1、4.2翻譯綜合及翻譯理論典型題詳解題 1. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences.嚴(yán)復(fù)在天演論譯例言(1895)中提出:譯事三又 。此后100多年來, 這就成了我國譯界的一個重要的翻譯標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。Six guidelines in the employment of dictionaries in translation:. 英語 ,漢語輕。英語多,漢語少。英語重,漢語輕。用英語解釋:Hypotaxis; Parataxis.5 .用漢語解釋:Theme; Rheme.參考答案:信達(dá)雅Glaring errors in ECT derived f
2、rom the take-it-for-granted attitudeDictionary isindispensable.Mechanical reference fails the translatorsDictionary is not always so reliable.English to English dictionary is sometimes a better helper.Never confine your reference to one dictionary.Divergent thought works when dictionaries fail to wo
3、rk.Dictionaries cannot be expected to be always correct, esp. the dictionaries compiled by Chinese.英語重形合,漢語重意合。英語多省略,漢語少省略。英語重時體,漢語輕時體。用英語解釋Hypotaxis: The dependent or subordinate construction or relationship of clauses with connectives, for example, I shall despair if you dont come.Parataxis: The a
4、rranging of clauses one after the other without connectives showing the relation between them. Example: The rain fell; the river flooded; the house was washed away.Theme:句子陳述的對象(即話題),談話的出發(fā)點,它是讀者從上下文或由語言外 的知識得到的內(nèi)容。因此,它表達(dá)的是已知信息(given information)0Rheme:指為主體提供新信息的句子成分,是句子對陳述對象所作的陳述,即對已知事 物說了些什么,它是交際的中心
5、,敘述的目的,是讀者所未知或假定讀者未知的內(nèi)容,因 此,它表達(dá)的是未知信息(new information)o 一般來說,未知信息是句子內(nèi)容的重點或句 子的強(qiáng)調(diào)點。題2. Sentence Translation (翻譯時第1和第2句時,請注意形合和意合的處理)黎明即起,灑掃庭除。2天要下雨,娘要嫁人。There are books and books.It has often noted that those who live, or have lived, in the shadow of death bring a mellow.But my mother had not passed
6、this way for years. And the slimness and the stride were long past, too.The broadcaster, owned by media mogul Rupert Murdoch, is home to “Melrose Place where stars like Heather Locklear sport thigh grazing skirts and plunging necklines.You will have noticed in daily life that when people are inquisi
7、tive they nearly always have bad memories and are usually stupid at bottom.Having sex once or twice a week gives a boost to the immune system that could help ward off colds and flu, New Scientist magazine said Wednesday.Forms leaned together in the taxi as they waited, and voices sang, and there was
8、 laughter from unheard jokes, and lighted cigarettes outlined unintelligible gesture inside.If she had long lost the blue-eyed, flower-like charm, the cool slim purity of face and form, the apple-blossom coloring which has so swiftly and oddly affected Ashurst twenty-six years ago, she was still at
9、forty-three a comely and a faithful companion, whose cheeks were faintly mottled, and whose grey-blue eyes had acquired a certain fullness.參考答案:Rise at dawn and sweep the courtyard.If Heaven wishes it to rain or your mother to remarry, there is no way to stop them.世上有好書也有壞書。人們已經(jīng)注意到,大凡受到死亡威脅的人或是死里逃生的
10、人對于他們所干的任何事 總是興趣盎然。但是母親已經(jīng)很多年沒有走這條路了,苗條的倩影和矯健的步伐已不可復(fù)睹。這家廣播公司,屬于一家媒體巨頭Rupert Murdoch,它是Melrose Place節(jié)目的發(fā)源 地,在此節(jié)目中,像Heather Locklear這樣的明星惹人注目地穿著裸露大腿的裙子和低領(lǐng)口 的衣服。在日常生活中,你也許曾經(jīng)注意到,那些專愛打聽別人閑事的人,往往記憶力很差, 而且通常他們都是一些蠢家伙。星期三,新科學(xué)家雜志上提到,每周做愛一到兩次能夠強(qiáng)化人體的免疫系統(tǒng),能夠 避免感冒或流感的侵襲。那些坐在出租車?yán)锏群蜷_車的人,影影綽綽地依偎在一起,他們情話綿綿,雖不知 在低聲私語什
11、么,卻可聽到他們的嬉笑聲,點燃著的香煙隨著他們的手勢一閃一閃地在跳 動。至于其中奧妙,卻是難以理解的。26年前,她那藍(lán)眼睛、花兒般的魅力,透著玉潔冰清秀氣的臉蛋兒和身段,還有 那蘋果花似的臉色,曾經(jīng)令A(yù)shurst對她一見鐘情。這都已成了往事。如今,43歲的她,盡 管雙頰隱約露出了些斑點,灰藍(lán)色的眼睛已經(jīng)有些浮腫,但依然是一個眉清目秀的忠實的伴 侶。題 3. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences.美國的翻譯理論家奈達(dá)博士 (E.A. Nida)在其翻譯理論與實踐一書中將讀者(譯 文受眾)引入翻譯標(biāo)準(zhǔn),提出了、 (注意此兩格用中英文填寫)的翻
12、譯原 則。他認(rèn)為,翻譯就是“用最貼切、最自然的對等的譯入語從語義和文體兩方面再現(xiàn)原文信 息”的過程,動態(tài)對等的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)就是譯文的讀者和原文的讀者在感受上基本相同。魯迅:比如一個名詞或動詞,寫不出,創(chuàng)作時可以回避,翻譯卻不成,還得想,一直弄到頭昏眼花,好像腦子里面摸一個急于要開的鑰匙,卻沒有。 嚴(yán)復(fù):一名之立,旬月。 陸殿揚先生就曾明確指出:Translate, if possible, or, appeal to free translation.喬姆斯基關(guān)于深層結(jié)構(gòu)與表層結(jié)構(gòu)的理論,對我們認(rèn)識此點不無裨益。所謂深層結(jié) 構(gòu),就是運用短語結(jié)構(gòu)規(guī)則和詞項插入規(guī)則后所得到的結(jié)構(gòu),它包含句子成分間的語法關(guān)
13、系和深層語義。所謂表層結(jié)構(gòu),。Translations are like womenwhen they are faithful they are not beautiful, when theyare beautiful they are not faithful.此比喻與我國老子的一個說法不謀而合。老子 參考答案:“動態(tài)對等”(dynamic equivalence)、“功能對等”(functional equivalence)箱子的踟躇literally就是在深層結(jié)構(gòu)上運用轉(zhuǎn)換規(guī)則衍生出來實際運用的句子。美言不信,信言不美。題 4. Fill in the following blank
14、s .翻譯理論又有了新發(fā)展。傅雷在高老頭重譯本序中提出:以效果而論,翻譯 應(yīng)當(dāng)像臨畫一樣,所求的不在形似而 。60年代錢鐘書在林紓的翻譯一文中 更進(jìn)一步提出:文學(xué)翻譯的最高標(biāo)準(zhǔn)是“化”。把作品從一國文字轉(zhuǎn)變成另一國文字,既能 不因語文習(xí)慣的差異而露出生硬牽強(qiáng)的痕跡,又能完全保存原有的風(fēng)味,那應(yīng)算得上是。漢語自有漢語之美。漢語不注重對客觀現(xiàn)實作符合邏輯的形式的描摹,不執(zhí)著于形式結(jié)構(gòu)的規(guī)范。漢語是一種時現(xiàn)“陰柔之美” ()的語言。漢語的魅力系于她的流散和疏放,系于她的暗示力和。 英語不甘于邏輯的內(nèi)涵,而是將邏輯關(guān)系 ”,以明顯的邏輯標(biāo)記使自己成 為一種重“形合”的語言。而漢語則樂于不動聲色的“”,
15、在其表層結(jié)構(gòu)上不留或 少留邏輯痕跡。 譯文既傳達(dá)原文的信息,又盡可能地保持原文的。直譯是一種重要的翻譯 方法。有人估算,翻譯過程中,的句子要用直譯方法來處理。陸殿揚先生就曾明確指出:Translate literally, if possible, or, appeal to.(如果可能,就直譯;否則就采 。) 漢語是一種”,寥寥數(shù)詞,就能出意境,出氛圍,出畫面。所以,漢語中許多 的表達(dá)要譯成英語,那簡直是要英語的“命” 了。形合與意合是語言學(xué)涉及句法問題的兩個重要概念。其相應(yīng)的英語表達(dá)系源于希臘語的 和。文體猶如一年中的四季,春夏秋冬,四季分明。文體有正式(the formal style)
16、與非 正式(the informal style)之別。再細(xì)分,前者含莊嚴(yán)體(the Frozen Style)與正式體(the Formal Style);后者含商議體(the Consultative Style)、 ()、親密體(the Intimate Style)。正式與非正式之間,也一如四季。讀歐陽修豐樂亭記里的“仰而望山,俯而聽泉”忽悟:此乃借用白居易廬山草堂記“仰觀山,俯聽泉”語。此間僅增一字,則文氣卻異,除增加了一份舒緩?fù)?,還別 有一番行文趣味。初唐杰出詩人王勃27歲就匆匆離開人世,卻給后人留下了傳世名篇騰 王閣序,此外,他還寫下了“,”的千古名句。細(xì)究之下,此名句乃脫胎于庾
17、信的“落花與芝蓋齊飛,楊柳共春旗一色”。10. Thirty Years Ago, Man Slipped Bonds Of Earth; Kennedy Drama Brings Tributes, Trauma In U.S. Press兩條標(biāo)題均隱含幽默。前者,后者。參考答案:神似;“化境”Femininity; 意境性外化;意合表達(dá)形式;70%free translation;意譯意境語言;意境性強(qiáng)Hypotaxis; parataxis隨意體;the Casual Style落霞與孤鷲齊飛,秋水共長天一色輕松;凝重題 5. Fill in the blanks in the foll
18、owing sentences “漢語具有意美、三大優(yōu)點。”(魯迅漢文學(xué)史綱要第一篇 自文學(xué)至文章,然而,英語與漢語相比,前者為拼音文字,而后者為表意文字。英語所具有的“音美”顯然有別于漢語。漢語一個字代表一個音節(jié),而漢語音節(jié)結(jié)構(gòu)形式的一個 突出的審美特征是雙聲疊韻?!白g筆出原著頭地”,或曰青出于藍(lán)的現(xiàn)象除歸結(jié)為譯者“驅(qū)使本國文字”的“功夫” 之外,另有一點似不可忽視,即漢語本身是“智慧的語言”、”(魯?shù)婪蚋トR齊 語)。漢語的種種 (諸如四字結(jié)構(gòu)、意合parataxis能力、形式齊整、音律躍耳、辭 格豐富、意境性強(qiáng)等等)如漫漫譯途上的一盞指路明燈,又如茫茫譯林中的奔泉與鳥鳴,令 譯者走出“柳暗
19、”,令譯者呈現(xiàn)“光明”。聯(lián)想(association)的理論與實踐同樣適用于英漢翻譯。放眼譯苑,不少譯者未動譯 筆,已敗于“理解”門檻之外,其理解或捉襟見拙,或張冠李戴,或自相矛盾;另一些譯者 雖理解無誤,卻譯筆呆滯枯暗,表達(dá),或不問原文,或淡而無味,緣由之一恐怕 蓋與“聯(lián)想”有涉。,為有源頭活水來。我們把玩譯林佳句時,常發(fā)出這樣的慨嘆: 文思如涌,聯(lián)想馳騁,方能譯筆有神。從語源(Etymology)觀察,英漢相距甚遠(yuǎn)。雖然英漢同屬屈折變化(inflections)較少的 分析性語言(analytical language),也不屬綜合型語言(synthetic language),但是,英語
20、與漢語 畢竟各自隸屬不同語系,前者屬 (Indo-European language),后者屬漢藏語系()。 詞典之類的參考書對譯者來說都。只有,包括最廣泛的語言 文化背景,才能說明含義。(英)喬治-斯坦納此種觀點,甚至“殃及”譯界:科技翻譯講抽象思維,而文學(xué)翻譯才須講形象思維。 實際情況則是:任何一類翻譯,都需要。缺乏形象思維的翻譯,其譯文或舛誤疊現(xiàn), 或生硬呆板,或形容枯槁,。靈感思維并不縹緲,更不遙遠(yuǎn)!君不見,那么令人失聲叫絕的譯文,就或明或暗地 閃現(xiàn)靈感思維的光澤。譯者的靈感思維從天而降,他會走筆如神,左右逢源,心中蕩漾;而誦讀這樣的譯文,則完全可能令讀者陶醉字里,!潛心對原文和譯 文
21、作對照閱讀時,你會感受心靈的震撼,“嚯”地起身,大呼“天才譯文!”據(jù)筆者陋見,經(jīng)受文化沖擊,首先指置身于異族文化或生活方式的人,其次,大概 就數(shù)“”了。因為,語言畢竟或多或少是一種社會和文化的載體。而翻譯則是一種 典型的。漢語自有漢語之美。漢語不注重對客觀現(xiàn)實作符合邏輯的形式的描摹,不執(zhí)著于形 式結(jié)構(gòu)的規(guī)范。漢語是一種時現(xiàn)” (femininity)的語言。漢語的魅力系于她的流散 和疏放,系于她的。 從翻譯美學(xué)審視,“雅”,即”,即原文或譯文的。參考答案:音美/形美世界上最成熟的語言/優(yōu)勢詰屈聱牙/問渠哪得清如許4 .印歐語系 /Sino-Tibetan language沒有多大用處/上下文形
22、象思維/味同嚼蠟無限快意/忘情行間8 .譯匠 /intercultural activity陰柔之美/暗示力和意境性美/美學(xué)價值題6.填空Yan Fus 3-word translation criteria are, and .Translation in China has a long history of some years.The two words used as the common criteria of translation in China today are and .參考答案:faithfulness, expressiveness, elegancetwo tho
23、usandfaithfulness, smoothness題7.回答下列問題。What is meant by translation?What was Karl Marx fond of saying about the importance of a foreign language?What are the prerequisites for a qualified translator?How to define the literal translation and the liberal translation?What do you think should be the cri
24、teria of translation?參考答案:Translation is a representation or recreation in one language of what is written or said in another language, not only an art but also a science.Karl Marx was fond of saying, “A foreign language is a weapon in the struggle of life.”Generally speaking, a qualified translator
25、 should have five prerequisites:a good command of the source language;a good command of the target language;a wide range and scope of knowledge;a high political consciousness;a necessary knowledge of basic techniques used in translation.Literal translation refers to an adequate representation of the
26、 original almost without any change of word-order or sentence construction. Liberal translation is also called free translation, which does not adhere strictly to the form or word-order of the original.To me, the criteria of translation should be the following two words: faithfulness and smoothness,
27、 or even only one word: faithfulness.題8.找出下列英語熟語的來源并譯成漢語。to blow hot and coldto paint the lilya dog in the mangerto separate the sheep from the goatsEveryone for himself and the devil take the hindmost.參考答案:The Fables of AesopW. ShakespeareThe Fables of AesopThe BibleThe Bible朝三暮四畫蛇添足;多此一舉(浪費或做不必要的事
28、)占據(jù)牛槽的狗(占著茅坑不拉屎的人)把好人與壞人分開人不為己,天誅地滅(各人為自己,魔鬼捉到最后的。)題9.試譯下列各句,注意運用漢語熟語翻譯斜體部分。And then I fell asleep and only woke at broad day.His body was perfect, alive with easy suppleness and health and strength.In a dangerous and uncertain world, the strengthening of national de-fence is the best guarantee of a
29、 nations vital interests.Yet there was no hint as to who had irresponsibly started his fiction in the first place. Or why.By comparison, the Great Wall in China is a mammoth presence.參考答案:隨后我又睡著了,直到日高三丈才又醒來。他的身體十全十美,肌肉柔軟,強(qiáng)健有力,顯得生氣勃勃。在危機(jī)四伏,動蕩不安的世界里,鞏固國防是一個國根本利益的最好保障。但首先,究竟是誰信口開河、憑空捏造的呢?又是懷著什么目的呢?卻只字未
30、提。相比之下,中國的長城真是個龐然大物。題10.試用漢語同義熟語翻譯下列idioms。to show ones coloursto face the musicas mute as a fishto take French leavetweedledee and tweedledumto be at the end of ones ropeto look for a needle in a haystackto put all ones eggs in one basketto mind ones Ps and Qsto talk black into white參考答案:1.原形畢露6.山窮
31、水盡2.臨危不懼7 .大海撈針3.噤若寒蟬8.孤注一擲4.不辭而別9.謹(jǐn)言慎行5.半斤八兩10.顛倒黑白題11.根據(jù)下列各句括號內(nèi)所給方法將下列各句譯成漢語。A good dog deserves a good bone.(直譯加解釋法)Ill workmen often blame their tools.(直譯聯(lián)想法)No smoke without fire.(意譯改造法)He who keeps company with the wolf will learn to howl.(對聯(lián)增字法)Like knows like.(等值互借法)參考答案:1 .好狗應(yīng)該得好骨頭(有功者受獎)。拙
32、工咎器(聯(lián)想:驢不拉磨嫌套彎;不會撐船怪河彎)。無火不起煙(根據(jù)“無風(fēng)不起浪”改造而來)。近朱者赤,近墨者黑。英雄識英雄。題12.翻譯下列諺語。Many a good cow hath a bad calf.Like father, like son.No fire without smoke.In for a penny, in for a pound (or: as well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb).Sit on the fence (or: swim between two waters).One may steal a horse, while
33、 another may not look over the hedge.Give a dog a bad name and hang him.If you want a pretense to whip a dog, say that he ate the frying-pan. (or: He who has a mind to beat his dog will easily find a stick. )Love me, love my dog.One boy is a boy,two boys half a boy,three boys no boy.參考答案:好牛下孬崽(虎父生犬子
34、)。有其父必有其子。有火必有煙(有一利必有一弊)。一不做二不休。騎墻。一人可以偷馬,他人無權(quán)看圍籬(聯(lián)想:只許州官放火,不許百姓點燈)。給人加個壞名聲,誹謗他,他就永遠(yuǎn)洗刷不掉(欲加之罪,何患無辭)。欲加之罪,何患難無辭。愛屋及烏。一個和尚挑水吃,兩個和尚抬水吃,三個和尚沒水吃。題13.翻譯下列漢語熟語。十五個吊桶打水一一七上八下。搟面杖吹火一竅不通。外甥打燈籠照舅(舊)。竹籃打水一一一場空。大牯牛的口水一一太長。啞巴吃黃連一一有苦難言。肉包子打狗一去不回頭。半推半就病來如山倒,病去如抽絲。10.負(fù)荊請罪27.聽而不聞11.倚老賣老28 .心悅誠服12.雅俗共賞29 .聞過則喜13.天倫之樂3
35、0.好為人師14.樂極生悲31.舍生取義15.清官難斷家務(wù)事32 .見賢思齊16.牽腸掛肚33.不恥下問17. 一言以蔽之34 .默而識之18.隨心所欲35 .誨人不倦19.溫故知新36.欲速則不達(dá)20.既往不咎37.飽食終日,無所用心21.敏而好學(xué)38 .視而不見22.三思后行39 .怨天尤人23.學(xué)而不厭40.尊賢使能24.擇善而從41.得道多助,失道寡助25.殺身成仁42.專心致志26.心不在焉43.生于憂患,死于安樂參考答案:Fifteen buckets being hurriedly lowered into a well for water一eight going down wh
36、ile seven were coming up.To blow up a fire through a rolling-pin just doesnt work.back in the old rutladling water with a wicker basketget nothing out of itthe slobber of a buffalo一too longthe dumb man eating the bitter herb: to suffer the bitterness of it in silenceA dog given a bone doesnt come ba
37、ck for more.only make a show of resistingIllness comes as fast as a wall falling down but goes as slowly as unravelling a cocoon.abject apologiespresuming on ones ageHighbrows and lowbrows alike can enjoy.the joys of family life togetherJoy at its height engenders sorrow.Not even good officials can
38、settle family troubles.beside oneself with anxietybe embraced in one sentenceto follow what ones heart desiresto keep cherishing ones old knowledge, so as continually to be acquiring newThings that are past, it is needless to blame.to be of an active nature and yet fond of learningthink thrice, and
39、then actlearning without satietyto select the good qualities and follow themto sacrifice ones lives to preserve ones virtue completeThe mind is not present.to hear and not to understandIn ones hearfs core one is pleased and sincerely submits.One rejoices when he is told to have a fault.to like to be
40、 teachers of othersto let life go and choose righteousnessWhen you see men of worth, you should think of equaling them.not to be ashamed to ask and learn of ones inferiorsthe silent treasuring up of knowledgeinstructing others without being weariedDesire to have things done quickly prevents their be
41、ing done thoroughly.to stuff oneself with food the whole day, without applying ones mind to anything goodto look and not to seeto murmur against heaven, grumble against mento give honour to men of talents and virtue and employ the ableHe who finds the proper course has many to assist him. He who los
42、es the proper course has few to assist him.with ones whole mind being given, and will bent to somethingLife springs from sorrow and calamity, and death from ease and pleasure.題14.將下列英文譯成漢語熟語。A clay idol cant save itself while swimming across a river.The dog bites Lu Dongbinhe bites the hand that fee
43、ds him.The rat in the barn asks a crow for grain, as if a bird on the wing had some while the rat in the barn had none.A six-foot lamp-stand (that) lights up others but stays dark itself.The extreme of adversity is the beginning of prosperity.The abler a man, the busier he gets.The toad on the groun
44、d wants to eat the goose in the sky.People may become princes or thieves, depending on whether theyre successful or not.One conquest breeds appetite for another as an ancient Chinese general did.You cant expect ivory from a dogs mouth.Important people have short memories.As soon as the rivers crosse
45、d you pull down the bridge.Too much cunning in plotting and scheming is the cause of her own undoing.a phoenix from a crows nestdouble-faced and tricky.參考答案:泥菩薩過江一一自身難保。狗咬呂洞賓,不識好人心。倉老鼠問老鴰去借糧一守著的沒有,飛著的倒有。丈八燈臺一一照見人家,照不見自己。否極泰來能者多勞癩蛤蟆想吃天鵝肉成則王侯,敗則賊子得隴望蜀狗嘴里吐不出象牙貴人多忘事過河拆橋機(jī)關(guān)算盡太聰明,反算了卿卿性命題15.請改譯以下譯文。Love Is
46、 Not like Merchandise愛情不是商品A reader in Florida, apparently bruised by some personal experience, writes in to complain “if I steal a nickels worth of merchandise, I am a thief and punished; but if I steal the love of anothers wife, I am free.”佛羅里達(dá)州的一位讀者顯然是在個人生活中受過創(chuàng)傷,他寫信來悲嘆道:“如果我偷走 了五分錢的商品,我是個賊,就要受到懲罰
47、,但要是我偷走了別人妻子的愛情,我卻沒事”This is a prevalent misconception in many peoples minds, that love, like merchandise, can be “stolen. Numerous states, in fact, have enacted laws allowing damages for “alienation of affections.”這是許多人心目中普遍存在的一種錯覺,愛情,像商品一樣,可以“偷走”。實際上, 許多州都頒布法令,允許索取“情感轉(zhuǎn)讓”賠償金。But love is not a commo
48、dity; the real thing cannot be bought, sold, traded or stolen. It is an act of the will, a turning of the emotions, a change in the climate of the personality.但是愛情并非商品;真情實意不可能購買,出售,交易,或者偷走。愛情是意愿之果, 感情之向,是個性潮流之變。When a husband or wife is “stolen by another person, that husband or wife was already rip
49、e for the stealing, was already predisposed toward a new partner. The “l(fā)ovebandit was only taking what was waiting to be taken, what wanted to be taken.當(dāng)丈夫或妻子被他人“偷走”,那個丈夫或妻子被“偷”的條件成熟,已經(jīng)做好了接納 新伴侶的準(zhǔn)備。這位“愛匪”不過是取走等候取走、盼望取走之物。We tend to treat persons like goods. We ever speak of children “belonging” to t
50、heir parents. But nobody “belongs” to anyone else; e ach person belongs to himself, and to God. Children are entrusted to their parents, and if their parents do not treat them properly, the state has a right to remove from their parents7 trusteeship.我們往往待人如物。我們甚至說孩子“屬于”父母。但是誰也不“屬于”誰。每個個人 只屬于自己,屬于上帝。
51、孩子是托付給父母的,如果父母不善待他們,州政府有權(quán)取消父母 的托管。Most of us, when young, had the experience of a sweetheart being taken from us bysomebody more attractive and more appealing. At the time, we may have resented this intruderbut as we grew older, we recognized that the sweetheart had never been ours to beginwith. It
52、was not the intruder that “caused” the break, but the lack of a real relationship.我們中的多數(shù)人年輕時也許都有過情人被某個更漂亮、更具魅力的人奪走的經(jīng)歷。當(dāng)時, 我們也許怨恨這位“竊賊”,但是,隨年歲的增長,我們認(rèn)識到:所謂情人,原本就不屬于 我們。不是“竊賊”“導(dǎo)致”決裂,而是本來就缺乏真實的關(guān)系。On the surface, many marriages seem to break up because of a “third party. This is, however, a psychological
53、 illusion. The other woman or the other man merely serves as a pretext for dissolving a marriage that had already lost its essential integrity.從表面上看,許多婚姻似乎是因為有了 “第三者”才破裂的。然而這只是一種心理幻覺。 那個女人,或者那個男人,實際上掩蓋了一個已經(jīng)失卻真正意義的婚姻的解體。Nothing is more futile and more self-defeating than the bitterness of spurned love, the vengeful feeling that someone else has “come between” oneself and a beloved. This is always a distortion of reality, for people are not the captives or victims of others they are free agents, working out their own destini
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