



1、PAGE PAGE 5定語從句(第一課時)執(zhí)教者:歐琳曉教學(xué)對象:高一(3)(4)班教學(xué)用時:第1課時(40分鐘)Teaching goals 1. Knowledge goals Master the structure of the Attributive Clause and the usage of who, which, that, whose, when, where and why in the Attributive Clause. 2. Ability goals a. Enable the students to master the structure of the At

2、tributive Clause, and can speak out these sentences loudly, clearly and correctly.b. Enable the students to master the usage of who, which, that, whose, when, where and why in the Attributive Clause.3. Emotional goalsCultivate students ability of solving problems and stimulate their interest in lear

3、ning English.Teaching important points The Attributive Clause: the structure and the usage of who, whose, that, which, when, where and why.Teaching difficult points The usage of the words that, which, who, whose, when, where and why.Teaching methods Student-centered methodTeaching aids multimedia te

4、aching Teaching procedures ways Step 1 Lead-in1. Enjoy the English song“Lemon Tree”. T: Do you know the song that we listened to just now? Ss: It is Lemon Tree. T: Do you like the song whose name is Lemon Tree? I like the song whose name is Lemon Tree very much.2. 請學(xué)生把歌曲最后一句空缺的詞填上。 “ I wonder how I

5、wonder why Yesterday you told me bout the blue blue sky and all _ I can see and all _ I can see and all_I can see Is just a yellow lemon tree” (答案:that, that, that)3. 根據(jù)以上所說的2句“I like the song whose name is Lemon Tree very much和 all that I can see is just a yellow lemon tree.”請學(xué)生分析這兩個句子中劃線部 分所出現(xiàn)的語法現(xiàn)

6、象,由此導(dǎo)入到“定語從句”。 T:What type of clause are the underlined parts in the two sentences? Ss: The Attributive Clause定語從句。Step 2 Join two sentences into one: 1. Jane has borrowed the book. It was written by Laoshe. 2. The girl is from America. I called her just now. 3. The school is near a park. My son stu

7、dies in this school. Step3 Present the definition and structure of Attributive ClauseDefinition:The clause used as the attribute in a sentence is called Attributive Clause, which is used to modify a noun or a pronoun.Structure:antecedent +relative pronoun(as subject,object or predicative) (that / wh

8、ich / who/whom/as) (as attribute) (whose) relative adverb (as adverbial) (when / where / why)關(guān)系代詞詞行先行詞充當(dāng)成分who人主、賓、表whom人賓that人&物主、賓、表which物主、賓、表whose=of whom/of which人&物定關(guān)系副詞when=at/in/on/during which時間狀where=at/in/to which地點狀why=for which原因狀Step 4 Summarize the rules一、只用that, 不能用which的5種情況:A.當(dāng)先行詞是不

9、定代詞時 (anything,everything,nothing,all,little)1. Do you have anything that you dont understand?2. Everything that can be done has been done. B. 當(dāng)先行詞被形容詞最高級、序數(shù)詞或the last ,all,no,only,any,very,much 等詞所修飾時1. This is the highest building that I have ever seen. 2. This is the last book that is on my readi

10、ng list. 3.This is the very book that Ive been looking for. 4.This is the only example that I can give you. C.當(dāng)先行詞由人和物共同組成Here are the people and the books that I love.D.當(dāng)主句的疑問詞是which, who, what時Which is the bike that you lost yesterday?E. 當(dāng)先行詞在句中作表語,而關(guān)系代詞也在從句中作表語時He is no longer the man that he use

11、d to be.Do some exercise:1. Do you think this is the most powerful computer_ has ever been invented?2. The book _ cost me 1,200 yuan is an encyclopaedia.3. The very book _ cost me 1,200 yuan is an encyclopaedia.4. The boy and the dog_ are in the pictures are very lovely.5. Everything _ you say to hi

12、m goes in one ear and out the other.二、不能用that的兩種情況A. 在非限制性定語從句中1. Weve collected many stamps, which are all very nice.2. This note was left by Mr. Wu, who was here a moment ago. B. 在介詞后面1. This is country to which he wants to go.2. At our school, there are about 200 foreign students, most of whom ar

13、e from EuropeStep 5 Tell students the methods of choosing the relative pronoun or relative adverb.訣竅:1、先找定語從句所修飾的先行詞: 分析先行詞的屬性(如指人、物、時間、地點或原因),可以初步確定引導(dǎo)定語從句的關(guān)系代詞或關(guān)系副詞的范圍。2、再判斷定語從句里缺少成分嗎?3、如缺成分, 缺的是什么成分? 主語、賓語、表語還是狀語? 4、缺少主語、賓語、表語、定語用關(guān)系代詞,缺少狀語用關(guān)系副詞。尤其要看定語從句的謂語動詞是及物動詞還是不及物動詞;還要看定語從句的謂語動詞與先行詞之間的關(guān)系。Step

14、6 Practice用適當(dāng)?shù)年P(guān)系代詞或關(guān)系副詞填空1 .Hes a man _ we should learn from.2. This is the reason _he was late.3. Thats the man _ house was burned down. 4. The school _ his sister works is a key school . 5. This is the factory _ he visited last year.6. This is the factory _ he worked last year.7. This is the facto

15、ry _ he worked in last year.8. This is the factory in _ he worked last year.9. This is the very factory _ he visited last year.10. Ill never forget the day _she said goodbye.11. I cannot forget the days _ we spent together.12. I cannot forget the days _ we were together.13. This is the reason _may explain his absence.14. Do you know the reason _ he was absent. Step 7 Enhance高考考點:易混句型定語從句與并列句1. a) I saw some trees, and the leaves of_ were black with disease. b) I saw some trees, the leaves of_ were black with disease.2. a) Huang zhenbang got the first prize in the


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