



1、精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上專心-專注-專業(yè)專心-專注-專業(yè)精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上專心-專注-專業(yè)Unit3 TrafficVocabulary Development P80-81A:They asked him to leave. In other words, he was fired.他們讓他離開。換句話說,他被解雇了。The United Nations troops enforced a ceasefire in this area.聯(lián)合國軍隊在這片區(qū)域?qū)嵭辛送;??!皩嵭小毙薷某伞皥?zhí)行”,“?;稹毙薷某伞巴;饏f(xié)議”聯(lián)合國軍隊在這片區(qū)域執(zhí)行停火協(xié)議。The

2、 amount will be paid to everyone regardless of whether they have children or not.無論他們是否有孩子,金額都將支付給每個人?!敖痤~無法支付”無論他們是否有孩子,支付給每個人的金額是相同的。Your paper does not address the real issues.你的論文沒有解決主要的問題。How many vehicles were involved in the crash yesterday?昨天的車禍有多少輛車相撞?!跋嘧病毙薷某伞吧婕啊弊蛱斓氖鹿噬婕岸嗌佥v車。She felt an anxie

3、ty bordering on hysteria.她感到焦慮接近歇斯底里的狀態(tài)。The new technology can be applied to farming.新的技術(shù)能夠應(yīng)用于農(nóng)業(yè)。What do these results suggest to you?你對這些結(jié)果有什么意見?“意見”修改成“建議”這些結(jié)果對你有怎樣的建議?He has six previous convictions for theft and burglary.他有六個前科有關(guān)于偷盜和入室搶劫的前科。刪除了結(jié)尾的前科(重復(fù)的名詞)他有六個前科有關(guān)于偷盜和入室搶劫。Well send you the copy

4、as soon as it becomes available.一旦我得到它我會給你一個復(fù)印版本。B:This incident was not without importance in the following development of events. (subsequent)這個小事在隨后的事件發(fā)展中很重要。The company report a huge 85-million-dollar loss. (whopping)公司報告其損失到達8500萬美元。增加了“巨大的”,刪掉了“到”公司報告其巨大的損失達8500萬美元。Several people were injured

5、in the traffic accident yesterday, but there were no deaths. (fatalities)昨天一些人在車禍中受傷了,但無人死亡。 The candidates speech was interrupted by applause occasionally. (sporadically)求職者的演講偶然地被掌聲打斷了。5. Luckily she had left the island two days before the arrival of the devastating tsunami. (prior to)幸運的她在致命的海嘯來臨

6、前兩天離開了島嶼。It took me two months to urge him into action. (prod)促使他采取行動花費了我兩個月的時間。The police have apparently found some new evidence about this case. (turned up)警察似乎已經(jīng)發(fā)現(xiàn)了關(guān)于這個案件的一些新證據(jù)?!八坪酢毙薷某伞皳?jù)說”據(jù)說警察已經(jīng)發(fā)現(xiàn)了關(guān)于這個案件的一些新證據(jù)。His decision to move to Mexico was based on a sudden wish. (whim)他移民到墨西哥的決定基于他一時的念頭。It

7、 took the police two years to catch the murderer. (nail)警察花了兩年的時間抓這個兇手。 A 9-year-old boy was killed in an accident involving a stolen car last week. (crash) 上周,一個九歲的男孩在偷竊一輛車時死于一場車禍。Vocabulary Development P911. The waves were huge, but they still ventured nervously into the water to save the girl. 雖然

8、浪很大,但他們?nèi)越辜钡臎_進水中救出這個女孩。2. His novels success gave rise to a number of sequels. 他成功的為他的小說寫了一系列續(xù)集。3. The inheritance of a big sum of money enabled him to indulge his passion for art. 他繼承的一大筆錢使他可以滿足他對藝術(shù)的熱情。4. The police have issued on appeal for information on the whereabouts of the man who killed seven

9、 women last year. 警方對去年殺死了七名女性的兇手去向發(fā)出了通緝。 刪除了“去向” 警方對去年殺死了七名女性的兇手發(fā)出了通緝。5. The new president heeds peoples concerns and advice新總統(tǒng)聽取人們的問題和建議聽取改成注意,問題修改成擔(dān)心的事。新總統(tǒng)很注意人們擔(dān)心的事和建議。6. If you travel by jet plane, Tokyo and Shanghai are virtually neighbors.如果你乘噴氣飛機旅行,東京和上海幾乎是鄰居。7. All the arrangement are now in

10、 place for their visit.為了他們的訪問,一切安排就緒。8. The contract spells out the company directors accountability to the shareholders.合同規(guī)定了公司董事對股東的責(zé)任。9. Im afraid you are heading for trouble。我怕你惹麻煩。10. The task of the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center is to predict when and where tsunamis will happen.太平洋海嘯預(yù)警中心的任務(wù)是

11、預(yù)測何時何地會發(fā)生海嘯。Section B P9131. In court, he repeated his assertions that he was not guilty in front of the jury .在法庭上,他重申了他在陪審團面前無罪的說法。32. Scientists believe that there is not enough oxygen in the Moons atmosphere to sustain plant life.科學(xué)家們認為在月球的大氣層里沒有足夠的氧氣去維持植物的生命。33. When you prepare for your speech

12、, be sure to cite unbiased qualified sources of information and examples.當你為你的演講做準備時,一定要引用公正的信息和例子。34. I cant remember exactly what triggered the explosion but it was pretty devastating.我不記得到底是什么引發(fā)了爆炸,但它是相當毀滅性的。35. The industry has pumped substantial amounts of money into political campaigns, making

13、 it less and less likely that politicians will deal with the issue sensibly.工業(yè)行業(yè)注入了大量的資金投入政治運動,使政客們明智的解決問題的可能性越來越小。36. I was asked to A to a newspaper article making predictions for the New Year.A. contribute (有助于; 促成; 捐獻; 投稿) B. detract(減損;貶低) C. convert ((使)轉(zhuǎn)變; 使皈依; 兌換,換算; 侵占) D. entail(需要;牽涉;使必要;

14、限定繼承)我受邀為報紙撰寫一篇文章,對新的一年進行預(yù)測。37.After 1989, the external B vanished, but the danger to American civilization remained.A. disruption(分裂,瓦解;破裂,毀壞;中斷) B. menace(威脅;恐嚇) C. liability (責(zé)任; 傾向;債務(wù)) D. emergence(出現(xiàn),發(fā)生;暴露)1989后,外部威脅消失了,但對美國文明的危險仍然持續(xù)著。“危險”修改成“威脅”1989后,外部威脅消失了,但對美國文明的威脅仍然持續(xù)著。38.The government is

15、 trying to help these enterprises out of the B by various means.A. flight (飛行;航班;飛翔; 樓梯的一段) B. plight(境況,困境;誓約) C. delight(快樂,高興;使人高興的東西或人) D. twilight(黎明,黃昏,暮光;暮年,晚期,晚年;衰退期,沒落時期)政府正試圖通過各種手段幫助這些企業(yè)擺脫困境。39.An archaeologist has to pay attention to C details of an unearthed object.A. miserable (悲慘的; 令人痛苦的; 太少的;卑鄙的) B. minus(負的;不利的;略低于某標準的) C. minute (極小的; 微不足道的; 仔細的) D. moist(潮濕的;微濕


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