1、Tourism Translation 2016.8.29The differences of C and E tourism textscase study pare and discussThe guiding principle of tourism translation:The strategy of tourism translation:Examples: summarize :旅游翻譯的原則與方法:作為對傳統“等值”觀的重大突破,德國翻譯目的論為旅游宣傳材料的翻譯策略研究開辟了新視角。該理論強調翻譯以目的為總則,漢語旅游宣傳材料的英譯目的顯然是為了實現跨語言文化交際,吸引更多的
2、海外游客,同時也在一定程度上宣傳中國的景觀與文化。這種翻譯的目的決定了旅游宣傳資料的英譯原則是以傳播中國文化為取向,以實現譯文預期功能為重點。1 方法旅游資料翻譯主要有“增、刪、改”三種方法,即增添一些中國人可能人盡皆知而外國人卻可能一無所知的內容,如歷史事件發(fā)生的年代,名人的生卒年代,他們的身份及其在歷史上的貢獻,名勝的具體位置,音譯人名、地名、物品名、官階名等的確切含義等。刪節(jié)那些繁瑣鋪陳的各種歷史考證、名人語錄或中國古詩等。改寫一些中國特有而不易被外國人了解的概念,如中國紀年法、中國度量衡制等類型旅游翻譯旅游接待翻譯旅游接待翻譯指旅游一線接待人員在工作中所接觸到的各類應用文本翻譯。此類翻
3、譯包括口頭翻譯和書面翻譯。旅游接待翻譯的研究內容包括各種涉及到旅游活動的方方面面。包括導游解說詞、景點介紹、博物館解說詞、旅游指南、旅游地圖、旅游宣傳冊、旅游宣傳標語口號、旅游廣告、文藝演出節(jié)目單、餐廳菜單、景點景區(qū)指示說明牌、參觀點標語、旅游商品名稱與說明、旅游交通術語、旅游飯店說明和各類通知等。2 旅游翻譯旅游管理翻譯旅游管理翻譯指旅游產品的設計、包裝、營銷、控制與評估活動過程中所涉及到的文本的翻譯。旅游管理翻譯的研究內容包括旅游發(fā)展計劃、旅游意向書、旅游合同、旅游線路推介、旅游日程安排、旅游推銷手冊、旅游會展文本等。2 旅游翻譯旅游研究翻譯旅游研究翻譯指對旅游進行科學研究過程中的各種文本
4、的翻譯。旅游研究翻譯的形式包括旅游問卷、旅游統計、旅游調研報告、旅游研究論文與旅游研究專著。旅游研究翻譯的研究內容包括游客消費行為研究,旅游目的地形象研究,旅游的社會文化和環(huán)境影響研究,旅游與政府關系等。2 作業(yè):1. 總結漢英旅游文本的語言風格差異2.中國菜肴名稱英譯3 結合以下三個案例,討論旅游翻譯中漢譯英的方法。4收集旅游翻譯案例,并討論分析其翻譯的優(yōu)劣之處。5四大部洲的英譯存在什么問題,如何改進? 飛水潭的平行文本:P41-44由形散到形合的方法總結平行文本(parallel text)本來指并排放在一起、可以逐句對照閱讀的原文及其譯文。把眾多的平行文本搜集起來,按一定標準組合在一起就
5、形成平行語料庫(parallel corpora)。這些資料可以是專題性的文章,也可以是百科全書中的詞條,甚至包括詞典中的解釋和例句。這是對平行文本的狹義解釋。廣義的平行文本也包括與原文內容相似的譯出語資料,主要用于更深入地理解原文。簡單的說,平行文本就是與原文內容接近的任何參考資料。來源:李長栓. 非文學翻譯M. 北京:外語教學與研究出版社,2009Flying water-fall pool :P41-44How to organize into a well-structured English sentence: Use subject and predicate verb as le
6、ss as possibleChoose a proper predicate verb:Withknown asAppositive phrase/clause 鼎湖山 P44-48 TT12-9Bofficial version :聯合國教科文組織1英畝(acre)=6.0702846畝How to organize into a well-structured English sentence: 這里既能欣賞到.又能欣賞到It boasts A likeand B, such asBoast: VERB 有,擁有(值得驕傲的成就或財產) If someone or something c
7、an boast a particular achievement or possession, they have achieved or possess that thing.e.g.The houses will boast the latest energy-saving technology.這些房屋將應用最新的節(jié)能技術。四字詞組流水句的處理:find a subject and a predicate verb 主謂結構偏正結構The 5-acre Heavenly Lake is surrounded by the peaks of the Rooster Cage mounta
8、in, offering visitors the picturesque scenery with the blue sky and lofty mountain mirrored in its clear water. Discussion: How to translate: P92 (1)Reading about Hangzhou 杭州五云山 人間天堂 宜居福地杭州 Marveled at its charm, described as “the Paradise on earth”, and traditionally depicted as a young beauty by C
9、hinese men of letters (in ancient Chinese poems)with Five-colored Cloud mountain as its hair, West Lake its eye, Qian Tang river its belt, mist-covered willows its skirt, Hangzhou always (is bound to have?)has the magnificent scenery and endless pleasure to offer whether you be a visitor or a reside
10、nt, such as the sweet Osmanthus to smell, the famous tea to taste, the melody evening bell to hear, the art of stone seal to appreciate. One should always live in the best company,whether it be of books or of men. “無論所結交的是人還是書,人總該時常有良師益友才行?!?One should always live in the best company, whether it be
11、of books or of men.Feifei: Whether it be 這個表達說在語法上講是正確的,這是一個虛擬語氣的說法,通常在談論或描述一個假設或想象的情況時來使用。Whether it be 的意思就是“無論是”怎樣怎樣。在英語里這是一個比較老派的說法,所以在現代英語中更常出現在書面語言中。 All I want is to eat some great tasting food, whether it be Chinese or not. Week 5 講評作業(yè)“形散到形合”講評翻譯作P92(1),總結如下:1. 已有同學能夠寫出形合的句子,值得鼓勵2. 學生在準確性方面意
12、識不足,沒有查證意識,如:五云山是專有名詞,被忽視語言使用不夠規(guī)范,沒有查找閱讀相關英文資料學生解釋翻譯理由時會使用“可能,也許是”,沒有查證意識3. 句子之間的邏輯關系意識還需加強:如 such as,沒有在譯文中使用 4. 總結出的翻譯程序:理解原文(小組討論)確定句式(形合)查證事實(accuracy) 接受度反饋(尋求母語讀者的反饋)Week 7 (10月10日)評述旅游景點譯文可借鑒之處可修改之處(有待商榷之處)主題句的位置VS流水鋪陳:開門見山VS畫龍點睛(壓軸)P64第二句的處理頤和園手繪地圖例子主謂結構的并列改為偏正結構(adj+noun)P64 第五句補償譯法:文化背景知識
13、P67:明前茶重點內容如何在句式/段落當中突出表達形合當中應該注意的問題:With 結構,分詞、修飾成分、定語從句,只能適用于句意中次要部分句意中的主要 含義一定要用句子主干表達Week 8 主干與非主干,重要與次要作業(yè)講解 P93 (4)這座城市連續(xù)九年蟬聯“中國最具幸福感城市”桂冠。她環(huán)境宜人、物阜民豐、公共服務體系完善,是人們安居樂業(yè)的家園。Having won the reputation (title) of “Chinas top happiest city” for nine consecutive(straight) years, Hangzhou is a pleasant
14、and attractive city for people to live and work peacefully with pleasant environment, abundant resources , sophisticated (advanced) public service system Week 8 主干與非主干,重要與次要中國古代標準量器,有斛,斗,升,合,龠五個容器單位;中間較大的一器上部為斛,下部為斗,左邊的一器上部為升,右邊的一器上部為合,下部為龠。該嘉量為乾隆九年(1744年)仿漢代王莽時期嘉量制造,銅鑄,外表鎏金,上刻有乾隆帝親撰明文。宮殿前設置嘉量,表明刻度衡
15、定,天下一統。Week 8 主干與非主干,重要與次要中國古代標準量器,有斛,斗,升,合,龠五個容器單位;中間較大的一器上部為斛,下部為斗,左邊的一器上部為升,右邊的一器上部為合,下部為龠。該嘉量為乾隆九年(1744年)仿漢代王莽時期嘉量制造,銅鑄,外表鎏金,上刻有乾隆帝親撰明文。宮殿前設置嘉量,表明刻度衡定,天下一統。Grain MeasureThe jialiang was a standard grain-measuring device in pre-modern China, using five units:hu, dou, sheng, he and yue. The upper
16、part of the large container in the middle is hu, and the lower part is dou, the container on the left is sheng, the upper part of the container on the right is he, and the lower part, yue.2) This jialiang was made in 1744 in imitation of one1) used in the Wang Mang interregnum during the Han Dynasty
17、. Cast in Bronze and gilded on the surface, it bears an inscription by the Qianlong Emperor. Placing a jialiang in front of the palace indicated that weights and measures were unified3) across the empire.所查資料:百度百科, 嘉量 古代標準量器。有鬴豆升三量。漢王莽改制,始建國元年頒新嘉量,合斛斗升合龠為一器。器上部為斛,下部為斗,左耳為升,右耳為合龠。見漢書律歷志上。西清古鑒有漢嘉量圖。原器
18、現存臺灣。)我國古代的標準量具,全套量器從大到小依次為:斛,斗,升,合,龠(讀音見“計量”)。含有統一度量衡的意義,象征著國家統一和強盛。甄別用詞:Gild: To cover with or as if with a thin layer of gold. StandardUnification 詞序:Qianlong Emperor句式:形合文化補充:five volumetetric units for measuring grain, is evidently important for ancient china as a country of agriculture civiliz
19、ation 重點:漢語壓軸句中的話語含義不能在譯文中丟掉修改后譯文Jialiang, a device made under the Emperors order with five standardized cantainers as five volumetetric units for measuring grain, including Hu,the upper part of the large middle one, Dou, the lower part of the middle one, Sheng, the left one, He, the upper part of t
20、he right one,Yue, the lower part of the right one, is evidently important for ancient china as a country of agriculture civilization. Placing the gilded bronze Jialiang bearing an inscription by Emperor Qianlong made in 1744 in front of the palace symbolizes the unification (and prosperity ) of the
21、empire by showing the standardization of the unit of measurement across the vast stretches of the whole country. 無論紫禁城的營造,還是普通大眾生活中五行八作的建造成果,其背后無不閃過設計者的身影,無不歷來于擘畫之功,無不折射出意匠的No real piece of architecture is built up without designers wisdom, draughtsmans diligence, and artisans dexterity, regardless
22、of being imperial or not.。No real piece of architecture could have been built up without designers wisdom, draughtsmans diligence, and artisans dexterity, whether it be imperial or not.詞義辨析:Regardless ofWhether it be 句法的選擇Without One should always live in the best company, whether it be of books or
23、of men.Whether it be 這個表達說在語法上講,這是一個虛擬語氣的說法,通常在談論或描述一個假設或想象的情況時來使用。Whether it be 的意思就是“無論是”怎樣怎樣。在英語里這是一個比較老派的說法,所以在現代英語中更常出現在書面語言中。Placing the lifelike statue of Bronze OX(Tongniu in Chinese)cast under the reign of Emperor Qianlong (1736-1795) on a carved stone base here is, it is believed to have a
24、 magic power, to prevent floods and protect the local people. The statue is also valued for its calligraphic art with Inscriptions of Golden OX written by Emperor Qianlong including 80 Chinese traditional characters in seal style on its back. Unit 10 “神不散”如何在英文譯文中保留P92 (2)Thereputationofatime-honore
25、dsplendidcivilizationinHangzhoucanbeseenfromthefactthatithas servednotonlyasoneoftheearliesthuman habitatsdatingbackto8000yearsago,butalsoasthecapitalcityofWuyuekingdomandthelaterSouthernSongdynasty,makingitoneofthesixmostfamousancientcapitalsinChinas history.Itiswherechinasclassicalcultureandancien
27、一貫:簡單的手段有:1.各個句子盡量主語一致, 2. 用for example, such as 表達前后兩句之間的關系 這些都是權宜之計Thereputationofatime-honoredsplendidcivilizationinHangzhoucanbeseenfromthefactthatithas servednotonlyasoneoftheearliesthuman habitatsdatingbackto8000yearsago,butalsoas oneofthesixmostfamousancientcapitalsinChinas history,first as t
28、hecapitalcityofWuyuekingdom( 907-978 AD)andlateras that of the SouthernSongdynasty (11271279 AD) , where and when chinasancient civilization welldevelopedtoitspeakprosperityinsuchfieldsas eonomy,poetry,calligraphy,painting,porcelain,Confucianism,Zenof buddhism,andcollectionsofotherdiverseantiques,fr
29、omwhichHangzhounowadayshasinheritedsomuchastomakeits West Lake Cultural Landscape one of the WorldCulturalHeritage sites. 神:杭州悠久的文化學生作業(yè)中體現出來的追求形合,缺乏“神”的統一,只是增加了句內的修飾語(如with結構,現在分詞,過去分詞等),缺乏對句際邏輯關系的深入理解和表達手段Unit 11 “神不散”P 93 (3)神”:活力vigorvitalityrevitalized“神不散”之下的形合:句意層次關系的再現用詞The old city has been
30、revitalized- the youthful vitality inHangzhouis credited to the characteristics of the local people whose harmonious, elegant, hospitable andopen-mindedspirit have provided a foundation for theformation of anidealinvestment environment and commercial atmosphere, attracting people from every corner w
31、ith their dreams,innovativeideas ,diverse cultures, as well as wealth.second version Sincethe reform and open policy was implemented in Chinain 1980s, Hangzhou,an old city, has been revitalized, whichis mainly credited to the characteristics of the local people whose harmonious and inclusive spirits
32、 with graceful, hospitable andopen-minded manners that Hangzhouese is endowed with have fosteredanidealinvestment environment and commercial atmosphere, attracting people from every corner with their dreams,innovativeideas ,diverse cultures, as well as wealth.third version:英漢語中諸事件的呈現順序之差異,Sincethe r
33、eform and open policy was implemented in Chinain 1980s, Hangzhou,an old city, has been revitalized in that people from every corner with their dreams,innovativeideas ,diverse cultures, as well as wealth have been attracted by itsidealinvestment environment and commercial atmosphere fostered and sust
34、ained by the local people with theirharmonious and open-mindedspiritsand graceful andhospitable manners. ( fostered and sustained byits local people among whom harmonious and open-mindedspiritsand graceful andhospitable manners prevail.)open-minded: adjective1. having or showing a mind receptive to
35、new ideas or arguments.2. unprejudiced; unbigoted; impartial.a resourcesendowed withfueledSincethereformandopenpolicywasimplementedinChinain1980, Hangzhou,anoldcity,hasbeenrevitalizedinthatithasfosteredsuchamatureinvestmentenvironmentandcommercialatmospherebasedontheirharmoniousandopen-mindedspiritsas
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