1、烹飪英語復(fù)習(xí)資料一 o 判斷題(true or false)()1.Most fish have scales that must be removed after cooking.()2.The best way to remove scales is with a fish scaler.()3.To scale a fish ,we should start from the head.( )4.The enzymes in the guts may break down the flesh rapidly leading to spoilage( )5.Flat fish has ha
2、lf side color and one eye.()6.Round fish has eyes on both sides of the head.()7.Eyes of fresh fish are clear ,bright ,and bulging.()8.Fresh fish should have a good overall appearance, no cuts,and pliable fins.()9.When we store fish, we should place the fish on a bed of shaved ice in a perforatedcont
3、ainer.()10.We should keep the fish at storage temperature -20()11. When we store fish ,we should handle it as many as possible.()12.Crabs ,lobsters, and other live shellfish should be packed in seaweed,or damp paperupon delivery.()13.Crabs need to be iced.)14.Don*t allow fresh water to come into dir
4、ect contact with crabs, as it will kill them.)15.Each container has its date, including how long the milk and cream will remain fresh.)16.We cant combine milk and cream from different containers.)17.To avoid flavor transfer ,milk, cream, and butter should be stored away from foods withstrong odors,
5、such as onions.)18.White stocks are made by combining all of the ingredients with cool water andsimmering .)19.Brown stocks are made by browning bones and mirepoix and simmering.)20.Meat stocks and meat broths are different in technique and cooking time.)21.Meat stock has more flavor than meat broth
6、.)22.Stocks are used in the production of other dishes, broths can be served as is.)23.Grilling and broiling used indirect heat in an oven,while roasting and baking usedirect heat)24.Pumpkin puree, sugar and milk are necessary for preparing pumpkin pie.)25.Dessert is served at the beginning of a mea
7、l.)26. The crust of the bread made from enriched dough is soft.)27.Tabled Hote menu is also called set memu.)28.A Western meal should be ended with a hot drink.)29.Buffet sets all the courses on the counter for guests to choose.)30.Meals can be served in guestrooms when guests take holiday memu.)31.
8、 Tea or coffee is seved in the course of a meal.二。單項選擇)1.Wed better use a to remove scales from fish.A. fish scaler B. paring knife C.filleting knife()2 If you pinch the fish too tightly when,it may bruise the flesh.A. gutting fish B. storing fish C. scaling fish()3.When gutting fish,you should firs
9、t.A. cut the head B. make a silt in the fishs belly C. cut away the tai()4.1f you want to keep a crab alive,you shpuld use to pack it.A. a container B. a piece of paper C. damp paper()5. If you allow fresh water come into direct contact with a crab, it willA. be still alive B.be killed C.creep out o
10、f the container)6.The fresh fish should have a clear,bright and,and bright pink gills.A.bulging eyes B. open eyes C. colored eyes)7.Round fish has eyes on both sides of its head,but only have either right-eyed orleft-eyed.A. no bony fish B. flat fish C. shellfish)8.Each container has its date; this
11、indicates how long the dairy will remain fresh.A. eggB.milk and cream C. savory souffles)9.To avoid,milk,cream,and butter should be stored away from foods with strongodors.A. flavor transfer B. food perish C. contamination)10. Cheese should be wrapped for to prevent flavor transfer to and from other
12、 foods.A. cooking B. purchasing C. storage)11. Eggs should be and the stock rotated to ensure that only fresh,wholesome eggeare served.A. iced B. refrigerated C. cooled()12.Butter,milk,and cream are dairy products.A. yogurt B. eggsC. sugar()13.There are many ways of cooking eggs, such as poached egg
13、s ,fried eggs and.A. egg yolk B. whisking egg C. scrambled eggs()14.Fried eggs may be served or over easy.A. hotB. sunny-side up C.medium.()15.eggs for cooking are important to ensure the best flavor and quality of the food.A. poachedB. Fried C.Fresh()16.Place the pan over heat when making fried egg
14、s.A. mediumB.low C. high()17. Fried eggs are prepared in a or on a griddle.A. roast panB. frying pan C.sauce pan()18.arc the major ingredients for a stock.A.VegetablesB Meat C. Bones and meat()19.are used to prepare sauces and soups.A. StocksB. Broths C. Bouillon()20. A broth is based on.A. Vegetabl
15、es B. bones C.meat()21. A broth is a kind of.A. stockB. soupC. sauce()22.Cream soup is a.A. thick soup B. clear soup C. special soup()23.Ameat broth has more than a meat stock.A. saltB. color C. flavor()24. Brown sauce and sauce are two different types of sauce.A.white B. red C. orange()25.1 f don*t
16、 use the stock immediately when it is hot,you should it properly.A. heat B. ice C. cool()26. While making tomato sauce,the onions and garlic before adding the tomatoes.A. simmerB. sauteC. boil()27.While making sauce ,we need to some stock.A. sauteB. addC. simmering()28.Stir frying ,which is popular
17、in Chinese food,shares many similarities withA.sauteing B. pan frying C. boiling()29.Shallow poached foods are cooked in a combination of stem and liquid,partiallysubmerged in liquid.A. sauteing B. stewingC.simmering()30. Stew is differ from in that the foods are cut into bite-sized pieces and areco
18、oked in more liquid.A. braiseB. roastC. deep fry()31 .Lean dough contains sugar,fat and.A. butterB. saltC.milk()32.are necessary for preparing pumpkin pie.pumpkin puree,flour and milkpumpkin puree, sugar and butterpumpkin puree, sugar and milk.()33.Pastry cream is a cream to a pastry.A. infuse B. in
19、fused C. infusing()34. In memu, most courses are fixed while only some can be chosen by the guest.A. Tabled hote B. a-La Carte C. combination()35.is a meal between break- fast and lunch.A. Teatime B. Brunch C. Dinner()36. Generally speaking,a Western meal should be started with a.A. cold dish B. hot
20、 dish C. drink()37. Vgetarians are people who enjoy.A. vegetables B. meat C. fish()38.have the final say when ordering a meal.A. Chefs B. Customers C. Restaurants()39. A-La Carte is from,which means each course with a price.A. French B. English D.Chinese.三。詞義配對1. Tabled, Hote memu1. Tabled, Hote mem
21、uA.午餐菜單. Lunch memu.Holiday memu.Combination memu. In room dining memu6.Buffet memuTeatime memuVegetarian MemuOvernight memuBreakfast memuDinner memuAged Pepple memuBrunch memuKids memuBanquet memuB.早餐菜單C房內(nèi)用膳菜單D.套餐菜單E.自助餐菜單F.早午餐菜單G.宴會菜單H.節(jié)日菜單I兒童菜單J老人菜單K夜宵菜單L素食菜單M晚餐菜單N.下午茶菜單O混合菜單P.零點菜單A-La Carte memu
22、四。分類cuisineSpecialtiesShangdong CuisineSichuan CuisineGuangdong CuisineHuaiyang CuisineSpecialties:!. Roast Beijing duck 2.Pork shreds in fish seasoning 3. Roast suckling pig 4.Spicy diced chicken with peanuts 5.Dried bean curd shreds in chicken soup 6.Dezhou braised shark fin in brown sauce7.Yellow
23、 River carp in sweet and sour sauce 8.Crystal shrimp9.Duck web in oyster saucelO.Mapo Tofu五。.閱讀理解 根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,選擇最佳答案。(A)Sam is a sixteen -year-old boy in a vocational school . He is kind to everyone and his hobby is helping others . So he applied for the Volunteer Club and joined as a member. Every Sunda
24、y he goes to the club and takes part in some activities . He says he has learned a lot in the club . If youare interested in helping others , calland join us !()6. How old is Sam ?A. 14 B. 15C. 16D. 17()7. What club did Sam apply for ?A. Computer Club B. Volunteer Club C. English Club
25、D. Chess Club()8. When does Sam go to the club ?A. Every Friday B. Every Saturday C. Every Sunday D. Every Thursday ()9. What is Sams hobby ?A. Helping others B. Playing chess C. playing football D. singing songs ()10.Whats the telephone number ?A.... 010- 3
26、4493356二0 一四第二學(xué)年13烹飪班烹飪英語期末考試卷命題人:唐水艷審題人:羅瀟學(xué)生姓名學(xué)號.單項選擇)l.We*d better use a to remove scales from fish.A. fish scaler B. paring knife C.filleting knife)2 If you pinch the fish too tightly when,it may bruise the flesh.A. gutting fish B. storing fish C. scaling fish)3.If you want to keep a crab alive,y
27、ou shpuld use to pack it.A. a container B. a piece of paper C. damp paper)4. If you allow fresh water come into direct contact with a crab, it willA. be still alive B.be killed C.creep out of the container)5.The fresh fish should have a clear,bright and,and bright pink gills.A.bulging eyes B. open e
28、yes C. colored eyes)6.Each container has its date; this indicates how long the dairy will remain fresh.A. eggB.milk and cream C. savory souffles)7.Butter,milk,and cream are dairy products.A. yogurt B. eggsC. sugar)8.Fried eggs may be served or over easy.A. hotB. sunny-side up C.medium.)9.eggs for co
29、oking are important to ensure the best flavor and quality of the food.A. poachedB. Fried C.Fresh)10.Place the pan over heat when making fried eggs.A. mediumB.lowC. high)11.are the major ingredients for a stock.A.VegetablesB MeatC. Bones and meat)12. A broth is based on.A. VegetablesB. bonesC.meat)13
30、.Cream soup is a.A. thick soupB. clear soupC. special soup)14. Brown sauce and sauce are two different types of sauce.A.whiteB. red C. orange)15.While making sauce ,we need to some stock.A. saute B. add C. simmering)16.Stir frying ,which is popular in Chinese food,shares many similarities withA.saut
31、eing B. pan frying C. boiling)17.Lean dough contains sugar,fat and.A. butter B. salt C.milk)18. Pas try cream is a cream to a pastry.A. infuse B. infused C. infusing)19. In memu, most courses are fixed while only some can be chosen by the guest.A. Tabled hote B. a-La Carte C. combination)20.is a mea
32、l between break- fast and lunch.A. Teatime B. Brunch C. Dinner)21 Generally speaking,a Western meal should be started with aA. cold dish B. hot dish C. drink)22. Vgetarians are people who enjoy.A. vegetables B. meat C. fish)23.have the final say when ordering a meal.A. Chefs B. Customers C. Restaura
33、nts)24. A-La Carte is from,which means each course with a price.A. French B. English ()25. Stew is differ fromcooked in more liquid.A. braise B. roast 二.詞義配對Tabled Hote memuLunch memuHoliday memuCombination memuIn room dining memu6.Buffet memuTeatime memuVegetarian MemuOvernight memuBreakfast memuDi
34、nner memuAged Pepple memuBrunch memu.Kids memu. Banquet memu 三,判斷題:正確(T ) 錯誤D.Chinese.in that the foods are cut into bite-sized pieces and areC. deep fryA.午餐菜單B.早餐菜單C.房內(nèi)用膳菜單D.套餐菜單E.自助餐菜單F.早午餐菜單G.宴會菜單H.節(jié)日菜單I兒童菜單J老人菜單K夜宵菜單L素食菜單M晚餐菜單N.下午茶菜單O混合菜單F )1.Most fish have scales that must be removed after cook
35、ing.)2.To scale a fish ,we should start from the head.)3.Flat fish has half side color and one eye.)4.Round fish has eyes on both sides of the head.)5.We should keep the fish at storage temperature -2-0)6. When we store fish ,we should handle it as many as possible.)7.Crabs need to be iced.)8.We can
36、*t combine milk and cream from different containers.)9.Brown stocks are made by browning bones and mirepoix and simmering.)10.Meat stocks and meat broths are different in technique and cooking time.)11.Stocks are used in the production of other dishes, broths can be served as is. )12.Pumpkin puree, sugar and milk are necessary for preparing pumpkin pie. )13.Dessert is served at the beginning of a meal.)14. The crust of the bread made from enriched dough is soft.)15.Tabled Hote menu is also calle
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