四) 漢英互譯。1、a movie star_ 2.last month_3.funny glass_ 4.a pop singer_5.new look_ 6.不再_7.一點,少許_ 8.卷發(fā)_9.短直發(fā)_10.去購物_(五)根據首字母或漢語提示完成句中所缺單詞。1.How _(重) is that box?2.Mary has s_ hair but Kate has curly hair.

3、3. Brown is a member of our basketball team. He is also he the c_ of the team.4. M y little brother is very funny. He loves to tell j_.5. Mike _(看) like his father.6. Liu Ping is _(確實) tall.7.Do you _ (記得) the man in blue coat?第二部分:聽力知識能力目標:能聽懂簡單的描述人的對話及短文。教具:錄音機及磁帶。教學過程:每組對話聽三遍,并完成相應的練習。每小組同學互相練習對話

4、。朗讀并背誦對話。第三部分:短文及語法知識知識能力目標:能讀懂簡單的關于描述人的小短文。掌握重點單詞及短語的用法。重難點:怎樣用所學的描述人的形容詞描述某個人的外貌特征。區(qū)別意思相近的形容詞的不同用法及使用對象。鞏固練習單項選擇題-Your dress is very beautiful. -_.No, it isnt . B. Not at all. C. Thank you. D. Youre welcome.2. -What does your friend look like? -_.A. Shes tall. B. Shes good. C. She likes music. D.

5、Shes friendly.3. -Who is in the classroom? -_.The students are on the playground.A. Nobody. B. somebody C. Anybody 4. My mother_ glasses.A. doesnt wear B. isnt wear C. wear D. to wear5. Nancy never _ talking.A. stop B. is stopping C. stops D. is stop(二)用is ,has 或with 填空。1. He _ tall and he _ big eye

6、s.2. A girl _long hair is over there. She _flowers in her hand.3. He is tall _ brown hair and he _ a heavy build.(三)才能夠方框中選詞并用其正確形式填空。High , fun , wear, close, she-Isnt _ new look great? -I dont think so. Hes a _ boy. He often makes us happy.Hes thin and of medium _.Shes _ a white dress today. Cathy always remembers _ the door.( 四)完成句子吉姆長的好,但有點不愛說話。Jim is _ _, _ he is _ _ _你父親長得什么樣?_ _ your father _ _ ?3上課了,不要說話了。Its _ for class. _ _, please!(五)選出一項錯誤并改正。1. Does your friend Antonio speaks English?_ _ A B C D2. Susan is kind short, and she


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