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1、設計創(chuàng)新與創(chuàng)業(yè)教學大綱(創(chuàng)意產品開發(fā)與當前市場推廣模式)課程代碼074104811課程名稱設計創(chuàng)新與創(chuàng)業(yè)英文名稱Design and entrepreneurship課程類別集中實踐課課程性質必修學時總學時:32上機學時:0實驗學時:0實踐學時:0學分2開課學期第七學期開課單位設計學院適用專業(yè)工業(yè)設計、產品設計、陶瓷設計、交互設計授課語言中文授課先修課程設計專題1、2、3、設計基礎、設計概論、設計史、設計管理、交互設計等畢業(yè)要求(專業(yè)培養(yǎng)能力)本課程對學生達到如下畢業(yè)要求有如下貢獻:1.工程知識:掌握扎實的基礎知識、專業(yè)基本原理、方法和手段,能夠將數學、自然科學、本專業(yè)基礎知識和專業(yè)知識用于解


3、景知識進行合理分析,評價解決方案對社會、健康、安全、法律以及文化的影響,并理解應承擔的責任。7.環(huán)境和可持續(xù)發(fā)展:能夠理解和評價設計實踐對環(huán)境、社會可持續(xù)發(fā)展的影響。8.職業(yè)規(guī)范:具有人文社會科學素養(yǎng)、社會責任感,能夠在設計實踐中理解并遵守職業(yè)道德和規(guī)范,履行責任。 9.個人和團隊:能夠在多學科背景下的團隊中承擔個體、團隊成員以及負責人的角色。10.溝通:能夠就設計問題與業(yè)界同行及社會公眾進行有效溝通和交流,包括撰寫報告和設計文稿、陳述發(fā)言、清晰表達或回應指令。并具備一定的國際視野,能夠在跨文化背景下進行溝通和交流。11.項目管理:理解并掌握基本管理原理與經濟決策方法,并能在多學科環(huán)境中應用。



6、的主要目的與任務,了解設計創(chuàng)新與創(chuàng)業(yè)對于自己的人生意義。(二)設計行業(yè)成功人士舉辦設計創(chuàng)新與創(chuàng)業(yè)系列講座3人次/學年12-16學時專題報告1:設計創(chuàng)新與創(chuàng)業(yè)的案例研究 4學時專題報告2:設計公司創(chuàng)始人做創(chuàng)業(yè)報告 4學時專題報告3:設計創(chuàng)業(yè)成功案例分享 4學時專題報告4:創(chuàng)新創(chuàng)業(yè)的經驗交流及總結 4學時教學要求:針對工業(yè)設計、產品設計、服裝設計、環(huán)境設計等應用型學科類的大學生進行專項講座,旨在幫助學生獲得設計專業(yè)技術能力的同時,奠定實踐創(chuàng)業(yè)的思想意識,為設計類大學生的就業(yè)及創(chuàng)業(yè)探索出一條新的出路。要求全院設計類本科生三年級同學到場;研究生可自選是否到場參加聽講;要求做好筆記及寫出感想或總結;。重

7、點:灌輸學生創(chuàng)新與創(chuàng)業(yè)的雙創(chuàng)意識,從思想上打下畢業(yè)后創(chuàng)業(yè)的心理準備。難點:由于設計類專家的活動繁忙,課堂時間難以固定,只能是大約的時間段輔以臨時安排接待;要求物業(yè)后勤的場地配合。(三)設計專項調研、設計方案制定 16學時(1)發(fā)現問題、設計機會捕捉4學時(2)設計調研4學時(3)方案設計課內4學時(課外20學時以上)(4)版面審視討論 4學時教學要求:應用本專業(yè)基本原理、方法和手段和設計知識,識別機會、發(fā)現問題,以確定設計研究方向。設計調研:能夠針對需要設計的復雜問題分析設計滿足特定人群和用戶需求的產品、系統(tǒng)、服務等信息,并能夠充分考慮社會、健康、安全、法律、文化以及環(huán)境等因素。設計研究:能夠

8、基于設計專業(yè)知識,科學和人文并用,通過前期的信息分析綜合得出合理有效的結論。使用現代設計工具,選擇與使用恰當的技術、資源,提出合理解決方案,并應承擔知識產權的責任。重點:發(fā)現問題、尋找設計機會難點:合理利用設計知識,提出科學可行的設計創(chuàng)新與創(chuàng)業(yè)方案。(四)淘寶眾籌、京東眾籌等平臺的格式與要求說明4學時(1)淘寶眾籌計劃書的版面設計講解2學時(2)京東眾籌的要求與關注要點分析 2學時重點:兩種創(chuàng)業(yè)平臺的使用方式及相關問題的解答;難點:眾籌創(chuàng)業(yè)計劃書的版面設計、審美、吸引力等要素的把握實驗教學(包括上機學時、實驗學時、實踐學時)實踐學時 16學時教學方法課程教學以課堂教學、專家講座、綜合討論、網絡

9、交流等方式共同實施??己朔绞奖菊n程注重過程考核,成績比例為:課堂表現:30%設計調研報告+設計創(chuàng)新與創(chuàng)業(yè)計劃書:50%眾籌版面:20%教材及參考書現用教材:無主要參考資料:1 Galloway, Laura; Brown, Wendy.Entrepreneurship education at university: A driver in the creation of high growth firms?J.Education & Training44.8/9 (2002): 398-405.2 Myrah, Kyleen. A study of public post-secondary

10、 entrepreneurship education in British Columbia: The possibilities and challenges of an integrated approach. D.The University of British Columbia (Canada), ProQuest, UMI Dissertations Publishing, 2003. NQ90237.3 Nabi, Ghulam; Holden, Rick.Graduate entrepreneurship: intentions, education and training

11、. J.Education & Training50.7 (2008): 545-551.4 Ruskovaara, Elena; Pihkala, Timo.Teachers implementing entrepreneurship education: classroom practices. J.Education & Training55.2 (2013): 204-216.4 Mushipe, Zuvarashe Judith. Entrepreneurship Education - An Alternative Route to Alleviating Unemployment

12、 and the Influence of Gender: An Analysis of University Level Students Entrepreneurial Business Ideas. J.International Journal of Business Administration4.2 (Mar 2013): n/a.5 Lee, Lena; Wong, Poh Kam. Attitude Towards Entrepreneurship Education and New Venture Creation. R.SSRN Working Paper Series,

13、Nov 2005.6 Hartenian, Linda S; Schellenger, Michael; Frederickson, Paul.Creation and assessment of an integrated business course: One colleges experience. J.Journal of Education for Business76.3 (Jan/Feb 2001): 149-159.7 Partner, K. How to start an online business. J. PC Pro. Nov. 2014(241 ): 76-788

14、 Xie, Chuanyin; Steiner, Susan D.ENHANCING MANAGEMENT EDUCATION RELEVANCE: JOINT CREATION OF KNOWLEDGE BETWEEN BUSINESS SCHOOLS AND BUSINESS. M.Business Education & Accreditation.Hilo,United States:Institute for Business & Finance Research.2013:1-15.9 Sattelberger, Thomas.BUSINESS EDUCATION 2025: WH

15、ATS IN STORE. J.Global Focus5.3 (2011): 10-14.10 Davis, Steven J; Haltiwanger, John; Schuh, Scott.Small business and job creation: Dissecting the myth and reassessing the facts. J.Business Economics29.3 (Jul 1994): 13.11 Molian, David.Entrepreneurial Value Creation: Are Business Schools Playing Thei

16、r Full Part?J.Journal of Strategic Management Education8.4 (2012): 233-252.12 李濤,張立紅,陳吉明,創(chuàng)新與創(chuàng)業(yè)課程體系的構建研究,J.洛陽理工學院學報(社會科學版) , 2009,(02):94-9613 伯頓克拉克.建立創(chuàng)業(yè)型大學:組織上轉型的途徑M.北京: 人民教育出版社,200314 王軍勝,協(xié)同創(chuàng)新與創(chuàng)業(yè)型大學的互動與互構,J.鄭州大學學報( 哲學社會科學版),2013,3(46):78-8115陸偉家, 張厚軍, 施險峰,大學生科技創(chuàng)新與創(chuàng)業(yè)能力的培養(yǎng)途徑,J.南通大學學報( 教育科學版)2008,6,(2

17、4):72-7416蔣勝偉.大學生創(chuàng)業(yè)教育淺談J.武漢科技學院學報, 2004(9): 105.17 周軍, 陳琦.淺談大學生科技創(chuàng)新能力的培養(yǎng)J.廣西青年干部學院學報, 2008(1): 32- 34.18 杜野.試論大學生科技創(chuàng)新能力的培養(yǎng)J.思想政治教育研究, 2007(5): 116- 117.19 張玉利,李政主編,創(chuàng)新時代的創(chuàng)業(yè)教育研究與實踐, M.現代教育出版社,2006.11,第153頁 20陳敬良,魏景賦,李琴主編,創(chuàng)新與創(chuàng)業(yè)教育 理論與實踐探索,復旦大學出版社,2012.01,第112-133頁21 杰弗里蒂蒙斯、小斯蒂芬斯皮內利:創(chuàng)業(yè)學,周偉民、呂長春譯,人民郵電出版社,

18、2005年。22 彭鋼創(chuàng)業(yè)教育學M江蘇教育出版社2001年23 肖云龍創(chuàng)新教育論M湖南大學出版社2000年24 曹威麟,李德才中國高校的創(chuàng)業(yè)教育J現代教育科學2002年第3期設計與創(chuàng)業(yè)實踐教學大綱課程代碼074104811課程名稱設計創(chuàng)新與創(chuàng)業(yè)英文名稱Design and entrepreneurship課程類別專業(yè)領域課課程性質選修學時總學時:32上機學時:0實驗學時:0實踐學時:12學分2開課學期6開課單位設計學院適用專業(yè)工業(yè)設計、產品設計、陶瓷設計、服裝設計、環(huán)境空間設計授課語言中文先修課程設計專題1、2、3、設計基礎、設計概論、設計史、設計管理、交互設計等畢業(yè)要求(專業(yè)培養(yǎng)能力)本課程


20、過信息綜合得到合理有效的結論。5.使用現代工具:能夠針對不同的設計對象,開發(fā)、選擇與使用恰當的技術、資源、。6.工程與社會:能夠基于設計社會文化背景知識進行合理分析,評價解決方案對社會、健康、安全、法律以及文化的影響,并理解應承擔的責任。7.環(huán)境和可持續(xù)發(fā)展:能夠理解和評價設計實踐對環(huán)境、社會可持續(xù)發(fā)展的影響。8.職業(yè)規(guī)范:具有人文社會科學素養(yǎng)、社會責任感,能夠在設計實踐中理解并遵守職業(yè)道德和規(guī)范,履行責任。 9.個人和團隊:能夠在多學科背景下的團隊中承擔個體、團隊成員以及負責人的角色。10.溝通:能夠就設計問題與業(yè)界同行及社會公眾進行有效溝通和交流,包括撰寫報告和設計文稿、陳述發(fā)言、清晰表達



23、關于創(chuàng)業(yè)計劃書的格式及相關要求并寫出自己的眾籌方案。教學內容與學時分配專題報告1:設計創(chuàng)新與創(chuàng)業(yè)的案例研究 4學時專題報告2:設計公司創(chuàng)始人做創(chuàng)業(yè)報告 4學時專題報告3:設計創(chuàng)業(yè)成功案例分享 4學時專題報告4:創(chuàng)新創(chuàng)業(yè)的經驗交流及總結 4學時設計專項調研、設計方案制定 16學時(其中實踐12學時)(1)發(fā)現問題、設計機會捕捉4學時(2)設計調研4學時(3)方案設計課內4學時(課外20學時以上)(4)版面審視討論 4學時教學要求:應用本專業(yè)基本原理、方法和手段和設計知識,識別機會、發(fā)現問題,以確定設計研究方向。設計調研:能夠針對需要設計的復雜問題分析設計滿足特定人群和用戶需求的產品、系統(tǒng)、服務等


25、秀標準:格式完備且創(chuàng)意獨特、有市場前景,知識產權無爭議者;良好:格式基本完備,創(chuàng)意獨特,版面表達清晰;一般:格式欠缺,或不遵守格式,創(chuàng)意明確,版面表述基本無錯誤;不及格:抄襲別人的創(chuàng)意,格式嚴重不正確,版面表達無中心思想,不知所言。教材及參考書淘寶眾籌書標準格式“Design and entrepreneurship” SyllabusCourse Code174227Course TitleDesign and entrepreneurshipCourse CategoryProfessional fieldCourse NatureElectiveClass HoursTotal hour

26、s: 32 on the machine hours: 0 experimental hours: 0 practice hours: 0Credits2SemesterSixth semesterInstituteDesign schoolProgramOrientedIndustrial design, product design, ceramic design, interaction designTeaching LanguageTeaching in ChinesePrerequisitesDesign topics 1, 2, 3, design basis, design in

27、troduction, design history, design management, interaction design, etc.Student Outcomes (Special Training Ability)Graduation Requirements (Professional Development Competence) This course contributes to the following graduation requirements for students:1. Engineering knowledge: master solid basic k

28、nowledge, professional basic principles, methods and means, can use mathematics, natural sciences, basic knowledge and professional knowledge of the profession to solve complex design problems, and to contact and master part of the operational knowledge of the design industry, To lay a knowledge bas

29、e for solving complex enterprise problems.2. Analysis of the problem: It is possible to apply the basic principles, methods and means of the profession and design the operational knowledge of the industry, identify, express, and analyze the complex problems in the design through literature research

30、to obtain effective conclusions.3. Design/Development Solutions: Ability to design solutions to complex problems in design, design products, systems, and services that meet the needs of specific people and users, and reflect innovation in the design process, considering social, health, safety, Legal

31、, cultural and environmental factors.4. Research: It is possible to conduct research based on the combination of scientific and humanistic research, and to obtain reasonable and effective conclusions through information synthesis.5. Use modern tools: Ability to develop, select, and use the right tec

32、hnology, resources for different design objects.6. Engineering and Society: Ability to conduct a rational analysis based on the design of social and cultural background knowledge, evaluate the impact of the solution on society, health, safety, law and culture, and understand the responsibilities.7.

33、Environment and sustainable development: Ability to understand and evaluate the impact of design practices on environmental and social sustainability.8. Professional norms: With humanities and social science literacy and social responsibility, they can understand and abide by professional ethics and

34、 norms in design practice and fulfill their responsibilities.9. Individuals and Teams: Ability to assume the roles of individuals, team members, and responsible individuals in a multidisciplinary team.10. Communication: Ability to effectively communicate and communicate with industry peers and the p

35、ublic on design issues, including writing reports and design contributions, presenting statements, articulating or responding to instructions. It also has a certain international perspective and can communicate and communicate in a cross-cultural context.11. Project Management: Understand and master

36、 basic management principles and economic decision-making methods, and apply them in a multidisciplinary environment.12. Lifelong learning: Awareness of self-directed learning and lifelong learning, with the ability to continuously learn and adapt to development.Teaching ObjectivesUpon completion of

37、 the course, students will have the following competencies:(1) Master the basic principles and basic knowledge of designing opportunities, and cultivate students basic ability to find problems and solve problems. 1, 2(2) Apply the basic principles, methods and means of the profession and design indu

38、stry operational knowledge, identify, express, and analyze complex problems in design through literature research, and design solutions to problems. 2, 3, 4(3) It is possible to conduct a reasonable analysis based on the design of social and cultural background knowledge, evaluate the impact of the

39、solution on society, health, safety, law and culture, and understand the responsibilities that should be undertaken to cultivate students social practice ability. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11Course DescriptionDesigning college students innovation + entrepreneurship is still a new thing in China, the time is n

40、ot long, there are not many successes in practice, and there are fewer theoretical achievements. Design and entrepreneurship education has just started in China. Therefore, it is an important and urgent task to strengthen the education of entrepreneurial ideas and the cultivation of entrepreneurial

41、skills of college students in China. Based on this background, this course explores the design mode and method of design-based college students design and entrepreneurship based on Chinas national conditions. The main content is the design and entrepreneurial experience of successful experts in the

42、design industry; based on their familiar expertise. Find and discover a problem or market opportunity for special research; design innovation for this problem and give a reasonable design solution; write a business plan for your own design; familiar with Taobao crowdfunding, Jingdong crowdfunding an

43、d other platforms About the format and related requirements of the business plan and write your own crowdfunding plan.Teaching Content and Class Hours Distribution(I) Introduction to the purpose, significance and content of the course organization, academic time arrangements 4 hoursTeaching requirem

44、ents: It is required to master the main purpose and tasks of the course, and to understand the significance of design innovation and entrepreneurship for their own lives.(II) Successful people in the design industry hold a series of lectures on design innovation and entrepreneurship 3 person/year 12

45、-16 hours(1) Lectures on successful people in the design industry 4 hours(2) Lectures on design directors of famous enterprises 4 hours(3) Design Innovation and Entrepreneurial Classic Cases - Corporate Founder Lecture 4-8 HoursTeaching requirements: Specialized lectures are given to college student

46、s in applied disciplines such as industrial design, product design, fashion design, and environmental design. The purpose is to help students acquire the professional skills of design and lay the ideology of practical entrepreneurship. Employment and entrepreneurship explore a new way out. The third

47、-grade undergraduate students of the design class are required to attend the school; the graduate students can choose whether to attend the lectures; ask for notes and write their thoughts or conclusions.Emphasis: Inculcate the duality of students innovation and entrepreneurship, and lay the psychol

48、ogical preparation for starting a business after graduation.Difficulties: Due to the busy activities of design experts, the classroom time is difficult to fix, only the approximate time period is supplemented by temporary arrangements; the venue for property logistics is required.() Design special r

49、esearch and design plan development 16 hours(1) Discover problems, design opportunities to capture 4 hours(2) Design and research 4 hours(3) Program design 4 hours in class (20 hours or more after class)(4) Layout review 4 hoursTeaching requirements: Apply the basic principles, methods and means of

50、this major and design knowledge to identify opportunities and identify problems to determine the direction of design research. Design research: It can analyze the products, systems, services and other information that meet the needs of specific people and users for complex problems that need to be d

51、esigned, and can fully consider social, health, safety, legal, cultural and environmental factors. Design research: It can be based on design expertise, science and humanity, and draws reasonable and effective conclusions through preliminary information analysis. Use modern design tools, choose and use the right technology, resources, propose reaso


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